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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. I wonder who it's going to be. It seems like this banner has more people stumped than usual, and I don't think they'll give Camilla another alt so soon. Someone drew using the right figure's outline and it was Felicia. Personally, I can see Felicia being a flying healer/staff unit, since maids also wield staves. Plus, it would be right after the banner her sister is the focus of and Jakob, her male counterpart, was the focus on the Halloween banner last year. The one on the left could be Camilla, but I could also see it being Tharja or Sonya. It would make sense for it to be Sonya, since she's affiliated with Witches the most, but that's just me. The best surprise, IMO, for the figure on the left would be for it to be some male character in drag. THAT would be a gag.
  2. I think my personality would complement Lute's or Raigh's pretty well, so them. Maybe Serra too. EDIT: I'm also fine with Matthew, because we share the same name.
  3. One note I want to touch on is that Rahna was more of a Queen Regent than a straight up Queen. Lewyn's father was seen as the true ruler,; Rahna just ran things until Lewyn was of age to take the throne IIRC. She didn't have Holsety blood, I believe it was Lewyn's father. This partly ties into why he feels guilty for leaving Silesse, he's not just the Heir, but he was supposed to be the King by that time. Chivalry may be in place, so the fact that Seliph + Leaf were (good looking) men, leaders/faces of the revolution, and were marketable than their sisters. Julia has too much association with who they just overthrew and Altenna wasn't fighting in Lenster like her brother was.
  4. I would also put Phina in that list. I'd recommend leveling her up for dancer shenanigans (Hardin is quaking)
  5. I kind of like how Arthur's caps are smaller; it's balanced out by the fact he gets a horse and has the best availability of the Holsety users, so there's some balance there. (Balance in a Kaga game?!). Although I think Tine has the best conversation with Lewyn, I do think Lene benefits the most out of his daughter exchanges, since she's the Gen 2 girl with the least amount of dialogue unfortunately (although her rise in popularity thanks to Heroes may change that.)
  6. Glad you're enjoying it! You're in for a wild ride!... and a long march. But I do like how this game in particular really emphasizes you're running an a huge army and the world feels really in tune with magic. The plot is my favorite in the series, although there's some problems with the gameplay. I'm curious to know your pairings. It's still a shame that Julian and Phina aren't in Heroes. They both kicked ass in their original games so they definitely deserve more spotlight. Plus, it would be nice to see Phina in some new duds. The only problem with Phina is that she'll be another sword dancer, so I hope they could give her a dagger or a bow or something different. (No Bow dancer yet IIRC- might as well make Phina the first)
  7. Tbh, that's what could have been done tbh. I could see it happening in Ch.7, or maybe some villager could mention it during Gen 1 somehow.
  8. Lewyn!Lene is great. She has great SPD, which is a dancer's most important stat, and she has good enough magic to wield the Wind Sword + Sleep Sword effectively. Plus, we get the added characterization in Ch.10 with her talk with Lewyn, so there's that too.
  9. The problem with SHOWing us was probably the hardware at the time. A remake could probably show us, but that game as a whole was limited on what it could do. Granted, maybe a scene could've been throw in where a Yied citizen laments about how bad they feel for the travelers passing through, but then Ch.7 would probably have too many scenes going on. But I do agree with you- we really don't get to see the average Yied citizen; only the extremists. This is probably something a remake could fix though.
  10. The location of where they live at: Yied. The Yied Desert was seen as a desert of death, with it said that many travelers die during their crossing of the desert. It's described as the worst place to live in Jugdral, and the secret ending uses this reputation to juxtapose its current state vs its future state. The fact that the Lopto Sect was exiled to the worst place to live is one big, but indirect way Kaga shows us their persecution. They were banned to a place that takes 30 turns to get to, their exile was long and hard. The desert in Ch.7 is often mentioned as one of the least favorite map designs in the series, so imagine living there.
