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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. This is the first game with skills. Pursuit is a skill that allows a unit to double during attack, making it a great skill. It shouldn't be a skill, since every other game has doubling based on speed, but just a warning, if they don't have pursuit, they'll most likely not double. That being said, if a unit does not double, check their equipment. Some weapons and rings allow characters to gain a skill or an increased stat so keep on an eye out for them. Don't worry about getting to all of the villages in time. You can still beat the game without missing anything of great importance. You do want to visit them though, just don't stress out about it. All units class change at lvl 20 and they stay at that level. The max level is 30 in this game. Even if you beat the arena with one character, all other characters can still go into the arena. For example, if Sigurd clears the arena, he can not fight there anymore, but all the other units can. Weapon Rank is based on a number of factors; unlike other games, where weapon level is based on how much you use a weapon type, in FE4 it is based on class and holy blood. A tiny glow in the Holy Blood Chart menu means Minor Holy Blood. A flashing glow means Major Holy Blood. In general Major > Minor. A select few characters have Major Holy Blood, so make the most of it and really... prepare them for battle. I won't list you any pairings, but do not be afraid of pairing some people up. The game is pretty good at implying who works well with whom, so if in doubt, check to see if they have a conversation with anyone. That being said, there's a lot more decent pairings than what guides list anyways. Although there are bad pairings and fantastic pairings, even mediocre pairings can spawn useful children. Enjoy. I hope I did not spoil anything specific.
  2. What I hope (a combination of 4 or 5 of these): Clive: Christmas Cavalier- Blue Lance Calvary Clair: Festive Flier- Stave Pegasus Pent: Winter Wiseman- Green Magic Armor Louise: Amorous Archer- Red Bow Infantry Bartre, Karla, and Fir are having some sort of family holiday. That would be cute. If it's these 3 with Noah as a TT reward, I'd be happy tbh. What I think we'll get: Selkie, Velouria (but neither of them are "beast" units, just weapon users. I can see Selkie with dagger and Velouria with magic) and then 2 non Fates units, similar to the Halloween banner.
  3. I hope you enjoy Disgaea! It's a bit similar to Final Fantasy Tactics, but the fun thing about Disgaea is that there are ways to do completely absurd/broken things if you know what you're doing. I wish I can find my copy, just so I can see how I'll play the game again. I've found that I gotten better at strategy games the older I got. If you have questions, I'll do the best I can to answer them. I'm no Disgaea expert, but I'm familiar with the series.
  4. My path of thinking was the 3 Canon games that need more representation than Heroes Cipher is what ties them to Heroes... Nevermind I'm not making sense Although I could make the argument that Heroes can be considered underrepresented because Hrid and Ylgr aren't playable yet.
  5. No. I got too much other stuff to worry about. The people that need to worry about the game the most are the ones directly working on it.
  6. Is the Theme of this set "Games that need more representation in Heroes?"
  7. This is probably really general, but the Greil Mercenaries saving Lucia in Radiant Dawn is so epic. I don't care how bad the voice acting is, I will always remember "Whatifihidhurr?" and "SOREN! Always lost in your books! What did I say about watching your back?"
  8. Anyways, my picks would be: A Square Enix character, like Sephiroth, Noctis, or someone. Another Fire Emblem character, I'm gonna go with Edelgard or Anna A completely random Nintendo character that will spew salt from the fanbase- idk it's supposed to be a blindside. Toadette, with her final smash turning into Peachette. This one would bring in a lot of money, that's all I'm saying. A fighting game character, like Jin from Tekken, Taki from Soul Calibur, etc.
  9. Cool! Disgaea 1 is such a great game. I'm contemplating digging through all my stuff to find the DS game or just buying the newer, prettier version on Switch.
