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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. I don't think it's necessarily linking them all, but more along the lines of alternative stories. Like... What would happen if Sigurd defeated Alvis instead?
  2. Alternate timeline sort of stories would be cool. Like a "what if everyone got killed in FE1 that could wield Falchion?" They don't even need to be canon. Although, I think Fates may have been the start of them dabbling in that sort of direction Ana, so you may get your wish for FE15! Think about it, the first story was a story with two timelines essentially, Fates was about a game that lets you actually pick alternate storylines. Maybe the next one will be a story like that where you actually lost.
  3. Except not all RPGs need a plethora of options to be good. I'd say that from a design perspective, it's considerably better than FF8 and FF8 has more options for customization for your characters than any other Final Fantasy. FF9 is often considered one of the best in the series and it has less options as well. And the translation for FF7 isn't even THAT bad. It could definitely be better, but it has nothing in terms of syntax problems that earlier RPGs had such as text limitations , honest to god mistranslations, and a horrid localization to go along with it (meaning that things that WERE translated were too straight of a translation and thus didn't make any sense to people outside of the context of Japan and this was before you could just grab a English / Japanese dictionary, grab a Japanese script or hell, have a Japanese import of the game ). It's some of the reason I think that crazy puzzles from earlier games have been filtered out of newer games because it's literal hell on the translators and the players alike. I have an unpopular one because of this: people blame nostalgia and use it as too much of an all-encompassing reason for why things are liked.
  4. I can actually explain the Golden Sun one. When GS first came out, there were like... No RPGs on the GBA. If you wanted your fix for RPGs, it was either a SNES port or this. As a RPG, they are pretty mediocre, and in some regards I'd say they are like Lufia 2 but worse-- the puzzles are considerably simpler, the characters were considerably less fleshed out, and the plot was strung together with more of a random mish-mash of events rather than an actual overarching plot (this kinda goes for both, but GS is considerably less structured in its base designs). However, what it wasn't was offensive. It gave you just enough to satisfy anyone's hunger for a *new* portable RPG.
  5. Man, you took a real beating from Izlude. I'm really enjoying these fights, and your enthusiasm is quite nice.
  6. Wow fe9 redux talk too? I can't wait. Will talk more when I'm not on my phone.
  7. Bleach 3rd phantom. Seriously. It's kinda sluggish, but it's good. Puyo puyo. It's not mentioned much. But I love it.
  8. I'd say the best class is probably Sorc overall. The worst is Taguel, hands down. Unless you count villagers absolutely garbage bases in that as well. It's a pretty horrible class too.
  9. I feel like they should have said that the Fates Trio simply got warped in the wrong place when they tried to go back to their own world, they became retainers to maintain a job while they searched for a way to get back home. Their "mission" could have been actually what the DLC was in Awakening or even the main story of Awakening itself, they were just a group that didn't get teleported back to stop Grima. It's not a good idea to have them there anyways, but that's honestly the best justification I can think of that doesn't seem too plotholish. After all, it's not outlandish if you consider that Corrin / Jakob / Felicia can teleport into Awakening's world. It especially works when you consider that Corrin teleported there at the *start* of Awakening in Fates' canon so it's not hard to believe the future kids got warped somewhere wrong in some timelines. The only real plothole here is that Owain, Severa, and Inigo can possibly be present in this DLC... So I just like to imagine that its done ASAP instead of later on. Like... Chapter 7 levels of early, so that the Awakening Trio is never there. Owain was just a mage in this timeline instead of a sword fighter. There.
  10. There definitely should have been at that point. I definitely agree with that on ryoma.
  11. It's not that people are whining about it as acknowledging that the skills were all ohkos essentially. On bosses this meant attacking with nihil equipped and for you it meant random damage spikes. That's not much of a skill system as the skills don't do anything interesting. That's what makes them so bad. You can't plan for them as the player, and when the enemy had them, the only planning you can really do is "attack with a unit that can't have skills activate on them."
  12. I'd rather them not all be proc based but some of them existing are alright in my opinion. And I agree with Shadow that RD had the worst proc based system of them all. I also agree with the fact that FE7x DID have a better system with the skills. I'd honestly like to see that implemented. Or maybe I'll just make my own system for it when I have more time on my hands. Honestly, I'm fine with them having map skills, passive skills, proc skills and active skills all around IMO. Fates seems to do this a lot better as there are far more with things like Lunge, Swap, Replicate, Rallies, skills like Indoor Fighter, Quiet Strength... I feel that Fates is a massive step in the right direction for skills.
