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Everything posted by Raven

  1. Well, the game's not available in Europe, so I had to download it through QooApp. If rerolling is worth it, I'll avoid linking to my Nintendo account for the time being.
  2. Trading won't ever become a thing in gacha simply because people can create and run multiple accounts and trade their best units summoned from the multis to the main account. Gating the trade behind feathers, orbs, a limited number of trades a day between players, etc. would still be a net win for the player by not needing to gamble their orbs against the gacha system. Devs don't want you getting the good shit so effortlessly. They want you to pay for the privilege to even try. They don't want trading between lucky throwaways and main accounts. The system could further be gated by forcing people to trade same rarity and merge count, but think how many 5* units you have sitting doing nothing, and how fast would trade them for that lucky Legendary Ephraim you pulled on a throwaway. Maybe you won't do it, but tens of thousands will abuse it.
  3. Wouldn't surprise me if she has 179 BST with a superboon to give her 180.
  4. Honestly, I'd keep the +spd one and turn her into a reliable bladetome user. She can double many things with +spd boon, swift sparrow, and cav buffs. And of course the bladetome bonuses will cover up the -atk bane quite nicely.
  5. Your options are to merge the new one into your previously built one, or keep the new one as Swift Sparrow fodder. Another valid option is to find someone who would really like to obtain Rally Atk/Spd and Swift Sparrow 2. Use some smallfry fodder to give Rally Speed and Death Blow 1 skills to them, and finally use Eirika to give Rally Atk/Spd, Swift Sparrow 1 and Swift Sparrow 2 in one go.
  6. After saving for what must be almost 3 months, I gathered up 719 orbs in anticipation for Flying Nino. I had her at +1 merges already from her initial banner, but didn't want to break the bank, so decided to save free Orbs until she shows up next time. The results of the Swift Sparrow banner, focusing green (and red when no green to pull): 16x 5-stars obtained from 562 Orbs: Myrrh Flying Nino x9 Amelia Cavalry Eirika Hector Lewyn Katarina x2 Now I'm wondering what I should save orbs for next. Maybe I'll use my leftorver orbs and go hunting for Laev and Laeg, but I'll hold on until the Legendary banner surfaces.
  7. Dropping by to post my finished projects after dropping 500+ of my 700+ saved orbs into the Swift Sparrow banner, and Effie thanks to HM farming: I'll update the first post later. Edit: First post updated.
  8. Basically this. I often have Nowi and Tiki carrying Hone Spd and Hone Atk between them to buff Nino.
  9. american men punch walls because they are made of flimsy shit the rest of the world's men punch other people because humans are softer than concrete/brick walls
  10. Not on Android phones. Anyway, I'd like to not suggest trying to run 2 accounts. It will produce nothing but salt for yourself.
  11. Caring about who wins with the multiplier system in place just produces needless salt. But I guess we knew that already. I have units to promote; just hand over the feathers, already.
  12. She doesn't need speed, and since she's getting DC and will be tanking magic as a result, +res is never bad.
  13. https://imgur.com/ is arguably one of the most popular image hosting sites on the internet. If you look at the first post of this thread, you can see a list of images submitted to this thread, sorted by unit, where you can potentially use it as a resource for guidance towards your next +10 project. This thread is also definitely an "I did it" thread too, though. As for your phone, it has only 8 GB of internal memory which will fill up very quickly with FEH's constant updates. The good news is that if you take off the rubber band along the outside, you should see a slot suitable for a microSD card, which is the smallest one in this picture: . It will probably fit on the end of your finger, being so small. Your phone can support up to 32 GB extra storage with a microSD card, so that would give you plenty of room for everything, and not just FEH. Just a suggestion, anyway.
  14. Not sure if you know already, but there's only a certain number of options you can give to a topic poll. Also Oswin is still missing.
  15. I certainly want Oswin, probably amongst my top wanted right now. With the Rex Hasta. He's the only one missing from Hector's earlygame party of Matthew and Serra. It makes no sense that he's still missing. I'd also like to see Ophelia, and Mozu.
  16. It's cool, I can wait until you have a screenshot of it. There's no rush. As for your problem, what model of phone are you using?
  17. You can post a picture of it and I'll put it into the first post. She's doing fine on my GC team. It'll be great when horses are having them buffs. If you're looking for suggestions on who to +10 next, how about some simple yet effective buffbots like Marth or Eirika? Also I've recently finished my 4th 5*+10 - a WIP for probably 10+ months, at the very least.
  18. Good to see more +10s popping up, and at a faster rate than normal. Updates to the first post will usually come once a month or so, or whenever I feel like there's enough new +10s to add to the list. Here's my third +10 I completed just now after using 4 Orbs on today's new daily banner. Also, an update to my ATiki, now complete with DC thanks to a recent free summon Hector. Prf pairs nicely with Nowi on the team: @Momentai~ Your Zelgius image link is not working, can you post a new one? First post has been updated.
  19. Finished top of Alfonse's army in my outrealm, collecting 6,400 feathers from a single round. Very naisu.
  20. Another season where I have literally none of these units at 5*, besides my +1 Fjorm. I cannot wait to have her at +10 eventually.
  21. Personally the recurrence of Armads doesn't bother me because it's simply a name at the end of the day. The effects between each Armads are vastly different, which is nice. It would truly suck if all Hector alts used the same original variant of Armads. That would definitely be worth complaining about.
  22. I would say that the dislike bar on the video is the way it is because of a few factors that've been mentioned already by a few people: 1. It's Awakening, again. 2. It's another Lucina, besides masked Lucina, base Lucina, Spring Lucina, and Brave Lucina. 3. It's not Micaiah, or some other Lord from a less represented game in the series 4. It's not an OC. 5. Ridiculous kit, with Swift Sparrow on a 9th female unit, still locked to 5*. 6. Shameless bait with less than a month to go before the Brave banner lands by appealing to the droves of Awakening fans.
  23. I assume "follow" is the new friends list now, so I shall follow.

  24. None of these are Flying Nino, so I'm doing a 15-Orb full session and pulling out. I would appreciate copies of any of my unfinished projects units, such as Raven, Reinhardt, Nowi, Rebecca, or Soleil.
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