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Posts posted by NoirCore

  1. Well, remember that Kamui has a longer lifespan, being a manakete and all. It would contradict VincentASM's theory about him being taken in as an infant by Nohr at the arrow scene in the trailer, but perhaps Kamui looks unrelated because he's born in a different generation from the family we see in the game? This is just a theory itself, of course.

  2. Well, I'll probably keep Kamui on his class line, since I love FE's awesome signature draconic shapeshifters. :3 I hope his promotion gives him boots, though.

    BTW, Ana, why do you hate manaketes so much? o.o

  3. Good point. I just don't see a lot of traits shared between Kamui and the Hoshidans besides red eyes, and with Kamui having powers they don't it kinda makes me wonder.

    Would explain why Sakura calls Kamui 'Nii-sama' rather than 'Onii-chan'. But then how would you explain how they suddenly age normally between Garon's kidnapping of them to the point where the game begins?

    According to VincentASM's analysis in the Known Information thread, Garon's taking Kamui in is just a theory as to what was happening in that scene with the execution, so it may not be true. Who knows?
  4. I don't know, I'm still wanting to hold onto my idea that Kamui was adopted by the Hoshidan Royal family before Garon took them. It would easily justify the customization and explain why Kamui can shapeshift while the others can't.

    Or maybe Kamui's slower aging due to being a dragonkin is the reason why he's different from the present family? It could explain his hair color being different, I think.

  5. Degeneration is loss of intelligence. The Wyverns were once like any other dragon. They chose not to become Manaketes by sealing their powers in stones. This resulted in degeneration which made them like wild animals.

    But as I said before, Cherche found Minerva at a young age, and the wyverns should not be able to reproduce, like Xane said, yet Minerva exists. The wyverns of Ylissean times (at least, part of them, since others may be the degenerates) likely must be a separate species of wyverns, I think.

  6. Uh, yeah. Fae is just a dragon with feathers. Kamui is a big deer with dragon wings and claws.

    *sigh* First off, Kamui's dragon body looks more relatable to the Awakening dragon forms than Fae's does to them. Second, why would a DRAGONstone be used to turn into a deer? Even with dragon features, may as well call it a deer/beaststone if he is a deer...but the text translates into "dragonstone". And why would there be another dragon race separate from manaketes that can use dragonstones as well? It seems completely pointless to make another race with similar abilities. You seem really insistent over Kamui not being a manakete; why do you despise them, anyway? They're not that different from the dragon laguz you love.

    Anyway, I do wonder how Kamui is born of the Hoshido bloodline, yet he's apparently a manakete. One factor to consider is that due to being at least a half-manakete, he lives much longer than a human, so that may have some effect to how he's related despite the difference in species (unless I oversaw something).

  7. I think avatars will be even more customizable than before. Last game added builds, so I have a feeling the streak continues and eye color will be added. I mean, compared to most FE13 characters, Kamui's eyes seem very blatantly colored, whereas FE13 characters' eye colors could usually only be seen in critical cut-ins, with only a few exceptions such as Nowi.

    Also, if builds do come back (which I think they will, despite the trailer showing just Kamui's body), it will be interesting to see manaketes of different body types this time around, rather than the usual child manaketes (with some exceptions). :P

  8. In my opinion, I prefer the slightly less realistic art styles of the GBA and Tellius games, specifically PoR (although I really like how Kozaki made the manakete ears grooved on their bottom sides :D). I don't have an issue with Kozaki's art style, however. Also, it seems to me like IS changes artists once in awhile to keep FE looking fresh.

    Of course, I do find some of the character designs in Awakening rather "uhh..." to me, such as adult Tiki's large breasts and not-so-covering dress (the design of the dress is nice, but I feel it should have covered more than it does), as well as the large knight armor pads and revealing dark mage outfits (I prefer the shaman hoods). But then there's stuff like Robin's robe, the mage hats (I'm not a big fan of the S/NES/GBA/DS mage designs), and the fact that wyverns are actually wyverns that I really love. Thus, Kozaki has a mixed opinion from me.

  9. In FE3 it's established that wyverns are just manaketes that degenerated into a feral form and were then tamed by humans into becoming mounts. So really any wyvern which has degenerated from a fire breathing manakete should be able to do so. It's probably for gameplay reasons that this hasn't been explored in greater detail.

    What about the wyverns in Awakening? Cherche's wyvern Minerva was found as a baby in the days of Ylisse's existence, and the insane dragons from 2000 years prior shouldn't have been able to bear children as dragons, according to Xane. Add to the fact that Minerva shows understanding of speech and is capable of showing emotion (according to Cherche), thus showing sanity, and Awakening's wyverns appear to be unrelated to the insane wyverns.
  10. I did not first learn of FE's existence via SSBM, but via a FE7 game I found in a cottage.

    For a few weeks after first seeing her, I did not realize adult Tiki's breasts were big.

    I was fine with Awakening's story.

    I play on Casual Mode.

    I do not consider Awakening's support system more reminiscent of a dating sim than the GBA games and PoR.

    I did not create an in-game avatar of myself, nor do I plan to.

    I have a file that uses Robin's default male appearance.

    I listen to PoR/RD music while playing Awakening.

    When I played FE7, I got stuck on the level you recruit Dorcas in because I thought you had to do something else to pass the level and kept quitting before the defend turn limit. I WAS YOUNG DON'T JUDGE ME. *bricked*

  11. Perhaps the wyverns build up heat within their bodies, burning whomever is touching a wyvern harshly before they exhale fire? It's just a theory, but it would explain things, should it be true.

