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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. Yeah I hope D6 returns back to the series' comical roots as well as shake things up a bit. Maybe an angel protagonist instead? I would also like the to see them satirize the typical "harem" protagonist by making all of the "Love Interests" not interested in him at all.
  2. TBH the only person I know that play COD a lot is my 8 year old cousin, so that' why I see it as a "kid game" despite its content. And your story is why I don't like online play. I'm not a fan of how hyper-competitive it can get.
  3. TBH it's been so long since I've played SD that I completely forgot Jucof existed. I also love how Catria is on every thumbnail now.
  4. For FE7- Ninian over Lyn. Once Lyn's arc is over, she loses a lot of relevance. Ninian has more relevance after that arc and she has a unique class (although she does share the same niche as Nils. But I do think Nils is more important than Lyn too). Ninian has ties to the main antagonist and drives the real plot of FE7 more than Lyn ever did. Granblue Fantasy- Katalina over Gran/Djeeta. I know she's a part of the main cast, but she's not the main character per se. A lot of the other characters have ties with Katalina and she could probably protect Lyria without Gran/Djeeta. Disgaea 5- Tbh Christo. In general Disgaea games usually satirize anime and videogame tropes but Killia was... exactly that. I feel like he was set up for that, but it didn't come off as funny. Christo does not really follow a trope, but he does have a compelling character and gain a lot of character development compared to the other cast members. I wish things were in his perspective sometimes.
  5. I thought it was the other way around? I thought most people written off Call of Duty as a game for little boys.
  6. Well... Ephraim and Eirika don't have a "goofy" alt yet. However, I was never a huge fan of them. I'll pull, but I won't be spending too many orbs. I'm saving up for Tibarn. I have around 70 orbs now... so I should probably save for Tibarn. So I'll take my golden tickets and stop there.
  7. I do like the little detail that Fae's dragon form has the reindeer antlers too. Also, Cecilia being a colorless dagger is a first in a while.
  8. But every character has those, and she still won. I know it's not a reliable method to gage popularity, but it's something. But still has too much room for unreliability. I only said that Japanese fans have that impression, or rather, they think the West likes the Fatesawakening characters a lot more than they do. Which is true to some extent. Then again, the bit about Japanese fans is just hearsay, so take it with a grain of salt.
  9. It's something I heard on Reddit, so I would take what I said with a grain of salt. They probably got the idea of how well she did in our popularity polls? She did win the Spring Voting Gauntlet. Yep, these past couple of months will probably really shake up CYL3 for females. Corrin, Azura, Camilla, and now Eirika will probably lose a lot of votes. My new predictions is that Micaiah and Anna may do well though.
  10. From what I remember, Fates had a TON of cut content for the story. It probably had a lot of things cut that would've helped build the world better and explain why things were happening.
  11. I think I primarily voted for dancers not in the game yet, and Lene + Silvia got in. Still waiting for Phina, Laylea, Lara, Larum, and Tethys. Although I think I will also vote for Nils and Elphin too. Maybe Homer. I just want IS to put more refreshers in instead of putting Azura and Olivia in new outfits.
  12. That's what I love about the Disgaea series- since the cast is full of demons, they usually give them really outrageous personalities. IMO, it's the type of game I would like to work on if I was a voice actor.
  13. Anime generally ignores the fact that some poses are back breaking. Anyway, the Arthur art shared on here was the side view I had in mind. 2 Kageros in the same year can be do to the fact that someone high up likes her or that she sold well in Spring. They probably keep track on which orbs were pulled in a certain time and Kagero probably sold well. I think I also heard that Japan thinks the West LOVES Kagero so maybe they thought they would appease International fans for including her in a banner. I mean, we just got Eir. We're probably not going to get a new character until January. If you're not interested in alts, then I would save up for meta-changing beast units coming out.
  14. I pretty much agree with @Nym, but I'll add on: has memes about her. stood out from the other antagonists because she was the only compassionate one. perhaps the closest we got to the "Camus" archetype in SoV, and the "Camus" is always popular (she has a lot of parallels to Ishtar, who is also popular) A tragic beauty- a design choice not utilized in many FE games, but is a pretty popular trope in various media forms. I'll also say that she has potential to be on different banners- a SOV one, a Fallen Heroes one, a Winter seasonal, etc.
  15. Congrats! What an awesome moment for you and your family. Good luck on the job hunt!
  16. By Virion's track record, I was referring to his luck with women. He could try to flirt all day long, but none will give him the time of day. But thinking on it now, attempting to flirt is still bad though. Poor Olivia.
  17. I love Mid-Boss. Anyways, if you think Mid-Boss is pompous... oh boy he doesn't compare to other characters in this franchise.
  18. Same, but I bet the bottom left is Fae and she's an armored dragon. I know Armor units are the current meta but I'm tired of them. I also hate the fact that most of them are seasonals too.
  19. I can't blame her either. But going on Virion's track record, she has nothing to fear. lol.
  20. R.I.P Her art will still be appreciated and carry on her legacy.
  21. I've always liked the Druid class for some reason. I just like dark mages in general- I think they're a fun class. Dandy comes from "Space Dandy," a show I was watching at the time I made my username. I want to rewatch it now. I really liked the word Dandy. So I put the two together since they both start with D. Technically, it should be Druish Dandy, but Dandy Druid just rolls off the tongue better, imo. I thought about changing my name, but everyone around here already knows me by this name, so I won't do it.
  22. Yeah, I can see her frailty being a huge liability. You would have to keep her safe, but that could possibly take away protection from a healer. Although I usually had Lissa promoted by Ch10. "Not worth the grinding that is better spent on Robin..." Again, she doesn't compete directly for experience, since she's most likely dancing to get experience. Although I can see how your argument works when it comes to employment slots. Although, in my experience, I always found dancers to be more useful on harder difficulties because I found it more beneficial to train a smaller group of elite soldiers rather than allow one more person who may take away experience away from someone else. But that has just been my experience, and not indicative of everyone's. I like their supports too. Although my main issue with Virion is that his father support with Inigo seems so out of character for him.
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