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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. Being around doesn't really mean much in my opinion, as there are characters like Wendy that are around and just plain suck while being there. That said, Reyson is definitely the worst outside of Sothe. Because technically, you COULD put counter on him, and so his only form of damage is from counter... Which is awful. But I really honestly wouldn't count Reyson because he doesn't even get a weapon.
  2. That's too bad. I hate when that happens. Once, my nephew broke one of my games because I was over with family.
  3. Let's just avoid talking about shipping wars in this case, as bad pairings don't necessarily equate to a bad character. Does that sound fair?
  4. It shouldn't be too bad provided the enemy doesn't get happy and start targeting the same person over and over, but provided I can have someone to pull agro, that could plausibly work.
  5. Can't say for Ashnard without actually having played the game tbh.
  6. Less Heron power nonsense. Attribute some of the reason she is the leader of the Dawn Brigade because she is actually a competent tactician and not because "OMG Heron powers that can literally do pretty much anything that the game dictates except for when they can't." And using the "chaos" as an excuse for why her powers don't work is ridiculous, because the heron powers still work perfectly fine amidst the war. It's like the other characters suddenly don't have this problem, but Micaiah does. It's pretty obnoxious. She doesn't necessarily have to take inspiration from Soren, as I feel that Micaiah is far less aloof. She seems more apt to actually talk and enjoy the conversations as opposed to Soren that's rather shadowy. I actually don't really think that's there's much pandering going on to her in Part 3. Part 3 seems to shit on Micaiah's team more than it does anyone else. If anything, I think you should have her be more openly dissatisfied with Pelleas' orders rather than it only being limited to a base conversation. As there isn't enough cross talking between teams for it to even matter, and by Part 4, it's too late. I'd honestly have less Yune possession going on in Part 4. Micaiah seriously barely has any lines, and I think Sanaki and Micaiah should have more moments together instead when they are together. And I do agree that Micaiah should still not like Ike.
  7. Chrom is kinda interesting in the sense that he's astoundingly normal in a cast of people that have a lot of social problems. He's a bit thickheaded, but he's not a bad guy by any stretch of the imaginations. It's unfortunate that most people end up only seeing Chrom x F!Robin or Sumia, when those are by far his worst supports. He also doesn't get enough attention for being the main character which is pretty miserable too. He's like the Lyndis of his own game. A decent character that gets overshadowed and ends up just being a "good friend." Robin I find strange. Robin is kind of too developed to be a good avatar, and spends most of the time just being indiscriminately good at everything... In the plot. In supports, Robin is just a nice guy, that seems to really lack common sense but is overall a nice guy/girl. Female Robin I find a bit better than Male Robin in this regard, because sometimes she ISN'T a nice person and seems to be quite a bit less accepting of nonsense. Overall, I find Robin to be an okay character with Female Robin being *slightly* better. Grima is just not terribly interesting in my opinion. I'll admit that I didn't play the DLC missions so I probably missed out on something interesting about it, but we don't really have much motivation for it. It's just like "I took over the world, and I'm going to make sure I do it again." We don't even really know why Grima does the things it does.
  8. Wait, so are they promoted or is that just their class name? Also, I like how you gave Elincia light magic. Nice throwback there. I remember Elincia was originally supposed to use light magic. Will she ever get swords then?
  9. It's why I usually don't pair Florina up with Hector, I just feel like that's kind of mean for that very reason.
  10. I hate how it seems like you and I have similar opinions on things for Ace Attorney with Dual Destinies and pretty much all of the Yamazaki writing ones, because it means I might not be playing SoJ. I could not finish AAI, and I thought I was losing my mind for a minute until I looked up and found that it was actually someone else.
  11. This is true. And I'd have to wager that most saw him as at least "not terrible enough to rebel against" as it's hard to imagine there not being more public outcry against Corrin him/herself as you progress through the game. We get rebellions, but the thing is, is that the rebellions seem like they are more recent as opposed to something that's been going on for an extended period of time. The only real thing we get against that notion is from Fiora, who sort of implies (her dialogue stammers I mean) that she never supported Corrin. But Felicia also pushes towards the opposite notion where she's completely taken aback by Fiora's actions, so we get nothing definitive.
