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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. When I went to a really bad school, my mother would homeschool me when I got home. When I moved to another school, I was actually ahead of them because of my Mother's teaching. I have always had a found respect for it after that point.
  2. We can hope that they just leave her there as a figurehead honestly. Although, I think if I had children I'd just home school them at this point.
  3. No. It's not just "lol royals." There are a ton of issues and things that really make RD come across as rushed. The issue is that there's just really lopsided balance for enemy : ally ratios, EXP gain ratios for characters joining, characters aren't particularly balanced with their skills given to them etc. There's a lot of problems that are far more jarring than other Fire Emblem games in that regard. Especially for one so late in the series. The royals aren't even what I have in mind for that, and as a matter of fact, the royals are only really there in existence because of the mess of RD's balance. They are pretty much "fail safe" units given to you to ensure that you can't get in an unwinnable situation. Sort of like how FE7 hands you Athos to ensure that you can win in the even that you get screwed over with characters (although it's ludicrously unlikely you'd be that screwed). That's not even what we're addressing here. And that's what older games really were meant to do with replacement units. Give you units that could replace lost units and even if they were worse, they could still be passable. RD? The game is most certainly not balanced around that notion. That's especially easy to see on DB chapters where your deployment slots in later chapters are EXACTLY how many units you can recruit. Hello Haar. It's nice that you can carry Part 2, Part 3, and still be one of the best in Part 4. Like what? What part is Haar actually bad? And more pressingly, not really. Meg never becomes a powerhouse for instance. Ever. Leo never becomes a powerhouse, and you have to be particularly RNG blessed for this guy to become a powerhouse. Lyre never becomes a powerhouse, actually pretty much no cat becomes a powerhouse so that's just wrong. And Bishop/Saint caps are so laughably bad that saying they can become a powerhouse is a joke-- I'd go so far as to say mages in general are incredibly underwhelming in this game as well. I'd go so far as to say no Laguz really becomes a powerhouse that's trainable that didn't start out as one. They all start good and get worse-- even if they are still usable by the end. And instead, in RD you have wonderful chapters like 3-4 and 3-6 where mounted units that aren't fliers can't even get through the entire map. That's failure balance if I've ever seen it. And I don't know what you're talking about for PoR, RD encourages using a small team more than PoR ever does.RD has impossible EXP ranges that without any sort of blatant favoritism towards units, you'll never get some to be even worth anything. Some people like a game to be balanced. What's so bad about that? It's lame having a bunch of choices when some of them are really bad. Why have a shooter with 10 guns when only 1 is worth using? I'd rather just have 1 game really well designed around that one gun rather than having 9 other lame powers that are pointless. Some people find that games with better balance are more fun. Varied characters are fun, and it's clear that characters with different skills and abilities are going to be different levels of useful. However, there's a huge difference between being say... "Bartre bad" in FE7, and being "Wendy bad" from FE6. One is sub-optimal but can still be a treat to use, the other is a frustrating experience that just makes you wonder why the unit even exists. It's one thing when there's one or two Wendy units in a game, it's another thing when there's tons of them all around and a person doesn't go to an Internet site that tells them what the unit's growths are, so all they can do is guess how the unit will turn out.
  4. This. It's not like other games for the balance issues. I'm on my phone so I can't reply as much but it's not just about the amount of unusable characters or I'd talk about fe1. But rd has some strange balance. Moreso than others.
  5. Nino I feel was added to help your EXP Rating for S ranking. I remember the first time I played, Nino was a godsend for leveling it up as she was super low in level, so any kill she got made helped the rank quite a bit. I'd honestly say if it weren't for her I might not have gotten the S rank. People like Fiona I honestly feel were a mistake on the account of how difficult it is to use her. Meg on the other hand? Actually isn't that bad and is just a "doesn't work as well as you'd think." RD just suffers from a lot of lack of playtesting, and it clearly shows.
  6. Geez. I knew it was bad, but that's ridiculous.
  7. I agree, but to be fair, I think he's honestly just not used to the level of stress that comes with the job, and to be honest, it's not like his own work where he can just raise his arms bully someone into submission and then go about his day. The leaders of their countries have people to take care of and it makes them surprisingly more resilient to his words, and the media is kinda tearing him apart. Whether it be newspapers, televisions, or even word of mouth. And he didn't realize just how much attention the POTUS gets I think. You can't say anything without having someone tell their friends and family.
