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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I think the game has a comfortable niche in the series by not using RNG for the battle system. Luck based performance would be especially frustrating in the Arena where a single unforseen outcome could equal the end of your run.
  2. I've been enjoying my cavalry team of Barblade Ursula, Fortify/Hone Cavalry filler and Leo. Ursula can kill virtually anything if she is fully buffed (+30 Attack!) and I have Reposition on my Hone Cavalry user so I can use it with Leo's Brynhildr to kite any melee enemy forever. Just out of curiosity, has anyone made an armor team work? Of the few I encountered in the Arena, they were all easy to dispatch because of their lack of ranged units and low movement. The lack of range on fliers (barring Spring!Camilla) also makes those teams less viable). I'm enjoying Poison Strike over a seal skill. That's 17 damage (23 if you have Fury) you'll be taking after combat in addition to your stat drops. Rogue Dagger + Seal Attack on Saizo and you effectively have 45 defense on a "thief". lol
  3. Does anyone know if the "Threaten Defense 2" built into Zephiel's signature weapon will stack with a C slotted Threaten Defense? I know that some skills and weapon skills stack like Jaffar's weapon and poison strike.
  4. Maybe it's so he's not just Effie with a better stat spread. Give me more Death Blow characters, game.
  5. So...does anyone find it odd that Zephiel has Life and Death? He's literally the slowest character in the game which means the speed boost is wasted and he suffers -5 def/res for it. His second skill is Wary Fighter which explicitly prevents anyone from doubling...so why does he have a skill that boosts his speed?
  6. I hate to keep regurgitating my "I wish Fates was like this" ideas, but I still want to see them in a story. The hero nation could be racist and isolationists, so while they aren't aggressive to their neighbors, they won't help them at all. Perhaps they don't take prisoners and will kill foreigners who try to enter the country. Another idea is to have the hero nation thriving, but at the expense of an oppressed minority.
  7. I'm going to agree with the people saying to get involved with activities you like. If you get a girlfriend, great! If you don't, well at least you had fun doing the thing you enjoy. I think the important thing is to consider is how your behavior is percieved by others. People can smell desperation and if you go into a social situation primarily to get a girlfriend, you'll probably fail. Sometimes you just need to let things happen, and they're more likely to happen if you're friendly and kind without ulterior intentions. Also, have some self respect and not sacrifice your wants just to please others. You probably shouldn't take my example. I met my girlfriend while she was dating my friend. He broke up with her and I started dating her a year later. I guess you could take away from that "meeting people through friends is a viable way of getting a girlfriend".
  8. I see it in a different way. Faye only talks to Silque because she felt lonely when Silque didn't go out of her way to talk to her. If someone rudely rejected my offers of friendship and then came crawling back because they were lonely, I'd be pissed. SIlque needs some more self respect. They're non-canon which means they shouldn't be the basis of a defense, no matter how faithful you think they are to the original games. It's an even worse argument to make that "It's the first look at English SoV Faye!" No, it's a look at English Heroes!Faye. You're using a non-canon game and SPECULATION to defend Faye's character. My goodness, now your argument is "Sure she SAID those things but clearly she didn't mean them!"
  9. Most people have a personality outside of liking another. I think you need to reassess her supports. In her C support, Silque approaches her with an offer of friendship and Faye rebuffs her with "You're not Alm so I don't need you". Her B Support has Silque trying to find common ground and talk about Faye's interests, but Faye rejects her again with "Nope. Alms not here." Finally, in her A support, Faye only starts talking to Silque because she felt lonely. 1. Heroes isn't canon. Her SoV ending says she never gets over Alm. 2. The level 40 dialogue has everyone becoming BFFs with the Summoner. It's like the S supports in Awakening/Fates. By the time you get that final support, the characters will think of each other as their top priority. It's just how they're structured. Cordelia supposedly gets over Chrom in many of her S-supports but that doesn't change the fact that her character is otherwise super infatuated with him. Did you read her base conversation? I don't know about you but if someone approached me and said "It's not that I understand you, it's that your thoughts are my thoughts", I'd be backing away slowly towards the door.
  10. I was thinking about it replacing Hero Merit, but the numbers can be adjusted as needed. The important thing is finding that sweet spot where players can unlock more content (upgrading characters with feathers) with a reasonable time investment and burning through the game and once again having nothing to do.
  11. I would welcome these improvements. I could see 20/25/30 feathers per 8/9/10 stratum victories as being a more reasonable reward. As of now, I only "farm" Hero Merit because I happen tp be SP grinding, but I wouldn't do it otherwise. More readily available feathers will let people play with more units and increase the game's longevity.
  12. Fair enough. I think most of those roles can reasonably fit into a single character, but it wasn't a perfectly executed concept. I think a lot of people are hoping for a non-main character Avatar just because they don't have faith in IS's ability to write one. The avatars are pre-established characters that you can customize so there shouldn't be a problem of writing a good one if you can do that for a main character that you can't customize. Player worship isn't integral to the avatar. You fool, now everyone will know Fire Emblem is a shameless dating simulator for weaboos!
  13. You shouldn't assume every character had access to healing staves at the time of their injury. I imagine healing magic is best used quickly after the injury.
  14. I'm curious as to what you think "too important to the plot" means. Why was it bad that Robin is G***a? Had Chrom been G***a instead, would that be fine?
