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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. You're right about the alt dancer, Laylea; she has Charisma (which some people prefer her over). And yep, Alec gives her plenty of conversations. And yeah, I prefer Chulainn as Patty's father more because Patty needs the help more than Lene.
  2. So Combat Art? This sounds like the arts system from Echoes. Interesting... The gameplay is really reminding me of Langrisser.
  3. Same. I bet she'll be added alongside Shannan (they're both ranked pretty high for Gen 2 characters in CYL2 IIRC) so a grey dagger unit would be nice. I forgot to mention this earlier, but Lene can also be useful outside her niche by being a res tank if Claud is her father.
  4. Alec doesn't really give Lene better survival skills. In fact, he's a pretty mediocre father for Lene if you want emphasize her survival skills. Lex and Arden will give her better Strength + Defense. Lex will also give her Paragon, which allows her to gain EXP faster as well, allowing her to bulk up quicker. Arden gives her vantage, which allows her to attack first too. Lewyn is also a better survival father because he gives her a base speed of 11 and a 65% growth. Lewyn!Lene is fastest dancer in the game and the only one that will dodge often. And they have a conversation together which results in Lene getting 5 points of defense. Claud will give her tremendous resistance and she can be more efficient than Laylea with the Barrier Sword. If you want her to go to the arena, Chulainn is a great father because he gives her a decent offensive stat spread as well B rank in swords. She'll be able to use the Hero Sword and Luna. In some Japanese FE4 videos I've watched, this pairing came up quite a bit to show Lene kicking ass. Then again she's a dancer so it really doesn't matter too much anyways.
  5. Suda Ayaka (Lewyn) has probably done my favorite work. Their style works so well with FE and it's gorgeous. I wish they will be a main FE artist in the future. I want to see more of them. I'm also fond of Yoshiku (Bridal Caeda, Lene, New Years Gunnthra) because they did my favorite character Lene. Yoshiku really knows how to make a beautiful woman. Mayo is also wonderful. I would love to see them as a main artist for FE too.
  6. I want Patty to be in Heroes because I would like to see a Sleep Sword/Dagger in action. We don't have too many status elements in Heroes and I think it would be cool if we had more. It would give the game another layer of strategy.
  7. Wait if Fee is considered a good magic sword user than Patty would probably be a great one then. It would be so much easier for her to steal money with a ranged magic sword and put people to sleep. Yeah, she would have to buy swords, but just magic swords. Holyn is a great father though; she's actually a decent sword fighter and gets inheritance + Luna. Even if you go with Holyn, I think I'll try a playthrough myself with Briggid x Lewyn and see how Patty turns out. Holyn!Patty is pretty great. Holyn as a father is pretty underrated IMO. He's great for any kid with a sword, which is a lot of them. Even Lene can become a decent offensive unit with Holyn as her father. If you want discussion on Aideen, I can give it a try. For some reason, I've been liking Aideen a lot of lately and she works well with a few fathers. Although Jamke is my favorite pairing for her, if you want someone a little more uncommon, I'd recommend Finn. He gives Lester good physical bases and Pursuit. As for Lana, he'll have a conversation with her in CH7 which will give her 5 points of magic. Lana also gets Miracle, which is always nice for healers. He's the only father that "meets in the middle" for Aideen's kids. And since they're all alive by the end of Gen 2, it's one of the only pairings in this game where the couple can actually grow old together and live a happy life after the wars. Plus, it gives us an explanation on why Lester's hair is blue. I have tried this pairing myself and I liked the result. Don't want Finn to give up his stuff? Then Beowulf is your man. He will give Lester no bows unfortunately, but will give him Pursuit and Charge, which are both pretty useful for Lester's class. Lana doesn't really benefit but she'll be a staff bot anyways. Although I would recommend Jamke/Finn over Beowulf though. I would say Jamke > Finn > Beowulf, but all 3 will make a good Lester. Finn will make the best Lana out of the 3 though. Ugh I hate finding fathers for Lester, due to the lack of bow users in Gen 1; it's no fun trying new experiments with Lester when it takes forever in Gen 2 to get his hands on the Killer Bow.
  8. Oh ok. I'm pretty happy with Dew x Sylvia. Laylea and Charlot are cool too though, and they got Cipher art recently. Although if you're feeling experimental, Briggid x Lewyn may be interesting. No conversation, but a Runaway Prince and a Lost Princess? Sounds romantic to me. I haven't tried this pairing, but I am curious about it. Faval won't gain much and won't need to because Ichival. However Patty will be a speed demon with an 11 base and 95% growth. I thought she would be a good magic sword user but with base magic of 1 and a growth of 35%, I'm not so sure. At least she'll be able to dodge shit at Yied.
