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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. I wouldn't. Her base strength is atrocious. And yes, I know you can forge, but it's still bad.
  2. Good to know that the source I saw may have been incorrect. I hope so, because that's alarmingly bad otherwise. I don't really know. I've never been around for a civil war and I'm not very knowledgeable on civil wars in many other countries to be honest. But I definitely agree with this. I'm actually getting worried that people will become so angry that decide to assassinate over civil war. Both are terrible, but I really don't want to see a knee jerk reaction to an assassination attempt. It's happening for random things. I always seem to be sent backwards by two pages. Thanks for the approval rating update. I'm feeling tired from all of this because the local gym I work at people are just kinda glum about everything happening. I don't even think they care who is in office, they just want good news.
  3. Last time I checked they were at 17%. It's very difficult to see it sink much lower to be honest. And this is equally scary to me on the account that people are now taking an "F-it, I do what I want" mentality. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that they are protecting the students, but it's disturbing in an overall sense.
  4. I'm seriously hoping my none of my family gets roped into this. My family is a military family, so now I'm worried about the actual prospect of war on the horizons.
  5. The Promotion Gains "Fire Emblem Wiki" link is broken and takes you somewhere that's definitely not the link in question.
  6. I wouldn't, on the account that she's not actually forced deployed. It's the same thing with Sothe, their presence there isn't really so much of a boon as it is a hindrance if you don't raise them in time. At least Sanaki can not get attacked by spirits and does have an okay offense if raised though. Even then, after you fight passed the dragons, you get 2 more people to deploy, and I'd rather use Gareth and Nasir over Sanaki. Generally speaking I drop those two in favor of the dragons to be honest. So for me, unless I'm specifically going to use Sanaki, I'd rather just make units I plan to take to the tower a little bit stronger and just be down 1 unit for the first 3 parts. The issue is that in this game, units actually have stat caps appropriate for their class. It's not like the GBA ones where unpromoted everyone was 20 stats unpromoted and then specialized ones after they promoted, Meg's caps and to a certain extent class keep her from truly being as good as she could be. To put this into perspective, let's turn her into a Pegasus Knight. At tier 1, nothing of hers caps outside of defense at 15, and Meg manages to have around 13 or 14 resistance instead of being locked at 10. Being capped at 15 defense sounds pretty lame, until you realize that normally she'd have a whopping... 15 or 16 defense anyways. So essentially, a Meg as a Pegasus Knight would have the same stats as Armor Knight Meg, but have +3 or 4 res. Nothing special... Yet, but let's go with tier 2. Since promotional gains don't exist for Pegasus Knight (that I know of), I'll be nice and give her the exact same bonuses, which makes this easier to see anyways. PKM - Will normally gain about 6 defense as a pegasus knight with her growths. That + promotion gains actually hits the Falcon Knight cap of defense 22. Easily. But what's better here, is that Meg is no longer stuck at her 22 speed cap like she is as an armor knight. With 20 speed + 75% speed growth? She's easily capping her 27 speed. Pretty early at that too. She'll have some space to BEXP because of speed and defense being capped mid Tier 2. Later on, she'd cap hp for even more reliable BEXP to be stronger. So Pegasus Knight Meg would have -4 hp, +5 speed, - 0 defense, + 5 res in comparison if we ignore BEXP abuse. The rest of the stats are exactly the same because she doesn't cap anything else. Tier 3 gets even worse. Meg easily caps her hp once again, and has higher stats to boot because she didn't cap ram the other stats so early and still has time to grow. It's a pretty fair argument in this case, because Meg's stupid caps with her weird growths cause her to be Aran-. Rather than better than him. Basically if she had been almost ANY physical class outside of an Armor Knight she'd be okay. As it stands, she is constantly being screwed over by her class at every given point.
  7. Because it's not shoddy for the reasons you're saying. That's the issue that's going on here. It's fun to bash Fates I guess, but the moaning has hit exaggerated points to the extent that not only does it overwhelm a topic and derail it, but also to the point that it's not even accurate. I'm not arguing on its plot anymore. These back and froths keep getting longer and more tiresome.