  12. After seeing this topic for a few months without even being registered, I may as well say somethin' already. ^_^;

    That Tiki art is adorable! :D Adult Tiki looks like quite a caring mother (even though it's child Tiki, lol). :3

    (i swear i need to stop acknowledging tiki so much stop it darky)

    Also, Henry, you might want to get that left side of your face checked. Might be good idea. Try not to lick red stuff. Not good for health. Even though you like it. Still bad. <:o

    And is that Grima in Robin form in all three pictures? :o

  13. It means a lot to me to hear you say that : ) Thank you very much!

    Some responses in bold within the quote above! I read through all of them though and will be sure to add the minor corrections on my edit run through!

    Thanks a bunch for all the time and effort put into the replies (and for being nice about it!) I'm sure the readers will all appreciate it too. : )

    You're welcome! Again, great job on your work here. :)
  14. Alright then, thanks for permission! :D

    Page 27: In the first panel, Sumia calls Chrom "Lord Chrom". However, she never calls Chrom such in the English version. Instead, she formally calls him "captain". (I think she might have called him "Captain Chrom" before, too? Or maybe that was only Sully who said that...)

    Page 28: In "Qualities of a Hero", Gregor says, "...but I'm a mercenary, yes?" Gregor never really refers to himself in 1st person. How does "...but Gregor is mercenary, yes?" sound?

    Page 32: In "Nagging", in addition to him saying "me", Gregor's last line seems to informal for him to speak, specifically the "tch" and "you guys" part. Perhaps it can be reworded to, "At least be calling Gregor "father"..."?

    Page 33: Gerome calls Minerva "Minerva-chan" which he never says in-game... I'm guessing the English version of that nickname is the "Minervykins" nickname Gerome accidentally uses in his C support with his father? ^_^

    Page 34: Robin calls Basilio "Lord Basillio", and while Basilio is a khan, he is normally referred to as just "Basilio". I imagine he WOULD be referred to as "Khan Basilio" in formal situations like Chrom once referred to Flavia as "Khan Flavia", but the situation is informal, so just "Basilio" is fine.

    Page 42: Same as 27, Sumia called Chrom "Lord Chrom".

    Page 49: "Ephraim's Brave Lance" is actually just "Ephraim's Lance". (That would be a strong lance tho)

    Page 51: In addition to "Lord Flavia" being used (perhaps let Chrom call her "Khan Flavia" this time? I think he called her such in the English version of the scene), Flavia is supposed to be the "East-Khan", while Basilio is the "West-Khan".

    Page 52: Donnel usually calls his mother "ma". The "divine strategist" thing is excusable, though, because Owain. :P

    Page 53: Lucina WAS born already, although that was probably the original dialogue writer's fault. ^_^; Perhaps just have Robin mention Morgan not being born?

    Page 55: Say'ri calls Tiki "Lady Tiki", not "Master Tiki".

    Page 56: The "Shield of Seals" is actually the Fire Emblem, and it's King Gangrel.

    Page 66: Another "Lord Chrom", but for Frederick's case, replace it with "milord".

    Page 74: Henry's trying to help her sleep, not lose it. XD

    Page 75: Gregor's lines in the last panel are again not his usual manner of speech, but I dunno what to put in, sorry. ^_^;

    Page 4 (sorry, I went out of order plz don't hurt meh): Lord Chrom again...but it might be alright this time. Not sure.

    Page 8: Testing curses is Tharja's thing, not Henry's. Maybe have Stahl guess that Henry's thinking about how many enemies/Risen he'll make bleed in the next battle?

    Page 18: Replace "Lord Chrom" with "milord Chrom" in the second panel, then just Chrom in the 3rd.

    That's my analysis of the errors. I hope it helps in the translation efforts!

  15. I have to say, these comics are entertaining! Thanks for the translating. I really like "The Past Called Today", with Cynthia arriving in front of an explosion. XD

    Though, would you mind some criticism? I noticed some errors (not translation errors) with authority titles and Gregor's way of speaking (and more?). I won't point out the errors if you don't want, but if you're alright with it, I'd be glad to say.

  16. I know this probably won't happen, but I would love to see a "weapon triangle" for manaketes and/or shapeshifters. Basially one type of dragonstone would beat out another type of dragonstone. Or perhaps one type of shapeshifter would hold advantage over another type. Something that keeps them from being too OP would be awesome!

    Heck yeah! I'd love stone types to return with a new stone triangle. Unfortunately, I think Kamui's dragonstone was just called "dragonstone" in the screenshot showing his stats, if I'm not mistaken? Someone check the Japanese kanji for the dragonstone in the screenshot and confirm or deconfirm what I said.

  17. Is there a source for this bit of info bout the world maps, cause I'm curious.

    I forgot where I heard it (perhaps during the explanation after the trailer in the English Nintendo Direct?), but I think you'll find some info in the "Known Information (April 2nd)" topic by VincentASM.

  18. FE13 Tiki would have looked kind of bizarre in idol form (as bizarre as any of the others that is). So sticking with loli Tiki works better than, boob!Tiki from fe13, which would've been an awkward look.

    Well, nothing suggests she isn't, say, a Tiki in her "late 'teen-thousands'" (see what I did there? :D *bricked*), rather than either 1000 or 3000 year-old Tiki of the previous games (personally, I'm thinking it's "late teen-thousand" Tiki, but again, we'll have to wait and see).

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