  11. [Lex x Ayra] One of the best pairings in the game. Try to get Lex to defeat someone who's sword he can take, that way he can pass down a sword to Ulster. [Edain x Midir] One of Edain's standard pairings. Lester will be better than his father, don't worry. As for Lana, her magic stat won't be great, but she doesn't need a lot of magic to be able to heal well. She's getting her mother's great staves. [Lachesis x Claud] A bit of an unusual pairing, but I like your decision! That'll be interesting to see! I suspect Diarmuid won't be too good (it's going to be hard for Claud to pass down swords to him), but he'll still be fairly usable. Meanwhile Nanna is looking like your best healer in the game. Warp on a horse? Girl get it. [Sylvia x Alex] One of Sylvia's usual pairings. Since this is your first time, it may be best to pair them together because she falls in love with Lewyn ridiculously fast. And it's hard to keep him single long enough to develop love with Tiltyu. This one works to help with your pairing. However, her kids are pure utility. Lene is a dancer, so you can't screw her up. She'll always be amazing for dancing for 4 people at a time. However, you can't really do anything to risky for her, so no Combat Lene for the arena or Res Lene for Meteor tanking. As for Coirpre, he won't be that great of a healer, but he's an Est, so by the time you get him, you'll have more than enough healers. Hell, Nanna is already doing great. Laylea's Charisma is only really useful in sub runs or runs without Lachesis' kids (who also have Charisma). The Holy Kids really don't need the buff because they're already powerful. It's only useful for the ones that are hard to level up, such as Patty and Tine. Plus, Laylea may have a hard time keeping up with cavalry units for a while. It's possible for her to get the leg ring by Ch.8 though, so it's not a big deal. Charlot's Paragon is useful for him, as he is an Est, and his Mag growth will be better than Lex!Coirpre. However, the biggest difference between the holy kids and the subs is that the holy kids can have an easier time with money. Having access to Bargain is far more valuable to a dancer and a healer than the subs' skills. Laylea and Sharlot are still great subs though, no doubt. The fact that Tristan and Janne got Cipher art before Hawk and Laylea still makes me mad. Overall though, I would say the difference between them is minimal, perhaps the only true balancing Kaga did in this game. [Erinys x Dew] Hmmmm… could've been better. Neither kid can use sun sword unfortunately (as Fee is a flier, not infantry). His stats aren't too impressive either. At least Bargain is useful, but it's more useful for other people, since these 2 never had a problem making money on their own. (Sylvia's kids love a good Bargain). [Briggid x Jamke] Faval will be great. Patty won't be impressive at first, but she'll be good when she promotes. Jamke doesn't really pass down anything to her, and I would say just snipe off a boss with a sword, but be careful. Patty will be your least priority when it comes to this. Ulster and Diarmuid need that sword more. [Tiltyu x Lewyn] A man after my own heart. This is one of the best pairings in the game, and Arthur is the best Forseti user. Tine is a great Tornado user.
  12. I went with Tactical, but only because none of them really fit with how I do it, and tactical is the best way to describe it. Although I sometimes take in account crusader weapons/blood, I think more about who will be able to use it the best. For example, Lene/Laylea will most likely always end up with the leg ring + knight ring, because I find that she utilizes those rings the best with her dance. So I guess you can say my style is Tactical/Personal. I tend to give the power ring to someone like Diarmuid or Lester because the extra STR makes the biggest difference for them. The Speed ring goes to either my dancer or my thief, because they'll need to rely more on dodging to survive than tanking (usually. You could also give Arden!Lene the defense ring, which stacks with her Defense Sword, which works well with the small DEF boost Arden gives her. So she'll be able to tank an attack.) I tend to not go for the "Balanced" way, mainly because when a character is good in one stat, they usually don't need anything to make it stronger when they operate fine without it. Although I could put the power ring on someone like Sigurd, Ares or Shannan, it becomes unnecessary because their weapons are already OP without them. A few more points of damage doesn't change the fact they can OHKO 98% of enemies.
  13. Surprised for a post POR game for many of its representative to rank so low. With the exception of BK, everyone else in POR is #18 or lower.
