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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. What are you talking about? None of their hair matches. Odin's hair comparatively is white to a Vaike parentage. Inigo has Viron hair color. And Severa's was probably more in reference to the fact that Severa would have any color but red. Even Avatar couldn't pass Coredlia red.
  2. Well you could argue that it's their duty to educate people because of public schools. While it might not be educating the current set of adults, it IS their duty to ensure that children are being properly educated. Of which, there seems to be no attempt to do that.
  3. Sounds decent. That's honestly an idea I had, where a person has a range attack stat and a melee attack stat. This makes it to where things like archers are hurt less by the strength thing for classes. Even if another class gets bows, they'd have a lower weapon rank, and less of the ranged attack stat (I honestly made a new stat for it rather than tying it to skill, as that seems kinda ridiculous for archers to get damage boost, more accuracy, and critical chance off of their attack stat). For bows, I'd use something like strength/2 + (new stat) / 2 with archers getting a skill that completely eliminates the need to have strength for ranged attacks and is instead the new stat based. Or give them crossbows to use as well so they can eliminate the need for strength and simply use the new stat given. This has the added effect of what you said before, while not making archers have a dump stat (strength). As for the range magic attack versus melee, it's an interesting idea, but I think that there should be more formula for that sort of system, but I like how this is going. I don't like the idea of a character having a hidden skill honestly. Even worse, is that doubling is something that I'd consequently want to be a constant rather than a random variable. Proc skills can be fine at moments, but not one like this. It's too low to be reliable, and wouldn't have enough of an effect to necessarily help when needed. If anything, I'd make doubling skills things that were based off of conditions like: 1) Target can't counter attack. If you have a skill like cancel, this could be an interesting combo. 2) Target is not in terrain cover. Meaning that you can double attack it. 3) You are in terrain that provides cover. Stuff like that could make doubling less of a stat thing and more of a condition thing instead which could make units more or less useful based on situations rather than having to even worry about stats. Some might say it'd make for a skill fest, but I'd rather have a skill fest than a stat fest.
  4. This essentially. Lck needs to do more for avoid, and skill needs to do more for hit. Having lck do most of the evasion might make it too good though. Instead, I'd leave it 2 x 2. Because if not, then lck becomes a powerful defensive stat with the way DLuna has it as it's the only way to lower critical evasion outside of supports. and it's the bulk of evasion, which would mean that any evasive unit has darn near 0 critical against them while having decent critical in general. Mages do need to be more frequent though, and there should probably be more differences between them. Honestly, for mine, I think that nerfing speed would be enough if you made it to where player phase could only double with speed, and on defensive strikes, you can only double with skills on enemy phase. However, sticking straight to standard Fire Emblem, this is probably the best compromise.
  5. But here's the thing, even using your example, when a person is signing up for a place, let's say Serenes Forest, you are given the rules. What happened would be the equivalent to you reading the rules and saying "screw the rules," you may not have broken the rules yet, but the moderators are already going to have their eyes on you. In this case, Trump already has begun doing things, so it's already a problem. He's been saying things from the start. You are supposed to be proactive rather than reactive. It's harder to lose something than it is to gain it back. As for vaccination, all I can really do is pray at this point that people aren't overall that stupid. Otherwise I'm going to have to start thinking of myself as smart, and I don't like that.
  6. I usually buy it tbh. But yeah, without Amaterasu I don't like it too much.
  7. This is what happens when you win an election through fear-mongering rather than actually running a well thought out campaign. They can still dislike him. And effectively, I think America kinda should. They were basically shoved two pitiful elects, and neither particularly delivers. People crying "he's not my president" demonstrates that they do NOT support him at all. It might seem stupid, but it really signifies just how unhappy the people are with their current president. It is not pointless to act beforehand. Being proactive is actually a good thing. These people are making sure that their rights are treated with respect, and some of the things that Trump said before the election were dubious at best, and terrifying at worst. People are doing something before what Res said is actually functionally implemented.
