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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. I hope it's SOV valentines, or a love triangle. Imagine the gag if a banner had Sirius, Tatianna, and Nyna on it.
  2. This seems so weird to me. None of the Laguz were magic-based, so to me it makes sense that the Herons were magic. They do have some rather mystifying abilities, so it would have made sense for them to be magic units. Then again, they still have talons. Every rose has its thorns. If enough people pull on this banner and spend money on it, perhaps IS would plan more Tellius banners in the future. Sure this is a bird-centric one, but thematically they all go together bar Nailah. As for Ranulf, they're probably saving him for a banner with Skrimir, Lethe, Lyre, Mordecai, Kyza, etc.
  3. Whoooo! I'm excited for this one. I was going to spend some orbs to get the beautiful NY!Gunnthra, but daddy Tibarn came to town and stole the orbs I was going to use for her. In fact, I want all of them tbh. I'm happy Naesala is free. I may go Tibarn/Leanne>Nailah>Reyson, but I'm definitely pulling all colors for this one. Gray is probably getting my freebie because the odds of getting Leanne are probably higher. Do the herons have Distant Counter? They look like Magic units, but fight like Physical? I'm surprised they don't seem to heal characters if they're standing next to them though.
  4. I like the idea of an event recap too. I was thinking this game mode would be a new section featured with Story and Paralogue sections. I just think it would be cool to do a map like the prologue in FE7 with Lyn and such. Or saving Lene in Darna, or helping Fin protect Leif. Stuff like that. A feature I really liked in the Langrisser game is that it has some sort of "Rewind Event" where you play past levels from past games. Each level has its own story using the characters from that game. They really made the game newcomer-friendly. I wouldn't mind if Heroes did something like this, where you play certain levels from past games.
  5. I have orbs waiting for Tibarn and Nailah, I'm just trying to mentally prepare myself for losing the orb stash I've been saving up.
  6. Good to know. I wonder who else is on the Tellius banner. It's not just a laguz exclusive right? It would be interesting to see a character like Shinon be on a banner like this.
  7. When are we getting a trailer? Tomorrow on the 8th?
  8. I agree with you there. I also found it weird that some videogames make a religion with a God and everything, but then not have them intervene in some way. Holsety was a cool way to do this idea, while leaving much of his character and Lewyn's up to interpretation of when who was in control and who wasn't.
  9. That sounds like a reasonable reward. The real prize is getting to know the characters better anyways. I'm not sure how many levels or the length of the character episodes, but I do think it will give us a good idea on how they were like. EDIT: @Arcphoenix A star would be nice. It would show who's completed and who's not. Yeah, with where Heroes is now, it would take some time to get them all out. I would start with the lords from each game and then have a monthly goal of getting x amount of character stories out.
  10. I would take a page out of Granblue's book and add character quests/stories. For characters you've unlocked, you can explore their backstory or a part of their original game when they were center stage. This way players can get to know their characters better and know a little bit more about the worlds they came from. Alts won't get an episode, but they can be featured in one of the levels of their original version episode. Rewards for completing their storylines can be either orbs or feathers.
  11. Ok. That makes sense... I guess. Still kind of weird though. It sounds convoluted. Thanks for explaining though. I have a better idea of what it is now. It sounds closer to Awakening with the whole Robin scenario, but Awakening isn't quite that either.
  12. Wait so a Dragon Break is when there's different paths taken but lead to the same outcome right? So like FE7's Eliwood/Hector modes and FE6's different routes?
  13. Yeah I wonder how similar TH will be to the Langrisser games. Rn I think the troops is just purely aesthetic although there was one moment in the trailer that looked like some sort of troop/pair up mechanic.
  14. It's really great. The artist really outdid themselves with Charlot's art. Omg now I can't wait til you get Tine. She's a star in the making.
  15. I really liked Olivia x Donnel's supports because it referenced Naesala and Leanne from the Tellius games. Gaius x Maribelle's supports are really interesting because the two had beef in the past. Lon'qu x Tharja is pretty good, because it shows us a non-creepy side of Tharja. She's actually pretty nice and respectful towards Lon'qu. Plus, Lon'qu is more vulnerable with her than he is with other girls.
  16. I would love those prequel chapters. It would really give the game as a whole more context. I wonder where Ayra and Prince Shannan would be in those chapters. It would be cool to see a scene with them fleeing. As for Silesia and Agustria- Silesia is definitely weird if Lewyn doesn't have any children. I guess it could be Hawk and Femina? Although we don't know their backstory, maybe it could be written that Hawk was the son of a noble or something. Maybe even Mahnya's son. And for Agustria, maybe I misinterpreted or the translation was worded funny, but I know Ares did talk about having to "calm down" Agustria or something in his ending. I would think he would have to earn the people's favor/attention to become king.
  17. I'm putting my tickets on Tornado Tine. I'm OK with being referenced/name-dropped/etc, my YouTube name is different from SF name anyways.
