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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. #TeamSelkie The Short-haired Selkie male was my main, but I also like the Short-haired Selkie female wearing lavender. Selkies have my favorite moveset because they're versatile and fast. I also like how their charge attack can be long ranged, keeping them from jumping in a potentially dangerous spot. Plus, I'm a fan of their dancing animation. I'm also a fan of Clavats and Lilties, but Selkie is still the best for my style of play. Yukes are my least favorite mainly because they can be a little hard to play as, but the Shella Caravan is still one of the more interesting ones. But the Leuda Caravan and the Thieves had my favorite random events.
  2. I'm so excited. One of my favorite GC games! I really hope they add a lot to it. Crystal Chronicles always had a lot of potential, so I hope they capitalize on it. It looks like they'll keep the stock characters instead of a character creator, but I really hope this remake has more visual customization, more side quests, and maybe more dungeons?
  3. I probably checked her stats wrong. By the time I bothered to check what her stat boost was and whatnot, I've already had her at level 10 and was going by memory with what she started out with. She does have abnormally high ATK from the Silvias I've seen, and her RES is pretty good. I guess I'll know what for sure when she gets to level 40.
  4. I got a +ATK +RES Silvia, but she's also -DEF and I forgot what he base HP and SPD was. I guess I'll find out when I get to Lvl 40.
  5. Other than the dancer connection.... I didn't think so. Primrose has such a low, sultry voice and Silvia has a really high-pitched, sassy voice. They sound different enough to me. I guess if you really listen to both of them a lot, you can tell it's Laura Post's voice. But otherwise, they sound completely different on first hearing. I hope that too. I mean, they could make them both blue units, but I'm not a fan of banners with doubled up color slots. Tbh, Jill could be put on a banner with Zihark, Tauroneo, Pelleas, Mist (alt Mist should be a Valkyrie) and/or Haar. Ilyana's placement on a banner would be weirder, since there's not a specific group of people she fits in with other than the merchant caravan. (Merchant Caravan banner?!) I could only really see her being put on a banner with Zihark, Mordecai, and Heather. Mordecai and Zihark sort of go together, but Heather only goes with Nephenee, who I don't foresee getting an alt anytime soon.
  6. Yeah. They did a really good job with all of the Jugdral characters. I hope all of the VAs are invited back to an inevitable remake. Hard to believe Silvia is voiced by the same person who voiced Primrose.
  7. Quan sounds great. I love how his lines reference the pact he made with Sigurd. Wish he talked about Eldigan too, but Quan always seemed closer to Sigurd anyways. Silvia sounds really sassy. I love it. Dare I say it, I think I prefer her English VA to her Japanese VA. Her English VA captures the attitude I always pictured her having. Also, looks like they kept, but cleaned up "Ever seen a little girl with THESE before?!" (2:25) and "I like it rough!" (3:22) Lewyn sounds great. He sounds smart and a little cocky, which fits the character. I think Ethlyn's VA did a great job. However, I'm least happy with her lines. She talks about Sigurd way too much, IMO. I know in the source material, most of her quotes concerned him, but that was because the plot revolved around Sigurd. Now, it just seems weird she talks more about her brother than her husband or kids. (If someone comes to tell me that there weren't that many lines, then I'll rewatch it again).
  8. My house has always been popular, mainly because we're one of the only houses that bother putting up decorations and we give out the "good candy". Even so, the lack of Halloween spirit is sad to me. I wish people in my town were more festive. I love seeing what decorations people do and such.
  9. I'm a Sleazy...….????? There's no 20 on the list...
  10. Ilyana is No.6 on the Tellius characters not yet in the game. So it's not out of the question. Without the Beast units, she's No.3 (Jill was No.5 on that list) out of all the beorc. It's not out of the realm of possibility. Oh yeahhhhh. Tbh, I forgot she was a red mage since the rest of them were all daggers. That, and I'm over that banner. I wanted all of them, but I try not to pull for seasonals mainly because it makes me happy for a minute, but cognitive dissonance gets the best of me when I try to put them on a team and they stick out like a sore thumb. Meaning, I'd totally blocked that banner out of my head.
