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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. That's the reason I'm studying Spanish again. Because I used to be better with the language and have gotten rusty. I want to pass that information on to other people in my family as well. Plus, I've actually run into some situations where having languages under my belt enough to understand someone was helpful so I shouldn't let that go to waste. That's actually really cool. My mom knows French but respected her mother too much to pass it on.
  2. What? Shade or Wrath? Shade you can definitely always guarantee. Wrath? Not so much.
  3. Oh... Now I feel horrible. Haha. I think I'll use him next time... And feel less shame.
  4. I think it's important. My family used to have French speakers in it. My grandmother cut it off so we'd fit into the US better. I don't know a lick of French. And it's kinda sad. I think I might learn it at some point. Right after I brush up on Spanish some more. Losing languages like that in families and then eventually the language in general is a real shame. It's easier to speak to others, but we also potentially lose original texts too.
  5. The point is that it lets you pick and chose when and where. If he's in 2HKO range, feel free to leave Edward in a wide open field without needing to be covered with Shade. Take it off after he promotes and do whatever you want him with. And yes, Wrath + Resolve + 10% critical at least is really good.
  6. It isn't. Shade does work when a person isn't in OHKO range. The reason is sucks so much in PoR is because you don't need it as everyone is too durable. In RD? It's pretty good for people like Edward, because it literally means you can pick and choose when you want him to go into Wrath range and have people cover for him without ever having to worry about the ever classic "everyone gangs up on Edward and kills him on Enemy Phase because he is the frontliner with the lowest defense." The AI is stupid (or Shade actually works honestly), and it actually puts them REALLY low on the cue for attacking unless they are in KO range. So you can pick and choose when you want to do it. Shade and Provoke are things that need number tweaking in order to truly shine. You rated Ed higher than I did haha. I respect Meg as well, and you scored her higher as well. Aran- just doesn't do it for me. Technically it's 55% base in Wrath range because of Myrmidon innate critical.
  7. Besides, if it's that much of a problem, just put Shade on him earlier on. It... Actually works. And since he isn't OHKOed, you can keep him from dying. I'm glad to see other people give Edward respect too.
  8. Gwarsh, I have to say that is a Goofy looking picture.
  9. What's the point of selling them if you don't need the money though? It's not grasping at straws. It's something that can actually be used on a unit. I have never understood this about the Fire Emblem community and insisting there's only one way to do things. It's a viable option for a unit, and it may not be great, but it's still an option.
  10. Oh. Well glad I'm not playing this then.
  11. Man I was a 1 hit wonder on this topic. I'm really unpopular this time around. Haha.
  12. Aimee x Ike has that Serra x Erk thing going on... Haha.
  13. Ctrl + F "Aimee" Not found!? Wha-- ! I like that pairing. She seems like she could have snagged him in the end. Micaiah I'm indifferent to, Volug seems funny for her though. Pelleas could work for her really well to be honest. Better than Sothe really. They have great chemistry, and it's not weird like Sothe x Micaiah. Also, headcanon time for why Ike and Elincia are so flat to each other in RD to excuse the flair that the localization gave for PoR. Ike and Elincia did date for awhile after PoR but then broke up, and the break up ended rather poorly. Both can be professional, but the spark that was there is now lost.
  14. Leo has better magical growths in magic and speed (by very little on speed), but Hayato gives better physical growths. So you'll have better defense growth from Hayato but better attack as a mage. If you're going to be a hybrid though, Hayato makes a better one than Leo tbh based on the growths. So if your kids want to do both, it's something to keep in mind. I'd honestly go with Hayato. He joins earlier anyways.
  15. I just feel Lyn x Kent is great because it goes so well with A Rank Lyn x B rank Sain. And I like the friendship we get between the two social knights. Plus it's obvious how much they like each other in Lyn Mode, there's just more pressing things to be done at the moment. Honestly most of Lyn's pairings are pretty decent. That's the beauty of the early supports I guess.
  16. Private business I don't mind as much if they discriminate. It's their choice. Federal? Not at all.
  17. True, but wasn't pence also saying it was unconstitutional?
  18. FE6. Aside from blocking the true ending,they are the best done. You can get them early enough to use them, they can't be used too early because you need an S rank, and anyone can use them, so you have a goal for your characters rather than just reaching the final chapter in FE7 and WHOOPS YOU CAN'T USE THEM!
  19. Honestly, I'd expect the game to completely be overhauled again like it is almost each time it jumps to a new system. I'm sure some of the old mechanics will come back, but I expect new stuff as well. More new mechanics to be honest. So I'm expecting the kinda dip in quality the series kinda does when it goes to a new system. ... And yes, I'm not going to lie and I'll probably sound crazy for saying this... But I started playing FE3... And... I like Gaiden more than it.
  20. The piece of advice I can give is to not focus on using everyone unless you're grinding. Try to pair up as much as possible. Not only can it remove weak people off the field, but it also gives you more stats to survive against enemies. For Robin, I recommend being more of a mage than a swordsman. Are you male or female Robin? Because this changes a lot. If you're female, pair up Chrom with Robin ASAP. Otherwise, give Chrom Sumia. It's easier that way. It's mutually beneficial for both characters and you get a pretty strong Lucina. For male Robin, use whomever you want. I honestly recommend someone that has a child early like Miriel (no, I'm not joking). Doing that can enable you to get a Laurent with Veteran which can be a bit of a godsend early on to have more units with Veteran. When I played I personally went with Anna, so you can pretty much use whomever you want for the whole game and have no problems. In hard mode, you can avoid Freddy pretty easily, but he's still handy to have around. Libra is the character you really want to get a hold of in hard mode in my eyes. He's really powerful. Staves and axes is a powerful combo for that point in the game.
  21. Olivia? Never. Azura? Quite a bit. Azura has a nice strength growth, and makes for a good attack stance attacker with some of the slaying weapons. C rank in lances will do that. Ninian is cool though. I like those rings, but those are kinda built into "special dance" etc now. So it's not nearly as special now, Nini's Grace is probably the most noteworthy. That said, I DO like Ninian's dancer persona the most. The calm and elegant one. And unlike Azura, Ninian likes talking and isn't strangely aloof.
  22. Yeah. Texit is the only one I know about, and that's primarily because I used to see it all the time when visiting family. True enough. I can agree with this. I'd never condone for it. That I didn't know. I should look up more on Nixon. No one really wants to talk about him.
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