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Status Updates posted by Aleph

  1. No it's because of his dark and terrible past. He doesn't feel like he deserves to be happy.

    See, that sounds way cooler.

  2. He can never be happy.

  3. But we have a loving relationship.

    Yeah he probably would.

  4. No, but I do have huge teeth, a great voice and a penchant for picanic baskets. Sometimes.

  5. I will take a SHIT in your garden and your cereal. Do not even talk to me

    Also I will leave poop on your front door that is one fire.

  6. He can't send comments but between you and me I think you're so crazy he'd rather not comment on your profile himself even if he could!

  7. You're crazy. Muhammad said so

  8. Nope, just checked. Staves don't get the "E" by them.

  9. Actually maybe my memory is wrong, but staves are definitely weird (they're marked as melee weapons).

  10. I am positive you can't equip staves.

    Your poor signature~

  11. Aleph



  12. Aleph

    (Also that hurts me wisrt. That hurts me right /here/. S/2)

  13. Aleph

    That is /correct/.

  14. shh, you're going to blow our cover...

  15. holy shit we joined the same day

  16. Google translate isn't very smart.

  17. やらないか?

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