  8. I really like Fiona's backstory. She has a lot of potential as a character, it's too bad she really doesn't get much screen time either. Speaking of things, DLuna, have you ever considered giving some people extra levels when they go off screen so they don't have to be dumped a mountain of BEXP when they come back? Mainly for people like Lucia who appear in Part 2 for a couple of chapters and then leave?
  9. There's a difference with Haar and Jill though; they can fly, so they already have the ability to cut through certain terrain that others can't. This combined with +2 movement is pretty significant. Jill for instance can make great use of it in 3-6, but in something like 3-12, it's not that great. Rescue drops still don't work too well with Celerity because you don't really have someone to do it with. Which means that you'll end up taking 2 turns to safely attack-- which at moments can actually be worse, and I can't think of many maps where picking someone up and flying around actually works. I guess 3-4 could work for Ike and Haar though, but Ranulf needs to get there too. And I agree, no one has the right to anything. The issue is that people seem to use "makes best use of" as a weak counter argument for why other people can't have things. That's why it starts to annoy me. "Favoritism" is also another weak argument in many instances, because some people drag it to the point that it actually starts ignoring reality-- ie, speed wings are highly contested, so we just throw it out and assume that NO ONE on the team has the speed wing. Sort of like how people exaggerate not needing money in the later game, but it's pretty easy to run out if you get to happy with forging. All of the swordmasters are decent in this game except Lucia in my opinion. Mia is really easy to use, Zihark has the best innate skill for a swordmaster (although Lucia's is really good too for endgame), Edward has the best growths, and Stefan is RNG proof. Lucia is the only questionable one.
  10. I'd rather not lose old text though. Still need to be able to read it. Or at least have texts that allow for translations.
  11. Yeah, how IS the US status looking for alliances right now?
  12. A maid that happens to be trained as a soldier. So it's not just "a maid." And if you're a female, it's one that's personally trained by Gunter. It doesn't sound that easy to me. Kamuii may have survived by luck, but that brings up more questions than it answers. What exactly WAS Garon's plan? Kill me? Okay, I'm not seeing why I'd want to get involved with either side at this point. And honestly, this brings us back to "not keeping said sword." So if it's meant to kill me, then... Yeah. I'm still not seeing where I'd keep it. There's more reason to want to know what's happening with the weapon than anything else right now. Not fight Garon, as Garon probably gave my siblings those weapons as well, of which case, I'd probably warn them about their weapons-- which would still lean to a different path than what Corrin did. And yes, I'd be that hung up on the weapon.
  13. I can't. If that were me, I'd definitely remember my weapon trying to kill me. Everything else is stuff that I would forget more than likely outside of my mentor/father figure being killed. And more confusingly, I don't think I'd be able to link Garon to the sword as Hans had just tried to kill me which was Garon's plan to kill me in the first place... Maybe, because I'd be more likely to assume Hans was lying as Xander literally just told me to be careful around him, and Hans disobeyed orders and caused an altercation that could have been avoided. And I also have a hard time believing that Garon would think that Hans could take Gunter, Corrin (me) AND the servant. That's kinda stupid. All of that is so confusing that it's definitely worth investigating even immediately after the incident. Like the more I think about it, the crazier and random the beginning seems.
  14. Maybe, but the part I think people are forgetting is that I honestly doubt any of us would have gotten Mikoto killed. Like... Who would keep the sword after it tried to throw you off a cliff? More pressingly, even assuming you did keep it, I'm scratching my head how anyone could think Garon planned for you to get conked on the head by Rinkah-- the very prisoner you were supposed to kill (and he believes you to have killed), be dragged to Hoshido, met with open arms and not just out and out killed -- as how in the world would any of the border soldiers even KNOW who you were? You were a baby when you were captured and dragged to Nohr? And then not only left in Hoshido to explore around, but brought in front of the queen where you'd still foolishly be holding the sword that could suddenly decide screw this I'm out and kill the queen? I mean, if someone told me this happened, I wouldn't be accusing Garon necessarily at that moment. Primarily because I wouldn't be aware that Garon can apparently summon magical swords with so much Nohrian patriotism that the mere sight of the Hoshidan queen makes it have an explosive tantrum. Literally. More pressingly, I'd want to know more about the apparent magic that gives the sword a mind of its own and want to know more about the invisible soldiers. Yes, I know Corrin was a dragon when they came, but Kana sort remembered what they did as a dragon, I don't see why Corrin wouldn't either. So like I said, I'd be nuts to join either side, because even if I didn't remember what was happening in Chapter 5 completely. Something is NOT right in the continent of Fates.
