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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. Lena and Julian were never explicitly stated to marry? Oh yeah, I guess they weren't. Well I guess it's implied then. Lena is the Patron Saint of Employment. And man... that second half sounds similar to some "charity companies" in real life...
  2. I never stated Hardin was abusive. The only thing I said was that Cigyn would probably be similar to Nyna in terms of personality. It was never my intention to compare Victor to Hardin, because I also see Hardin as a tragic character with Victor being more pitiful than anything. I can see where my word choice caused the confusion though, but that statement after the Nyna comparison was only to be applied to Cigyn. I'm sorry for the confusion. Although I will argue about the kindness thing. Lena was definitely the most congenial person in Archanea, helping the sick and poor because she had the power to do so. Hardin didn't do all of those things for Aurelius out of kindness, he did them out of duty first and foremost. Not saying it was only duty- kindess may have factored in- but there's no doubt that it would've been done regardless. He's still pretty noble though, and was kind during the War of the Shadows. But the kindest? I think it's Lena.
  3. Yeah I was skeptical to say Sigyn at first because the name was taken, but then I thought of Arthur (and Artur), and ruled that Sigyn is obscure enough to have her name taken. I think she'll be a lot like Nyna personality-wise. She's just a tragic figure from what we seen, stuck with an abusive man while being in love with another. Theoretically, they could make her a red tome unit and have her use dark magic. Or make her a staff user if she would be the same class as her daughter and granddaughter.
  4. Depends on some fanbases. The bigger and more active the fanbase, the more conflict will erupt. Fire Emblem is strange among videogame fandoms, mainly because it's always been fairly active and has multiple sites/forums dedicated to it. It's one of the only ones that is very present even in the "off season". True. Even if it's true, that doesn't mean all of the details are right. Like others have said, I don't think they would make her a main character. She'll most likely be a Cipher DLC character along with Alice and Valjean (and the original quartet). From what I gathered, and I hope I remember this correctly, Fates' development was rushed(?). The story and such was a lot longer and more detailed (because the writer they hired really got into it), and they had to condense it down. Not to mention that Fates has a huge cast, with nearly everyone having a support with nearly everyone. They probably know by now that something that ambitious in concept was more than they can chew.
  5. I see your point there. She's been pretty underwhelming despite being named after a mythological trickster. Mischievous would probably be more apt, since all she really does is just tease people. A better name for her could have been Sigyn, Angrboda, Freya, or Hnoss for different reasons.
  6. Yeah, Fjorm tends to suffer from that. I'm trying to think why they weren't mentioned before, because you know these characters were planned well in advance (if the Nino alt dating 2017 is anything to go by), so I would think that the writers could've added ONE line about Fjorm worrying about her siblings' whereabouts. I know they want to keep it short and sweet because it's a mobile game, but come on. One line was all that was needed before the other two came out of nowhere in the last chapter. At least Hrid is getting some build up to his introduction though, but if he's evil, I'm gonna be over it already. If he's evil because something has twisted his brain, I'll be even more pissed, because we can add him to the "Twisted Prince" club along with Michalis, Hardin, Julius, Zephiel, Lyon, and from the last two games (spoilers because they're not from an old game) I probably missed a couple, but those are the most prominent members.
  7. I would consider that another accolade Loki has done. Granted, I don't know the significance of the Tempest and whether it really negatively effects the world or not. But needless to say, I'm happy for more free orbs.
  8. Part of the reason why I love the Xeno series is that it interjects just the right amount of comic relief, and it's actually funny.