  10. I have a couple of theories: This is a graduation quote. Byleth is Edelgard's teacher and she really looked up to them during her time at the Royal Academy. Then we'll probably meet her after a time skip right before or at the start of a war breaking out. I also wonder if Edelgard has to "choose" one of the two other male lords to be her husband at the beginning, and that'll determine which "path" we go on. It is a bullshit quote they threw in the trailer to generate some drama. Three Houses is by no means a finished product, and it is unknown if the script is even finished. It is not a bullshit quote, but "Edelgard" says it because they didn't want to/able to cast another voice actor yet. Isn't that quote said right when we see a dragon girl sleeping on a throne? There's a good chance that this is quote is to be said by THAT girl and not Edelgard. They probably didn't have all of their VAs hired yet and just had Christina Vee say all of the script they prepared for E3. It would probably make more sense if the dragon girl said it, since she gives me Tiki vibes and Tiki has had similar dialogue.
  11. 1.)TBH I like designing my own character. I don't see them as a necessity for FE though. However, I voted yes to keep them if there's less pandering to them. I don't care for player pandering, mainly because it makes the avatar a Mary Sue. Corrin is the worst case for this, but that's not the focus of this topic. I do think, with the right amount of attention and writing, the avatar CAN work well with FE. I think Byleth is an avatar, so I hope their integration (or lack of) in the story is good. 2.)I'm OK with Marriage. Romantic Love has always been a part of Fire Emblem, and has been a major plot point a few titles (Mystery, Genealogy, Blazing Blade). I do think marriage should be reserved for the endings like the GBA games though. It's weird for soldiers to get hitched in the middle of a war camp. 3.)Both are important. A story could be great, but the gameplay is so slugglish or unfun that you lose motivation to listen to the story. And vice-versa; the gameplay can be great, but story is so garbage that it only makes you wonder why the characters are doing what they doing.
  12. A lot of Silvia's ribald quotes definitely got reworded for Heroes. It's quite amusing, but probably for the best, since she was 14-16 when she said those things IIRC. Tbh I'd love it as an opera. It's more fitting for a story like Genealogy. And I like the side story idea. L'arachel ragtag group of justice avengers may make for a nice satire.
  13. What kind of musical though? I may be biased, but Genealogy may translate the best because the plot is character-focused (because of their bloodlines) and the drama is personal.
  14. Jugdral be shooting itself in the foot damn. In general though, humanity's biggest tech booms either occur during a war or right before a war. It's possible that no technology was sponsored to be made because there was simply not enough war to fuel the desire to be innovative.
  15. What's even trippier is that Genealogy takes place a thousand years before Marth's timeline, which makes me wonder how technologically advanced Jugdral is. (unless a natural disaster occurred).
  16. It could use a number of improvements, but I'll break it down like this. Story Use more characters to tell the story. The scenes in between chapters are usually only between Roy and Merlinus, which consists of Merlinus giving Roy advice before we step onto the map to get the map scene if there is one. Sometimes Guinevere will pop in with meaningless dialogue, usually something she drags on for a couple of chapters before she finally says it. I know they planned the game to work with these central 3 because they don't die, but I do think they should try integrate more characters into the story. It would give a lot of the cast more agency to fight the war. Playable characters that should be more integrated in the story include (but not limited to): Lilina, Duessel, Larum, Elphin (although Elphin does get screen time towards the end), Perceval, Cecilia, Fae (she gets a couple of scenes, but not a lot), Lance, Alan, Wolt, Zealot, Sue, etc. The scene that plays right when you start a map is generally villain only. Not always, but sometimes I wish it had some of your ally characters speak up if they should know something is up about a map in particular. I always found it strange Larum never alarmed Roy or Merlinus that General Duessel is her father and she'll try to do something to stop him on the map you recruit him. Sure she speaks to him during the battle, but nothing at the start IIRC, even though your army knows they're going to fight Duessel. This may be giving away too much about who's recruitable, but I think from a storytelling perspective it can work. At the very least, they can pre-battle dialogue like New Mystery. Speaking of villains, Jahn can use more set up, IMO. He comes out of nowhere with all this lore. It would be nice to see him get screentime before Chapter 24 OR have some sort of text that talks about him and the Scouring. Paired endings- something that I always like about the other 2 GBA games were the paired endings. They don't need to be fancy, but just akin to the endings in those games. Gameplay Supports are my biggest issue. I dislike the support limit and it takes wayyyyy too long for some characters to gain a support. I'd rather there be no support limit to who the characters can obtain a support conversation with and for the process to be shorter. I'd rather have the support system to be like what the 3DS games have; SoV's support system would probably translate the best, but I do prefer for supports to happen in camp, not on the battlefield. Maybe switch up some of the mission objectives so that they're not all seize? For variety's sake. well that's all I can think of for now. I'll update later...maybe.
