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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I think people are really overplaying her personality. Yes, she's a gold digger and her cute, sweet image is just a facade for a more crude personality. That doesn't make her a psycho, and these traits are likely going to be exclusively used for comedy.
  2. Nohr has Rod Knights, not clerics. There are also the promoted classes. For Nohr we know: Berserker, Hero, Strategist, Bow Knight, Dark Knight, Revenant Knight (?), Great Knight and Paladin (and Maid/Butler). For Hoshido we only know about True Blade and Weapon Master. (And you forgot Bowman and Spirit Fox for Hoshido)
  3. Bountiful harvest? But they already stated that Nohr has poor crop yields.
  4. C Cero is ages 15 and up, so it's not the hardcore/graphic/controversial game for adults some people are hoping it is.
  5. More Fire Emblem Amie fanworks [spoiler=Inappropriate Touching] [spoiler=Bonus]
  6. Good post Icy Toast. I think your point on otaku pandering leaking into all parts of the game is spot-on. This is probably the most succinct and well said criticism of fanservice. "Can we make a game that people will praise for its story and gameplay? I don't know.. Maybe?...Well just in case, let's add in some hot-springs and self-insert romances. That always sells." I'm not sure why you think a C rating means only adults will be playing the game. Attack on Titan is about giants brutally killing people and yet the show is extremely popular amongst children (and the merchandizing is directed at them). Even if we were to presume that most of the player base is 18+ years old, IS is still "broadening the scope" by appealing to otaku and casuals more. Why would you regret it? It generated some thoughtful discussion.
  7. I'm not doubting the asking price, I'm questioning people's willingness to pay that much.
  8. Why do people write names like that? The same reason people strikethrough jokes and off topic conversations. No one really knows. But maintaining traditions is important. If not!Severa were here, I'm sure she'd agree with me.
  9. If the dev team can give them good art and models, yes. If it's just going to be like Awakening spotpass characters, no thanks. Question for Amiibos, are they region locked?
  10. $120 for just the game? You got scalped bro. I hope you at least have the right 3DS for it. I have a Japanese 3DS so I might download or buy it. On one hand, my Japanese isn't good enough to understand all the text. On the other hand, it's Fire Emblem. Oh, what to do...
  11. I doubt you're going to be evil for any of the routes except for Aqua in the 3rd route so your faction neutral characters won't have any moral reservations about siding with either one. Nohr characters siding with Hoshido isn't to hard to understand, Nohr does evil stuff so they defect. Hoshido characters joining Nohr is a bit harder to justify, but they might join up after you leave Hoshido and focus on stuff in Nohr.
  12. I don't think I can really get behind the "they do it in anime so it's legit" argument. I weigh two possibilities: A. The back washing is to give a legitimate (by anime standards) depiction of Japanese customs. B. The back washing to get...certain players excited over the idea of two men getting physical in the bath. I find B more likely than A but we may have to disagree on that one.
  13. This might lead to a skewed perspective. I'd take what you see in tv shows (especially anime) with a grain of salt. I've been living in Japan for about 3 years so I'll give you my take on things. Parents will bathe their young children (and sometimes with them) but that's more to do with them not doing it properly on their own than a bonding exercise. In public baths (sento or onsen), people will chat frequently but they don't touch each other. To be sure, Japanese people can be a lot more physical than westerners (especially JHS age boys) but I haven't seen this back washing. This is from a male perspective so women may have their own behavioral standards.
  14. You're acting like a feature where you feel up cute anime characters is just a consequence of bonding with your characters, instead of being a very intentional design decision to appeal to those types of people. ie 'pandering'. I haven't seen back washing myself but if someone else has some cultural insight to the customs of feudal Japan, feel free to share it. To me, the back washing comment sounded like yaoi pandering with plausible deniability.
  15. There is a difference between people who share some story/personality/visual traits and literal copies. It's worse for not!Severa because she appeared in the game immediately preceding FE14.
  16. Well spotted, Bovinian. I guess time will tell if they are in fact related. As for the point about it being weird that Joker can Parallel Seal at level 9, the level doesn't reset so it makes sense that you can use it whenever you want. Now that is interesting. It could just mean that you can change into classes not tied to your base class. So if Joker's base class was a Rod Knight, he can still change to a Great Knight without turning into a Cavalier first.
  17. ^^ That sounds kind of like an apologist argument to me. "face rubbing thing seems to me like an decent concept that got twisted with the idea of adding touch screen interaction" If the implementation of a concept is bad, it was a mistake to include. No praise for half-baked ideas. "The comments are another thing, but they work with what they have." Now you're saying they have no choice but to use bad writing because they've already committed to a bad idea. "And i don't see what is wrong with the hot-springs as it is cultural and not even limited to japan at all." Communal bathing is cultural, can't argue with that but in all the baths I've been to, I've never seen people washing each others' backs. Not on the men's side at least. "the boy in the girl bath is cliche but what would you think would happen if a male kamui walked into the female bath" So don't let people walk into opposite gender baths. "i see no reason why they have to make it inaccessible" To avoid horribly cliche jokes.
  18. If we get a screenshot of a level 5 Felicia, we'll see if she gets another skill or not. If yes, that will be more evidence for Maids being tied to Rod Knights.
  19. Nohr gets a lot of prepromotes though. Gunther, Joker, Felicia, Leon, Marx, possibly Blue Maid and now Camilla?
  20. Her father is not!Chrom. When Donnel promotes to mercenary, he can use a sword...just like Hinata! I think we may be on to something here!
  21. I thought Camilla was a pre-promote but now I'm leaning more towards promoted unit. Belka is a Dragon Knight, which is the Japanese name for Wyvern Rider. It's unlikely there will be more than one base wyvern class so that would make Revenant Knight a promotion of Wyvern Rider. I'm thinking/hoping it will go like this: Wyvern Lord (axe, lance) << Wyvern Rider (axe) >> Revenant Knight (axe, tome) Dark magic is probably going to be restricted to Dark Mages and their promotions (hopefully Dark Knights don't get shafted this time around) but regular tomes would be fine too.
  22. This font is a royal pain in the butt. Especially with the small text, it makes everything harder to read.
  23. Most people actually following the development of the game with be aware of the new and revised game mechanics. These may be positive or negative developments, but they are at least relevant to gameplay. I won't defend the otaku/casual gamer pandering though. Just because something is optional, doesn't make it a good addition.
  24. It appears you can build multiple towers so they may be automatic defenses against other streetpass armies who attack. You have not enough minerals. You require more Vespene gas.
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