  9. What makes me mad about Hrid is that he was name dropped out of nowhere. It's also my problem with Ylgr, because I don't recall Fjorm really talking about her siblings much other than Gunnthra. Ylgr just appeared abruptly that last chapter. At least Gunnthra had plot relevance and her introduction had some build up to it. I guess we can assume that there's 11 Nifl family members in total though, going by their naming scheme. But if Hrid is getting the "mind gets twisted and becomes evil" thing I'm going to roll my eyes. That concept has been beat to death in this series. For your first question, I don't know. I said the same thing in my first post. It's really frustrating because as of now, the only motivation for Loki doing this is because she'll be bored otherwise. She's a shit stirrer. Her motivations can simply be loyalty to her kingdom, but Loki doesn't appear to be Musspellian, and her ability to shape shift is interesting... She's probably a dragon of some sort, because the only other person that can shape shift in Fire Emblem is Xane, a divine(?) dragon. For your second question, Loki has done: It's funny how she's featured more in Book 2, yet has done more in Book 1. But that's just been my issue with Book 2 overall. A lot of it seems really filler.
  10. To be fair, you could say the same for Loki. Loki lives up to her namesake, the trickster, and has shown to be quite cunning and ruthless at times. With this last tempest trial, her character was explored a little more. She's a strategist not afraid to get her hands dirty. Her appearance, while distracting, is effective, because it causes people to focus more on that than her real goals. Sounds very trickster to me. Plus, I have a feeling it's not their "true" appearance. Her flaws as a character revolve around her motivation, or lack of one. Why does she work for Surtr? Is she really Musspellian? What's her end goal? We have no clue. The others, even Surtr, are clearer. Loki remains a mystery though. If she wins CYL 3, watch how they'll retcon the story to where if this appearance isn't their "true" appearance, we'll get the girl who's she is based off on. Tbh, I'll dread Book 3 if the new villain is Fjorm's brother Hrid. I'd rather have him as an ally.
  11. Archanea: Lena, Julian, Wolf, Astram, Phina Valentia: Forsyth, Python, Tatiana, Silque, Rinea Genealogy: Cuan, Ethlyn, Chulainn, Larcei, Ulster, Ced, Patty Thracia: Lifis, Perne, Lara, Homer Binding: Dieck, Lalum, Perceval, Elphin, Brenya, Hugh Blazing: Pent, Louise, Nils Magvel: Gerik, Tethys, Saleh Tellius: The Dawn Brigade + Tormod's Crew + Stefan + Volke + The Merchant Crew (Aimee powercreep when) Awakening: Sumia, Yen'fay, Flavia, Basilio Fates: Mitama, Keaton, Caden, Flora
  12. Dark Dancer Basically a dancer that uses nosferatu instead of a sword. Wears dancer garb, but add more darker colors.
  13. It could also have a December release for the holidays. If they did that to torture us because they know we knew, then it's what we deserve. Reawakening, Remakening? It just looks bad. I'm very skeptical about this. But it heads into the territory of "so bad it's believable". If we're returning to the time of Awakening, I hope it's a midquel that gives Priam's/Valentia's side of things. But tbh, I just want a new place, new blood. If we're going back to an old continent, let it be one that hasn't been touched in a while- Jugdral, Elibe, Magvel, Tellius, and I would even take Fateslandia if it meant we'll get an actual name for the continent. I wouldn't mind it. It would be interesting to see other races, like LOTR. That sounds masochistic, imo.
  14. I tend to not like it when people treat E3 as a competition, mainly because I don't expect everyone to watch every conference.
  15. Usually people 'win' if people are happy with the conference. When I say 'win', I'm personally using it in the sense that most reactions I come across are relatively excited about what was presented and how it was presented. I personally don't use it in comparison to how other companies presented. It's a personal win, sort to speak. If you win, you did a great job of marketing and it'll eventually pay off. Theoretically, every company can "win", if they did a good job. Because a win to me is a high probability of sales, and E3 is one of the best marketing opportunities in the videogame industry. Although, my definition of win in this context can differ greatly from others though.
  16. Nintendo is the last day. They can win this year if the rumored games lists are true.
  17. Light Fury is my fave, mainly because it rhymes.
  18. Hey there, sorry I don't know how to answer your question though. Your thread title was slightly misleading, because it seems like you just started playing the game, rather than wanting tips on how to make a hack for the game. You may be attracting the wrong people to your thread. EDIT: Sorry I saw this on the main page before I noticed this was put under Fan Projects. My bad.