  15. I think the combat bonuses just add unnecessary complications to Fire Emblem's otherwise refreshingly simple battle system so I'm in favor of weapon ranks only affecting weapon usage. One change (more related to classes, but I digress) I would like to see is promoted classes having a higher minimum rank than the base class. Dropping down to E-rank punishes reclassing and makes you grind just so you can actually use weapons appropriate for you place in the game.
  16. Serenes is one of the least toxic internet communities I've ever been a part of. How often does a thread get locked because people are being shitty to each other? Sounds to me that some people equate "divisive opinons" to "toxicity".
  17. Not having a reason for their affections isn't a requirement of being a yandere. Even Yuno (the difinitive yandere character) of Mirai Nikki has an excuse for her attachments to the protagonist. Camilla is probably the straightest example of the trope in Fire Emblem.
  18. Why did you quote me? I didn't make a case for or against Faye/Camilla/Tharja being good characters based on their design, only responding that others do make that argument. I mean, I have opinions on the designs but that's not the basis of my like or dislike of them.
  19. It's true that Faye is lacking two things that make Camilla and Tharja popular, but she is still charmingly designed. Quite the opposite, I've heard people make the case that people who criticize Faye are just upset that she's not a morally flawless waifu.
  20. A theme as grand and overarching as what the OP theorizes is going to need more than a minor character with 2 supports and a base conversation to explore properly. Faye's flaws aren't discussed or examined as far as I'm aware. You can do these "it's actually a brilliant deconstruction" theories with anyone. Here, let's do one with Peri. "While on the surface, Peri seems a irredeemable psychopath, she actually represents the themes of Fates. First, Peri is a foil to the protagonist in that while they both had a parent murdered when they were a child, Corrin was able to grow up into a moral human being because of the influence of his siblings. Peri didn't have anyone like this and went down a darker path. Peri and Corrin are naive and don't consider the consequences of their actions, but where Corrin is horrified by senseless death, Peri enjoys it.The next theme is one specific to Conquest, which is stated multiple times by Xander. "Justice is an illusion". The just thing would be to throw Peri in prison for her crimes but as Xander values her competency in battle over the lives of innocents, there really is no justice in Nohr. Clearly the ends justify the means in this brutal world and Corrin demonstrates this stark reality when he makes the decision to conquer Hoshido to get a chance at dethroning Garon. Corrin is able to assist in the conquering of Hoshido but no one blames him for this, just like no one blames Peri. The game doesn't explicitly state Corrin to be a Karma Houdini but that's the central theme being implied. Yes, Peri is a terrible person but she's supposed to be. It's consistent with the themes of Fates."
  21. Best 3 points: Path of Radiance 2 points: Birthright 1 point: Radiant Dawn Worst 3 points: Conquest 2 points: Awakening 1 point: Binding Blade @Irysa@Gustavos Shadow Dragon was already selected.
  22. What if they had a monthly event where you could set your own banner? I doubt they'd do anything so player-friendly how else will they ignite wallets but it would at least make the ever growing 5* pool more accessible. If that's too generous they could limit it so that you can only engage in your chosen banner until you draw a 5* and then you need to wait until the next "choose your banner" event. Another idea is you could manually select 5* star characters you want downgraded to a lower tier. You'll be able to get those rare characters easier but you'll have to pay that 20,000+ feather charge to get them back to their original 5* strength.
  23. This sounds like an exaggeration. Alm and Faye never had a relationship. The "love of her life" was nothing more than a crush. How could someone be so emotionally attached to a childhood crush that they continued to dwell on it the rest of their life? I think that sounds like mental illness (and the behavior she shows in the base conversation makes her sound very mentally unstable) which is an entirely different conversation to have.
  24. That's what I feel like with Barblade Ursula. Whenever a high res green unit comes my way and think that they can counter her, my reaction is:
  25. I think that even in the case of a person being "unlikable", you still need to do something to elicit feelings from the audience. It's entirely possible to find a character personally unlikable but sympathize with them because they can't help their own flaws. Take the character Theon Greyjoy from ASOIAF. He's arrogant, treats women like shit and is extremely envious of others. He does some really terrible things in the plot and ultimately his karma catches up to him. Are we supposed to hate Theon? Maybe for what he does, yes, but what makes him a good character is that many of his flaws stem from him not feeling like he's valued, either by his real family or his "foster" family. He wishes he could repent but by the time he realizes his mistakes it's too late. Now, I know the game doesn't have the time to flesh out Faye's character in such a way but rather than the one-note borderline yandere character we got (afaik), they should have given her a mini character arc. Let's start with the base. Faye is a country girl and from the start of her youth she had dreams of settling down in her village with her childhood crush Alm. She is so narrow-minded in this pursuit of getting Alm that she scorns other potential friendships. This idealistic vision of her future blinds her from the fact that she and Alm don't have a lot of chemistry and Alm has other goals in life besides settling down as a country bumpkin. By the time she realizes that Alm will never feel the same way about her, she realizes she doesn't have her beloved or any friends for that matter. She returns to her village and tries to build a new life but has difficulty making new friends because they can sense her desperation. There, that's a character arc and a sad ending, but at least the player can get invested and feel sorry for her. I don't feel sorry for canon!Faye, she's a jerk and more than a little unhinged. This would be a great development for her character. Even though she gets spurned in her Alm support, it's actually a good thing because she can break off and become her own person rather than be forever bound to unrequited feelings.
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