  8. Turn her into a kinshi knight and get Amaterasu and watch as she becomes a competent healer. Pass it on to her two kids and there are many happy things around. Healers? We don't need no stinking healers when we have the power of standing close to each other.
  9. I really like him as his standard Adventurer class, but I suppose if you're willing to change him, you can make him a Butler. To be honest, Niles has such well rounded growths that you can make him pretty much anything. I'm not even kidding here. Even as a Dark Mage he isn't terrible. It's not a bad idea to S rank Elise for Troubadour. Forgot, you don't get Leo's Troubadour. It's just pointless for him to A+ Leo.
  10. Agreed. Getting hit is bad, but getting hot and having damage spikes that can put you in danger is even worse.
  11. I do have a drawing program. I might try that, but I think I found a couple to try out on my own. I might try to give them a whirl . The ones that have drawing tools and animation are really expensive and I don't have the animation experience to shell out that much.
  12. No it doesn't only count part 4. Sothe is higher than everyone else before hand, but worse than people that are better than him. IE, people like Jill contribute fine in DB, and then continue to be awesome later on. Hence why she has such an outstanding score. She starts out okay, and then continues to be good until the end. If Part 4 was only counting for Sothe, I'd put people like Fiona higher than him-- which is most certainly not the case. The issue here is that most DB members that are worse than Sothe in this game end up better, but I still wouldn't rate them higher than Sothe simply because of what Sothe does beforehand. Like I said before, I rated Edward something like 5 including the beginning where he was helpful, but docked points off for him still not being the best possible choice, with 5 being an average unit score for him.,and gave Sothe a score of 6.5 with him being above average and leaning towards good, but ultimately being hampered by endgame. Had Sothe not had atrocious caps and kinda lame growths I definitely would have made him higher. If I was rating Sothe in Part 1, he''d be a 10/10 he's got speed, he has power, he has defense. He has 1-2 range, he's outstanding. The units that are "better" than him have overkill, so I don't care, and even then, Sothe can nab special items that many other characters can only dream of. 8 maps is pretty solid. I'll even it out because Sothe takes awhile to join on his first chapter, and combine that with 6 having 2 parts. In part 3: Sothe is hurt a little bit, but still has tricks to be kinda useful. He still has things like the Beast killer to help him do more damage, he still has 1-2 range, and Kard can be nice to try to go for an extra bit of damage on a critical. I'd rate him about 7.5 / 10. He's good, but he no longer feels invincible and the units that are appearing to grow around him are starting to look pretty good comparatively. Units like Jill have better comparable attack with their superior weaponry, units like Zihark have better affinities and are dodgier than Sothe,and units like Aran have much better durability. The DB can actually start to handle themselves quite well. He's no longer your go to unit to survive through things, and there's nothing to steal here. 3 maps. Part 4: Out of the Dawn Brigade units, assuming you bothered using them, they are all better than him. But that's okay, or at least it would be if he were actually good. His attack is kinda pitiful because of that lame 22 strength cap in Tier 2, and the next tier isn't much to look forward to either. Which even more irritatingly, he cannot have until after 4-P. So he's starting with 24 strength in tier, which is kinda lousy. Which means that he's stuck working up from that and has one chapter to get as high as he can before end game, and with his defense, that can pose a problem, and he's not particularly good in the desert map. Knives aren't looking too great anymore, and even with the Baselard, it's still not anything special. It's the same attack as Ragnell, and Ragnell is 1-2 range, and plus 5 defense. And every other weapon that is 1 ranged lock has 19+ might. I'd rate him about 2.5 / 10 . He's honestly one of the worst units to bring into the endgame and in part 4 that aren't awful dreadful units like Tormod , even characters like Sanaki can at least do okay damage. They aren't great, but still better than endgame Sothe. and even if he is "free," I'd question if it's even worth deploying him on the map. So he's bad for about 7 maps. 2 split up chapters, and the 5 for endgame. Short or not, he's doing no favors to finish them. So overall, he'd have about a 6.6 score from me. Which 6.5 was the closest to it. I could have given him a 7, but I don't really see a point in rounding that high up when I can round down to a closer tangible number. I definitely am NOT ignoring early game performance. His early game performance is what stops him from being complete and utter garbage in my eyes. It's about 3-4 tiles. That's pretty much all you need. If you go straight up it's kinda dangerous, but if you go a bit up and right or right and up, it's pretty nice.
