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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. Exactly. Since it seems like your unit leads a troop of people, it would make sense to have a band. Before battle, you select the leader of the band and they'll be the one to show up on the field while the others appear during the music/battle sequences like the generic peons do. This avoids the "infinite dance" problem and we get a variety of refreshers. I like the idea of building an army AND a band.
  2. For Camilla fans, yes they would buy her over and over again because they like her. Example: @Alkaid He's happy with there being another Camilla if I remembered what he commented earlier. Please forgive me for using you as an example. I would say there's TWO big reasons. The original comment made it sound like she was Japan's ideal woman, but Camilla has a lot of popularity in the West too. I only wanted people to avoid assuming things of a culture/people. Other female characters sell well too, so Camilla isn't IS' only option. There would be LOADS of people that would whale for an Oboro or Felicia seasonal.
  3. I'm voting for refreshers. It is Phina's, Lara's, Larum's, Elphin's, Nils', Tethys', & Rafiel's turn to dance in the sun. (I feel bad for leaving out Laylea, but she's basically Lene in personality and older looking Lara) It's about time they tallied votes. Looks like Marth and Anna have a good shot of winning then.
  4. I would be careful with the hasty generalizations. The main reason they probably included Camilla is that they think she sells well, not that she's the personification of Japan's "ideal wife", which is arguable. If a character makes them a lot of money, they're going to use that character. Plain and simple. I wouldn't read too far into her inclusion.
  5. I'm fine with Joker because technically the Persona series has been on Nintendo platforms before (Persona Q for the 3DS + some future games?) and Persona is a big enough series that it is great from a marketing standpoint. However, the "future installments" part of this argument does bring about an issue of popular franchises "buying" their way into Smash as a way to market their game coming out on Switch. It's not a bad business idea, but I wonder how fan reactions would be. I would take issue if the character's franchise has never been on a Nintendo platform, i.e. Velvet from Odin's Sphere. Although I love Velvet and she's an awesome character, her inclusion into Smash Bros wouldn't be good because Odin's Sphere has never been available on a Nintendo platform.
  6. The best way to send feedback is by not pulling/spending money on banners. If you're not happy with the banner, then take your free pull and stop there. No doubt they keep track of when people buy orbs and how many orbs are spent on an individual banner. If most people don't bother pulling on this banner, than they probably won't do this concept again or use those characters for a while. Sending constructive criticism is great, but unless they're specifically asking for it (usually through a survey), chances are they won't be too interested in hearing people complain about their character choices. Perhaps they should actually do a real survey (not just CYL) and get more in-depth answers of what their client base wants, but I don't work at IS so... I'm not trying to be a pessimist, but if they're getting an overload of these complaints, I'm pretty sure they'll just skim them at most and open the next one. We don't even know if the person reading these things is the same person who decides which characters go on which banners.
  7. It's nice to have something to do in between my class breaks and I don't have/want to do homework. I also like it for that feeling of excitement I feel 3 times a year about a character I really like getting into the game. I just felt that phenomenon with the Tellius banner recently. Plus I've spent so much time with it. If I delete it, it wouldn't be the same for me. It's a game with a lot of sentimental value to me (as corny as that sounds) so it's hard for me to drop it.
  8. I would like to see him with a staff, since he's usually seen with a staff. I wouldn't be opposed to him wielding a blue tome or Creiddylad (although I would rather have Pellease wield this tome) As cool as the Heron idea is, I think it would be cooler to have that set up if he was a Mythic Hero or something.
  9. That is true. I forgot that people who are content with a product are less likely to leave feedback a la like to dislike ratios. Did the Adrift banner really do that well? I remember reading that Dragalia outsold FEH in November and FEH's profits went down that month. However, that could have also been due to the Fire & Ice banner, since the drop rate on those units was more generous because it only had 2 focus units. I definitely agree they do have a better idea of what's popular and what's not. Perhaps we'll see if there's less Fates alts as the year goes on. I
  10. I think it works something similar to Princess Leia's hair buns + the power of anime?
  11. Weren't they originally supposed to be vampires? I would guess Romanian.
  12. We should also mention that these seasonals were planned months in advance, so they probably planned these at a time where these characters were more well received. Maybe they thought Camilla was more popular than she was when they ordered artists to draw her Camilla. Seeing how they had Binding Blade already planned for March, it is likely this banner has been in the works for a couple of months at the earliest. Consumer demand shifts fast, which can be bad for a business that plans these things months in advance. Although they should know by now that most people don't want to see Fates royals as much anymore, if the YouTube like to dislike ratio is any indication. They weren't going to throw the banners out either, because that would be even more of a waste of money. Plus people have only been getting seriously upset since last November, so they probably didn't forsee all of the backlash they've been getting recently. Don't worry about it. I was just trying to explain my workplace more. I do agree with your sentiment though that it's scummy to include something even though they won't really listen to it.