  9. Ugh I love eighties hair To expand upon your FE5 points, other than the characters you mentioned, I could also seen Lifis and Lara getting in. Lifis seems pretty popular and Lara could be a red dagger Dancer. They haven't made a dancer for the normal 5 star pull in a while (last one was Silvia in September I believe). People usually whale for dancers too.
  10. LENE! She's my favorite FE character. It makes me mad that she's the Gen 2 female with the least amount of attention (she didn't even get a Final Chapter Lovers' Conversation with Ares. Not even with Seliph who had one with every other girl). Despite the lack of attention, I think she was given a pretty strong characterization for Gen 2 standards. At the surface, she seems like a spunky, cheerful dancer, but deep down she's insecure and lonely. She longs for a family, and dances in hopes of finding her mother. She's a realist, but she doesn't try to let things get her down. In the Oosawa manga, she is more headstrong and has a calming presence. I always think what she went through was totally messed up, and she probably had the hardest childhood out of all the Gen 2 kids. Granted, all of them had rough childhoods, but the saddest thing about Lene is that she had no one and had to fend for herself. Gameplay-wise, she's fantastic. She can refresh 4 units with one dance. That alone makes her deserving of being one of the best characters in her generation. Yeah, she doesn't have Charisma like Laylea (who is my favorite substitute), but she can inherit Bargain or Paragon, which I find to be more useful USUALLY. (in a sub run, Charisma is far more valuable. If there's all holy kids, it's likely that they won't need the help as much.) As for looks, she's gorgeous IMO. I'm surprised she doesn't appeal to more people. Although Heroes did seem to give her design a bolder revamp. I'm surprised she even made it in Heroes, I guess I have to thank Ares' popularity for that. My runner ups would have to be Ares, Ced, and Tine. Although my wishlist for Heroes would be Shannan or Patty. Or a banner featuring Lester, Lana, Faval, and Patty.
  11. This is a hard one, but because I find their descendants interesting: Bragi. I like Bragi, and I like the idea behind their signature stave: The Valkyrie Staff. It makes me wonder when and how many times they used it in the fight against the Loptyr Empire. He was also pretty compassionate towards the Lopt Sect and didn't wish for their persecution. I'm also a fan of how his descendants (like Claud) are able to see into the future, and it makes me wonder what other supernatural elements that House Braggi is associated with. The house is also influential within Grandbell for being a center of religion IIRC. Plus, House Edda was probably the most "neutral" during the political split between Sigurd and Arvis in Gen 1. I'm also a fan of Lene and Claud, who are interesting characters in their own right. I like the contrast between these two in particular, a house that is known for its priesthood, but the descendant of Bragi himself grows up poor, having to fend for herself, and work in a rather sinful line of work. Runner Ups: Thrud, Njorun Least Favorite: Neir. Probably because they're the house with the least information on them? IDK, the game and extra material hardly talks about him. The only other house that doesn't get that much coverage is Ulir, but I like Edain, Brigid, and the showdown with their brother so I'll take deeply sowed family drama.
  12. I was giving you two options for each girl, but then your last post came out asking for one pair per user so I deleted all my work. Oh well. The pair I'll recommend is.... Sylvia x Dew An underrated pairing, but one that works pretty well. With Dew as a father, Sylvia's children will get the Bargain skill. Since both of them require a lot of money, but don't have offensive abilities to finance their purchases, Bargain is the best inheritable skill for Lene and Coirpre other than Paragon. Both of them benefit from having Bargain: Lene may need to buy some rings if she doesn't start off with them or a better sword to defend herself with. Coirpre benefits more for having Bargain because staff repairs are expensive AF, especially the ones he'll be using because he needs high EXP reaping staves to catch up with everyone. Lene also gets Sun Sword, but this is situational. Although the Twins use this skill the best, Sun Sword is useful for Lene if you decide to put her in the arena and that one rare moment she got put in enemy range and happens to proc Sun Sword to regain some HP. This couple doesn't have any conversations though.
  13. I pretty much answered "unsure" about everything except question 2. We've only seen snippets so far, and I need to see more to get a better opinion. It's hard for me to like a certain mechanic when a short trailer only showed no more than 5 seconds showing it. I'm excited for the game, but we only have face value right now. If the *rumored* January Nintendo Direct includes Three Houses and gives us more gameplay + characters, I would have more of an opinion on this game. As for the second question, I am fine with a delay... with some limitations. I'm OK if they need more time to refine the game to give us the best game that they can deliver to us. I'm sure they've heard the complaints from recent FE games when it comes to gameplay and writing, so I'd rather have them make sure they're improving those areas. I've been waiting 2 years (since SOV), another few months won't hurt me. Although, I do have a problem with a delay if it's a long delay (year+ or undetermined). Long delays are usually never good a sign, because it usually implies that the game is going through "development hell". This would make me lose confidence in IS.