  11. Oh that makes sense. Silvia is a tad redundant. She probably would've been better received had she come before her daughter, than have Lene powercreep her. Barrier Sword was a Laylea exclusive. They'd give Erin a different weapon. She would either be compared to Elincia or Shigure, depending on which weapon type they give her. True. I predict that if/when Tellius gets another banner, Ilyana would probably be on it though, since she's a popular character. I know people are calling you out on your argument, but there could be something there. Personally, I can see them keeping some units 5 stars depending on how expensive the artist they commissioned for that character was. Lene's artist has only done Bridal Caeda and Lene, so they may be more expensive. Chiko, who just did Sylvia, has been commissioned 6 times now, but it's worth noting that all of the characters they've done have been 5 stars as well. As for FE6, Rutger was one of the most popular in Japan, so he's a definite must. I can also see Dieck, Perceval, Duessel, Lalum, Elphin, Marcus, Wolt, and Sue being added. Heroes is doing a good job staying close to the source material, and probably added Silvia is this banner because she comes at the same time Lewyn does in FE4. Her inclusion is probably just a reference tbh. Erinys may be the next Gen 1 banner, whenever that may be. I see her as a dark magic user myself because of the hack and the fact that her brother can wield it. Maybe Tethys knows a trick or too. Maybe Lalum or a Heron? But knowing Heroes, they'd probably make it Takumi. Don't give ideas to IS! I'm trying to save my orbs! As I stated earlier in my mess of a comment, Silvia was probably added now over someone like Erinys because Silvia comes with Lewyn in FE4. It's probably more of a reference to that than the fact they're predestined lovers. I had a feeling the subs will probably never be added, but the idea of Substitute banner sounds fun to me. Hawk, Laylea, and Linda are pretty great subs. Too bad Laylea's weapon was taken, but she could have better skills than Silvia. That, or they could make her a Red Dagger unit with a weapon called "Barrier Blades". Also, can't wait for Beserk Coirpre. I see Tethys as a red mage dancer, mainly because we don't have an infantry red magic dancer yet IIRC. The last infantry magic dancer were Inigo and Shigure IIRC, so it's been a while. Nowadays it's the opposite. Lene is generally regarded as more efficient due to the skills she could inherit from her father, i.e. Paragon or Bargain, which is much more useful on a dancer than Charisma. Paragon for experience (certain LTC and Challenge Runs require an experience count for all characters, and this makes leveling both Lene and Coirpre much easier. It also takes into account character deaths, and having Silvia dead would hurt your score) and Bargain for costs and such. As for Coirpre, the staves he could inherit can be seen as more helpful than Sharlow's Berserk staff, which is generally used in very niche situations. Paragon has a lot of competition though, but Bargain doesn't. However, Laylea and Sharlow are considered very good subs, and are considered on par or slightly worse than the originals. Being only slightly worse as a substitute in FE4 is a great feat. Not many other subs can say the same cough Amid cough. See above. They're pretty much on par with the originals, but do face the disadvantages of being a substitute.
  12. Oh yeah it's definitely one of them. No way they're gonna make Lewyn a 4 star. They're both oddly niche in their own ways. I think Sylvia will be a decent magic tank/bait with her resistance shtick and her somewhat high HP for a dancer (40) It would be nice to have another dancer in the 4 star pool. Her passives are definitely the most underwhelming, but they have a use, at least. At least Chiko did a great job on her art. So basically if Quan demotes, anyone he fodders off to benefits and if Sylvia demotes, then only she really benefits from it. (+10ing her may make her a decent magic tank against Myrrh)
  13. True. BST scores have really screwed over refreshers. Although I still get a decent ranking even when using them so I'm not too bothered by it, but I could see how others would just cast them aside. Anyways, if Sylvia is the one to get demoted, she could provide a pretty ok niche to tank the many Myrhhs I encounter in the arena. So she'll have a use, a very niche use though. And that's a big IF (also depends on her stat layout. A +RES or +SPD Sylvia will be ideal.)
  14. You could do a minor blood run only, or only pair the ladies with gents with no holy blood. There's surprisingly a lot of good pairings that can come from that tbh. A decent set of no holy blood fathered children could be: (NOTE: for those like Edain and Lachesis who's best choices already don't have holy blood, here's another option) Another possibility if you're not interested in that one is: Or just mix and match.
