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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. I might play it, I happen to have RPG Maker VX because I was playing other games.
  2. What's weird is that Saga Frontier 2, despite its faults, is a much better made game than the first one. For starters, the localization isn't a complete mess, and the story is considerably more complete. Sure there's plot blips like Fake Gustav, but I can say that I made it through most of the game without thinking it was a slog. I honestly do not like the first one, but everyone else. I don't love the sequel, but I respect it more. Oh, and the gameboy ones are actually good too.
  3. Shura has the most potential in my opinion. He has this whole backstory that's definitely there that isn't really complete on any routes. He should have at least had a support with Azura.
  4. I haven't used the Fates one before, but if it's anything like the old ones, you have to actually change them in the events where they join, or in the case of nightmare, the Chapter Unit Editor.
  5. This entry seems like it'll be a strange entry. I hope you get it completed.
  6. Ike - good unit for the most part, the only problem I have with him is his shaky speed. He can have a bit of problems doubling people, and Wind Edges aren't as cool as Hand Axes or Javelins. He also doesn't have the move that other units have and a silly weakness to makes. A stray critical from a mage will probably kill him. That said, considering what he's up against most of the time? He can rend face through most anything. 9 / 10 Mist - Thanks for having 6 move and not getting OHKOed because you have enough base speed to live. Terrible in combat and can only heal. I'd rather just promote Soren early and not use her. She stinks. Her Prf weapon is amazing but her strength is so poor that you'll probably not notice how good it is. 4.5 /10 Titania - Same as Ike except trade "weak to mages" to "weak to nothing really." Good. Really good. Not Haar good, but considering that she's being compared to him? Come on. 9.5 /10. Soren - Pretty bad tbh. He's not fast, and his might isn't high enough for me to care in most cases on attacks. I want to like him, but the game doesn't want me to like him. I'll pass. He can promote early, but then he's desperately missing the stats he needs to not be bad later on... Of which case, he's just decidedly mediocre. At least Mist is just kinda lame but low maintenance. Rhys - He's like Mist but with 1 less move (why?), and he gets massacred by practically everything. Oh, and no PRF weapon and lame attack. 3.5 /10
  7. No. It's definitely a remake. Along with FF1 as well. FF1 is more drastically altered, but FF2 is fixed. And to be fair, every version from the original has had thing changed from it.The original version of FF2 is a complete mess. As for the person looking for a game that alters your stats based on what you do in battle, the series you are looking for is the Saga series. Pretty much all of them outside of Saga 3 do that mechanic. Although most of them are too audacious for their own good and not very good. The DS remakes of Saga 2 and 3 are absolutely wonderful but they are Japanese only... They have translations though, I'd recommend checking THOSE out. If those are too obscure, try "The Last Remnant." It also has Saga origins as well with a very strange but slightly enjoyable battle system.
  8. ... darn it tryhard, you weren't supposed to just find it for them. Oh well. :)
  9. You ignored everything else I just asked. What information do you know of that's hogwash?
  10. Not at all. Why do you need to be a global power to tamper with the election? What basis do you have that there was nothing? I am a innocent until proven guilty believer here, but do you actually know more than the intelligence agencies. So because they made an alleged mistake that's evidence that they will always make mistakes? No. It doesn't clear anything up. The flip question could be asked: how is it not related? And perhaps the people that they wish to sanction hasn't been leaked to the public yet. Like I said, you can't accuse someone of doing something when you haven't presented anything for why you feel that way.
  11. You don't need to be a world super power to tamper with things. I'm curious why you are so personally convinced it's complete hogwash.
  12. Yeah, it's okay. It wasn't my favorite game, but I certainly saw it as decent enough. Now Bubsy on the playstation? That game is a pile of garbage and I don't see how ANYONE could like that game. I was more of a fan of Sparkster or Dynamite Headdy, but the game is far from bad. I remember playing the Genesis version, but I thought that game was pretty good. I don't even like soda. And spot goes to Hollywood was actually really fun.
