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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. Oh, that's fine that there's no evil Sanaki. I was just taken aback from that and was curious how that would have worked. This especially works, because if she keeps PoR anywhere like it does in some regards, Sanaki spends all of her time giving away land rather than expanding on the empire. She gives the land back to the herons, Crimea could not have reclaimed victory without Begnion's interference or at least neutrality which leads one to believe that it had the most influence in the continent and Sanaki doesn't take advantage of it and instead allows Crimea to work as its own state. It might be a sovereign state, but Sanaki doesn't even do much with it. I could already see rumors on the streets about questioning Sanaki's ability to rule. Cap that with the fact that no one has actually seen her Apostle powers (if she's keeping that), and a smear job on Sanaki would be very possible. With the bloodpact out of the way and not hi-jacking the plot, she can actually focus on those aspects instead for at least a subplot for Sanaki.
  2. And more pressingly, a person that did equalize citizens outside of the their home country and not their own would more than likely subject to criticism.
  3. That's horrible! You have my condolences and prayers.
  4. To stack with this, Ruin can help with this as well. I believe I ate a tonic for speed and used Ruin on a a high skill Robin so I'd get hit survive 1 smack to the face with hopefully Grima getting a Ignis and Vengence with Chrom and the Falchion was enough to take out Grima. It wasn't the cleanest win, but I saw credits afterward.
  5. Chrom's look might be that they were going with something that was both simultaneously fresh but familiar at the same time. I might actually blame Lucina for why Chrom had so many redesigns on the account that Lucina is intentionally designed to look like Marth, and they didn't want another character that looked too close to Marth again when they already had one in place. That said, I think that Chrom came out pretty good considering some of the more questionable designs that came from Awakening. I can agree that Chrom is not one of those questionable designs.
  6. True enough. I wonder if my Xander just got defense screwed, because I remember distinctly using this and having no problems with it.
  7. They do? And why is that a requirement?
  8. Honestly? If you're not above becoming a Dark Knight, that could work. You lose defense, but he'll probably never double without tonics and pair up bonuses. You do get Lifetaker though. I remember doing that on a playthrough to stop the defense problem from happening.
  9. I definitely don't see the point of third tier classes. The way Fire Emblem generally goes is each unpromoted unit has one weapon before promotion (with the only exception being cavalier), and then on promotion, they gain a new weapon or some sort of innate passive for not obtaining a second weapon on promotion. Third tier would only work in my eyes if you had multiple splits like a mage can promote to a get stronger with spells or obtain a horse in tier 2, and then the tier three of horse versus non-mounted becomes spell variety versus a mount. But that would require a mage class to have like 6 classes branching from its base (2 2nd tier, and 4 third tier), which I think is kind of a waste.
  10. 1 Mozu 2 Shiro 3 Anna 4 Dwyer 5 Midori 5 Percy 7 Arthur 8 Leo 9 Saizo 10 Kiragi 10 Asugi 12 Benny 13 Kagerou 13 Laslow 15 Sakura 16 Siegbert 17 Hinata 17 Oboro 19 Shigure 20 Fuuga 21 Jakob 22 Takumi 23 Silas 23 Kaze 25 Hayato 25 Selena 27 Scarlet 27 Xander 29 Hisame 30 Flora 31 Forrest 32 Keaton 33 Reina 34 Izana 35 Subaki 36 Shura 36 Ryoma 38 Sophie 39 Ophelia 40 Mitama 40 Caeldori 42 Ignatius 42 Velouria 44 Hana 45 Elise 46 Kaden 47 Odin 47 Niles 49 Orochi 50 Effie 51 Hinoka 52 Felicia 53 Rhajat 54 Beruka 55 Selkie 56 Nyx 57 Camilla 58 Rinkah 59 Gunter 60 Charlotte 61 Yukimura 62 Peri 62 Garon 62 Mikoto 62 Hans 62 Iago 62 Soleil 62 Nina 69 Azura 69 Lilith 69 Kana 72 Azama 72 Setsuna It's not terribly inaccurate for me. I do like how Hinoka's retainers are my least favorite over all. I figured Mozu resonated with me the most though. Also, I do dislike Azura that much, so yeah... That sounds about right.
  11. I don't think that's actually possible to eliminate such a thing. In addition to what Eggclipse said, there's also the assumption that people always intentionally do things that only benefit themselves and friends and not simply having a lack of empathy. I don't think that's true, and think that it's simply that a lot of people don't think of the ramifications of their actions. So even if you did vote out the politicians that are currently there, the only thing that will end up happening is that you'll get another person that works for self-interests.
  12. Moogleboss sticks out for me because he was on another site that I go to.
  13. Haha. Yeah, that was about as weird as I expected the plot to be. Finally I can see the ending without doing it myself. Any other crazy hacks that you plan on doing or anything?
