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Posts posted by NoirCore

  1. My favorite lord has a broken base, but what the heck: Miciaiah. She's very nice-looking, and unlike those who believe she was selfish in act 3, I honestly pitied her for all the stress she obtained and errors she made (which her Einherjar card even admits to in Awakening). I also believe the developers had no reason to make it necessary to be all Ike and Yune in part 4 while Miciaiah was just Yune's human phone. I'm not directing hate at Ike, even if he lacked development, but Miciaiah deserved more of a role and the allowance to also take out Ashera with Yune, her companion before RD even started. Instead, Ike is forced to be the only man allowed to kill her, with Yune deciding just to give her power to Ike's Ragnell only for some reason. So what if he was the main man of PoR? Did we only include Miciaiah just to build her up and finish as Yune's vessel for communication? Give the player the option to pass on the glory to someone new.

    Least favorite: I do not dislike any lords at all, actually. I only chose Alm because of his understandable lack of personality (curse you, NES limitations) and compared to Celica, he looks not as good to me. I do not hate him at all, though.

  2. ...well... That's...interesting...o.o;

    @eclipse: youre a mod youre supposed to protect the members not traumatize them gods

    @FierceRagnar: Kon's right. You've said multiple times on here AND on YouTube videos for the game that you view this game as an abomination and more AFTER posting that you've lost all interest in the game. Heck, you've stated that you hate waifuing in general, and after that, you've posted in topics blatantly related to waifus just to complain about it and the people living in their PERSONAL fantasies, nothing more. Here's an idea: if you hate something, don't access topics or forums specifically about it. Let the others have their opinions in peace; they aren't trying to harass you, so why are you bothering them?

  3. I apologize I just saw this in the new content tab and didn't see it was in the SMT subforum.

    In that case shes like in her early teens. Her SMTxFE appereance looks almost exactly like her appearence in Shadow Dragon.

    I see her clothing is SD-inspired, but her body proportions look older than "early teen", and seem similar to the other female teen protagonists to me, so that's why I think she's a late teen.
  4. I'm actually not 100% sure how manaketes age, since in Cynthia and Nah's B support, Nah comments that she isn't 10,000 years old yet in relation to Cynthia's (harsh to Nah) imaginary hero vs. evil rivalry with the manakete. Nah is only half-manakete, so if she's not being sarcastic, and half-manaketes can indeed live that long, one has to wonder how long full-manaketes can live.

  5. I haven't read through the whole topic, but I personally believe that while Jugdral, Archanea, Valencia, Ylisse, and Valm are of the same universe, Elibe, Magvel, and Tellius are separate universes accesableaccesable to and back via the Outrealms.

    First, Ylisse's game was the first game in FE where the existence of other worlds is acknowledged, especially with other's weapons ending up in said world. However, it is also the first game where traveling to countless MULTIPLE worlds is possible. Prior games did not acknowledge the existence of other worlds, nor did they have any indication that traveling to multiple worlds was possible (the best we got was Elibe's Dragon's Gate heading to the dragon world, but that was the only world, and it was sealed off).

    Secondly, the tomes. In male Robin and Laurent's non-relative C support, Laurent says that the magical tomes serve both as magical weapons and history books. Also, in Ricken's supports with Miriel, he shouts the names of the tomes he casts, if at all, confirming that Robin's shouting of tome names in SSB wasn't just something added just for the fighting game. However, this information contrasts with the tomes of Elibe and Tellius. In Elibe's case, Nino tells Erk in her supports with him that she can't read, and the reason she can even cast spells was by listening to Sonia's chanting of spells from within the book. However, Ylisse's books contain history instead of spells, and one doesn't exactly have to chant to use a tome, so the two worlds' tomes don't match up. For Tellius, in Radiant Dawn's Act 1 cutscene, Miciciah has to chant to use the magic, and someone (was it Ike? Or a mage?) mentions that the books contain "ancient" language in it which is chanted. Again, a contradiction to Ylisse's tomes' content and way of usage.

