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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. Ced is a fan favorite, so I expected him to be mentioned a lot. I think a lot of people aren't concerned about the Forseti thing since Ares got Missiletainn but a "dark version" of it. If they don't want to give Ced Forseti, they could give him the Lightning tome. For the Genealogy units, I did leave out the Gen 1 units, only because I see Gen 2 getting a banner before Gen 1 (seems like Gen 2 happens in the first half of the year while Gen 1 happens in the second half). Otherwise I probably would've put Brigid and Edain instead. The only other Awakening units that would be relevant to have would be Validar and Say'ri, but I much prefer Flavia and Basilio. I think they would be more entertaining.
  2. As popular as they are, it's hard to make a list without them. Plus, I'll admit I had some... personal bias in that decision. But their lines in Heroes would be rather entertaining, IMO.
  3. So if I'm understanding this correctly, there's no one allowed from the GBA games, Thracia, or Fates. Ok, let's see what I can do. My 10 isn't in Top 10 order, but in order they appeared. 1. Astram- Since Jeorge (Parthia) and Camoo (Gradvius) are in the game, we only have one regalia left, the Mercurius. Since the sword is most associated with Astram, I think he's a good contender to be added. 2. Phina- the first dancer in FE history and arguably the only true "combat dancer". IIRC she's in the Top 5 Mystery characters not yet added into the game. Although she's not really story relevant, it's sad that we have so many refreshers in the game but the OG refresher isn't in yet. She has strong ties to Navarre as well, and it could be funny if she was included in a banner with Samto where she confuses Samto for Navarre and shenanigans between the two ensue. She has fun dialogue, and I can totally see her playing pranks or giving fashion advice to the summoner. 3. Shannan- He's important in both generations and is highly requested. Plus he wield Balmung, so he already has a powerful weapon to keep him 5 stars. It should really add SPD. Plus, I want to see how he would look. 4. Patty- Another character that isn't necessarily story-relevant, but she is pretty popular. IIRC, she's the most popular Gen 2 female other than Julia in Japan. She's a well-liked character and can be included with another character I'll mention in this list. She could be the first sleep sword/dagger user, which can be interesting. Seeing more status effects in FEH can be meta-changing. She has a lot of fun dialogue, which FEH can use for her. 5. Ced- He's important in both FE4 and FE5, making him someone deserving to be added into the game. He could have Forseti like Lewyn, but I'm not sure how much they'll change it. He could also wield Lightning (?) as well. Many fanboys would whale for him. 6. Ranulf- He's important in both games he's in, he has a close connection to Ike, and now that there are Beast units, I see no reason to hold him back. Ranulf deserves his chance in the sunlight too. 7. Jill- She's very popular and it's been a while since we've gotten a proper wyvern unit. 8. Skrimir- Since beasts are in, let's add more. This time we have Skrimir, who's awesome and a lion. He's a major player in Radiant Dawn, and I feel like his lines would be amusing since he also has a lot of fun dialogue. 9. Flavia- She's a major player in Awakening. Even though she's Spotpass-only, she does have a lot of relevance. We don't get too many "tomboy" female units, especially lately, so it would be a nice change of pace. 10. Basilio- He's Flavia's counterpart and has a big personality. Plus he's needed for Pec Emblem. But seriously, he's important to the story and I think his dialogue would be interesting. Honorable mentions: Arran, Midia, Xane, Edain, Brigid, Tine, Lethe, Tauroneo, Haar, Say'ri, Rinea, and Rudolf.
  4. If you hate accounting now, you probably won't ever like it. I just finished my accounting courses. Although I did well in them, I don't like it at all either. Plus you would have to worry about taking the CPA Exam and everything. I would talk to the Economics department and your current advisor about switching. Luckily, the prerequisite classes for Econ and Business are pretty similar, so you won't lose much (if anything) by transferring now.
  5. FE has a tendency to go on a "information drought" and then give us a ton of information before release. I remember not hearing anything about Fates for the longest time, but then they started releasing info a few months before release. As for improvements, I assume they're just going to be finish detailing things. For example, they will Mercedes a custom battle render and not something generic.