  17. Idea 1: Daein Liberation Zihark (Red Sword Infantry), Jill (Green Axe Wyvern), and Tauroneo (Blue Lance Armor) Pelleas as a TT unit. Maybe a colorless magic user? Izuka as a GHB. He can be a red mage or something. Idea 2: Crimean Knights Geoffrey (Blue Lance Calvary), Kieran (Green Axe Calvary), and Marcia (Blue Lance Pegasus) Astrid as a TT unit (Gray Archer Calvary) or Lucia as a TT unit (Special Sword Infantry) Ludveck as a GHB Idea 3: Laguz Royals- Colors are difficult to make Nailah (Red Wolf), Rafiel (Colorless Mage/Refresher Infantry), and Tibarn (Green Hawk). Reyson can potentially replace Rafiel as a (Colorless Mage flying) Ranulf as a TT reward (Blue Cat) Dhenginsea as a GHB. (Idk what kind of dragon. Maybe a Gray Armor Dragon to make him really OP)
  18. Anna is a given- she's the mascot, so she should be represented in some way. She doesn't need to be playable, just present. However, if she is playable, it would be cool to see what class they've picked for her this time. I'm also up for the Cipher characters to be DLC. And that's it really. The only repeats I won't be as annoyed with are a different Awakening trio. Fates set it up as all of the kids were swept up and taken to another dimension so they can exist without causing a paradox or something in their world. I could see them adding Noire, Gerome, and Nah as the next trio.
  19. I really like the name Farrah for some reason. Sounds like pharaoh, but feminine. I like a lot of 'F' names, like Felix, Frederick, Felicity, etc.
  20. You have to beat it 9 times with at least one of those times being hard mode to unlock Guinivere. I believe Zephiel only requires you to beat the game 7 times. So OP is almost there to get Zephiel. It's weird that Guinivere takes more work than her brother.
  21. I'm not sure if this is something to admit or not.... but I spent way too much time myself thinking of which girl would be the most likely to end up with Roy taking political ties into consideration. I also think Larum also has some sway in Etruria too. Her father is a trusted general of Elffin and she did help save/hide him, so she has ties to Eturian royalty as well. Plus, her ending is the only one where it mentions that she gained the respect of others. Granted, I prefer her with Oujay or Perceval, but they don't have any paired endings.
  22. I'm so excited! I really like how passionate Kaga is about his work.
  23. Ippei did Dorcas again so there's nothing to fear this Halloween. Maybe it's because I really hyped myself on this banner, but I feel slightly disappointed. IDKY, but I'm not going to pull too hard for this one. Mia will (hopefully) be my free pull. I currently don't have her, and I like her costume hear. I wanted someone like Elincia or Erinys to be the first flying healer, but I'm OK with Mia. WAH. I like Kagero, but I'm just not feeling her? I was never too crazy about her character, and dealing with her Poison dagger in the arena so much has somewhat soured me on her. Her Spring seasonal was a while ago, but idk, I feel like they could have put another character here. I was hoping for Oboro, Felicia, or Sonya instead tbh. I may go for Niles. I need more blues and bisexual legends. Myrhh will be an arena monster. I bet she'll have 180 BST. Her outfit is cute, BUT something about the length of it bothers me a little bit. WAH.
  24. Someone on Reddit (u/Fudgepops313) pointed out that the figure on the right looks like Oboro's Halloween Costume. It looks pretty fitting to me. Oboro is pretty petite as well. Also from reddit, someone (u/damselfly) drew Felicia as the right figure and here's how they drew ponytail + witch hat:
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