  13. About my job, our forms do include a grading scale, so we can still interpret most of the feedback, but the written stuff gets ignored. It's mainly because companies are trying to squeeze the most profit they can and avoid paying for someone to read something. It sucks, especially since there are people like me who can also read Spanish but can't due to our position and how it affects the privacy of our customers. For IS, I can totally see them not wanting to pay someone to read those reports. They're probably told to prioritize bug reports than unit/gameplay reports. Othin's report was very well written, but it probably won't make much of an impact due to the sheer amount of reports the person at IS will have to read tomorrow regarding this topic. I'm all for writing reports, but if you really want them to reconsider their actions, you gotta hit them where it hurts- their wallets. The best feedback a business gets is sales. As long as something sells well, they'll keep pumping it out.
  14. To give the illusion you're actually listening to the people you're catering too. It's shady, but it's less about ignoring people and more about not wanting to pay for someone to read it. It's there for formality's sake.
  15. True. FE Fans like to complain and that's OK. I remember the days when people complained about Radiant Dawn and the DS games on this forum. It's just something the fandom does. Fates will probably stop getting hate and start getting more praise later this year when we're all complaining about Three Houses. That's a good way to put it.
  16. You'd be surprised how many companies have a feedback section provided for another language but completely ignore it. In my job, we pass out evaluation forms and one side is in Spanish. However, no one down at the office knows Spanish so their feedback/suggestions are ignored. I can read some Spanish, but I'm not allowed to look at the evaluation forms due to privacy reasons. I'm not saying Intelligent Systems doesn't have an English department; they obviously do because their game needs to get translated. However their English division is probably nowhere near their Japanese division. They're probably paying less people to read the English feedback.
  17. Ryoma Emblem can now be complete... but I'm not going for it. This banner doesn't impress me much, but the main reason why is that it just doesn't... look good. It's hard to make something of this concept fashionable and these alts only proved this point. The art looks bad too, imo. Ryoma, Sakura, & Hinoka all have looked better before. Ryoma isn't as handsome as he should be; his face looks old and tired. Sakura looks weird and Hinoka hardly looks like Hinoka. Elise is the only that looks good, but I have too many red and not enough other colors to figure out where to use her unfortunately. The red dagger is cool though. One reason I pull on banners is because I like looking at the art, but this banner just isn't doing it for me. I know it's a petty reason to not pull but I won't enjoy using units I don't like to look at. I know these banners are planned MONTHS in advance and this was made before the Adrift Camilla controversy, but did they really not forsee this? I don't understand why they think there is such a huge demand for the same characters over and over again. If they wanted a sexy character from Fates, they still had options like Kagero (who wouldn't be well received) or Charlotte (who would be well received). They could've even used Felicia and it would've been way better received.
  18. There is a divide, BUT there is one thing that unites us all: our love (read as: hate) of Fire Emblem.
  19. Dragon Quest XI with music from other series would improve it. Maybe Final Fantasy IX or FE:SoV?
  20. I wonder how the units will look. How do you take bath, and make it fashion? I usually don't pull on seasonals if they don't look too silly (most of them do). I just hope that if they do an onsen-theme, the characters are stylized well. I initially thought the figures were Hinoka and Setsuna, but after Sakura's hairpiece was pointed out it seems like it may be Sakura instead, which leaves me totally stumped on who's on the right. Sakura is cool though, she only has one other alt and that one was released about 15 months ago. It looks like a flag is her weapon, and if Summer Innes is any indication, it means she's a green axe unit. But if this means we finally get a Subaki alt I'll be happy. I wonder why so many people are already upset about this banner? We don't even know who it is yet. For all we know, it could be Shanna on the left and Rebecca on the right.
  21. I really wish they were in Heroes, but IS ignores anyone from SS not named Eirika or Ephraim.
  22. I would disagree with the "Too Soon". They would probably reuse the same assets, just add more characters and levels. The producers said if the sales are good, a sequel won't be out of the question. Last I checked the sales were good, and they wanted to put more attention to Ike and Roy. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets announced soon.
  23. I seriously hope if she's ever added in Heroes she has a couple of "bad" lines or the VA gives her a rather evil feeling.
  24. I didn't know Mallesia affects the ending. Is she a back up love interest for Marth if Caeda kicks the bucket? Poor Catria just can't win A part of me is sad for Caeda, but another part of me is happy Malliesia doesn't become a "bad girl". Malliesia for Heroes when?
  25. Lene got in and she's my all time favorite, so I'm pretty happy. A lot of my favorites are in, with the recent addition of the Rulers of Laguz banner being all characters on my favorites list. I wonder if the Binding Blade banner will include more of my favorites. I'm hoping for an Eturian Banner featuring Perceval, Douglas, Larum, and Echidna, but there's plenty other BB characters I'm interested in.
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