  6. Thanks so much for posting this! I was waiting for someone to do a really in-depth analysis. Do you think the castle in the background is the school? I have a feeling all of the gameplay we saw is relatively early in the game.
  7. True. I forgot that Leanne didn't have any prejudice, mainly because she wasn't really exposed to it or taught it. I also think Reyson could mention Naesala, but in a more bitter way.
  8. What I Want: Tibarn talking about his rivalry with Naesala, the importance of being a hawk king, and his relationship with Reyson. Reyson talking about rebuilding his homeland, his relationship with Tibarn, and what it means to be strong. Leanne also talking about her homeland and her relationship with Naesala (should contrast with what Tibarn says about him) Nailah talking about the lands beyond the desert, Rafiel, and possibly connect Fates to Tellius (Keaton reference? His tribe referenced?) All of them actually interacting with each other, with Leanne speaking the Ancient Language and having the other translate for her. Would be really cool if they were all hesitant in their C support (except Nailah) about talking to a beorc. What I Expect: Tibarn being a musclehead about paying off his debts and protecting his people Reyson talking about what it means to be strong only. Leanne "I..... like.... you." Nailah flirting despite Rafiel being her loved one.
  9. Most of the writing is better on Eirika's side, so it would make sense for characters like Gerik, Tethys, Ewan, L'arachel, Dozla, & Cormag to be on that route. Marisa could go on either, but since both of the people that can recruit her are on Eirika's side, I would also put her on Eirika's route. Amelia, Knoll, & Rennac could go to Ephraim's side. Ephraim would need some new characters. I would give him another trainee or something like that (perhaps a trainee wyvern knight?). Ephraim would also need a new refresher to make up for losing Tethys. A new bard or dancer can get the job done. I would also give this character some sort of rivalry with Tethys, and they wouldn't be impressed by the other one's skills and can't be refreshed by them. I think they could also add a pirate character. It's a shame Ross is the only one that can become one and that's if you get the Ocean Seal.
  10. Don't worry I wasn't upset about you. I got overzealous with replying because I'm excited about the banner and I always feel oddly passionate when it comes to refreshers for some reason. If I came off as rude, I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to purposely egg you on.
  11. That's a big OOF on my part. I also apologize to @Jotari in case I was putting words in your mouth.
  12. I literally mentioned seasonal or "banner like Performing Arts/etc." in all but my first reply to you. I was hoping that Performing Arts 2.0 would be the giveaway I was talking strictly about seasonals. And all I said was that they would excellent candidates, not that they were likely. I'm sorry I didn't clarify too well in my earlier posts. I want it too. Nyna vs. Tatianna when? Ike vs. Black Knight when? Give me something to rave about FEH! I'm sorry for misunderstanding what you originally meant.
  13. Oh yeah. I forgot they have pretty much the same weapon, but just in different colors. I think you're misunderstanding the original point Jotari and I were trying to make. I was trying to say that Lewyn and Homer are good candidates for a SEASONAL music-centered banner like Performing Arts because their characters are tied to music like Inigo & Shigure's characters are. That's all. I was pointing out 2 characters in particular that are NOTED for their music and how they would be a good selection for that type of seasonal banner. Sure, all of the nobles may have learned music at some point, but it's not mentioned. It is mentioned for Lewyn and Homer. That is all. They don't need to be refreshers in their main game in order to get an alt that happens to refresh in Heroes. Hell, look at Ryoma and Xander. Skill refinery when?
  14. I consider Eir a distance fighter since she doesn't get up close and personal like Leanne will. And tbh I forgot about Breath of Life. Oh well, Leanne is still unique because she's a gray melee unit that dances. I believe the only other Gray Melee unit if Female Grima.
  15. Didn't notice this earlier, but Leanne's weapon does heal nearby allies at the start of a turn. A nice little touch they added from how they can heal in their original games. This would make them the first melee healers, correct? Or at least the first nonseasonal ones.