  13. What if the lords were just customizable but kept the same names? I could be done for that.
  14. Sure it does. I get what you were saying there. And when you hit the final tier list which compares everyone, they fall short. Had these been broken up as Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 tier list? I think it would make slightly more sense. As it stands now, you just have a list where everyone is compared, which would mean that in theory everyone should be compared based on their base stats and hypothetical performances from the moment they join. IE, Sothe should be compared to Ike, in P-4 and P-4 alone. It's unfair for a unit to be lowered on the tier list overall because other people around them perform slightly less worse or around the same level when both are good. I find that kinda nonsensical. Even if Sothe is forced on a different team of Part 4 than Ike, they are still within the same realms of being on the same team in this part. They share BEXP, they both share funds, they share many things, and of course, when you reach endgame, they are directly on the field together. That's my issue. Even if the maps are short, endgame is still composed of 5 maps, and it's still 5 maps that Sothe isn't good in for instance (he's not particularly good in the desert either and he's just okay in 4-P and even THAT'S pushing it). No. It's not necessarily a matter of him being that good. It's a matter of Sothe being that mediocre towards the end. That's the issue. Tormod is different in this case because Tormod is good for a couple and then comes back outlandishly bad, and you know what? He has bad scores. Geoffrey is alright in the beginning and comes back pretty okay, not nearly as good as he was before, so what happens? Middle tier. Makes sense. I agree. Zihark still deals with Adept procs. It's not fun. You can trade switch I suppose, but I'd rather just use a beef cake like Nolan that doesn't have to worry about that. Why worry about all of these extra things, tank your attack and all of this nonsense when you can use Nolan, Jill, Volug (yeah, he's still a better choice), Aran, or even Sothe. Either way, I'm kinda done because I remember now why I hated tier list discussions.
  15. Because most of them are hindered in movement by the water and the thickets. So killing them first in this case prevents them from clustering up on your and dog-piling one unit. That's what makes Zihark swordmasters so hilariously unfun to use in these chapters on HM because of the random criticals that they can score and get them to kill themselves if you stay in the first area. Which I'm judging on the grounds of their usefulness as a unit throughout the entirety of the game rather than just in smaller pockets. Not really though. I knew a guy that was the best player at my school in high school, and when it came to college level, he was just so-so, and when he was compared to the other college players who were also good people on their teams, he wasn't nearly as good. He had pockets of excellence, but wasn't enough to be in the NBA. That's my whole point. He's still not better than other people. He's going to be good, there's no denying that as his skill was enough to be a great contributor in high school, but just because he was the best in comparison. The biggest fish in a small pond is not necessarily a large fish in the ocean. You might keep wondering why I'm making analogies, but the reason I'm doing so, is because I think it stands to reason that people are massively overrating the early game. It's kinda silly that being good for 1 or 2 chapters somehow makes you that good. Because again, I reiterate, if we're going with that logic, someone like Edward should be higher. He's 1st best unit for prologue, and 2nd best for Chapter 1. Chapter 2 he isn't too shabby either, only really outdone by Nolan and Sothe. Yet Zihark is that high for being... The best in an astounding 0 chapters. Like how Mia is the best in ... 0 chapters. And yet Mia in the end is not only easier to use, but also just as competent , if not more than a raised Zihark. The DB is weak, but people are exaggerating how weak the DB is at this point. They aren't that incompetent. Kinda, yeah. Zihark isn't THAT useful in his chapters. You can totally get by without him with minimal to no use. And it's weird because Oscar and Gatire are both good, but somehow worse than Shinon? Shinon gets super powerful because of the Double Bow, no argument there, but ... It's at endgame, so why is Shinon somehow allowed to be that high in comparison to both Oscar and Gatrie? Like I said, things are random here. Sometimes endgame is weighted, and then other times it's just shrugged off and ignored.
