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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. I'll also reiterate that it doesn't matter if you're not being doubled when the other person takes half of the damage you take. A level 20 Aran has twice as much defense as a level 20 Edward. Getting doubled as Aran means taking the same damage as Edward. Or in some difficulties, nothing.
  2. Sure. That'd be fun. I've been really interested in DB stuff lately.
  3. I don't know how it is now for schools, but I found reporting said incidences didn't really do much on the account that the person "wasn't hurting you." I most certainly don't condone to it, but I find that conversations to that degree of insanity like "I'm going to marry you" don't even warrant a response. It's so outlandish that even so little as acknowledging it even to say "no" keeps the ordeal going as it gives her something to bounce off of. In this case, it's not a matter of hoping she mellows out, but more so making it clear that this sort of behavior isn't even worth acknowledging. I agree that it's a terrible way of expressing that she likes him, but in terms of methods of expressing one's feelings towards someone, I'd much rather have that over say... What some guy that liked me did, and in public forced himself on me into an embrace with him. That's not something I can effectively ignore, as it goes beyond merely saying things to me for me to have his/her attention. I agree on boundary respects. It's just I know in a lot of school aspects, most adults aren't going to do much about that because what's she's doing will be considered "harmless." I'm not saying to rule that option out however.
  4. Is it really? I thought that was really random but hilarious, but the fact that it's a thing now is great.
  5. This is exactly why I stand that Nolan needs to support with Edward in the early game. Edward is the only form of hit bonus outside of Sothe, and when Nolan's biorhythm goes towards Worst, -10 hit is simply dreadful for him for quite some time. Supporting with Edward eventually at least makes both of them virtually immune to biorhythm's effects (you'll always suffer a whopping -1 hit), and makes both more durable. I'd go for Meg, but I hate Heaven affinity and Meg isn't... Good.
  6. Leonardo: Leonardo is odd. He has moments where he can be good, but he has a lot of problems. For starters, it was like they wanted him to be a crossbowman but didn't know how to accomplish that. You'll find this is rather obvious in the sense that they gave him CANCEL of all things as his ability. The issue with that, is that Cancel is a speed proc, and that's easily Leonardo's 2nd worst relevant stat. Note IS, the way to do that is to give him decent Spd, Def, and Res, not bad Str, Spd, and Defense. That said, Leonardo still isn't in the same boat as miserable characters, because this guy doesn't need to gain a single level to actually be useful. Beastfoe can cover all of his damaging needs in Part 3, Leonardo has a monopoly on Killer Bows and Brave Bows in the DB chapters, and even better is that he actually has enough hp / def spread initially to not die from things in part 1 for the most part. He can chip, and like Micaiah, he doesn't miss like other DB members have a nasty tendency to do. His support affinity is great as well. His special bow is incredible as well. If you're a fan of Blood Tide, this weapon can be great as well if you bring him to the final chapter. If you're a bad character, you need to be bad like Leonardo. He's not endgame material under normal circumstances, but man, I'd say he was more useful than a ton of people. I still rate him low, because Leonardo needs things to really go his way to work. You need to find Beastfoe, and you need to find the Brave Bow, and you need to remember to buy the killer bow. If you don't, this guy can be a disaster. 3 /10 (because that's what I voted) Nolan is awesome. His bases aren't terrible for his level outside of perhaps his initial skill, and he has earth affinity which makes him great for whomever supports him. Outside of his shaky early game hit, he's one of the most durable DB members in the game that doesn't leave. This guy is good enough to be worth training to Tier 3 and taking to the end. He's fast, he hits hard, and doesn't take much damage. At tier 2, he can even pull Leo's Beastfoe trick if he wants-- though I prefer to leave that to Leo and give Nolan Paragon. Nihil innately is great for Part 4 as well. A unit that has something to offer at every given turn even if he was never the best outside of maybe Ch.1. 8.5 / 10
  7. Remember King Midas good grief. Like... What? Just what!?
  8. My way of handling it was just ignoring it. Like completely and utterly. Afterward we actually became good friends once she stopped doing that. She probably just really likes you.
  9. That avatar is glorious. Welcome to the forums, I hope you enjoy your stay.
  10. Really? Do you happen to know what those games were? That sounds really cool to be honest. And yeah, this seems really crazy, but I love alternate stories. I wonder if Yamcha and Bulma will have a child? I'm also curious if they'd give a nod to this manga in Super.
  11. This is going to be interesting. I'm assuming that Tien, Piccolo and Chaotzu are the only ones that die then? That's what it seems to be at any rate. If Yamcha can survive all of that damage, then he's clearly stronger than Piccolo at this point. I'm curious how the namek Saga will change.
  12. Monstania. It was a "SRPG" but it was more of a puzzle game than anything else with SRPG elements. I have not seen a SRPG like that since.
  13. Edward is king average to me. He's terrible if you don't use him immediately but pays off fairly well if you do use him. 5/10 for me.