  8. It is shoddy writing. I can agree with that. You won't see any argument from me that it's not botched. Why can't it be both? Why does it have to be one? He's following orders. If he got more development, he would have been better, but it's not unreasonable for a person to follow their king's orders. Sure, he eventually starts to show contempt towards Corrin, but that's merely because Corrin is always constantly trying to weasel his/her way into doing what he/she wants. They also were of questionable loyalty when they came back. And there's also the fact that Iago just plain seems to dislike Corrin. Which matters? Is Ryoma supposed to hate Corrin? Do you have to hate anyone in war simply because you aren't the same side on them? Ryoma killed himself because he then understood that Corrin actually didn't want to kill him even if they weren't on the same side. It's not fine for him to die, but he was as good as dead anyways. King Garon himself was in the room at that point. Sure he did. Before Greil is gone, Shinon dogs Ike out for sucking. Greil shoves off eventually. Shinon leaves because Ike sucks, and then Shinon joins the EVIL Daein to rise through the ranks. To get Shinon, the game forces you to kill him with Ike, and then begrudgingly joins. Shinon totally has a drunken rage about it too. Yeah, Shinon has an entire arc about it, the same way Jill has an entire arc focused on her doing the right thing and suffering through pain. It's not a main arc, but it's there. Yeah, I'm not seeing that. I'm seeing that as a consequence of Corrin's choice. Another victim to it. And that's a very weak point. They could have made the story good, but they didn't. So why bother with what ifs like that outside of theory crafting crazy stuff? What is he supposed to say here? "No Corrin it's not fun, you're the worst, and I hope you die?" Like the man is dead. That probably changes a person's perspective on a lot of things. Second, even if Corrin's apology is humble, it should be, considering that this guy literally thought he could save everyone by doing what he did and failed. Corrin does stop Garon, yes, so in the end, the plan DID work overall, I fail to see your point here. Now if Corrin died, then we'd have a different story here-- literally and figuratively speaking. Which is again, something I'd contribute to sloppy writing. But at least in Conquest I'll give it credit, the sibling deaths feel far less stupid than they do in Birthright where sibling 1 dies and then sibling 2 ignores what the first says in their last breath. And again? I'm not seeing how you can say that, why can't a person legitimately feel bad for having this happen? If Corrin just shrugged it off, we'd have even worse problems than we do now. Yes. It is. So having Kaze hypothetically flop sides from Hoshido to Nohr, and then back to Hoshido would be beyond idiotic. And you mean Leo is allowed to act like Leo in Birthright? He's acted like that the whole game. Obviously. I don't even know why people bother to say that at this point.
  9. And I ask this, how do you know that? Were you there when the writer wrote the story? Did he personally tell you this? Garon isn't reasonable, no, but the generics, Iago, Takumi, Ryoma... These people are reasonable enough. Some of them like Iago might be static characters, but it still counts as actual acknowledgement. The same way that Shinon in PoR has criticism towards Ike, and it's not wrong at all but never acknowledged by anyone or anything else... Like in PoR, even the villains praise Ike. Like Ashnard wants nothing to do with Elincia and is more concerned with Ike... A character he's never met. In Conquest it is as seen by things not going perfectly right because of Corrin's decisions. It's mangled, but it's a hell of a lot better than say... What I just mentioned about PoR. Whether it was intentional or not, we can only guess, but it doesn't change the fact that there are people and saying it's never acknowledged is false . Heck, even Azura's supports with Corrin change to acknowledge the story of Conquest as well. Supports may not be canon or something you have to view, but there is clear effort put into the validity of Corrin's decisions sprinkled throughout the story. The writers didn't have to engineer anything, so this is really a moot point. No it doesn't. It literally has Takumi have a chance to have one last talk with Corrin, and it gives Corrin the ability to say he's sorry. If people went to Nohr because Takumi hurt their feelings, then oh well. I didn't. Takumi's mother was just killed, anger is a reasonable response to the person that was nearby and a potential proxy for the death. Corrin didn't see all of his plans succeed. Ryoma is dead, Takumi cannot be saved and is dead because of his choices, those are two characters that are at least signs that things did not go completely as planned. Oh, and if that weren't enough . What more could Corrin wish for? For Takumi to not be dead for starters. That's obvious. It would have made Kaze even worse to be honest. "Maybe you're not so bad, oh wait, you are. I'm going to betray you." That would have been kind of stupid. Both gameplay and storywise. Speaking of characters, Saizo. There's another one that I hadn't thought of until just now, so even here, your claim is still false. For the second part, I was more so referring to the fact that she didn't want to talk about Ryoma and Takumi dying. Because all and all, it's your fault that they are dead. It's not the same as Birthright's ending where it doesn't have that dark cloud hanging over. They even sort of have a joke with Camilla saying she doesn't want to rule Nohr. And yes, I read the whole thing. And The thing is, I don't particularly have strong feelings for Conquest at all, but the thing is, the opposite holds true as well. Your dislike of the story doesn't mean that the story is somehow poorly written either. It's bad in this case, but it's not nearly as bad as some would claim.
  10. Because like them or not, they are still characters in the narrative. It still counts. Takumi doesn't necessarily change his mind, he's just lamenting over what could have been, and in death is wishing that he and Corrin wouldn't have been enemies. That's not apologizing to Corrin because he is unreasonable and Corrin wasn't. He's apologizing for being so cold when they first met. Which is fair. Corrin even apologizes as well. Takumi says "it's alright" in the end, because he's dead. Clearly what Takumi should do is tell Corrin he's a scumbag, NOT hand over the Fujin Yumi so he can have the best chance of having his body freed, and simply stormed off from Corrin. Like I get that the story has problems, but ignoring what was attempted but botched is not the same thing as "it didn't happen." You don't see it, because that's not what I said. I said "them being alive feels more sour than Camilla and Leo." Which it does. Xander was the one that killed Elise, and Xander got himself killed because he kept attacking. Corrin has to face Hinoka again after promising to save Ryoma and failing, and Takumi is Takumi for this, and the last conversation you have with him, Corrin basically apologizes for sucking. I'm not going to even respond to the rest because you went off on a tangent that really had nothing to do with what I initially said. I'm starting to agree with Dinar and Brand on this one. The story isn't very good, but it's not the super monstrosity that tons of people hyped it up to be. I was expecting like Sands of Destruction levels of bad.
