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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. I believe Conrad was added in for primarily gameplay reasons as Celica's route does not have cavalry unless you promote Atlus and Faye into it. He also gives Celica some backstory, which makes her a better character, but it doesn't help him too much. I guess we could also say his relationship with Celica foils Alm's with Berkut, showing the dynamics of how power can unify or split families apart, but that's a bit of a reach. Overall, I think Conrad had a lot of unused potential. I know they didn't want to conflict with the source material, but I wish he had more support conversations. Having just Celica weakened him as a character and I think it would've been interesting had he had a support with Genny. Genny gets a potential husband for her ending and a man of her dreams (older, dependable, strong, good material for a novel- Conrad is definitely her type). Conrad's ending is kind of meh, IMO. Not because he didn't get married, but because it had no relation to other characters (i.e. Gray and Tobin's)
  2. I'm so glad they referenced it in Heroes. I would've been mad if Sylvia never said "rough"
  3. I'm going through a business writing class and resumes are fresh in my mind rn. Take this with a grain of salt as my professor is picky when it comes to these things and he does not like to hear other people's ideas. Here's the basic format if you need help with that kind of stuff and they want you to make your own. YOUR NAME (make sure it's a good size) your address your phone number your email (preferably one you would use for work) WORK EXPERIENCE Whatever- Where you worked at (I would bold or underline what your position was and italicize where you worked) DATE here (for reference, always put most current to least and PAID jobs before volunteer jobs.) EDUCATION Most current to least current DATE graduated here. If you have won any awards during your schooling (college only), then you can list them here. Awards are the most optional thing you can put on a resume. SKILLS put your skills here. Skills can include, but not limited to: being bilingual, Microsoft Office, CPR, etc. General tips: try to avoid having bullet points. Having more "space" is aesthetically pleasing to employers UNLESS otherwise stated. (yes I know the irony of me using bullet points now) try to keep it on one page. 2 PAGES MAX. But aim for one. If you worked a lot of jobs, you can drop the ones that do not have any relevance to the job you're applying for. (i.e. volunteering to sell cookies for your church or something is an example of something you may have to drop) For the background information concerning your grandfather: I will recommend to put it in your cover letter. Helping family is not considered "volunteer work" unfortunately. You do NOT need to follow the resume format I quickly made, but do make sure you cover Work Experience, Education, and Skills.
  4. Wasssuppp. I like your taste in profile pics. What an iconic moment.
  5. Well, how were you able to post this??? That is the real question.
  6. That is true, but a staff wielding dancer might be a little confusing. I guess if you want to heal with her she's going to have to give up dance.
  7. Oh yeah. That would be confusing too. She would probably only work with seasonals since they are not necessarily accurate (Mia is good proof), so they have freedom to decide what they want her to do. But for a real, nonseasonal appearance, they could make her some sort of mage. Her design is most similar to the concept art for the Saint class in that game, so she could also work as a staff unit as well. Some people have said she could theoretically be a dancer due to her being a good dancer and the fact that there is not one in SoV's official cast. Magic Dancer Rinea?
  8. Tbh I could see Rinea in a lot of seasonals, but that would mean Berkut would get an alt to accompany her. Rinea could potentially work in a Rigel Banner, but the odds of SoV getting a banner in the first place is sketch at best.
  9. I live in California, which is pretty warm year-round. The hottest I've had was 110F (43C) while the coldest I've experience has been no less than 30F (-1C). I know the heat but I certainly don't know the cold.
  10. Why not both? You could always try the other route instead of the one you played, and just watch the ending of the one you played. But IIRC, the endings are pretty much the same, so I would just replay it, but try the other route.
  11. I hope we can see more of her work soon! I'm aching to see more 3H characters
  12. I hope so. The suspected artist, Chinatsu, usually does otome and BL games. I know she knows hot to make pretty characters, but I'm not sure about how diverse she can be. Then again, I doubt IS would pick her if she did not know how to draw a variety of people.
  13. Say what you want about the character choice, but this by far the prettiest Camilla has looked IMO. I'm half tempted to pull for her just because she looks pretty, has the Hoshidan Cards, and my Summer Tana is Minus ATK. Plus, for those mad about Azura getting another alt: at least she's free and a free refresher is a good refresher.
  14. I can't recall if people were upset about that when that banner trailer came out. But then again, I think people were too busy laughing at Xander's dancing animation to care too much.
  15. I know someone has already commented that it is Vallite costumes, but another reason why they shouldn't sing is because we already had a Refresh Banner this year (Summer Festival) and adding another Refresh Banner with a TT refresher may be a bit overkill. Part of a refresher's charm is that they're not plentiful, so introducing too many at one time may kill interest in that unit type. I can also see people getting upset about random people who could not refresh in their base games doing it in Heroes before real refreshers like Reyson and Tethys got in the game.
  16. My dream banners for each: FE6: Revolution!~ Echidna (Green or Red), Douglas (Blue), Larum (Grey or Red Dagger), Perceval (Red or Green Calvary). Gonzales as a TT reward and drawn by Ippei. Tellius: Arise!~Tauroneo (Blue), Jill (Green), and Zihark (Red). Pelleas as a TT reward and Izuka as a GHB.
  17. I liked them until I consistently kept getting 3 Star Robins. All that hype for a 3 star?
  18. Is it bad to think that they all pull off Azura's dress better than herself? Also, Azura for our new TT unit! A free refresher is always a great refresher in my book, especially since I do not have any of the previous Azuras. Now there is enough Azura's for Azura Emblem. This makes 4/14 refreshers Azura. "Young Songstress" has me worried that she will be a loli, which would kill my hype for a free TT dancer. I just hope she stays the same age but gets a cool, Arete-inspired revamp.
  19. My list: More Avatar customization (if there is one). I have not really enjoyed the options from the last two games that had it. I felt it was too limited. It does not need to be Soul Calibur VI level of cc, but something more than what we've had so far. Elevation in battles, like RD. Diverse mission objectives. A Performer's Ring- have characters that have in interest in the arts be able to class change into a singer/dancer/bard. Maybe 3 characters can use it? Or have the refresher be able to class change into a better refreshing class. A villager system. Maybe it will be a "student" system in this game. Bonus Exp if there's no grinding. Less of Fates' phys/mag classes. Characters tend to stay with the weapon type they start out with and never use the other weapon type because either their STR or MAG was significantly lower. Branching promotion options like Awakening or Sacred Stones. Base conversations, a la Tellius. Or at least, more character-driven events and mechanics. Maybe a character can gain a promotion option by befriending someone who has knowledge of a certain field. I.e. a myrmidon can class change to a ranger IF they befriended a cavalier or something. Diverse appearances. I do not want to look like I am running an army full of pop idols. I want beefier, mature, muscular, not traditionally pretty characters.
  20. I picked their weapons based on their personalities and possible costumes, but knowing IS, they may stick close to the source material like they've had before. I thought about this more, and I think Keaton + Velouria would be good choices for a Christmas banner and Kaden + Selkie for a New Years banner.
  21. Hmmmm. Could be. Or just weirdly shaped hats since they look like mages to me. Thanks for pointing is out for me though!
  22. Perhaps. It could also be a better understanding of how the game works. This is why I'm tempted to pick up Disgaea again, to see how my style of play has changed since the last time I played it. I know my skill in Fire Emblem has definitely improved with age. I also got a lot better at finance-based games like Fortune Street as well. I remember struggling as a kid with that game, only to come back 4 years later and destroy it.
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