  16. Because normally Fiona doesn't have enough strength to throw javelins to do anything significant for damage. Without it, you can do things like have Earth affinity people hide in the grass for instance, and it's much safer than staying in the first island, and unlike the paths to the right, it doesn't have so many thickets that it benefits the enemy as well. I've used Fiona as well, and she's really a cut below the rest.
  17. And to answer your question, I choose "yes." Because giving the more "outstanding unit among scrubs" is like ranking the best high school basketball player on a team of terrible players better than a professional NBA player despite the fact that the NBA Player is clearly more proficient in general just because everyone on their team is closer to his level of skill. That's my problem with it. If Sothe and Ike were never fielded in the same room, sure. But the fact that they are just doesn't sit well with me.
  18. Hmm... Yeah, I've heard of Aseprite, but can it actually handle tablet style drawings like say... A cartoon as well? I know it can do pixels, but I was curious on that end as well.
  19. That's the problem though. Base Fiona even with a Forge does like... 2 damage to none, gets doubled by almost all of the enemies on the map sans 1-2, and has terrible accuracy. The energy drop makes more of a difference than the secret book because she actually can't hurt anything and has a harder time killing things. C rank lances isn't a bad start until you look at people like say... Nolan, or Edward that have a B by the end. Heck, an Aran that you used might have over C, and he starts with a D rank. Fiona doesn't catch up faster. Fiona can't use paragon until she promotes. That's a problem. She'll need BEXP to even have competent stats at the start. No, she cannot move backwards because every map that she has is one where she has the same movement as everyone else. That means that unless she takes a hit from an enemy first, she can't do it unless she is only moving 4 movement to attack. Otherwise she can only Canto 1 space or no spaces. Considering that 1-7, 1-E and 3-13 are counted as "indoor" it's going to be difficult. 3-13 technically counts as outdoor if you advance, but that's a death wish. Just saying "canto" doesn't actually remove the problem. I usually write off 3-6 as an actual viable map for her because it's exceptionally difficult to use her-- I should have cleared that up. Oh, and in 1-E, she has to take the scenic route while everyone else can climb up the stairs. That's another thing tha's annoying. Fiona is a unit that they clearly did not playtest when they were making the game. Laguz may give better EXP than Beorc, but Fiona also gets massacred by them more than Lyre does when transformed-- a terrifying thought. And Lyre can at least somewhat fight-- it's trash, but when both of the units are this bad, Lyre's advantages actually kinda stick out. Barely, but they are certainly more usable. In this case, as Fiona is not a unit you're taking to the end due to circumstances against her. Lyre just stinks. Significantly is a bit much. Any unit that's doubling doesn't get much use out of speed, and some like Brom, Laura, Rhys, and Micaiah it wouldn't make a lick of difference. The only ones that do care are people that are two-three speed higher than enemies. That's it. It's not nearly as many as people exaggerate. In that regard, an Energy Drop can be more valuable overall in this game. I'll admit I've never bothered to calculate how much a speedwing helps every character in the game, but quite a few of them it won't help. The ones that it does help? It is significant however. But the same could be said for Energy Drops. Energy Drops make a pretty significant difference for someone like Mia when they get forges as well. Having around +4 or 5 attack is pretty nice. They are getting credit. That's why they are better than a good deal of the cast despite having rather dodgy endings even when these other units like say... Edward, Rolf, Nephenee, Fiona (yes, it's still true), etc... Are better by endgame. But being a tier of 8 is ridiculously high. Hence my "they are given way too much credit." The earlier chapters may be more difficult, but they aren't THAT hard.