  19. So if Toothless is the Night Fury, would that make this lady dragon the White Fury?
  20. see below. My main issue with the Bottomless Canyon is that early in the game, a small force crosses it. Imagine a battalion or a few trying to cross it, with all their supplies across those unstable bridges and lightning strikes in the background. It's possible, but it's a huge risk with a high chance of failure. I think it would become more of a liability than an advantage. And even if they do that, they're still splitting up their army in 3 different ways: The Bottomless Canyon Crew, The Sea Crew, and the Homefront Crew (for anti-Cheve)
  21. What I expect: A young go-getter lord with green/red/blue hair and wields a sword in combat. Despite their young age and inexperience, they're very charismatic (that even enemies will join them!) and are natural born leaders. Most likely a Prince. What I want: An older (think 20s) but cautious lance wielder. They know their limitations as a leader, and must work hard to overcome them. Has advisors to help them make decisions. Although they may be charismatic, they can be quite cunning as well. So basically, a more reserved leader that keeps their cards close to their chest, but has a presence that draws others in. Maybell, Meg, and Bleg are brunette Pegasus knights. Strangely enough, all 3 of them have Major Holsety blood, so their lack of magical prowess, green hair, and allegiance to the Empire has me skeptical. Like seriously, wtf are they doing with Major Holsety blood. There's no story justification and they're honestly forgettable. There's a reason why only Vampa, Fetra, and Eliu are the only ones so far with that same cloned sprite that have Cipher Cards- they were a lot more memorable.
  22. Yeah, but that would mean the Nohrians would have to cross the gorge, which doesn't seem too easy. It's possible, but it would be slow and it would put the Hoshidans at a defensive advantage. There's a reason why both stories travel by boat- it's easier to arrive in Mokushu in bigger quantities. There would be a western front, but it wouldn't be as intense as a front from the South. Plus, either way, they're still in Hoshido, and not terribly spread out. Compared to Nohr, which not only has to invade Hoshido from multiple points, but also has to defend at Cheve. The Nohrians are just more screwed. Luckily, they're strong, but it's not a formula for long term success, imo.
  23. Hoshido, and here's why I think why: Nohr is likely lacking on resources. Even if they do take some from neighboring lands, in a war of attrition, Hoshido can last longer. In contrast, Hoshido has plenty of resources. Hoshido's soldiers are more loyal. It's easier to fight for the side that's being invaded, because there is a purpose to fighting. As for the invading side, some may see the war as pointless and will be unmotivated. Nohr probably has more untrained soldiers, since most seemed to be criminals probably given the choice of being imprisoned or a soldier, with them opting as a soldier. It's not like they wanted to be a soldier. Nohr has a 2 sided war, with Cheve causing a ruckus. They'll have to somehow proportion troops in both the East and the West. Nestra is also in opposition to Nohr. Meanwhile, Hoshido only needs to worry about Mokushu, which is in the same general direction of Nohr. They still wouldn't need to order troops all over the place. Nohr does have better armor and better weapons, HOWEVER, if they are low on resources, we can assume that many soldiers are missing essentials like armor, weapons, and even shoes.
  24. Chrom: Knight Exalt- This one looks the best, imo. The first one is a tad too skinny and doesn't capture his handsomeness. The others can be a bit goofy, but charming. Knight Exalt is just awesome though. Ike: This one was the hardest because I like all of his artwork. I don't have his young mercenary, so boo that one is a loser. The other 2 are great, but I ultimately gave it to Vanguard Ike because I've been using him lately. Camilla: Her normal one, Bewitching Beauty. The other 2 are just too costumey for my taste. I think nearly all (not just Camilla's) Spring outfits are lowkey hideous, and I can tolerate her New Years look. My one gripe with the holiday look is that it's just plain busy (as is all of Camilla's designs), but the neck area bothers me. It's too much. Azura: Performing arts, no doubt.
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