  16. Yes, but Shigure and Inigo had an interest in the arts as well. It wasn't just because their mothers were refreshers, but it fit the characters as well. Lewyn and Homer also have an affinity for music, that's all I'm saying. I wouldn't be saying this if they didn't. Lewyn can play the harp/lyre (Silvia mentions him playing while she dances IIRC and he's featured with an instrument in some official art) meanwhile Homer's ending talks about how he sang about Leif's exploits. I must not be wording my posts well enough because I seem to be causing a lot of misunderstanding with what I was trying to say. All I was saying is that there could be more refreshers added to the game outside of the strictly refreshing mechanic units. Then I used Inigo and Shigure as my example of how they could do that.
  17. Neither are Inigo and Shigure, yet they still got a refresher alt. I was saying that Lewyn and Homer could potentially be starred in a seasonal banner like Inigo and Shigure were.
  18. I was thinking they could make Lewyn and Homer "refresh" units for something like Performing Arts 2.0. Shigure and Inigo couldn't dance in their original games, but due to their affinity for music, IS was able to come up with alts for them. Lewyn even plays a lyre, so it's not too farfetched to give him one for a seasonal banner. Homer could sing as well. If Inigo and Shigure could get a seasonal alt, I wouldn't say it's out of the realm of possibility. Then again, Jugdral has yet to have an alt so \_(o.o)_/ Hell, if they really were basing something like PA on support conversations, they could just go the funny route and have Garett and Soleil be the stars of the banner.
  19. It looks like squad formations are a thing based on the trailer. It's like Pair Up, but now it looks like we have 3 Platoons vs 3 Platoons. Seems like it could lead to some interesting strategies.
  20. Not really. We still have Phina, Laylea, Lara, Larum, Elphin, Nils, Tethys, and Rafiel have yet to be in the game. If they wanted, they could put Lewyn and Homer into a Performing Arts 2.0. They could also use Coirpre and Ewan because they're little brothers of dancers. Plus, Three Houses may also have a dancer/bard to use. If you want to get real into it, they could make a Faye alt as a staff unit with the Again Spell. It just feels like burning through dancers because we just got 2 and they weren't either Azura or Olivia.
  21. I can confirm that Lene wasn't popular before she was added in Heroes. She scored low in both CYL unfortunately. I do think Heroes really gave her a boost in popularity though. Silvia wasn't exactly unpopular like her daughter, but she was... infamous. Tbh, it makes just as much sense to tag her along with Lewyn as it does with Fury because Silvia comes at the same time as Lewyn. Although this has made putting Fury on a banner harder, since Silvia can be pretty much thrown in with other characters (like Claud) while Fury's other close relationship is her NPC sister. I don't know why they're afraid of adding dancers from other games. IIRC Tethys is one of the most requested SS characters not yet in Heroes. Her alongside Gerik (I think they're both in the Top 3/4 Sacred Stones characters not in yet according to CYL2) would probably do well on a banner. The only "dancers" that I think IS should worry about is Lara and Laylea, and even then, they have their fans as well.
  22. Although Dheginsea, Ashnard, and Izuka are all good choices for GHB, I think Naesala makes sense. Although he wasn't a true antagonist, he did play a rather antagonistic role at times. Plus, he's Tibarn's rival, Reyson's friend, and Leanne's husband so he fits thematically.
  23. I thought they were humorous at first in 2017, but 2018 it started getting old. I wouldn't mind the same scenario, but I really wish they made Anna's antics more and more absurd. They plateaued instead. Hopefully she'll get crazier for Valentines. A. Ugh I never have luck on Christmas banner. Despite it being the "Season of Giving" I feel like I'm the only one giving. B. I'm excited for them too. They're going to be so much fun to get. C. Awww what a bummer. They're all interesting characters though. I do have a personal headcanon that Nailah's tribe is somehow related to Keaton and Velouria's tribe.
  24. Too true. I just want a chapter/paralogue with some DRAMA in it. Or something funny. I'm tired of the cop-out "we're under contract" or "we're here to have fun in this festival while Anna schemes of ways of making money!" The Adrift Paralogue was actually interesting, and I don't know why they didn't go more in that direction.
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