  20. So I've always liked doodling things and drawing little pictures, but lately the idea of doing some animations has been floating through my head as of late. Does anyone know of any good animation software that's not an arm and a leg but still provides decent quality?
  21. Fiona needs, forges, an energy drop, paragon, Discipline and spoon fed kills to an amount that makes her difficult to use. And incidentally, the map that is easiest to raise her she can barely travel through. Her leveling at a quicker pace would matter if she didn't have literally only 4 chapters to level. It does matter that she can't leave the island because in terms of when you want to push, you can't, which can leave enemies in that range where you'll kill them on your turn but then get killed if you kill the enemy. You could unqeuip your weapon but Fiona has terrible durability and can't even throw javelins well because you can't forge them and she doesn't have the strength to do chip damage. You though Edward's strength was bad? Fiona averages 12 at level 20. But Jill is a good unit and she averages only 13-14 strength you might say, but here's the difference with Jill and Fiona. Jill actually appeared with decent speed and defense, so she can take a hit considerably better than Fiona, she also uses axes which makes her rather questionable strength less questionable, and she has more time to level -- it's one chapter, yes, but it's one long chapter where she can take down fliers and is one of the best units to do so outside of maybe Leo or Taruroneo. Like... I want to like Fiona because she has so much going for her, but it's horrible. Canto isn't really as helpful as normal because she can't move faster than her allies meaning that you still have to creep to make use of it. As you need at least +2 movement over the person in front to move back behind them. Every chapter she's available in outside of 3-12 her movement is impaired (or equal to everyone else... Or worse than Laguz and promoted units). If Fiona had joined where Nolan was...? I'd probably use her. But here? No. She's just too far gone at this point.
  22. Wow... The quoting became a mess so I'll respond back in chunks I guess. Ena + Kurth: You're right, they don't necessarily need to use laguz gems, my point was is that anyone could plausibly use them. And yes, again, you're right that you probably wouldn't take Volug to the end if you were taking other laguz. And that's my whole point. Volug isn't a person that you're going to desirably bring into the end game under normal circumstances. And for Jill, I'd attach her to Zihark before I'd attack her to Volug. It's more beneficial for both of them. Z gets the extra defense earlier when the evasion hasn't kicked in full force and Thunder x Earth is pretty solid at C. Plus, he can actually keep up with her better than he can Volug, so it's easier to keep them together. Plus, Volug got some time to build in 1-5 so he might choose someone else. No reason to wait if you don't have to. Volug: Agreed on the stat booster. I don't consider it favoritism to give Volug the Energy Drop if you're using them. I don't understand the favoritism argument. You're obviously going to give things to people if you're using them. It's asinine to even bring up favoritism like this. Same way I don't consider it favoritism to give a speed wing to Skrimir if you're using him. My issue is how disgustingly close their endgame performance is here, and we're just ignoring it because...? Volug was good for a few chapters. I think that's pretty lame to give him 2 points and it's not underselling him at all. It's overselling him, because it's literally saying that he's better than Cain and Naesala despite the fact that we use this insane logic that "there's so many Gotoh style units in the end, that it belittles the need to have super good units by the end..." And then we aren't giving the super units that make end game a joke rankings that rank them being the best units. It's honestly completely baffling. Lyre Versus Fiona : The issue is that Fiona's better potential barely even matters. Lyre with an energy booster sucks but can fight about as well as Lethe. It's bad, but it's certainly usable. Fiona, even if gave her + 1 in all of her stats would still be kinda lousy. It still doesn't change the fact that she can't go anywhere in 3-6, can't climb the ledges in 1-E , and 3-13 (which means she must be deployed in the front and can't climb up ledges if things go wrong), and isn't present in 1-8 for some reason. She has 4 chapters to gain like... 20 levels. That's absurd. Lyre can at least contribute. Fiona you're stuck in this circle of giving her BEXP to have her fight only for the game to not let her fight. It's maddening. I'd say Lyre is a little bit better, but not by much. Lyre is a below average unit constantly. Fiona is damn near unusable unless you massively go out of your way to contribute all of your resources to her. Fiona just feels more rewarding and satisfying to use because you actually get something back in return. Stefan: The reason I think he should be higher is that people are seriously underestimating this guy. He's literally an RNG proof character. if anything goes sour for your trueblades, Stefan is your guy if you want to use a sword user. That's way more than we can say about the other 3rd tiers you get. He's leagues ahead of them. That shouldn't be ignored. Sanaki: I'm not seeing Sanaki as better than Calill. Their performance is very close at max, but Calill actually has enough time to build some supports, which means that even the attack power Sanaki has over Calill isn't much. Because Calill is dark. You'll also need to get Sanaki to SS rank if you want her to use Rexflame which is stronger than her prf weapon. Calill honestly has an easier time doing so.