  13. Kieran - He's not bad. Just not great. He can handle himself, but he's never actually really good aside from his first couple of chapters. Decidedly above average but not really worth using. 5.5 /10 Astrid - Horrible. Paragon is nice for her, but those base stats are lousy. She has a bow thank the lord so she can actually stay out of harms way, but her strength is so bad it hardly even matters. Bad when you first get her, and worse when she returns. Somehow she's not the worst unit in the game, but man... She's awful. I'd put her in the unholy trinity of bad with her being the best of the worst. 1.5 /10 Makalov - Pretty mediocre but still pretty usable. He's like Kieran with more accuracy but less strength and defense. Too bad he doesn't have enough speed to double. He just ends up being kinda difficult to use. Probably the third worst mount to use overall. Oh wait, no Renning exist. Maybe...? Geez, there are a lot of lackluster units in this game. 3.5 / 10 Danved - He's okay. That's all. He's not hard to use, but he's just outperformed by a lot of units. 5 / 10. Callil - Same boat as Danved. I give her an extra .5 on the account that she's one of the only mage types to be able to hit 34 speed which is nice, and it's pretty realistic to reach with her too. The best part is she has enough time to raise her staff rank too as well as her Fire rank. Getting SS is easy, and getting an okay staff rank isn't too hard either. Just slap paragon on her and she's okay. 5.5 / 10
  14. Seriously, the only ones that I actually found that were bad was Digimon World 2 and 3. DW4 doesn't count because that was a spin off and it's still not *that* bad. But yeah, I do like the Digimon series quite a bit. Also, I like XCOM: The Bureau. People acted like it was trash. I thought it was decent. I kinda like it.
  15. Jill did have to make decisions. She had to decide if she was going to stay with Ike. She could have left the minute she got to Begnion. She stayed because she wanted to see for her own eyes about what she was taught in school versus reality. Jill's supports are all canon honestly. Lethe likes her in RD whether you finished it or not, and Haar x Jill only makes some sense if you read their supports. Mist and Jill have a bond even if you don't A rank in PoR. Jill's support convo with Lethe has her trying to learn about the laguz and how to understand them. Jill makes clear conscious decisions about what she does. Jill can fight her dad and not defect. If you have an A support with Mist or a B rank with Lethe, you get the support-- fun fact, you cannot get Lethe A rank with Jill until POST father fight. After this point, she comes to terms with the fact that Laguz aren't bad, and that Daein-- or more specifically Ashnard needs to be stopped. She does it for her father, her people, and justice. For a support character, Jill has an amazing arc. Skrimir does make decisions as well. Just really poor ones. He develops because he has a decent amount of screen time and we get to know him as a character. To be honest, neither Ike nor Micaiah really grow as leaders. Everything kinda just falls into Ike's lap, and people just sort of leave him in charge. Micaiah is in the same boat as Ike PoR in RD. The difference is that RD focuses on Micaiah's lack of leadership ability as we see her crumble apart as things get more stressful as she attempts to hold her country together while dealing with orders she doesn't want to do. She is a good squad leader, but she is not general material. That's probably the reason the game gives her 0 authority stars. She has no authority really and is not much more than a figure head. Still, I can't help but like a character that's THAT much of an underdog and trying their best. In RD, Ike doesn't even really lead. He just kinda does what other people tell him to do. And he has to, because he's not leading the team, he's just a hired hand. In RD, he kinda sucks because Ike could literally be anyone. Heck, half of the enemies don't even recognize him making his inclusion even more frustrating. He should be known, but only main characters seem to give a damn about him (and I mean people like Sephiran etc as big players). Rarely ever does Ike have something noteworthy to contribute to scenes outside of one-liners. Soren is the tactician, and even Titania and Mist are pretty pointless this time around. Ike being the lead here is kinda weird, it'd be like making Dick/Dieck the lead of Binding Blade. As much as I will say that I don't think PoR was a great story (I think it's so-so overall), it's certainly leagues ahead of RD's plot. There's too much happening, and too many characters for things to really go anywhere productively. I definitely agree that they should have either cut parts or made Part 1 its own game with Part 2, 3, and 4 being a finale. Fair enough about character development. I do recall seeing that comment and ignoring it now that you mention it (there wasn't much to say in response to it). As for Ike's inclusion, yeah, I can agree to disagree. I always felt Miccy would have been better.
