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Status Updates posted by someonewhodied

    1. shadowofchaos


      Not really interested in just copy paste hair customization.

    2. shadowofchaos


      I misunderstood, and didn't actually look. It was late last night. Good job on finding that.

  1. http://i.imgur.com/Vn3FMgb.jpg if you know anyone with an unregistered xl or 2ds.
  2. its all good, Thanks =D

  3. I dont think so. And brawl is sorta an on and off game for me. I just play occasionally at a party or two. Nothing competitive.

  4. Whats your XBL gamertag? We need to play BB sometime.

  5. kos mos from xenosaga

  6. My neighbor is getting back into brawl and I MAY join him. Message him here: http://allisbrawl.com/profile/Skyos.ai

  7. I used the GC controller when I played seriously, or at all. Now I just don't care about winning in anything other than blazblue, and even then, I only care in ranked matches.

  8. I see. I quit brawl for good. The most I will play is wiimote casuals at a party now.

  9. My mistake. Its just that I saw "BLS" and I was like "Huh?" and then I asked. =/

  10. I saw a cocoBLS on xbl. Would that happen to be you?

  11. I'll see what I can do. It depends on schoolwork of course.

    *Gives my school the finger*

  12. No D=.

    HW+Finals are stupid D=.

    Are you anywhere in SoCal?

    I'm going to http://allisbrawl.com/ttournament.aspx?id=12102 most likely so if you go, I can play you laglessly =).

  13. Studying for finals and catching up on homework I was too lazy to do before. Prolly this afternoon, IF I get my wii back.

  14. I'll see. I quit brawl and haven't played in forever cuz blazblue, but I'll see if I can get my wii.

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