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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I voted for just the Light/Dark/Anima triangle. Those schools of magic are more diverse than the 3 anima magic types, their advantages over each other make more sense, and it's better to have 3 distinct magic using classes (monk, shaman, mage) for each 3rd of the trinity rather than just one which can use all parts of the trinity (mages).
  2. I like how monsters were done in Sacred Stones. They were interesting additions and fit the plot better than Awakening. If monsters are to be involved in this Fire Emblem, I hope they are treated as monsters that appear in, say, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. They can be part of the world without the plot revolving around them. Assuming the World Map and random encounters come back, it would be interesting to have some be human bandits and others be monsters in the wilderness. What if there was an enemy only "Necromancer" class that could keep summoning Wights to attack you?
  3. While I think perma death is an essential part to the "true" Fire Emblem experience, I still think an optional casual mode is good for the series. More accessibility equals more sales, which equals more money for IS, which equals more Fire Emblem for me to play. Casual mode is better than an easy mode because it lowers the difficulty in a way other than lowering enemy stats or number of units. The game should have extra incentives to play classic mode such as additional characters or maps.
  4. One suggestion I heard that I liked was having both paired until being targetable by the enemy.
  5. Unfortunately, as a dancer she's likely just going to be a plot important damsel in distress, just as Ninian was. It's kind of silly how in Fire Emblem you have to have a special sword and fighting talent (a generalization but you get the idea) to be considered a main character. I'd like to see the dancer act as a Joan of Arc like character alongside Kamui. She's someone who has the heart of the nation but lacks the martial experience to defend against the external threat. Kamui can provide the funds and tactical knowledge. It would be similar to Micaiah but less tactics savvy and miracle-prone.
  6. If it were to take place in Elibe, I think there would be some hint beyond a superficial visual similarity to Ninian. There are also no Roman or Japanese (Sacaens are supposed to be like Mongols, right?) themed groups in Elibe so the chances are pretty slim. The new dancer has Lucina's face (because of the same artist), the hairband of Olivia and hair similar to Ninian. I love Elibe but I think this game would work well enough in its own world.
  7. They could either limit the number of Galeforce activations per turn or limit the number of Galeforce users who can be fielded at the same time.
  8. I'm putting my money on Kamui being a mixed race Lord living in his mother's country (Japan/"the east"). He's still royalty so he has maids but he's only a minor one because of not having purely western heritage.
  9. I like this option better. You'd still get two attacks but you'd be more limited in who you can target for the next attack. That said, for units with high Move, even halving their total move won't limit them that much. One idea that might work is making it a Canto+ ability, where you could use all of your move after an attack and do any action EXCEPT attacking again. It would sure make hit and run attacks with fliers fun.
  10. That's my concern for a range buff for all bows. It will help the player some but the enemy a lot more. It's not as big a deal for beefier characters but for your fliers an squishy characters, it is significantly harder to defend them. The enemy doesn't need to worry about keeping all their units alive, you do. If this were a property of only Snipers, I could get behind it but most people want a buff to bow users in general.
  11. While not always neccesary (such as in the case of Elibe or Tellius having very distinct regions that you visit) I found having a world map made it a lot easier to understand the layout of the world. I was playing Shadow Dragon and they kept throwing names of this country or that without a clear indication of where everything was or why I should care, so when I was clicking through the intermission briefings I was thinking "Yeah yeah yeah, just point me in the direction of who I need to kill next." I wasn't invested in that world at all. As for the issues of grinding random battles or the locations of shops on the map, I say make the random encounters few in number and only have shops on maps where shops existed.
  12. The circle around the pattern makes it look closer to the insignia used by the eastern forces. It might even be the flower patern the dancer is wearing. Considering the scene of the dancer falling into the water while getting choked by the dragon thing is most like purely metaphorical, she could very well be getting choked by an alter-ego version of herself. Does that sound too farfetched? A few things make me think this. The bands on the "dragon's" clothing resemble the dancer's and the dancer is wearing an alternate coloring of her standard outfit. Alternate color outfits are sometimes used to denote split personas such as Ichigo and his inner hollow form. Furthermore, the fact she doesn't resist getting choked could imply that whatever is choking her is something she wouldn't bring herself to fight, be it an ally or herself. Sorry if this sounds like a thread derail but your analysis got me thinking :P
  13. Well, the Skill version would mean they would lose their bow counterattack-vulnerability at the expense of not getting another skill. The innate weapon switching (such as it works for magic users and staves) version would still have the weakness of not being able to counterattack at range after they weapon switch to their melee weapon. For example, A Bow Knight switched to their sword to counterattack a melee fighter but if then attacked by an Archer, they would still have their sword equiped.
  14. It's probably been mentioned before but how would people feel about classes with two weapon types, Bow + something else, automatically switching to their next melee weapon when attacked at melee? Bow knights would switch to their swords, Warrior to their axes, etc? Alternatively, there could be a skill that makes it so the unit automatically equips the ranged or melee weapon depending on what range they are attacked at. Snipers could be compensated by having higher base stats.
  15. One theory put out by the Gamexplain video was that the card motif soldiers would represent the "good" western army and the Dark Night soliders would be a third faction of "evil" soldiers, possibly both western and eastern or just western.
  16. The Dot Hack games (the original 4) had a really smooth transition between the field and battle music, like what you are describing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBrIgOyiHvk How do I embed videos? (battle starts at 00:50) I think this could fit in this Fire Emblem considering how they changed the map/battle transition.
  17. I would prefer improved base stats rather than greatly changing the core mechanics of how archers work. Archers having the range limitations makes them what they are in Fire Emblem. That said, I wouldn't mind the rare crossbow (1-2 range) as a special weapon for them to use, just as Levin Swords are to the normally melee exclusive sword users.
  18. Thinking about their theory that Kamui and Marx are related, I sure hope they don't go all "Code Geass" on us and have Kamui be the western lord raised in Japan, revolting against the decadent westerners.
  19. They could make it so A supported units have to wait until a certain part of the story before they can S-support and before then allow them to have casual banter on the field like they do in Radiant Dawn..
  20. I just didn't see 3rd tier units in Radiant Dawn being that fundamentally different than 2nd tier units in any other game. Most of your units started off at 2nd tier and some classes actually LOST weapons skills (compared to what they had in PoR) and wouldn't get them back until 3rd tier. In my opinion, only two tiers are needed to highlight the strengths and weaknesss of each class.
  21. I'd assume the same. The lady with the staff is likely a new class that is Japanese themed so her sprite appears to be holding a Japanese themed item..
  22. There should be fewer and higher quality supports (as in less options per character). Awakening was fine as an experiment for a FE dating-sim but I'd like for characters to have more meaningful relationships. I think it's fine to have a few token gay characters but gay-marriage is never going to happen unless George Takei is developing the game.
  23. The Occult skills were definitely too powerful and made the few 3rd tier enemies you fight super risky to engage unless you attacked them with an overpowered character or someone with Nihil. I hear a lot of people wanting 3rd teir classes back, but why? To look cooler? To have higher stat caps?
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