  14. I definitely agree with this. I did not like that Chapter in Midnight Sun. It's an interesting idea, but it's literally one of those chapters that can make you not want to play a game again. I think what's wrong with stealth missions in Fire Emblem is just that they are poorly done. They could be done well if there were more rules and less laziness about them. I was thinking about this more after I posted and decided they might be better with more rules. Thing is, I like the idea of stealth, as you could do some interesting things with it. Imagine a chapter where your units need to sneak into a base, capture a unit, and then escape the map with the captured unit. Such a chapter couldn't exist if you didn't try to have stealth elements, as a knockdown drag out fight isn't the same thing plot wise that's happening. The first thing to take note of, is that in most stealth games, the game gives you some layout of the map and every tool you need from the get go to solve a mission generally speaking. In the case of Fire Emblem, the rules need to be clearly noted for how the enemies move if the game expects me to play through the game on the account that there literally is no other skill for the player to have outside of counting the enemy ranges-- And even then, I think is ridiculous because it doesn't really make much sense that a soldier with a javelin can see farther than a soldier without one. So the enemies need to absolutely move their maximum ranges. I recall the enemies in the Rev chapter not doing so all the time which just makes the whole ordeal tiresome. It forces you to have to watch the enemy units constantly and drags the chapter on needlessly. But that doesn't mean I'm against it. I think it just needs better rules. 1) If you attack an enemy and kill it in 1 round of combat, the enemy cannot sound the alarm. This encourages enemies to not bait the player into attacking them by making them not exactly easy to take down but not impossible. 2) Killed enemies don't disappear, but rather remain on the floor for other enemies to find. Therefore, any killed enemy must be picked up to be disposed of somewhere else. 3) Carrying killed enemies causes the same sort of penalties that rescue used to cause from the GBA and Tellius Fire Emblem. 4) In stealth missions, if it's FoW, any character with lethality can kill someone if the enemy bumps into your unit in the darkness. Thus rewarding people for having assassin type characters for these types of missions, and even if they were underleveled, they can still do their job perfectly fine. 5) Paired Up enemies will automatically sound the alarm because both cannot be killed at the same time. 6) The range in question is only their current range, not the additional range of where they will be at the end of their turn. If you must do that, allow the player to toggle this sort of how you can toggle to see staff range. That way they can see say... Red as current and Blue as after movement. I wouldn't mind 1 - 2 stealth chapters. They just need to be short and sweet rather than... What they've always been. Long and tedious. They also need clear rules.
  15. The idea of stealth would be fine if they just didn't make it so silly. Like, if you had a chapter where you only had 2 units? Stealth could be pretty fun. You could quickly move your units and then react to the enemies movements and plan accordingly. The issue here is that unless you know exactly how the enemies move, it's just a pain to move that many units and remain hidden. It'd also help if Fire Emblem had an actually "unit facing" mechanic in it to determine just how far it can see. In Revelations, it's tedious because you not only have to count its current facing, but where it'll be, and in the end of the day, you don't get much of a reward for doing it correctly. I think it can stay, but probably only for things like Gaiden chapters with low units.
  16. 1) I first started by getting a copy of TearRing Saga that was not patched at all. It was a bin file. This site can actually give you some instructions on how to convert ECM -> Bin. http://visihow.com/Decompress_PlayStation_1_Games_from_ECM_to_BIN_Using_UnECM 2) I have PPF-O-Matic as my patcher. As you do, so I'll use that. 3) With PPF-O-Matic, I patched the version that was from the the dropbox. I don't know if you downloaded any other version, so if you have, you may want to try using that. From there, it's literally just finding the file location in and setting the patch to the completely uncompressed game. If it's still giving you problems, we can try breaking it down more from there to see what's going sour.
  17. That's strange, Corrin has proced it for me. Maybe Conquest actually disables it, because I've definitely had it proc for me when raising supports in Revelations. But then again, I guess it doesn't really matter because your inventory is reset on MC battles.
  18. Yeah, it might be the fact that it's a ECM file (on the account that it's compressed) that's causing you some woes unless you patched this on top of an older translation patch. I just tested it and it ran perfectly fine for me.
  19. That's why you do it in Visits to My Castle. There's no danger. And with Midori, the chance of it happening is doubled. It becomes (luck*2)%. That said, it's not a bad choice for Peri if you have the spare funds. Of course, I can't talk, because on a playthrough I took Felicia through Hero, Swordmaster, and then back to Strategiest to be able to give skills to other people.
  20. Not sure, I was wondering the same thing. I don't think PS is actually a bad chapter. It's just kind of mean to squishy units.
  21. If you consider money to be an issue yeah, you do have finite heart seals, but you can buy them in the staff stores. In a worst case scenario, you could get Midori to make you some gold bars by visiting castles and battling though.
  22. Do you have a download for the original game? I'll play it if you still have it around.
  23. I don't think it's that they are pushing for some sort of moral high ground, I think it's that they are saying that companies are being relatively shortsighted. As in, they are leaving a house of problems for people later on down the line if nothing is actually changed. And you have to look at it this way, the scientists can't make companies stop, so all they can do is research to demonstrate why people should stop, or at least retard their processes or even consider looking into alternative methods. Not that I'm calling you out on anything, but what would you have the scientists do in this case?
  24. Ditto. The old body looks better, and the new head is much better. Together, they'd make a good portrait.
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