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Everything posted by nhaer042

  1. Sorry, Claude, I found a new favorite character design. I really hope she's a romance option.
  2. Curling up in a fetal position in the corner and crying But all joking aside, I'm waiting for this and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 to come out. I've been anxiously anticipating both games since they were announced both are so close but still feel so far. The wait is driving me nuts!
  3. Byleth is going to make a Swordmaster because that's my favorite class and have Dimitri be in the Lord class. As for the other students I plan to wing it. I'll likely be at least a little experimental but otherwise build students to fill gaps that I need.
  4. The music for this level was excellent. I don't usually care too much for music in my games but this track really stood out to me.
  5. I'm good with a small cast. It gives a chance for everyone to shine. I don't like having a whole bunch of characters that just sit on the benches never seeing any actions. I guess you could argue that adds replay value but it still feels awkward to me. I want full class participation in battles.
  6. It is no coincidence that the letter "S" and the dollar sign "$" look so similar.
  7. Gotta admit I'm surprised to see the number of people picking Blue Lions. I thought one of the other two would be higher. I'm picking Blue Lions so far. They have the coolest looking characters IMO and I like the idea of a new lance lord since Ephriam.
  8. Isn't there a FE Expo this week? Could we see some new info from that?
  9. Yeah, as much as I like the children mechanic as a concept, I do think it needs a break.
  10. I'm always hyped for a new mainline FE game.
  11. Jeralt does have a very cool design. I'd like a chance to use him in battle at least once.
  12. I bet Sothis and the other green haired lady from the trailer are the same person and Byleth's mother.
  13. Hopefully this means we'll start getting a steady flow of information now. Can anyone translate this btw?
  14. I want more information on formations and teaching your students.
  15. He's a Fire Emblem protagonist's father whose name isn't Eliwood. If course he's gonna die.
  16. I'm okay with an Avatar. I'd prefer an original main character but it isn't a deal breaker. I like romantic supports as much as the next guy but no more children please. That bit has been played out enough. Never cared for FE plots. None really stick with me. So long as the core gameplay and supports aren't bad, I'm happy.
  17. I ain't worried. There hasn't been an FE I played that I hate, includinng Conquest (barring the plot). I.S. would have be deliberately trying to make a bad game for me to hate it.
  18. For me a lot of the investment in what's going on usually comes from the supports rather than the plot. Seeing them return is almost a requirement for me.
  19. Im not too familiar with the Jugdral games. Can you be a little more specific with your evidence?
  20. I'd want a Swordmaster or Hero Jagen as those are my two favorite classes. The idea of a healer Jagen is, admittedly, a good one though.
  21. I remember Echoes's director expressing interest in remaking Binding Blade. It'd be cool if that got announced too. I doubt it, but it'd be a plesant surprise. I'd settle for ports of the Tellius Saga too.
  22. One can certainly hope. Keep in mind, Fates was already out in Japan and we had much more information on it. It wasn't like most of us didn't have any idea what was going on like we do this time around. Not sure if it will play out exactly the same but, hey, fingers crossed.
  23. At E3? There was a trailer with cut scenes and game play snippets. Then more was shown by Treehouse throughout the week.
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