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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. I hope you feel better soon! Take your time! I imagine it would be hard to record when your ear is hurting. I've never got an ear infection from a Q-tip but I have gotten blood on one before for going too deep.
  2. Tbh I really agree. In fact, I actually like most of the child units from both Awakening and Fates because I feel like the majority of them were decently characterized. Awakening's kids didn't include a dud, except maybe Laurent. But having one dud isn't too bad. And about the last bit you're referring to: yeah I was thinking of Fates when I said that. Awakening didn't have an outlandishly bad characters, but Fates sure did. Peri's whole backstory felt vain and doesn't justify her obsession with killing stuff. Iago was a villain with no layers and was evil for the sake of being evil. Camilla, although overhated, does represent Fates' lost potential the best. She could have been a great character, but I don't think the writer's wrote her to her full potential. Although I do think Fates had higher highs than Awakening, it also had much lower lows. The characterization quality was all over the place.
  3. Looks like people beat me to the Naesala-Trabant comparison. Naesala would be considered something like a tritagonist right?
  4. Best: It's either PoR or Sacred Stones. PoR had base conversations, which really helped out a lot of characters. And a lot of PoR characters were strengthened when they were in RD. However, I don't think RD's cast is stronger mainly because the newer characters got shafted and the crappy "Support" system didn't do much to develop them. Senri Kita did a great job designing them as well. Meanwhile, Sacred Stones had a small, but interwoven cast. It helps that a lot of characters knew each other prior to the beginning of the game, so supports didn't feel like some sort of awkward conversation you would have at something like student orientation. Some people have noted that SS did have some weird supports, and I do agree. However, the cast is fairly likable and they have some of the best character designs in the series. Worst: Archanea for me. It's a large cast, and a good percentage of that cast was a blank slate. I understand that they were designed for Ironman playthroughs (so you don't get attached), but this made them quite a boring cast. FE12 did some heavy lifting by giving them supports, but due to the fact that these supports aren't heavily referenced or talked about, I assume most of them weren't too entertaining. From the supports I saw myself, I liked them, but they weren't the most original or memorable. Shadow Dragon has some of the most beautiful art in the series, but unfortunately, a lot of the characters look flat out bored and made comic relief moments flop. I see a lot of people hating on Fates and Awakening, and although I do think their opinions are justified, the reason neither of those games are called the worst for me is because at least when they had a great character, they really had a great character. Sure, there's a bunch of bad supports, but at least a good portion of the cast was decently characterized. But when there was a bad character, they really had a bad character.
  5. I generally like a melee-type lord that promotes to Calvary. They're the leaders of an army, so I think they should at least look the part. Although, depending on how the story is set up, I can see a cleric/troubadour lord working. Instead of brute strength, they can serve more as a strategist and support their troops. As for the dancer idea- I'm not too crazy about it. I know we shouldn't apply real world concepts into a fantasy game, but a dancer doesn't exude the authority a military leaders needs. Also, most lords in this series are of noble birth. Historically, performers were often mistrusted and looked down upon, so nobility would most likely not do anything that could associate themselves with people of a bad reputation. Plus, most dancers in this series often wear... skimpier attire, which would not go over well with noble families. They could be a runaway noble.... although that was already sorta done. HOWEVER, I do not think having a lord that operates like a refresher is a bad idea. Instead of dancing, perhaps they could be called a Leader or Rallyman. They carry a battle flag and use their inspiring battle cry to motivate their troops. This can work with both a young and older lord.
  6. The largest map is either Genealogy Final Chapter or Genealogy Chapter 2. Those maps are hugggeeee. For Non-Genealogy, it would probably be RD Part 3 Endgame or some other Radiant Dawn map. For smallest, it is definitely the Gaiden dungeon or the little map at the beginning of Fates where you spar with Xander.
  7. Oh cool! Do they still refresh or do they just do their new roles? A healing dancer has so much utility.
  8. Is there a dancer in this edit? Who's replacing Tethys since she obviously doesn't have green hair? We have Silvia, Lene, and Ninian as choices. Well, Ninian is more of a seafoam, but if Eirika and Ephraim count as green, I can see it being justified for Ninian. Tethys' sprite would match Lene the most though, but Silvia would go together with Alec and Erinys...
