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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. The only thing I can think of is branching promotions, but that's about it. It definitely is a low-impact title. Despite having one of the best casts imo, none of them are really that popular except the twins. Thanks @Interdimensional Observer for finding the quote that found that Sacred Stones was started as a side project.
  2. Wasn't it originally filler? IIRC PoR was taking too long to develop so they threw out Sacred Stones to hold fans over until PoR came out.
  3. Well if you already themed her, then I wish to change my vote to Haru Okumura. She's a sheepy goddess of destruction.
  4. Makes me wonder if someone at IS hates Azura and didn't want her to win CYL so now they're sabotaging her.
  5. Hmmmm…. This would be a terrific banner, but the timing is kind of bad. We just got an Azura alt last month and NY!Azura will be coming back for Round 2 if this past year's seasonals were any indication. IS can't catch a break recently, but then again, they are the ones making all of these questionable banner choices. Let's hope the New Years Banner has less salt attached to it. I can see why people are upset, but quite frankly, I'm just over it. It just makes our community look angry 24/7. I will pull for this banner, but not too hard. I already have Bridal Ninian, so having Azura isn't an absolute must for me (Doesn't help that Azura is one of my least favorite refreshers in this series.) I usually don't like her design, but I do like this iteration of Azura. I love a feather headpiece moment. She looks like she'll be the best dancer in the game (unless the New Years banner has a cavalry dancer or something) If this past year's seasonals were any indication, NY!Azura should be coming back soon. Of course, LAzura looks better than NYAzura, but now you have two flying Azuras to pull for.
  6. Genealogy Units Tellius Units Micaiah and Elincia getting alts. More attention to Gray Units (especially staff units) Mass Demotions Improved Tempest Trials A Fates banner without alts.
  7. I voted for Linoan because it would be interesting to see what fan art you can find.
  8. That makes sense. I forgot about how much respect Shannan had. Well, it seems like at the start of the game, they knew where Seliph was hiding out, so maybe word got out that Isaach's princess was with him? Maybe just the term 'Princess' got Iuchar and Iucharba's attention. How they know each other was never properly explained, unfortunately. The scrapped idea seems a lot of fun as a game mode for FE4. If a FE4 Echoes comes out, it would be a cool thing to unlock after you beat the game once. It would also be cool if you got to pick out your edits too. Also, Merry Christmas @Ertrick36
  9. Merry Christmas! Oh wow, I forgot I made an edit choice (switching Marisa's and Tethys' classes). Glad to see how far this has gotten!
  10. @JoeyW001 Release Date set to be Jan 24, 2019 if there's no delays. This collab event looks interesting.
  11. D)Not Enough Information Navarre's backstory is a mystery, and even FE12's support conversations give you a hard grasp of his character. We know he doesn't like fighting women, but he sure does listen to them. A misogynist would ignore a woman's words, but the only characters that were able to get a conversation out of him were Lena, Caeda, Ogma, and Phina. 3/4 are women, with Ogma being the only exception. Navarre doesn't put any of them down either or assert what they need to do.
  12. I got her to promote by the beginning of Ch4 simply by abusing the Return staff. I also used her as my primary healer as well instead of Edain, who was close to promotion anyways. It's not too tricky to get her to promotion. The main challenge is Tailtiu.
  13. My bad. I must have mixed up Marth's continent with the one in Awakening, which changed the map.
  14. The whole holy blood shenanigans is so confusing and frustrating to me. Maybe the answer is just simply "genetics" and that major or minor can be random to an extent. Although the part I find most frustrating is that most of the older siblings inherit the Major while their younger only gets Minor, except for Lene and Coirpre, where this is reversed for some reason. We know through Altenna Major Blood inheritance isn't gender-locked so \_(>.>)_/
  15. Fury isn't nobility, but she does have rank within Silesia. While not nobility, Mahnya and the other Pegasus Generals were highly revered IIRC. I would put Briggid in this list, but she's kind of weird. Yeah she grew up with pirates, but she was taken in by the big boss- so she was a pirate princess, so to speak. I forgot about Patty, I would definitely put her in the same category as Lene. I guess if I had to make a list in terms of rank, it would be: Most Notable Women>>>Mahyna, Erinys, Enemy NPCs>>>Briggid>Lene + Patty + The Subs That sounds about right to me, although I'm probably forgetting a big detail. I suppose out of the subs, Linda could be considered high rank (or just right below it) and Janne could be in the same tier as Mahnya, but I'm not completely sure. In fact Gen 2 is weird. Although Seliph and his crew had a hard childhood, they were raised knowing their station and it seems as if the other people around them respected that.