  15. Gatrie would benefit from this more than other characters to be honest. Even with Canto being as good as it is, the ability for Gatrie to keep up with the rest of your team and not have to be rescue chained by mounts or refreshed is a pretty good boon for him. As opposed to mounted units that go from having the best move in the game... To ... The best move in the game. That said, Gatrie shouldn't get a "bonus" with it. Instead, what needs to happen is that let's say we're arguing Gatrie versus Titania. If Gatrie gets Celerity, then a hypothetical Titania should be able to use Celerity too or something that's of equal value as well. The issue is that Celerity on Gatrie goes a lot farther than it does on Titania despite being the same thing, because he goes from having an annoying disadvantage to moving slightly faster now. And unlike Titania, he doesn't just make an advantage larger (which is less significant). It's like the difference between being OHKO and 2HKOed versus 4 HKOed versus 5HKOed. The thresholds make a hell of a difference. And sometimes this DOES matter. Example. Aran. Aran starts with a D in lances, but putting discipline on this guy can get him to A rank (something that's normally not possible) for that nice Silver Lance before the end of part 1. Having that is incredible to have, and while selling it would indirectly benefit the team (stronger forges with less of a dent in the funds), no one else really can make use of it very well. Edward is rocking a C when Aran joins, sometimes doubles, and can easily reach A without it, and getting there faster doesn't help because there really aren't anything higher than B in part 1. Micaiah can use all of the part 1 tomes, Ilyana leaves and needs no help, Nolan STARTS with C (damn), so on and so forth. So in the end of the day, using it for him is a good thing. But in tier list land, people will be like "Oh that sucks, and hurts the team." Despite the fact that unless you're some kind of demented freak that literally ensures that you have 0 funds at every given point, it's kinda hogwash. Communist Emblem is basically this: everyone must be equal. No matter what. IE, you can't give a unit something because that's favoritism, so we assume that the units constantly have nothing except for when the community really likes them, even when giving them something sorta nice can take a unit out of a bad spot which makes units appear to be much worse than they really are. IE, Wil from Blazing Sword is a pretty noticeable gap from Rebecca on a tier list despite the fact that if you just give the man a bloody speed wing he has the same growth rate and base as Eliwood practically (Eliwood gets exactly 1 level over Wil and that is offset by the fact that Wil gets Lyn mode for levels AND doesn't have a fixed promotion time Eliwood mode or not) -- a character people generally consider fast enough to double., and has better everything else over Rebecca that's worth noting. But instead, the argument is that "everyone wants a speed wing," so we instead just compare everyone without this supposed speed wing that everyone wants. unless you're really good of course, then feel free to give them the speed wing because they make "the best use of it." So instead of comparing a hypothetical "Wil team versus Rebecca team," it degenerates into this weird world where no one is getting anything and they are supposedly equal, but not really because the weaker unit has dumb things like "less kills" despite the fact that we're apparently trying to actively use the person.
  16. Yeah, Takumi is pretty sane. I think he's without a doubt the best of the royal characters in terms of consistency, screen time, and development. And most of his supports are good. I don't remember any bad ones from my playthroughs.
  17. My point is that gooron isn't even a thing in hoshido. You basically take a "he's evil" stance and we can't find out what happened. Realistically no one would side with either as the explosion sword would be discarded the minute it tried to kill you earlier. Leaving both sounds best.
  18. A more confronting corrin would have is my deal. At the very least stopping Garon would be easier. I'm not sure what you're trying to get at here.
  19. He could have been far more confronting for starters. Garon might be king but corrin has quite a few people in his pocket. Including the prince of nohr.
  20. Which isn't digging up find everything out. That's what I'm talking about.
  21. Topic asked what we would do. Sidindg with hoshido absolutely guarantees war. No. It isn't. Corrin being spineless is the issue.
  22. Choosing nohr means confronting what happened. Just because corrin didn't do it well doesn't mean I wouldn't. Hoshido corrin never finds out the truth about garon. That said, I would have chosen neither as I did on my first time playing.
  23. Except it's false. People really have self fulfilling prophecies here.
  24. Serra and Hector is one that I'm surprised didn't happen. Makes more sense to be a romantic ending than any of Hector's potential wives. That A rank is kind of sad, and even someone like Hector lightens up for it and doesn't joke around in it.
  25. There's also the fact that the entire continent was flooded in Tellius except for well... Tellius, and none of the landmasses look anything alike. I just use the Outerrealms as an excuse for why things are out of whack tbh.
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