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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. *looking at you profile picture* Is that your face when you realized you compromised your ideals for boobies? Unless boobies are your ideals.
  2. It's also just a theory that Kamui was an infant when he was abducted. He could have been a young child. I think it would make more sense if he was old enough to have some memories of Hoshido, otherwise it would be a no-brainer for him to stick with his Nohr family.
  3. Why are red-heads with ponytails so racist? I bet Tsubaki won't like Kamui either.
  4. Ryoma is reportedly Kamui's older brother so Kamui can't be that old. There is nothing that says Manaketes age at a linear rate, and Kamui is only half Manakete (theory) so he might appear older than full blooded manaketes for that age. Nah (another half human manakete) looks almost the same age as her mother and Nowi is MUCH older than she is.
  5. I have a Japanese 3DS but I'm a big story guy so I wouldn't enjoy the game as much without having a perfect understanding of the text. It's tempting though.
  6. Perhaps he'll be the final boss who offs Garon before the end of the game. Garon himself looks too old and decrepit to be a boss. Then again, Lundgren was an old man who wielded the powerful General class.
  7. He's responding to me, in regards to your viewpoints. I'm excited for the possibility of a unified game in NA but am wary of corporate greed so I'm going to be cautiously optimistic.
  8. It's said (somewhere in the narration of Path of Radiance, iirc) that Ashnard encouraged these changes for all of Daein (although this only applies to advancement in the military). The blood contract was just for his own ascension to the throne.
  9. Okay, I agree. But like I said, the lack of mention in the NA direct is suspicious. If they think selling two versions in Japan is the best way to make a profit (and that's what businesses try to do; make as much money as they can from their fans), there's no reason to believe they wouldn't try that here. It's not proven that they will use the same tactic overseas but if they are, it's dirty of them to be hush hush about it, while hyping up the supposed choices in the game.
  10. That's what Ashnard (once again the black faction) basically did for Daein. Anyone with sufficient ability had the chance to advance in the military. A similar dichotomy was in Dragon Age: Origins. You had the choice of supporting the democratically elected leader of the dwarves who was conservative and supported an oppressive caste system or supporting a murderous usurper who would break away from the caste system and become a benevolent dictator.
  11. I don't see why people are so hung up on the idea of a tactician class character needing to be the literal tactician of the group. Does it bother you that mercenaries aren't bought with gold? It's just a class name. I like the design of Awakenings tactician a lot and Anima/Sword is a cool combo for an infantry unit.
  12. This is my thought. You can't talk up choice as the game's selling point when the choice doesn't happen in game. I'll buy a combined version if it's fairly priced by I shouldn't have to commit to story altering choices before I even start playing. He thinks they are making a cashgrab on Japan. No one knows what's in store for the NA release but there is reason to be suspicious.
  13. lol@all this Manakete hate. Lucky for you, it's likely a huge element of the story so get used to it. Manaketes are love and life. As far as customization is concerned, it's entirely possible that Nintendo will take a step back, just like they did between Pokemon (why does pokemon keep being a relevant comparison to FEif?) XY and ORAS. I have a hunch that skin tone won't be customizable because Kamui needs to look like he's from his Hoshido family.
  14. I guess the same could be said for most of their army. Why do they have enough soldiers to repel an invasion? Maybe the ninja are to keep an eye on/eliminate potential rivals to the Hoshido ruling faction.
  15. Availability is the only "nerf" weapons need. Especially with weight removed, if things like Nosferatu and Brave weapons are freely purchasable, why bother using anything else? I wouldn't mind a removal of weapon durability for bonus levels like Apotheosis but for the main game, powerful weapons should be limited. The basic Iron/Steel/Silver is good enough for grinding purposes.
  16. They should be A ranked weapons and be a purchasable item. Something Awakening really lacked was a sense of item conservation. Brave weapons and other weapons with powerful extra effects should be rare to make the player think twice about using them.
  17. Kozaki has made some pretty solid character designs, although they can be a bit over designed or too fanservicey in some cases. Awakenings biggest design issues are class outfits, rather than the characters themselves. Tharja has really beautiful hair, for example. My favorite artwork has come from the Elibe and Tellius titles.
  18. I think she was referring to the fact that multiple games take place in those worlds.
  19. You'd think if IS realized that DARK Knights using DARK magic was thematically appropriate, they'd just make the class capable of using it without a special skill.
  20. I don't really mind if bro-con, sis-con shows up on occasion. Like gays, if you don't like it you just don't need to support them. If marriage or romantic supports continue, I am curious to know which people will be off the table. One assumes Marx, Ryoma, Sakura and Drillz will be off limits. Why are you trying to stomp on our wincest dreams, OP? Didn't find anything wrong with the lolicon pandering with Nowi?
  21. It's a line from the play King Lear and refers to the youngest daughter, Cordelia (where the Awakening character gets her name) whose attitude towards her father is that their bond is the proof of her love and she doesn't need to voice it to him unlike her elder sisters who pay lip service to the fact but don't really mean it. What I mean by that is, Sakura seems the type that is more reserved about expressing her feelings compared to Drillz. That she refers to Kamui as "Lord Brother" speaks a lot towards an attitude of respect over open affection.
  22. Like the kind of person who will dote on you with cutesy mannerisms. The maids will almost certainly refer to you as "Master" at some point and Camilla and Hinoka are shown to have a soft and caring side. An interesting difference between Drillz and Sakura is while Drillz appears to be the standard imouto, calling you the cutesy "oniichan", Sakura seems to regard you with polite reverence. Perhaps she'll be the "love and be silent" type. Okay, that makes more sense. Ironically, nowadays Brother and Bro are more often used as an affectionate pronoun for people you are NOT blood related to.
  23. I think some of the "cute" pandering is unavoidable because the intention is to make you bond with your siblings. The imoutos are just two characters in the game so I wouldn't be concerned with the game going overboard on the kawaii uguu moe desu factor. Hinoka, Camilla and the maids may be the fawning type, however. Fire Emblem characters generally don't have surnames so there is no other name to call them by. From what we've seen of the trailers, they will say things to Kamui but never address him directly by name. "Come here!" "Return to us!" "Come at me!" "You traitor!" etc.
  24. Suzaku and Lelouch are quite different from Kamui. Both Suzaku and Lelouch spent most of their lives in Japan whereas Kamui spent most of his life in the Nohr kingdom. Kamui is (allegedly) born of the Asian faction while Lelouch is born from western parents. While Suzaku acted like he was going to reform his side, all he really did was support their imperial ambition. I sure hope Kamui doesn't turn into a Suzaku.
  25. I'm a little bothered by the lowercase "if". It makes it look awkward when I say "FE if" in a sentence because it looks like the "if" is part of the rest of the sentence and not the game title. Time will tell if the different routes are long and fulfilling enough for people to really consider them different games.
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