    Finally, the act of matching up worlds into one timeline... It seems very complicated, and I'm not sure the designers had just one singular timeline in mind when making the games, so to me, that gives the impression that I shouldn't be having to go through the vigorous trouble of mixing and matching worlds together.

    And that is why I believe the worlds are separate.

  6. First off, I'm not a pedophile. XP

    Second, when I watched the trailer for the game, when I saw Tiki, she seemed to me like she was now in her late teens. However, upon going onto the forum, I noticed a lot of people state that they believed that she was a kid again, and... I dunno, to me, she seems a little older than that. Not young adult-old, but late teen-old, rather. Her outfit DOES seem Shadow Dragon-inspired, but compared to the other characters (who are apparently teens as well, if I'm not mistaken), her eyes seem similar in size, and her height seems too tall for a kid's...at least, that's how I see it now.

    But I'm curious; how old (not in numbers) do you think Tiki is, and why?

  7. Perhaps I misunderstood what the Dragon elder in Arcadia said.Hmmm.

    To be fair, that seems to be from the old translation before the recent redux created on this forum, and the old translation... Well, there's a reason a redux was made. Unfortunately, I can't access the script to the redux, so I don't know how the conversation changed aside from Fae's name being changed.
  8. Four words: Watch the freaking trailer.

    (S)He isn't a Manakete, but some sort of other shapeshifter instead.

    I watched both trailers. Nothing comes up to prove otherwise. I found a dragonstone in an official image. What about the trailer confirms (not implies, confirms) Kamui isn't a manakete? And please be very specific if it is oh-so-obvious as you imply, because nothing is even close to obvious to excuse your rude tone. -_-
  9. They're kinda shaped differently but yeah, that would make Ryouma and Sakura not being manaketes feasible. Or maybe they can, they just don't have pointed ears but I don't think that's likely.

    The quote confirms Sophia said she can't transform? Did I miss/forget a support when browsing the FE6 Supports translation redux thread? o.o;
  10. I however, do not rule out the possibility of him being a manakete, but if so: Why does he have a sword? >_> So,he may be manakete-ish.

    Manaketes in Awakening can reclass into other classes, but they're still of the manakete species, even if they're not opting to use dragonstones (especially since they MUST retain their anti-dragon weakness). Same applies to Ninian, Nils, and Sophia; they're not using dragonstones, but they are half-manaketes, so they could (the siblings cannot obtain dragonstones, but Nils acknowledges having such, and Sophia opts to fight with tomes instead of dragonstones). Kamui can simply just prefer wielding both a sword and dragonstones; species shouldn't in-universe physically impact what you can wield.
  11. I'm personally alright with the dragon laguz's dragon forms. Unfortunately, they lack variety in shapes, and the only visual differences are among colors save for the black dragons (I think) (and I believe the lack of shape variety is unexcusable, due to a dragon laguz who is revealed at the end of PoR (no spoilers) looking much different in shape from the others, looking like the odd one out). The only plus I can give them is being the second instance of shown bipedal dragons after Fae (excluding the TCG-only wyvern manaketes). More bipedal manaketes, IS!

  12. Hello there! Welcome to the forest of the heron laguz! :D

    Oh, and you should at least see a playthrough of FE4. No spoilers, but the actual Myssletainn (however you spell it lol) is in the game, although the fan translation (released behind Awakening) before Serenes' new one calls it "Misoltn".

  13. May as well give some comic reactions. :P

    77: Robin is reaching Nowi levels of childishness. XD

    78 Right: Well, that was dark... At least everyone noticed he was gone... o.o;

    82 Right: Oh, wow! Tiki looks so beautiful! :D

    84 Right: Wha... What the... How... But... Guh... Horse masks... In a mideval fantasy world... I don't even... *puts phone down and faceplants on pillow in bed, trying to comprehend what I just saw*

  14. Huh. She still seems much older than that in my own eyes.

    BTW, when were Robin's customization options shown off in terms of how long before the Japanese FE13 was released, if at all? It might be a clue as to when we can expect more info about customization, guaranteed the Japan release doesn't happen first.

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