  9. I'm not sure about a "mature"/"dark" tone, mainly because no FE has ever gone full mature and dark. Even Thracia 776 had its light moments and comic relief characters. That being said, FE has moved towards a tone commonly found in shonen anime, which is where a lot of the fighting within the fandom is caused. Because this tone attracted a larger audience at the expense of the older fans having to lose the tone they've grown to love in FE. There is a way to balance lighthearted elements with heavier ones, it's just that FE still needs to figure that out. The most loved stories (emphasis on stories, not gameplay) is Genealogy and PoR. What these two stories have in common are well fleshed out worlds- although they both have high-fantasy settings, there was adequate reasoning to justify it. We get to see the supernatural elements in play and how if affects characters. Because of this, we have characters that are shaped by their world instead of a cast that shapes the world, like Awakening and Fates' casts. Not to say FE4 & 9 aren't character driven, but each character has a justification for why they're fighting, and that justification is reflected onto the established world that we know. These stories also use politics to drive their plots. Political alliances and how their beliefs (which can be tied to the religion that was established) affect how characters are aligned. This can cause for some unusual allies as well as sympathetic antagonists (Camuses). Politics also show how the country is run, and how powerless the Crown can be at times. Politics generally help characterize the villains of FE, and which was something missing in the 3DS titles. All 3 3DS titles fall a little short on the villain development side (less so SoV), and this can be partly due to the lack of political intrigue explored. The biggest let downs for me story-wise for the 3DS games was the lack of attention to world building and antagonists. I'm ok with the lighter tone, but I feel FE stories are at their best when they properly develop their world and villains. It's not so much the tone that's important, but what's developed in my opinion.
  10. I don't think the person you're responding to is saying lords need to be weaker than other units, just not tremendously more powerful than other units. Take Ike for an example. Although I like Ike, he is ridiculously powerful in RD. To the point where you can just stick him in a bunch of enemy ranges and not worry about him. This eliminates some of the "Risk" factor in FE, as you know he's not going to be easily killed. Well, the person that you quoted beat me to the reply so welp. You can just ignore me.
  11. Ertrick covered the general gist of things, so I'll just add some things: Ethlyn: Give her the Armorslayer (or Armor Cutter in this game); it'll make leveling Leaf in Ch7 much easier. Sigurd: If you have space, I would give him the Paragon, Leg, and Knight rings, in that order of importance. Paragon is useful for leveling up fast, and the faster he gets a horse, the more efficient you can be to kill stuff. Leg Ring is only temporary, as Lene is too busy not existing to inherit it. Once you get Laylea, pawn it [Leg Ring] off and have her buy it. Laylea can buy the Leg Ring as early as the beginning of Ch8 if you let her go to all the villages near Leaf's trio and have her fight in the arena for both Ch7 and Ch8. OR just marry her off to Ares if you're fast enough. Alternate Temp. Leg Ring User: Lana or Fee. Lana can cover massive ground with her Physic staff (if she inherited it) as well as keep up with Diarmuid and Lester if they get injured. Or have Fee inherit it that way she can reach villages faster to stop the brigands. I'd recommend Fee over Lana, but be careful- Fee may already be inheriting A LOT of weapons.
  12. I want Hrid so I probably won't get him. If I don't get him, I'll settle for Laev, Celica, Innes, and/or Gunthra. I'm kind of disappointed they made him Sword Calvary since Eirika was sword calvary last legendary banner.
  13. I found this one I couldn't find anything else for now. Keep looking if you're looking for the one where he's laughing.
  14. They could alter/change his art as well. I don't think he has attacking art yet so it could be anything.
  15. I'd be cool if he was an Axe Calvary or something. Like the Little Sisters are both blue infantry and the older 2 are green calvary. Or green colored bow, but not armored.
  16. Ok thanks. I think I think I misheard it being called a datamine. But if it's a calendar, I guess it's not a spoiler then. Well it dropped tonight so I guess my question got answered.
  17. WHERE'S HRID?! He either got Bruno'd or he's a Legendary Hero. I hope it's the latter, since he's the only Book II character I wanted because the Ice Prince is so hot I don't like how this a two person banner. I don't like how stupidly overpowered Surtr is, because it makes me want him for my roster, BUT I don't want to support a 2 person banner.
  18. I'm not sure if a Datamine counts as spoilers, but I'll put it in a spoiler tab anyway.
  19. My Top 3 in no particular order Together We Ride- It's such a Fire Emblem classic. Fire Emblem Theme- Summer Version- I shaked my booty to this more than I care to admit. Drama's Light, better known as Fiaa Emburem the Musical- it's so stupid I love it.
  20. Yeah, I know they wanted to keep her ending the same, just to keep it a mystery. I've heard the Saber theory, but I've heard some other theories that make sense to me: Luthier- Fits somewhat of her type (he's a very protective older brother and she would like his protective side and like that he's a little bit older than her) Plus, he's also someone nobody would expect since they are in separate armies. I think Luthier would like her because she's quiet, fluffy, and has an affinity for magic. Ike- Some speculate that after RD, he finds a Dragon's Gate, enters through it, and makes his way to Valentia and meets Genny. Genny wants to write a book, and Ike definitely has a story or two to tell! Plus, he's also fits her type of being older, strong, and dependable. Plus, this would make him a very UNEXPECTED choice.
  21. Omg. What a little rascal! I have the opposite problem. My old orange cat is an outdoor cat but he tries to run inside every time I open the garage door so he can eat the dog food and pee.
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