  16. Post disappeared, so I'll just do a quick version. @Ana: I'm saying at this point Ike should stay, but Micaiah should have been chosen first. Character development really doesn't matter in a fighting game, just character moveset variety and potential in this case. Both would have been good candidates in this case, so Micaiah is better for a fighting game ironically enough. @Frey: The mount example was to say that the characters can do more than what they've done with FE characters. There's enough potential to not have the movesets we have.
  17. He admits that Ryoma would take a negative view on that. He doesn't bring this up to Azura because the conversation goes into a different path because Corrin keeps asking questions. Azura simply says "I understand." As for Frederick, those are two different settings. Their lords aren't the same person as well. So that's what would make his case different.
  18. My point still stands. I know what the topic is about. However, that's already been shown. That was still rude. Extremely. @Everyone else The FS avoid does matter because it has a rather nasty penalty. Plain and simple. A hit that would be 60% suddenly becomes 80% when using the FS. That's pretty significant. Whether your playstyle can cover up that weakness doesn't matter. When you hit an argument about playstyle, there's not much more to discuss on the account that how much weight that negative has is a matter of opinion. Simply having the ability to not have to worry about healing someone on the next phase allows for a more aggressive playstyle. On the account that you can spend less time healing unless you are extremely unlucky. Considering that both can be OHKOed by enemies at moments, going for dodge with them is a horrible idea. Felicia probably isn't going to be in range by virtue that even if she didn't have the FS equipped, she'd still be in a bad position if an enemy looked at her. Either way, I'm out. Topic has flown way off the deep end. It's seemingly no longer about Jakob v Felicia.
  19. F.L.Studio has a midi making program as well. It's not free, but you can export the midi and then import that midi each time if you want to resume where you left off. Unfortunately, I don't know many MIDI making programs that are actually free besides Anvil Studio.
  20. A bit condescending much? I'm asking what point he wants to make. If we've acknowledged that Jakob is better, why bother mentioning a strategy that caters to a very specific strategy Especially when your response is: Which is basically telling him "stop talking." Which again leads me to ask which makes me wonder what we are trying to point out here. That Felicia is usable? Well that's obvious.
  21. I just can't get over how awesome that Lilina looks.
  22. Which makes me wonder what we are trying to point out here.
  23. But they aren't all the same. They actually have completely different hitboxes as well as animations. No joke. Dancing Blade is about the only one that's honestly the same at this point. Ike is more original, yes, but it's still bad. I already said Roy was bad. No one gave Roy a free pass. Heck, I couldn't have made it more obvious with this: And I even explicitly explained that Ike being cut at this point would be bad. And yet, Micaiah would have been 1 of 2 casters in a 30+ roster. Meanwhile, Ike would have been 4. Marth, Ike, Link, Tink. Chrom most certainly did exist for Smash 4. We're talking about Brawl for Micaiah and someone else for Smash 4. That one should have been Micaiah. IE, Brawl -> Micaiah, Smash 4 -> Chrom. I can guarantee we'd have had less complaints about that than what we have now. I agree that Urvan should have been used for Ike, but they just... Didn't. So as it stands, he's a sword user. Kinda yeah. I mean, if we're going to get more Fire Emblem characters, I'd rather them... You know, do more things that can actually be done from the series rather than the same thing. Picture this, let's say we get Mario characters, and all they do is jump and shoot fireballs? How disappointing would that be when there's a ton of moves to be had? Bandana Dee would be a fine addition to the series, and that's primarily because it's base moveset isn't based off of a limited set of skills. What's wrong with the FE characters is that we are missing out on things that could be interesting. Characters that transform with stones to fight as an animal -- as we only have a couple of quadrupeds for fighters despite being able to have more, an archer moveset (which could be pretty cool if done right), axes, people that could fight on a mount (seriously? What hasn't this been done?). There are a lot of ideas that Fire Emblem could have but they just dwindle them down to... Sword fighters. It's disappointing if you're a FE fan, it's disheartening about the franchise if you're not. And I don't think most people would argue that either. Lucina is a huge mistake, and Roy wouldn't have been nearly as bad of a mistake if he weren't DLC.
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