  14. I totally agree with your sentiment. It doesn't feel... very FE to me. It'll take me some time to get used to. Plus, I'll need to see more characters before I write it off. I know FE's art has always used styles that were popular at the time, and I know Persona's style is popular atm, but it seems to similar. I do think the artist is Chinatsu Kurahana though. Not Shigenori Soejima (Persona). There's subtle differences in Persona's eyes and how she usually does eyes. Here are some examples: The key differences are the eyes, hair, nose and color palette. Soejima's eyes tend to have the bottom half of the eye slightly lighter than the top half. Meanwhile Chinatsu's eyes often have a darker circle around the iris, with a faded circle around that circle. Soejima's eyelashes tend to be sharper and defined, meanwhile Chinatsu's are softer. For hair, Soejima uses thick, sharp lines to give it some volume as well as movement. Meanwhile Chinatsu gives it thinner lines, which softens it. For noses, Soejima does a conventional small anime nose; he gives it some shape for side shots, but it's still small. Chinatsu's noses are also small, but more noticeable. Lastly, Soejima uses a saturated color palette more often while Chinatsu uses a more faded one. Edelgard looks more like Chinatsu's work to me instead of Soejima's but that's just my opinion on the matter. Now, back to the topic at hand: Overwatch- I don't completely hate it, but I felt slightly misled. The trailers made it seem like it would have this huge story and such, but it's just a multiplayer shooter. I'm not into multiplayer shooters usually, although I have enjoyed it them in the past. However, the fandom seems too toxic for me to get into. No offense, but it seems intimidating to join in and have people judge for what you pick. I feel bad for all of the Mercy and Symmetra mains. Undertale- I mean, this is another example of the fandom ruining it for me, as I believe the game by itself can be somewhat enjoyable. But, I had a hard time connecting to the characters. I didn't really find them charming as much as other people seemed to think them as. Any EA Sports Game- I mean, I may be sounding hypocritical as I'm a fan of the Dynasty Warriors series, but these games seem like the same game but just slightly nicer graphics. Sometimes the graphics didn't improve, but it's just the new year's version. At least Dynasty Warriors stages and characters redesigned- in sports games, the uniforms are pretty much the same and the levels are all the same, but with a new recolor. I don't hate sports games, but EA sports games usually don't have the charm and style that I look for in a sports game.
  15. Yeah she's mixed race. My guess is that Clavats are more fertile than other races? There's probably some farming joke in there somewhere. It's weird that the only people that are mixed have some Clavat as their other half. But there's no examples I can think of where other races can reproduce. I don't think it matters if it's a male clavat or not though, because the princess from CC had a Lilty father and a Clavat mother. But I got that from the Wiki so who knows how true that is. And yes, the treatment of Yukes was the worst. It makes me understand why the Mark of Shella was needed to get into their town.
  16. Olivia is my favorite. She looks so graceful while slaying mobs of enemies. Plus her Cousin attire looks pretty nice. (Prima)
  17. Was this confirmed? I thought the new FE artist was Chinatsu, who's known for otome games. Although I think the art is ok, I'd rather have someone from Heroes become the main artist instead. I don't dislike Chinatsu's style, but her body of work is making me worried about how the final cast will look.
  18. I meant Belle, not Rose lol. She looks more like a Rose to me than a Belle. Right after I posted that, I checked to make sure I got her name right, but was too lazy to change it back. And yes, I also prefer Layle to be with Belle over Althea, but I do like Althea though.
  19. I'm lowkey peeved they didn't keep the naming pattern in future Crystal games, but I can make an exception for Crystal Bearers, because that game takes farther place in the future and there was a lot of intermingling between the races (cough CLAVATS especially COUGH). It made sense for Rose to have her name because she had mixed ancestry. Meanwhile Ring of Fates (a prequel?) goes from names like Gnash to Gan Noo and the like. I agree with your ideas. These would really polish the game up. I never played multiplayer, so I can only speak from single player experience. All I can say that the family relationship system was weird, and the forging system had little benefit to it. It made the game feel grindy at times. I also think they could add more content via sidequests and more "caravans". Although I think some of the sidequests are enjoyable, some of them take far too long and the end result isn't satisfying. There's only one sidequest that's worth finishing IMO, so adding some that have some real benefits would be nice. I would enjoy sidequests that are similar to how you get certain classes in Bravely Default. For example, for following the story of the Black Knight will give you some "Dark Armor" which changes your appearance and gives a stat boost in STR and DEF. Or encountering a dancer will result in getting Dancer garb that allows one to buff allies and has a passive that makes enemies drop more money. I also feel like adding some monster quests can give the repeating cycles of dungeons something more to think about. For other "caravans", it could be nice to see some non-Myrrh gatherers, like the Bandit Trio. I think having a merchant guild, an entertainment troupe (whom you can watch in-town), pirates, and such can really liven up the world some.
  20. The concept of Selkies are from Norse Mythology, but what about the names? I heard Korean, but the source wasn't sure themself.
  21. Daggers would be more fitting. OR they can take inspiration from Ring of Fates and give them a bow. But I can see how a bow will make it easy to steamroll this game. Serenes Team When?
  22. A friend is someone I can have a meal with. A friend is someone with whom I can hold a conversation easily. I would have a hard time eating with acquaintances. They're people I like, sorta, but I don't feel comfortable talking a lot because I don't know what their interests are or a common hobby of both of us, if there is one.
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