  23. That's fair. I was more so going on when they actually appear. IE, using Cain again, I don't talk about how he would perform in theoretical chapters he's not there, but rather... How he performs when he is around. IE, Erk in FE7 is a decent unit, but if he appeared when Pent joined instead and had the base stats he starts out with, he'd be garbage tier. As he joins in the midgame when people are promoting and he's really weak. I don't care about his potential too much on this account because even if it WERE good, he's really bad when he joins. This is what I'm saying. There aren't critical junctions with Mia like there are with Zihark. He HAS to get that Paragon, he needs to get his A support affinity rolling in order to survive, and by part 4, he's now directly competing with people, and suddenly he's just mediocre. Meanwhile, Mia was never astounding, but she was never "bad." Just kinda there. Here's the thing though. They'd both get good scores, so I don't see the problem here. Athos and Marcus are both good units. Marcus struggles towards the end, and that's some of the reason if I were rating him out of 10 hypothetically, he wouldn't be 10/10. As 10/10 incites not just being a good unit, but perfect. IE, Seth is a 10/10 unit. He doubles, he has respectable attack, he can ensure that he always fights at weapon triangle advantage-- or at least neutrality, his res is decent to tank. And he never falters at any given point. He supports with the main character, Eirika, so in a worst case scenario on a random make-up of teams, he can at least get a B rank support.For Giffca, he's fine here. Skrimir is alright here, nothing special, so how is it that he would be better when in 4-P he's completing with Naesala and your best units, and then by the tower is way, way worse? That's how I see it undervaluing it when you have stuff like again, Skirmir versus Giffca. Giffca takes a massive dump on him, and Skrimir was never a hero of any chapter like say... Edward was in 1-P or even 1-1 for that matter. The issue isn't not being present, it's more that somehow being around nets you some points that shouldn't happen. Which honestly makes no sense. If you're bad when you join, you're going to probably continue to be bad throughout the game. There aren't many units like Fiona that have incredibly lopsided scaling, or Sothe that are on a continuous drop as the game goes further. It seems really dumb to say "Marcus FE6 = 10/10 unit" when he's nightmareish to continue to use after a certain point in the game. If anything, being that good like that should be what stops him from being worse than units that are just so-so like Lilina or Noah (neither are bad). IE, in Shadow Dragon, even if you hate using Jeigan, even if his stats did turn to crappy to keep him a paladin towards the end, you can turn him into a Bishop / Sage when you unlock reclassing and still use him to do his job while providing another healer, (and 30 mag growth isn't terrible by any stretch). or even using him over Wrys-- a unit that you probably won't take to end game anyways. Which goes to show how useful Jagen is rather than how bad Wrys is in this case. And I can agree with them being bad for using 1 turn. Which is why I'm scratching my head over this whole thing. Because you'd think Skirmir would be knocked down a peg because of this. Which makes me wonder how Volug is so high and then... You see where I'm coming from? The placements on characters seems incredibly random. He's bad, but he still has use. I said "useful," not good. Sort of like how Micaiah can be useful, but she is not good.
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