  14. The only person that can is Lissa, and unless she got like super strength blessed I'd never consider it. I agree on that. What Levant said. 8 move staffer without working about terrain is excellent. Chapter 16, any chapter with mountains, and the final chapter especially. You're thinking too small with staves. You don't use them for healing necessarily, you use them for Rescuing. Let's use Sumia for a second. A standard Sumia will have 7-8 mag before promotion. On promotion, she'll gain +1 magic leaving her at 8-9. With that, she can rescue someone and move them 5 spaces. With 2 units paired up, that's two units that just moved a couple of spaces without taking their turn. That's more useful than Galeforce at moments. I'd actually feed Sumia a spirit dust to give her 6 spaces. Magic is pretty lame for Dark Fliers for both Pegasus Knights that you get, so I'm not really seeing the point here. I'd honestly say Rescue staff and the ability to heal > Galeforce. I'd also say Rally Speed > Rally Movement. I'm not even joking here. Galeforce IMO only becomes super good when both pair ups have it so you can attack, Galeforce, attack, galeforce, and then retreat or attack again. When you're having only a few units with it? It's pretty "meh." Plus Galeforce is learned at level 15. Good luck getting that for enough of the game to make Dark Flier worth taking over Falcon Knight. Kellam makes an excellent pair up bot. 2 strength and 4 defense with no supports is amazing. No other unit gives that as a pair up. And Pair Up is the way to go in this game. Kellam's low movement is offset by pairing him with someone with high movement. You give him someone like Sully, Cordelia and Sully can move further out ahead because she has more defense and can take on more units, and then if you need to, switch to Kellam in a sea of enemies. It works fine. There's quite a few people that don't OHKO in this game. If you mean 2HKO by doubling? There's more that do that, but certain not to the level of saying Kellam isn't useful as a pair up bot. Knights and generals are good in this game because they give 2 strength / 4 defense or 3 strength / 5 defense without taking any other stats into consideration. If you're planning on leading with them, you can STILL pair up with classes like thief or trickster to give + 1 move. Incidentally, they'd also get extra speed too.
  15. Possible in Hard Mode. I beat Hard Mode and I married Anna of all people. So yeah, you can do it. I disagree with avoiding Falcon Knight. It's a flier that has staves. That's pretty useful. I'd argue it's more useful than Galeforce on some chapters. War Monk is fine for Libra. I'd actually recommend using him for awhile too. He's an easy person to nab an S rank with a female unit and abuse a child actually. Kellam is fine, and actually pairing Kellam up with Cordelia can enable you to get a Luna Severa without reclass.
  16. Hmm... I think I only got to like Chapter 1, so maybe I'll just try to setup a recording for the adventures. Sounds like it could be spiffy.
  17. The way the caps work is that both Laura and Micaiah are pretty much identical. Micaiah has a slight offensive edge because of Thani. I wouldn't say that Micaiah blows past it, but I DO agree that Micaiah can potentially level faster than Laura depending on how you go through the game. The issue I have is that under normal circumstances without abuse on my part, I can't get Micaiah passed level 10-12 naturally and the game auto-promotes her at the end of P1. "Crushing" her is going pretty far on the account that both are really lousy units. Edward does not die in 1 hit, and with supports can potentially live through 3-4. Getting him to level 18 also gives you a chance to get some stat boosts through BEXP because he normally caps hp, speed, and skill. Even better, is that in the early game, you can give him that Dracoshield, and with his support bonuses, he's solid enough. Support him with Nolan, Volug, Jill, Aran, anyone that gives him some defensive bonuses, and he's easily a solid unit. He'll never be your best, but he's not in state of ever being OHKOed and can contribute fairly well. Edward is much better than Micaiah in Part 1 IMO. By Part 3, that's entirely dependent on if you prefer healing or the ability to not die as easily. I give defense more merit than offense, because I still don't think Micaiah's offense is that good without taking Wrath off Edward and then spamming it with Thani. Slightly less ranged offensive power in order to not require being protected at every given turn and better offensive power from 1 range? Sounds good to me. As for Zihark, his existence as no relevance towards Edward outside of potentially being able to use the Brave Sword instead of Edward. That's it. You pick one, and move on with them. Edward doesn't sound like a trap at all. He's perfectly fine, and I actually prefer him to Zihark, because if you manage to get Edward to promote by the time you get to Part 3, Edward is kinda better than Zihark. They have borderline identical stats and Edward has much more desirable growths. Earth affinity would mean something if it wasn't all over the place in the DB. As for Ilyana, she really is better than Micaiah for the first couple of chapters she's there. Sacrifice can heal poison, but so can items, and you get some to heal that. I honestly don't remember sleep being around in Part 1 where it was used on anyone. The times that Micaiah is good are... Virtually never. She helps you get Discipline, and that's about the only thing I can think of that she really does that's "useful." The rest of the time, she's not doing much better than anyone else in the DB, but demands that you protect her at every given moment. She's not Roy levels of useless after people start promoting, but she's not very good either. In comparison to other units like Ike, Elincia, Tibarn, Gatrie and the likes, I'd definitely say that Micaiah is on the lower echelon of units in RD. After she promotes, she's pretty much just a heal bot. There's no way I'd say a heal bot that dies in 1 hit is deserving of something like a 6. Especially when we have other ones like Elincia that can fly, use physic like Micaiah, and have imbue on so they can heal back to full health if they use that and have their staff out making for a bit of a pseudo-tank. And Elincia isn't a unit I'd rank 10/10. It especially bothers me, because if you take someone like Tormod and make him --/10/1, Micaiah is like... Worse in every way sans magic and that glorious C rank staff. If she didn't get that C rank in staves, I'd actually say she was pretty bad. As it stands I'd leave Micaiah in the "not good" spot.