  15. The main issue with having Erinys in this banner is that we already have Quan as a Lance Unit so we'd get 2 blues. Plus, I think IS wanted to mirror the Second Gen Banner last May by having one strong calvary (that completes a trio), a dancer, and strong mage people have been waiting for. Funny, I thought Sylvia looks younger than Lene though. She looks like a green-haired Sailor Moon to me. 4 months ago can be considered short in FEH I guess. It lines up with last years FE4 banner (Sigurd, Deidre, and Arden). I'm happy this banner is being released, but I get your sentiment. I would love to have a banner starring Tauroneo, Jill, and Zihark tbh, with Pelleas as a TT reward. We need more Tellius and FE6 representation tbh. I also want Boyd, Rhys, Shinon, Gatrie, etc. Tellius has a monster cast, yet so little are in the game. I'm totally ready for a Tellius banner, but maybe in a month when I'm not orb-broke from these last couple of banners. At least Jugdral isn't having alts, if that makes you feel better. I would've been mad if it was like a Dancing Deidre or something. Tbh, I kind of like her damaged art. Her clothes aren't really damaged at all, it's mainly the sashes she uses while she dances. Kind of relieved tbh, since the Sylvia depicted here is probably 14. Weird how dancers lost utility in the higher levels of the arena. Usually, the harder the difficulty, the more viable they become. Guess that goes to show you how differently FEH is evolving from the main series. I'm confused; it seems like you stated that you're happy that Cuan's in the game because his son already is, but then said you're not happy about Sylvia because her daughter is already in the game? Yes, she's THAT GIRL. Yeah, she seems like a weaker version of her daughter (which she should be, just like how it is in FE4). I don't know about her being the demote (if there even is one), but the prospect of her being a demote is exciting. Finally, default Olivia won't be the only dancer in the 4 star to 5 star pool. Sylvia, if demoted, would still probably not be as good as default Olivia, but the resistance niche could make for nice fodder or something. I'm actually loving the interpretations of the Genealogy characters. They translated pretty well to new art styles. Sylvia's clothes look a lot better than the art it was based on. My interest in the game has been refreshed. I'm now going to go on a FEH binge again. Lately, all I've been doing is logging in to get orbs and pull for legendary units, so I'm happy for this banner. Probably has the most positive reaction because there's no alt in any of their lineups. New characters are always welcome.
  16. Ethlynnnnnnnn! I'm so excited for this banner. Not the lineup I was expecting with the Jamke GHB. I was expecting Lex, Azel, and Edain tbh.
  17. Welcome to Serenes! RD was my first FE too, so it holds a special place in my heart. Glad you're interested in the FE series now thanks to Heroes. Although I do think the Tellius saga is the most polished overall, the other FE installments are still enjoyable. Some more different than others.
  18. I picked sorcerer. It seems like there's a school the beginning of the game takes place in, so it would be cool to see a sorcerer as a teacher.
  19. Use him to see if he actually has the power it says he has. I wonder if his stats are bugged, or is it just a menu problem.
  20. Could've been nice to have Est and Phina rep FE3/12, but I'm not mad about Tellius representation.
  21. I'm on the same train as boosting her speed. She'll be at least a decent glass cannon then. On some other notes, I also liked the Heron idea from a lore perspective. Sure, it kind of gives her heritage away, but a refreshing skill makes sense. I can see the why nots though. Rafiel becomes available not too long afterwards and the only part in the game where her refreshing skill won't be redundant is in Part 3.
  22. I never really thought of her as "Edgelord" tbh. I didn't think of that nickname until I saw people talk about it online. It's probably because I focused more on the sound of "Edelgard" rather than the spelling. I, too, thought of Edelweiss before Edgelord.
  23. FE4 Chapter 6- could be an error in translation, but "It's ONLY the Rebel Army!" cracks me up. For some darker humor, the same chapter, Iuchar and Iucharba fighting to the death over a girl they barely know. And then surviving brother never mentions or laments over the family member he killed/had a hand in killing. I get it's war, but lol. For something more modern, "NOHRIAN SCUM" cracks me up, despite it supposed to be a racial slur of sorts.
  24. A rescue rework would be nice, especially since the refreshers in this game have limited movement and limited availability. Thinking back, I wouldn't include pair up now. It would make a lot of levels far too easy. Skills I'm still on the fence about though.
  25. Wendy came to mind first. She's the worst armor knight in Binding Blade without a doubt, coming in when you've already had Bors since the Prologue and get a better armor knight at the same time. She can't really compete with Duessel either. A lot of the cavs are tanky enough anyways, so there's really not much use for her. Not to mention Binding Blade has huge maps, which really knock down an armor knight's viability.
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