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The Last Taguel

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Everything posted by The Last Taguel

  1. The only thing that I want to know besides what is officially released is all the options that the character creator gives. After I've seen it in its entirety, I'll entirely go dark from this website and anywhere else that might give spoilers. I've unfollowed Fire Emblem people in all my social media unless they tag spoilers, and even downloaded a blacklist tool for Tumblr (Super serious). ...It is going to be a dark six months.
  2. Across all the games that I play with character customization, I always pick Echo or Elysia for girls, and Torvus or Dauer for guys. The first three of those names take their inspiration from the Metroid Prime series, while Dauer means time. For the new game, I'll likely play Echo as my first character, as I usually do. Not sure if i'll just reuse her for all the routes yet, or not. I REALLY need to see the character creator in its entirety before making any final decisions.
  3. Oh gosh. I'll lose my mind if that happens. Anyway, I actually like name Fates, as well as Birthright and Conquest. I'm just looking forward to seeing localized character names at this point. I liked most of the dubbing too, minus the song. It's growing on me, but I prefer the Japanese.
  4. This, and the rest of character creation, are actually the ONLY parts of the game I want spoiled post release. I'm huge on character customization, and can't wait to see some of the potential combinations.
  5. What happened with Pieri, Lazward, and Odin's speech bubbles? Anyway, thanks so much for the translation! It helps a bunch. Edit: Nevermind. The bubbles are fixed now!
  6. I'll be doing English exclusively. I'm sure the Japanese voice acting will be great, but I prefer to hear in my native language I suppose.
  7. I'd love to see it, if for nothing else than seeing more character development/investment with Nyx and her Hoshidan fortune-telling equivalent. But yeah, preparation for new players that would encourage them to try new strategies would be excellent, and this would be a great way to implement that. I've kind of made it a hobby to get people into the Fire Emblem series (usually via Awakening), and I've seen just how often people entirely new to the genre could use something to provoke strategic thought other than abusing prepromotes.
  8. Well, I like Aqua so far, and am interested to see where her character goes. But I know for a fact, even if I don't end up liking her, I won't "hate" her. I honestly don't understand how people can hate characters anyway, as I find myself just as incapable of doing so as I am with hating actual people. I certainly get frustrated with characters, and may not like aspects of them, or even them as a whole, but have never hated a fictional or actual entity, regardless of how flawed they may be. Not meaning to offend people who are saying they hate characters. I just really don't get it. Anyway, with Lucina, I loved her character, and hadn't realized that love for her was polarized (I've never heard of a single person disliking her till this forum. Granted, I'm new to the SF community.) I hope that Aqua doesn't end up being largely disliked by the community or anything like that.
  9. I really hope it does happen, though I'm also doubtful. Its the only "censorship" I'd like to see.
  10. Thank you so much for this translation, and all your others! They've REALLY helped me review the content. I'm the "Fire Emblem" guy at my campus, and having such a crisp, easy to use, in-style translation of new FE content is amazing for sharing with friends, or just viewing myself. Keep up the great work!
  11. Gunther's character design is one of my favorites for this game. Definitely in the top 3! I hope that his actual characterization matches up to his aesthetic. His bio indicates that he's "strict but gentle" in the way he watches over Kamui, so I wonder if he takes the role of a father figure of sorts to make up for Garon's apparent coldness? Contrasting that notion, I wonder if they'll allow any romantic involvement with the character? Its not like they haven't made the avatar capable of marrying someone 1000s of years their senior before (Nowi and Tiki of course. Though, they still LOOK young).
  12. I have a feeling that they'll just keep the springs. Ancient European culture (what Nohr seems to take the most influence from) was no stranger to heated bathing houses, particularly with the Roman Empire. There are ruins of them everywhere.
  13. I feel like they do, but I don't have the greatest eye for such things.
  14. It looks great! Lots of new screens and information. Awesome overhaul.
  15. Oh wow. I had no idea many people had preorder issues with him.
  16. I got Marth awhile after his initial release as a gift from friends (they had to pool funds to afford the scalper price). Ike came from a GameStop preorder, which took a couple days later than it should've to come, but it did. Both Robin and Lucina, I got yesterday morning with a friend. We camped out a Toys R Us from 5-10, and were first in line. Seems ridiculously early, but within an hour of us getting there, people started pouring in, and by 8, there were 40+ waiting outside of the store, 2 hours before it opened. Quite the adventure.
  17. Defintely Nyx and the Blue Haired Maid. I'd love character descriptions for both of them, and a character portrait art for the maid.
  18. I'll need to see the character creation before I can pick. But it's most likely going to be female Kamui first.
  19. Thank you! That helped a lot. The shipping did almost end up the same price as the product, so I'll have to hold out a bit longer before a purchase, but it's all figured out now. Thanks again!
  20. So! There was an update to this website and its music offer today: http://renka-web.com/news/news_001.html#clearfile It's a pretty cool set of offers, particularly with the limited edition set. Anyway, apparently, there is an option to reserve/pre-order this on the Japanese Amazon page. I'd love to snag it, but I've never made a purchase on a foreign webpage before, and know absolutely nothing about currency conversion or shipping changes... Anybody have any insight? (I hope this post is in the right place!)
  21. Gah, I really want to preorder that, but I know nothing about the safety/price conversion of international purchases. Anyway, that new art with the rings and all the box-art characters is fantastic. Hope a higher resolution one pops up soon.
  22. Definitely going physical, with as much of it as I can.
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