  14. I know how you feel. I don't drink much either, and I just get a headache when I do. Did you eat a lot before drinking? Drinking on an empty stomach isn't good either. And I get what you mean by the process. Making videos can be a real pain, speaking from personal experience. And heyyyy FE4. One of my favorites. I'm thinking of replaying it rn. I hope people give you some more unorthodox pairings rather than the usual Lex+Ayra, Midir+Edain, Lac+Finn, Syl+Claud/Nobody, Erin+Lewyn, Tailtiu+Azel, Briggid+Chulainn
  15. I would say an FE4 banner. He gotten more votes for his FE4 iteration than his FE5 one. The only group of people I can imagine him with in an FE5 banner is if he's with the Magi Squard (Asvel, Brighton, Machuya, and Lara). Maybe Karin too. For FE4, they have more freedom to put him in a combination of units. Plus, I like his hairstyle in FE4 way more than FE5. I'm a firm believer of "the higher the hair, the closer to God". I love a good ol' 90s puff.
  16. I like Mercedes' design the most. There doesn't seem anything "off" about it to me. Edelgard looks cool, but in general, I usually never favorite a main character. Dimitri has some problems, but I think I'll end up liking him. Claude is great, but the back of his hair seems kind of weird to me. I like the monocle guy, and that's about it. The other characters look standard FE for the most part, except the ally archer who looks more like an enemy.
  17. Sheik. I've always been a Zelda fan, but I played World of Light first and wasn't able to unlock her yet. Sheik was available right at the start and I started to like how quick their moveset was. I know it's not a huge leap, but I'm enjoying Sheik more than I thought.
  18. A shot is supposed to be small, so if it's bigger than what you would pour in a little shot glass, it's just a straight up drink. Happy New Years!
  19. I'll go with Gunnthra or Hrid. Whoever I manage to pull first. If not, Fjorm it is.
  20. I want Hrid and Gunnthra, but with Olivia and Ryoma, I don't really have need for a flying sword unit. That said, I may pull for the art alone. Fjorm is also looking nice as I have yet to have a color bow. As for Laev, I can always use more gray 5 stars. I'll summon but not a lot. Not until the Tellius banner that is. I want Tibarn more than any of them. They could wait since I have a whole month to get them. I have 140 orbs, so I'll have to be careful.
  21. The main issue I have with the Taguel race is that they seemed forced into Awakening. Not having Panne doesn't impact the story or the world at all. It's weird to put in a race that has supposedly lived on the continent for a long time but has no mention at all in Marth's games. This means they either migrated in between the two games or the writers completely disregarded Marth's canon. For a race like the taguels, it's hard to imagine that they would be able to escape war and stay neutral in the conflict. If they did migrate, it also poses quite a problematic history of the taguel. She (rightfully) holds a grudge against mankind for the destruction of her race, but migration implies they encroached and set themselves up in some kingdom's territory and colonized there. It's hard to feel sorry for a group of people that forcefully placed themselves somewhere and tried to take land away from another group of people. Although sympathy can be restored if the taguel were forced to flee from whatever land they originally hailed from. Again, the lack of history regarding the taguel race makes it hard to compile information about them. To me, it seems like the developers wanted to add beast units and just shoehorned them in. Also, you can add to your info that if a taguel "mates" with a human, they are able to produce taguel offspring.
  22. More Binding Blade characters. The banner in March shouldn't be our only one. We should at least get one or two seasonals to make up for lost time. Performing Arts 2.0 Elibean Nights. Featuring Ninian, Nils, Larum, and Elphin If we are to see Fates units, they better be beast units. (So Keaton, Kaden, Selkie, and Velouria are cool) A Sacred Stones banner and seasonal that doesn't have the twins on it. Please. Sacred Stones has such a great cast; there's more great characters than just the twins. Gerik and Tethys when? Undo the last change to Aether Raids. Actual MYTHIC Heroes. I want to see dual-wielding Altina. Some limitations to Aether Raids. Perhaps a dancer cap or Surtr cap. Thracia characters that aren't Reinhardt and Olwen. Maybe the Magi Squad? (Ced, Asvel, Brighton, Machuya, Lara). Ced could be a BHB or even a legendary hero. He deserves it. Give us a reason to use the Arena coins. Maybe give her better art while we're at it.
  23. Oh ok. Gaiden's branching promotion system is not like most modern FEs (bar its remake), but I guess it should take the credit for the idea over Sacred Stones. So really, Sacred Stones didn't really offer to much to the series, other than have a great cast.
  24. I really don't need Gunnthra or Hrid because I have Legendary Ryoma BUT I want them. They look so good. Although someone said Hrid looks like Ninja which kind of ruined him for me. Not trying to hate on Ninja, but I'd rather not think of him when I'm looking at Hrid. Red > Green > Gray
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