  12. I wasn't bothered by Xander nearly as much as people said either. Xander is older, so there was possibly a time where Garon was a really nice guy. Elise x Leo supports actually addresses this as well. I'll grant you that this would work a bit better if the ages had the brothers being older than the sisters, as Camilla's life seems to have really sucked while Leo said that Garon was pretty awesome when he was younger. But the point still stands. And it also works, because you can't just "betray your country" because the other country thinks it's right (or more specifically, your country is wrong). TBH, if Xander instantly defected in Birthright, and lived and was crowned afterward, I can't imagine him living long. What I'd expect is a something like Tactics Ogre: I honestly wouldn't see Xander living very long.
  13. This is terrible. I didn't catch all of the details, but I have heard about it somewhat. I didn't however see anything about any sort of motivations or anything for the real reasoning for them. Also, upon investigation, apparently some are saying that it may have been an accident of some sort? Like some sort of chemical explosion?
  14. It's as real as people initially claim though. It's a confirmation bias sort of thing where there are so many factors to indicate otherwise. The end result is that women in jobs make the around same amount as men, but women have a tendency to do things that would cause them to get promoted slower-- such as stay home with the family rather than continue to work. Even assuming that the sex attribute WAS true, race tends to hurt far more than one's sex. IE, a white woman is going to make more than a latina thus if you compare a latina to a white man, then there IS going to seem like a larger gap. Depends on what side of the spectrum we are talking about, but this one is a pretty sensitive area in regards because it's just all around problematic. Which still doesn't work, because that means that the ex-wife can intentionally botch interviews-- a phenomenon people will sometimes do to maintain unemployment benefits for instance.
  15. AH. I see what you're saying now, yeah, and I definitely agree with that. You end up dropping your original team for the stat walls.
  16. That's not the same thing though. The red units that you recruit in FE6 are just plain better. They have like 1-2 less stats in terms of join time, and are several levels lower. Ests aren't just lower in level, they have bad to so-so bases and good growths. FE6 HM units don't have better growths. Just ridiculous bases. Like Percival for instance? Alan and Lance don't have anything on him. If Percival didn't level ever again, he'd still be a great unit. That's hardly an Est at that point.
  17. I don't think that works at all though. That's like saying because we haven't had an Asian president that we haven't moved forward as a country. It's not necessarily a bad thing that we haven't had a female president. It's not good, but it's not bad. To blame the concept of "patriarchy" on that is an incredibly weak argument.
  18. The issue I have with that, is that it hits a point where if they are worth it, it means that your other units aren't worth it. So you'll just end up dropping your older units after you reach the new one. I was always under the impression that Ests were supposed to make you feel good, not necessarily be effective.
  19. You could pump him full of stat boosters. I mean you get quite a few for having Revelations don't you? Not an option in Revelations.
  20. It still has to do with maturity. Age != maturity.
  21. For Ophelia, I'd make her mom Felicia or Elise with more emphasis on Elise. Although, Camilla isn't too bad either. That is, assuming you want to keep her magically oriented.
  22. Well no, it didn't come from no where. The issue is that these people were always manipulative. Manipulation like this isn't something we've never seen before, It's just that, like most things on the Internet, people realize that it's more commonplace than one might initially believe, or even perceive. The problem is that these guys don't just want to get laid, they want to get laid by the object (and yes, that's what I'm using here because from their perspective, that IS the object of their affections, the person itself doesn't even really matter at that point) of THEIR choosing. And this is where the problem arises. It goes from being a simple crush, acting on it, and then accepting unrequited love, but rather, getting upset that the object of their affections doesn't return the favor. That in and of itself isn't necessarily a problem, as it's only natural to feel a little sad or unhappy about someone not liking you in return, it's the arrogant rage that stems from it. Like a "how dare SHE not like me." Well, that's not how it works. You don't get to choose how people feel over you.
  23. Yeesh. That's terrible. That seems more like the person is already apt to be selfish from the start. Honestly, if they are all like that small little image you posted, they sound more like sociopaths that actually haven't had enough human interaction to become effective sociopaths... Which is an incredibly disturbing thought.
  24. Best is really difficult for me as there are a lot of fun cases as well as fun stories. I guess for now, I'd have to say my favorite is 2-4. It causes Wright to rethink why he became a lawyer in the first place and it also has the added benefit of being a pretty decent length case without going overboard with it. Worst: Honestly, I remember 4-3 in Apollo Justice being a bit of a slog.
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