  18. Bargain is definitely a better skill for Coirpre instead of Lene, if I failed to mention that earlier. For Laylea, there's other strategies to helping her getting the money for the rings: Even in the chapter you get her, throw her ass in the arena- she won't make much, but she'll get some. When Ch.8 starts, throw her ass in again. Then have a thief pour some money onto her. I was able to get her the Leg Ring when CH8 started. If you're fast enough in CH7 and recruit Laylea early enough, you could have her fall in love with Ares. They don't need a lot of turns to fall in love, since they do have the highest love base in the game. If you want to be fast, you could exploit the jealousy system and have Laylea steal love points from Patty and Lana. You could also sell the Barrier Sword too. Judging by your pairings, Fee may be a good candidate for Res tanking. AND YES TORNADO TINE COMING TO TOWN!
  19. Sorry I didn't mean to be a downer. I do like the idea of a Noble Family wanting to take power for themselves. I'm surprised there aren't more noble families or at least some more attention to the political side of Hyrule. The comics generally touched on this better, but I would like to see more people in Zelda's circle than just Impa. I would like to see more Guard Captains, Ladies-in-Waiting, etc. I would also like a Male Gerudo that isn't Ganandorf and isn't evil. If there's Voe Armor, then surely there must be some guy to wear it.
  20. I hope it's not an Anew staff. That would be so boring aesthetically. And yeah I'd rather have some sort of Bard system in place. Since the Japanese title of the game references the 4 seasons in some way, I'd rather have 4 Bards that reference Vivaldi's Four Seasons. Each bard you get would have some sort of bonus and plays a tune that's reminiscent of the season they represent. But that could be me just wishful thinking.
  21. I do think they would use the same engine. I don't see why not. As for squards, I think they probably should add it some characters in the background for aethestic purposes. I'm not sure how it would do as a new mechanic. Genealogy had enough mechanical issues that should take priority before adding new ones. I'm not sure if you could call it Gaidens, but some interesting battles to have would be the battleground between Issach and Grandbell, and the characters we use will be characters like Byron and company. They could also add a level where Ares conquers Agustria and unites it under his name. Can also star Delmud/Tristan and any possible wives they may have. Tbh, Tristan & Janne can appear regardless if Delmud is there or not, since all of the subs should exist anyways. I don't like the idea of them being together. They're two games that are vastly different in gameplay mechanics. Going from Gen 1 to Thracia would be jarring to the player. Plus, it makes Leaf, Finn's and Nanna's inclusion a bit weird. It would be weird to go to a giant map than to a small one that features completely different characters, since Thracia spans over a couple of Genealogy chapters. Plus it would be too long. Genealogy, on paper, sounds short based on the number of chapters. But let me tell you something, it's not. It may not be the longest game, but it's definitely not a short game. Thracia 776 is even longer, IIRC. There is such a thing as too long of a game. You don't want players to be burnt out before they finish. In a later statement you compared it to FE3 which had 2 books. That only worked because the gameplay between Shadow Dragon and Mystery weren't too different, if at all. Meanwhile, Genealogy doesn't have a kidnapping system, hit rates for staves, movement stars, etc. and Thracia 776 doesn't have individual wallets, holy blood, arena leveling system, etc. Yes, they do take place in the same time, which would make them great for a bundle purchase for the holidays, but they shouldn't be in the same game together, imo. It would be too jarring and the reviews will take the piss out of it.
  22. Since a part of the story seems to take place at some academy, do you think there will be school-related classes/naming? For example Villager ~ Student Dancer ~ Cheerleader Myrmidon ~ Delinquent
  23. If he goes with those pairings, should the pursuit ring go to Jamke!Lester or Naoise!Delmud? I'm leaning towards Delmud because at least Lester will have inherited the Brave Bow. Of course, Delmud can pull a Tristan and wait for the first available Hero Sword. I agree for the most part, Claud!Fee would be great with the Barrier Sword. As for the Berserk staff, I wish it had more uses on it. Laylea also has Charisma which is nice, although it won't make too much of a difference because there's already 2 Charisma users (Lachesis' kids) and Seliph's authority stars also give a bonus. Plus all the pairings are good, so the bonus isn't too much of a big deal when a lot of the kids can 1 round 95% of the enemies even without a bonus. From a narrative standpoint though, I do feel as though Laylea and Charlot fit into the narrative the best out of all of the substitutes. Since neither Lene nor Coirpre really knew their origins, they don't really go with the Gen 2 theme of reclaiming your birthright. Meanwhile, everyone else's does. Although I do like Bargain for the healer boy, since staves in this game are so damn expensive. At least Charlot has Paragon and looks a chubby shota Sigurd. Plus they both got some Cipher art recently, which can be good for thumbnails! For the 3rd one, they both have the same amount of conversations (1), but they happen in different generations. Lewyn is a better father because HORSETI is pretty great and Tine will be able to use Tornado upon promotion. Plus Lewyn gives her some magic(?) during their talk. When deciding for the 3rd pairing, if you want a really good Arthur, go for Lewyn. If you want a really good Tine, go for Lex.
  24. She was a singer that was shot while signing autographs after a show. She was a huge legend of Zelda fan. Fans signed a petition, which got 60k signatures, but Nintendo said they didn't want to make any decisions during a time of mourning. This happened in June 2016. She wasn't an A list singer or anything, but she did have solid/hardcore fanbase thanks to being one of the first "YouTube singers" (a la Justin Bieber) and appearing on Disney every once in a while. Anyways, going back to the topic, I do wish we could see more of the Hylian Royal family rather than just Zelda and maybe her dad.
  25. That's a banner I'll whale on for sure.
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