  16. Valm and Plegia are also 1000 years or so into the future, so it is a bit far fetched to assume they had navies. They probably only had fishing + trade ships. No nation was mentioned to have a grand naval force, so none of them probably had one. Not that it was really needed, since all of the nations were connected by land. The only exception was Macedon, which had wyverns to fly over the channel separating it from the rest of the continent. Although they are both Medieval, Awakening does seem to be in more of a Renaissance era judging by some things. Their attire is much more modern than Marth's timeline, there are less countries (there are far more medieval countries than there are modern countries because areas tend to get unified over time- Germany and China are examples of this), there is mention of navies, and there is more attention to the arts. By Chrom's time, there seems to have been many advancements.
  17. Yeah I got mixed up there. I usually just sell off Finn's lances and have Erin buy them. Having Finn as a father just makes me feel less guilty about it.
  18. Jugdral is very interesting in their treatment of women. Although the majority of women were repressed, it seems as though honor and skill was highly valued. Women that showed they were able to hold their own against a man were rewarded with positions (like Vampa). Then again, the majority of women with high positions were generally associated with the nobility and not the common woman. The only "low-born" women are the subs, Lene, and Lamia. I put Lene in this list because she isn't aware of her holy blood (well not initially) and had to fend for herself in Darna.
  19. Good Fathers for Fee are: Noish: Gives her Crit and pretty good stats. I have used this Fee and she was able to get the job done. Alec: Nihil gives her Arrow Immunity. I never had too much problem with keeping Fee away from arrows, but it is nice to have during a part with ballistae. It's situational, but can be pretty useful in that one situation. She's not as strong as Noish!Fee, but gets the job done. Notable because she's one of, if not, the only kid that benefits from Alec being her father. Arden: Makes her a bit bulkier and her offense will be not bad. One of the only kids that benefits from having Arden as a father. Lex: He's the best dad in the game because Paragon/Elite is a great skill and he gives good STR growths. She'll also have Vantage, but Fee doesn't utilize this skill as well as others due to the fact she's usually on bandit duty and they don't fight back unless she got to a town before they did. Finn: He passes down lances and Miracle. Fee should get his Brave Lance no matter who her father is, but this makes me feel less guilty about trading off a GIFT intended for Finn. Miracle is also useful for keeping her alive when dealing with those pesky archers. Chulainn/Holyn: Raises her sword rank when you get her, allowing her to wield more powerful swords at the start. Useful for fighting bandits. Luna is also a nice skill to have. Chulainn is an underrated father, IMO. Beowulf: Gives her Charge and OK stats. She won't be too different from her Noish and Alec iterations, she just has Charge. Charge is useful for her though. Claud: He is a better father for Sety, but will make Fee a great healer when she promotes. Her resistance would also be great for tanking siege tome users. What do you want out of Fee? If you just want her to survive, Lex and Arden are good choices. Nihil is a very situational skill, but if you don't want to worry about arrows, than Alec is a good choice.
  20. LOL that's why you can't trust someone who gossips too much. Oh and Lamia also has a unique picture. Sure she looks like Hilda, but not as old. Lamia would've been totally cooler had they set her up better. It probably would've cooler if one of the Orgahill Pirates was talking about getting a girl like Lamia or something. Other than Pegasus Knights (which are hard to find as enemies, weirdly enough), I believe Lamia and her crew is the only infantry female battalion. I'm not sure if I'm right about this, but I can't think of another time where we ran into female-only enemy groups. Omg Philipe was so much harder to deal with now that I think about it.
  21. Yeah I liked Genealogy's villains. I do wish they were more fleshed out though. In particular, I wish Ishtore and Aida were more fleshed out. Ishtore should've been a lot more important than he was, considering how important his family is. My favorite generic has got to be Ovo, who, for some reason, has his own portrait. I love his hair.
  22. This was my quote so I'm not sure why someone else was quoted. Regardless, I'll explain on the performer's ring idea more. Not everyone can use it. Only characters will experience or interest in the arts can use. For example, a myrmidon wants a future in show business, but their father wanted them to learn the sword. Once they use the performer's ring, they become a dancer. Or a soldier with a background at singing at their local town's festival becomes a singer after using it. You only get one per playthrough, so the issue of 2 or more refreshers at a time won't be an issue. Even if there was more than one, they could just set it up like Heroes where they can't refresh other refreshers. The battle system of Three Houses looks like each unit represents a group of soldiers, so you could be forced to select a certain refresher and the other one will just be a part of their group. Does this clear this idea up?
  23. I'm fine with Smash too, since I still have fun playing against the AI. Plus I don't have Switch Online I'm not into Fortnite either. One Fortnite gamer I've watched always seems like she gets harassed and has to deal with racist/homophobic/hateful kids or just assholes. I'm more of an introverted person, and I'd rather not hear another's grating voice. Plus it's a FFS which is a genre I think is fun, but I get over a shooter pretty fast.
  24. Yeah. Archanea doesn't have too many memorable villains. In fact, the only game with a lot of memorable villains is probably Radiant Dawn. It helps that there was a relationship tree in one of the menus.
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