  13. There's also the fact that the line still doesn't necessarily imply that he's a eunuch either. As it could imply that she just thinks he's a general wuss, sort of how someone might say "you don't have any balls" because you act cowardly. It doesn't mean they are calling you an eunuch. I don't think it's ever REALLY clear as I read that as her just mocking him and basically saying that he wasn't a "real" man like the other men around Excellus. That said, I never really thought of Excellus as a woman, but I can see how people would think that based on the portrait. He's pretty difficult to tell. As he's pretty flamboyant and he's suffering from "ugly villain syndrome," so I can see how people either thought it was a prissy man or an ugly woman.
  14. He sucks, but not more than Wendy. Wendy is like bashing your head up against a wall levels of fun.
  15. Cheating on a single player game is fine. Cheating in multiplayer is something I frown upon. It ruins the fun for other people, and stops the cheater from actually getting better.
  16. As well as some of his base emblems. Personally, I feel you want the one with the female wizard, everything else is irrelevant.
  17. Agreed. I'm not a huge fan of permanent death in general, but at least if you're going to do it, I'd rather the game have alternate scripts and the like.
  18. I do like that aspect of Lyn mode. It's probably the best thing about it. Although, the short tales are pretty nice and the fact that it's not "SAVE THE WORLD" as well.
  19. I generally try to finish it even if it's not fun if I've invested a decent bit of time into it.
  20. Really if they wanted more people to use the trainees, they should have been given to Eirika sooner rather than later. IE, Ross, Ewan and Amelia should have been her first units.
  21. That's not it at all. Let me use an example. I watched someone playing Bloodborne. Some fights they won and some they lost at moments. One noteworthy fight, the beginning went terribly and then they proceeded to fight a perfect fight after being knocked down to critical hp. It's more exciting to watch an average game like that because you don't know the outcome. If they are terrible, then it's boring because watching someone lose over and over again is a lack of progress.
  22. So could I. I actually refuse to finish it because of how awful it is. As of the final patch, she's actually not much better. ALL CT-Reducing skills have been removed from the game so you can't use things like Persuade or Return 2 to prevent Altima from going, and the second form of Altima still has All-Ultima using the self-destruct formula -- which essentially means that if she uses it 6x in a row you die. She still has Terror so she can turn you into chickens which wastes your turns, and finally, she still has the ridiculous multipliers on speed growth and concentrate on her first form (meaning that evasion is pretty much completely worthless on the final fight). She's not necessarily level 99, the issue is that Altima is Party Level + 25, so if you enter the final stretch and reach 74, she's level 99. So basically, if you reach 74, just grind to 99, as while the levels don't help you much, there's no reason NOT to have the extra stats. Also, I recommend getting a Bard for the final boss to speed up the boss. If you don't you'll be there for about 4 to 5+ hours fighting the boss. Execution site is one of my favorite fights in the game to be honest. The enemies are setup in a way that puts you in a bad spot, and status effect usage reigns king here for either side.
  23. I like Agrias too. It's just that you'll be using her as a generic for most of the game as Holy Sword got nerfed as well. Stasis Sword for instance is no stronger than a regular attack now, so unless you're going for a Stop proc or AoE, there's no reason to not use Split Punch over it. Orlandu is pretty mediocre as well, but at least he comes with Night Sword, Dark Sword, Power Ruin and Mind Ruin. It's not great, but he can debuff and keep his MP topped without having to use a secondary or rely on other people to keep him going. But yeah, females rule in this game as the PA advantages are nullified by the perfumes. Good. Although I'll say this: Bard is actually a really solid class in 1.3. In fact, it's so good that I recommend actually having one or two (no joke). Life Song and Angel Song CT fixes are enough to make this class pretty solid for Ch.2 and Ch.3, and Battle/Magic Song are good enough for Ch.4. I'm going to keep an eye on this now because it's fun to see other people play, and I'm slowly wrapping up my own 1.3 playthrough (not doing the final boss however, it's too poorly designed for my tastes).
  24. Meh. Agrias is pretty mediocre in this tbh. Magic spikes way too hard in Ch.2 and Ch.3 of 1.3 for Agrias to really have much use. The global changes to sword skills costing MP and being able to miss really works her over. If she could wear clothes in her Holy Knight class, I'd give her a pass, but as it stands, having to have equip sword to use her skills in any class but Geomancer -- a class that wants Magic Attack Up instead of Concentrate or Attack Up makes for a rather lackluster unit. If you seriously plan on beating this, I recommend you get Dancer for your females ASAP so they can get move + 3, because Dancer is pretty shit in Ch.4. Yeah, it's removed. There are no enemy Calculators in the story, but I know earlier versions had them as random encounter enemies.
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