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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. My neighbor is getting back into brawl and I MAY join him. Message him here: http://allisbrawl.com/profile/Skyos.ai

  2. Must. Resist. Urge. To. Sig. This. I wear a jacket in the summer too. And why wear jeans? Just wear pajama pants or some other comfy pants (Yes, to school/class too) But arm socks? wtf? Why?
  3. I used the GC controller when I played seriously, or at all. Now I just don't care about winning in anything other than blazblue, and even then, I only care in ranked matches.

  4. O_o. Ok, so looking back at the stuff I wrote online just around two years ago, I can't believe I was so retarded. I purposely used text-message talk lazily... Wow, was I stupid. I even used leet speak. I mean, H0W 7H3 FUCK R U 5upp053d 2 R3AD 7H15? The internet has improved my grammar and spelling skills a LOT.
  5. I see. I quit brawl for good. The most I will play is wiimote casuals at a party now.

  6. shall know I am hungry for some reason right now.
  7. Not a dead fly thats just sitting there right outside my room on the door that I'm too lazy to clean up/wipe off.
  8. Well, this is until I find a good Nu desktop image, or a program that will change my desktop image every 5 seconds to another image in my desktop images folder.
  9. Shall know that I have a really old PC, computer screen, and well. computer parts. So High res won't make a difference.
  10. This is VERY old. It has been done my hundreds many times. But It never gets boring. Please do ignore my signature on gbatemp. And yes, I use the same avatar everywhere. I set the URL to one link, and that way, I change one to change all my avvys.
  11. From [spoiler=Old] To [spoiler=New] The change in color is hurting my eyes a bit. And I STILL can't find/make a good Nu desktop image.
  12. My school sucks. I met the requirements for AP Biology and couldnt take it because it was full. I got the worst history teacher ever. (And hes supposedly a pedophile based on what people say) I have algebra II at 7AM. I couldn't take math analysis because I switched schools midyear last year and they didnt get my algII grade. ;~; *Continues being sad*
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