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Everything posted by Raven

  1. I was away when this topic was made so I will say it now: Hey there. Matches are over there... Oh wait.
  2. I've voted Matthew. I get him and Guy to an A support, then watch Matthew and Guy Silence and critical, respectively, everything in range. It's quite fun. Everyone else?
  3. I've just finished chapter 19xx (part 2), and I'm on the dragon's gate right now... I'm doing better than I'd expected this time round. After deleting my last data due to myself being unhappy with my progress, this save file is going well.
  4. Raven


    It's fun to watch Nino kill the woman who had killed her parents and posed as her mother all her life. Gives me a nice "justice is served" feeling inside.
  5. I'm sure it would help in sticky situations (if you can find any outside of HHM), but other than that, I wouldn't use it alot because it would run out of uses, which would be quite disappointing.
  6. These stories are good, but after watching Kanon, it takes alot to move me these days.
  7. This is interesting. If you're going to base the rest of this on the fact Lugh and Ray are orphans, then I don't suspect a happy ending.
  8. The only books I've ever willingly read are the 5th to 7th Harry Potter ones. The rest of the books I've read, I had to for English lessons in the past.
  9. Raven


    I'd hit Nino the most, though.
  10. It's great. Oswin is even more of a tank now (lv5 General (so far) with 64hp), and Florina is like a demon on wings. I just use a Hammerne Staff on it when it's uses get low, although I only use it on special occasions. For those who don't know what this glitch is, just check out the FE7 section of the site. Anyone else ever tried obtaining this?
  11. Lethe has a sister? Wait, I don't have Radiant Dawn...
  12. Welcome to the forum, it's quite cool. Also being European (Welsh, actually) I don't have Brawl yet. But many people do in the UK due to some illegal somethings. I think I'll just wait until it's properly released and continue spending my last few uses with Roy...
  13. Raven


    What can I say, she's got spunk. Lol.
  14. Raven


    I'm all for that idea, It's starting to wear me out anyway.
  15. Raven


    Haha yes, good point, made well I believe.
  16. More on this Higurashi no Naku Koro ni anime: The anime seems to split into several arcs, and in each arc, there is a disaster which results in one or more of the main character's death, apparently due to this demon which seems to possess people... I've watched all the first story arc, and I must say I'm personally disturbed by the anime. I know that the arcs are kind of like a different story, but to see the characters alive again after I just saw them die isn't something I'm used to when watching an anime. However, I'll probably continue to watch it, just because it's an intriguing anime, to say the least...
  17. Raven


    I understand you, but I'm saying Nino, being on a lower level than everyone else when you have the Afa's Drops (when you actually get Nino), will get more use out of them compared to anyone else, because by the time you obtain the drops, everyone is promoted, or very close to promotion, and so has less levels to grow before 20/20 compared to her. So I see sense to give her the drops, and allow her to get the most use out of them, than anyone else. If no plans are made to use Nino, then the Afa's drops may as well be used as soon as they're obtained.
  18. Raven


    You could do that, but would you hold back on using Raven until you get the Afa's Drops to get the best out of them? I know I wouldn't anyway.
  19. Raven


    I suppose you could sell it. But it all comes to the RNG when it comes to stat growths. Chances of each stat growing during a level up increase at 5% each, but if you get RNG screwed, you may just turn out the same as you would normally, or even worse. Giving anyone Afa's Drops isn't a surefire way of making anyone a better unit. Even without the drops, she is still a godly unit because she is decent enough without them. But, to give them to her improves chances of getting even better sooner than she normally would.
  20. Chad is good, would've been the youngest assassin ever. I used Astol alot too once Chad grew to lv20, so Astol is FTW too, I believe.
  21. The truth is sad, I know. But I believe worse is yet to come, though. I personally found it upsetting anyway, I'm sure you'll see what I'm talking about .
  22. Raven


    But by the time you get the Afa's drops, most units are already promoted, and can only have the extra growth for as many levels as they take to reach lv20. In Nino's case, she is still a lv5 first class unit, and so is able to get 15 levels of growth with the aid of Afa's Drops as a Mage, and 19 levels as a Sage, which I think would make a considerable difference over someone who has been used for most of the game.
  23. Sadly it does, I believe it gets worse too, well I thought it did anyway. Just call that the first serious incident. Even though you see her lying on the floor at the end of episode 10, you never see her again.
  24. Raven


    But considering she is a mage, she has decent stat growths all round. I give her Afa's drops, and so her stat growths are raised by 5% each, which is a good help, and can make a niticeable difference.
  25. Raven


    I have a Hector Hard mode save file, I'm currently at the Port of Badon arena abusing Florina, Guy, Raven and Rebecca. Or that's what I intend to do. Problem is, after getting Florina above level 17 then getting killed for the fourth time running, I haven't touched the game since the beginning of February. This small challenge I set myself is making me pick the game up again, and when I finish it, I will probably go back to that Hector Hard mode save file. I don't intend my HHM file to be a rank run, I'm trying it out because I've never finished it before.
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