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Everything posted by BlueL

  1. Yea, but like you said Elise is essentially a Troubadour so I wouldn't have figured her class (Rod Knight) would have gotten the Troubadour skills instead of them being given to Maids. Doesn't bother me, I just find it an interesting choice.
  2. That'd be cool, although if she could transform into a monster she'd be the first in the series who could wield weapons in her human form wouldn't she? I wasn't aware. Must be a new class. Still seems like it puts her at a disadvantage in the early game compared to Felicia. Bothers me too. Seems like an unnecessary removal of a nice aesthetic feature.
  3. I'm not crazy about the new sorcerer design, specifically the accessory on her head that makes it looks like she has a horn. So far the characters I feel like I'm definitely using (design-wise) are Camilla, Linca and Kagerou. I also like Suzukaze, but I'll probably save him for Nohr since Kagerou is Hoshido only. I also like Kazahana but that's just because she looks like she could be Sumia's daughter if she were in Awakening. You're not alone, I could care less about him as well. He actually creeps me out. Going to be hard for him to get off my bench unless he has some great dialogue.
  4. I find it interesting that the Maid class (or at least Felicia) has the exact same skills as the Troubadour class from Awakening. I wonder what that means for Troubadours or whatever their equivalent is in this game...
  5. I considered the fact that she was a special class, but it still doesn't really answer the question of what incentive their is to use Sakura over Felicia. And like you said, it doesn't address why she has 3 skills.
  6. So if Butlers and Maids use staves and have access to hidden weapons, I'm wondering what the incentive to use Clerics? It seems like they're just butlers or maids who can't defend themselves and unlike troubadours, don't have the benefit of high movement. My initial thought was better magic, but when I compare Sakura's stats to Felicia's, the latter seems superior in almost every way. I know we can't see Sakura's level, but with only 16HP I think it's a safe bet she's around the same level as Felicia. Although I guess it's possible that Sakura is RNG screwed and Felicia is blessed.... Side note: Did anyone else notice that the Maid (Felica) has the same skills as the troubadour class? Wonder what's up with that.
  7. Well I was referring more to archers when I said babying then knights. I agree, at least in the second half of the game, that General's poor movement (especially in GBA era) isn't worth the effort. It's better to just to take the Great Knights and deal with their slightly worse defense. But I disagree on archers. They do their job, being backline (is that the proper term) units and anti-flying units pretty well. An archer is much more accurately and is better at attacking from range than leaving it up to throwable axe or lance.
  8. I also wonder if it doesn't have something to do with Aqua. Maybe they're subtle-y trying to market her as the likely love interest? But to answer OP's question, I do think it'd be nice to see more of female Kamui but "bothers" is a strong word given the lack of gameplay footage in general.
  9. This, Although, I've had bad luck trying to google non-spoiler information and freaking Google suggestions ruins moments for me. That being said, I have Serenes forest now, so I should be able to just wait a few weeks/months and go to FEif's skill and classes page and avoid 0 spoilers. It'll be weird vanishing for 6 months after how hyped I am over this game.
  10. I'd love if Butlers and Maids had there own set of weapons based on household utensils. Like Frying pans which would double resistance against heat magic but halve defense against lightning spells.
  11. Oh wow you're right, I completely overlooked that somehow when I read the original post. I agree. Sure they require more babying then many other units, but once they've caught up I always find them to be great supports. Awakening was the first game where I didn't use an archer (dropped Virion roughly 1/3 through the game), and a lot of that was because there was so much wind magic that bow user's weren't really needed.
  12. Really? That was only in ONE couple's support. And I'm sure we won't have as anywhere as many (hopefully zero) forced or awkward romances since it seems like children are gone. It would be hard for Awakening to have had genuine, developec romance between characters with number of support options each character had.
  13. Me. I wonder if each class of weapon will have its own attributes or whether the other types will just have the same penalties as swords, but with varying buffs/debffs? In other words, I wonder if all bronze weapons are unable to critical but give a +10 critical evasion or if (For example) maybe a bronze lance gives +10 luck? I feel like the former is more likely. I also wonder how this will work for magic weapons, particularly their brave weapons... Also, did Butler and Great Butler (I know it was changed to Great Knight on the post but still) make anyone else think of Hayate the Combat Butler?
  14. Call me crazy, but I really doubt either of the imuotos will die at all, especially not by any playable characters' hands (barring a potential uncontrollable moment like when a certain playable character (idk how to use spoilers) was killed by Eliwood in FE7. Maybe that's something they'd have done in Jugdral games, but killing your little sisters who are probably around 14 would seem very dark. In fact, and this might be wishful thinking, it feel like it's more likely there would be at least one bonus chapter/special ending predicated on the player successfully not killing any of his family.
  15. Me too, but I also feel like if that's revealed very early in the game (or even in the instruction manual, assuming it has one) that it would probably get tossed around casually on places like this without spoiler tags so they didn't feel the need to hide it.
  16. That seems like a good explanation. Although it'd be cool if she had her own unique class like above poster said.
  17. Sounds like we can finally get payback for those gaiden chapters where the walkways randomly disappeared and left you stranded. I'm excited. Also, nice to see this translation seems to have calmed down the Dead Sea levels of saltiness that was everywhere yesterday.
  18. Yes I want marriage back but I'd rather save it for the epilogue. Though I do hope they at least start dating or have a confession in the S support. And if they bring back non-romantic S supports, I hope they use a different symbol for marriage so you can know ahead of time whose paired endings will lead to marriage.
  19. So do you think she's the same thing as a Troubadour? Or might she wield staves and that mace-looking weapon instead of staves and magic?
  20. Times like this I wish Sereneforest had a like button.
  21. Not even for post-game content? I think it'd be nice to have Awakening like DLC where you can keep playing with your units after the game ends and not have to replay the whole game just to see every support and level up the units who didn't make your rotation.
  22. My personal wishlist: Agree with whoever said there should be multiple transformations for manaketes Since their don't seem to be any children, I'd like if S supports could end with characters just deciding to date instead of jumping straight from flirting to marriage. Save marriage for the epilogue. A new non-dragon shapeshifing class Dark Knight actually can use dark magic Light-anima-dark magic triangle returns Bring back the Bride class but give it a different name. Keep the dress though, it was pretty. Return of ballista and status staves Base conversations like RD new classes and skills. If Griffon Ryder returns, do more to differentiate it from Wyverns and Pegasus Knights, like making it a middle option offensively and defensively. Gaiden chapters. Preferably with non-obscure ways to reach them Post game content for both. A hard mode that doesn't rely on giving foes broken/annoying skills. Last, I'd like trainees to return but they need to appear in the first half of the game.
  23. They can make up for Hoshido lacking the varied mission objectives by having creative map designs, but since it's supposed to be the easier game I'm not optimistic about that.
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