  11. I only like Female Robin more because she's a bit of a grouch, and it's a bit more easily related for me as a person, and since it's supposed to be me, it's a little satisfying. Plus, it's nice to see a character that can literally just get irritated like that. But I wouldn't put Male Robin as much worse than her. Corrins are the same for me because I literally don't see any difference in them between most of the supports. Some like Reina change, but not enough to really matter. I will say that I find a lot of Corrin's hairstyles kinda weird and stupid looks as male though. Robin didn't have that problem. This is some of the reason I prefer Conquest!Corrin over the others. Things actually don't go very well for him/her. And I wouldn't even say the game refuses to acknowledge it. The only people that really praise him are people that are from Nohr, and there are enough characters like Iago to say how much Corrin stinks. Or random generics , or Garon (possessed or not, he's still not satisfied with Corrin until Corrin starts acting like he's evil too). Hinoka and Sakura alive at the end feels much more sour than Camilla and Leo being alive, because at least Camilla and Leo seem more like they want to talk to you than Hinoka and Sakura. Or at least that's the impression I got with the "it is what is is." She's just done talking with Corrin and doesn't really want to relinquish her feelings on the matter to him/her. I felt that Rev and Birthright are far worse. Rev has pacing issues because Corrin doesn't have enough party members in the beginning so the vast majority of the game is "get party members" with seemingly random events happening along the way until they get to Valla, in which there are no real people to convey any real sense of what Valla IS exactly, and the only person that's alive is questionably used. Birthright would be good if it actually had anything happen. As it stands, it spends a lot of time with nothing happening but is needlessly wordy about it. It's like if Shadow Dragon went from having about 20 or so lines before each chapter to like.. 90. It's tiresome to read and with each chapter you don't actually really learn anything or do much of note. Birthright doesn't just suffer from pacing issues, it suffers from essentially making "Corrin walks to the Nohrian capital and defeats Garon" into 21 chapters with every villain essentially being one note, and no one really does anything along the way that develops them as a character. Except maybe Leo.
  12. Not quite though I was under the impression that he was trying to say that they were paying through their own paychecks. Which... Would still be our money, yes, but it would also mean that their money would not be able to just be pocketed and not lose anything from their own finances. IE, sort of like you might give a bank your money for safe keeping and they use your money for giving out loans, but in return, you get it back (with some minor interest) when you want as opposed to when you buy something, it's just gone. Of course now it's not going to be that, but you catch my drift right...?
  13. I managed to perfect my smoothie recipe from before. It was actually tasty!
  14. I like LynxKent, EliwoodxFiora, and HectorxFarina.
  15. From what I've seen, supposedly it was supposed to be Congress initially paying and then Mexico, now the plan is for U.S taxpayers to pay it. Sounds... Impractical to say the very least.
  16. It's not just you. It's happening to me too.
  17. There's nothing wrong with conflicting interest, that has nothing to do with what I said in my response.
  18. As a unit, yes. I love Corrin. As a character? They suffer from the same thing most people do in Fates. Bad in the story, alright in the supports.
  19. I know. I'm talking about Internet responses in general. Most Internet talk is exaggerated to the point that I'd honestly consider it a terrible place to even use a reference. It's like referencing Youtube. I'd like for them to work together in general as the discontent from both sides is insane.
  20. Dex or Technique could actually work. The point was to have some stat that works for archers to make them not have a dump stat. Because honestly, I'm not a huge fan of dump stats. It's sort of how in the Tellius games, it bothered me that mages needed all 8 stats while physical attackers only needed 7. That's... Not good. Funny thing, is that if I had it my way, the damage would be lower. Then you could do stuff for swordmasters like give them extra critical without each critical being a one shot fest, and then make Beserkers do more damage for criticals. I feel that criticals should be something that's embraced , and having something like that would go a long way for luck. Seriously, playing your FE6 Redux is when I realized that luck really isn't a bad stat. Rutger, a unit with bad luck, starts to have some scary issues against some of the enemies with his lowest luck against units like Bishops because they have so much luck that they can realistically have you having 70ish hit against them without supports. And that's all because of luck.
  21. I don't think a few comments by a few people on twitter and FB should mean that it's commonplace to endorse violence. Most of the time on the Internet, when people say "good," for something bad happening to someone, it's just another way of saying "I have no sympathy." Probably when one side is completely and utterly crushed to lopsided numbers to the point where the other group is silenced either by force or just drowned out by other voices. It doesn't matter which side it's from. If you believe it's wrong, it's wrong. The origins of it don't matter. This nonsense of left and right is how this chaotic mess has gone on for as long as it is, because rather than trying to find a solution to it, people are pointing fingers at "some other side."
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