  18. Ilyana has good base speed, and skill. 12 base is still pretty good for someone that has 80 hit with a thunder tome. She's more accurate than Nolan for instance. Granted, she doesn't have the durability of Nolan, or the damage, but we aren't talking about him. 70-80% is actually pretty common for DB units that have anything outside of swords or are tier 2. I normally bench Ilyana because nothing good comes from her. EXP is lost in Part 1 and goes right into Part 3's pocket which doesn't help you at all. And best of all, Ilyana doesn't have Biorhythms to screw her up as much as other units around. But as a unit, she's just mediocre at best. Aran's speed problems are also offset by the fact that he has defense. Even doubled, he still takes less damage than some units. To put this into perspective, Aran has the more base defense that Edward has on average at level 20. Aran is one of those units that if you ignore, he sucks, but if you decide to use him, he does what he does decent enough. People just hate seeing doubling, but honestly, it really doesn't matter when it comes to damage thresholds whether you're hit twice or once. And in the moments where Aran doesn't get doubled, he takes considerably less damage. HM Tigers are about the only thing that Aran suffers against, and that's primarily because HM Tigers are dodge or die levels of strong. Yeah, my finger slipped on the vulneraries.
  19. If he had an energy drop I'd honestly say he's good. He's a little strength and skill screwed but he's solid otherwise. Good even.
  20. I don't know man, even with Thani, Sothe can handle most of the units that Micaiah can shred through. And in the moments where you'd desperately need her Thani power, they are open fields like chapter 6 where you'd have a hard time placing her and units like Tauroneo, Aran, Nolan, Sothe, Jill and Volug shine in part 1. Granted, you can give her Wrath, and then use Sacrifice to guarantee that she's always in Wrath range on the account that Micaiah is so slow that a lot of things ORKO her if they don't flat out OHKO her. By Part 3, she's a staff user that is competing with Laura as a staff user. Laura has even more ridiculous Mag growth than Micaiah in that regard, and both will pretty much have the same mag growth there. Laura isn't exactly what I'd call a good unit either, and is middling at best, so giving Micaiah a higher score seems kinda backwards. Even if Micaiah has 30 for her magic cap in Tier 2, Laura being used can actually promote to Tier 3 sooner. Neither are realistically hitting their caps, and even if they were, Micaiah has a whopping 2 magic over Laura. Laura is a unit that if I were giving a score from 1-10 with 10 being the best unit in the game, and 1 being the worst, I would still rank her below 5. Micaiah would rank about 3-4. Even worse is that staff healing is at its worst in the series here on the account of Herbs having 10 uses and Vulneraries healing a whopping 30 hp and having 8 uses. It's useful in the final chapters, but every other unit by then is more durable than her that can heal. If Micaiah weren't forced in part 4, I'd probably rarely, if ever, use her. The pros of Micaiah are : Chip damage, which would be nice, if pretty much every unit in this game didn't have 1-2 range. Like seriously, Sword users have it, axes, javelins... Heck, even range units have it... Everyone does but Laguz, and the amount of chip that Micaiah does is only slightly better than units that don't explode into pieces if they get targeted. The rest of the DB besides axe users? Let's see: Edward grows into a great unit provided you bother with him. He's pretty much 2-3 killed until you start leveling him up. With Wind Edges he can stay out of harm's way, and still manage to fight on the front lines. You give him a Brave Sword and he can safely attack several enemies that he wouldn't be able to kill if he works with a chip damage unit. Ilyana is just plain better than Micaiah. She's faster, has better defense and hp, and by the time Micaiah catches up in power, Ilyana leaves. Aran starts off wonky but eventually can tank, which is more than Micaiah can do because she can stop other units from dying. The only people I'd say she's actually better than are Fiona, who is without a doubt, the worst character in the game, Meg, a unit that's very shaky to use, and Leonardo, a unit that does the same thing as Micaiah but does less damage. Granted he's less likely to be one rounded, but his speed is pretty wretched.
  21. What level is he? Because he seems pretty solid outside of strength and skill.
  22. Hmm... That's strange. Have you tried clearing your cache? Might be something broken on that end.
  23. It's' broken. It's happening to me where people had responded to me for stuff. And yep... It's terrible. Though the bell icon to notify me still shows posts though.
  24. You know what? With the way people talk about this game, I need to actually see the curse that is Kris with my own eyes. I had the game at one point and misplaced it. It's time to find it and play through it.
  25. RBY boasted a decent movepool, good special, speed, attack and the rest of its stats being well above average. It had no type disadvantage outside of Pin Missile. Mewtwo takes this by storm.
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