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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. Natasha has better support options for what it's worth. Much better.
  2. Roy's moves have quite a few properties that make them different. For instance, Marth's standard A attack moves you in a slightly different spot from Roy's and attacks twice as opposed to Roy's once. Roy's moves are about as similar to Marth's as Luigi's moves are to Mario at this point. Roy's Dancing Blade doesn't give an extra jump at all. Roy falls much faster than Marth which can setup up vastly different opportunities. Marth's shield breaker has a different range of motion, while Roy's hits above him, can charge until he hurts himself AND doesn't eat through shields nearly as well. There's enough differences between Marth and Roy at this point even if Roy has a "Marth inspired moveset." It's like calling Falco and Fox the same as this point. I agree that having a beefy swordsman is kinda nice, but I'd still rather have another caster over that. Like I said, we only really have 1. Ness and Lucas don't even count because that's psi power, which isn't quite the same as magic. For instance, I would have loved if we had Marth, Micaiah, Chrom . Not only is Chrom beefier like Ike, but he also would have had some crazy moveset potential that was just largely ignored-- Chrom is the only lord in the series that has access to all weapon types. At least giving him a moveset with all of that stuff wouldn't have been far-fetched, been able to show off "reclassing" a mechanic that's been introduced in Shadow Dragon and has become a mainstay in the series since. I'm not saying Ike is a mistake because I hate him or anything, I'm saying Ike was a mistake in terms of balancing sane representation for the series -- IE, staying within the main characters of the franchise that are at least relevant at the time, while simultaneously allowing a broader scope of variety of characters and movesets. It's some of the reason that people pushed for Krystal so hard in Brawl. That was her time to actually been in when she was kinda relevant and could have used that weird staff. Now? With 2 games being released and she's not present in them, dwindling relevance to the series as well as popularity, it's kinda too late to bring her into the fray. The same happens for Micaiah, and the same would have happened to Ike in the hypothetical situation where Micaiah was chosen over him. The difference? Is that it seems like far more of a blow to lose Micaiah than Ike in this case. Considering Fire Emblem's general trend, we're more likely to have another swordsman lead than we are another caster.
  3. No I get you, it's just I remember reading guides when I was younger and just got confused by them as you'd have people saying characters were good because they were "around a lot," and that didn't make any sense to me at all. It just made me annoyed because I just took it as a "I should do what I want instead.
  4. Doesn't matter if it's ignorant or not. That's what people see. Why would someone do research on a franchise that they have no interest in, and the advertisements put in are no good? It'd be like someone showing you the worst style of clothing that a clothing line had to offer and then expecting you to research the better stuff. That makes absolutely no sense. Example, let's say you wanted me to hire you as an artist, you wouldn't show me your questionable artwork, you'd show me your best stuff. I have no reason to search every dark hole for what you have for stuff unless you do something to initial perk my curiosity. But you forget that TP was the most relevant LoZ at the time. He also had one in Wind Waker as well (two technically). As well as OoT. The characters had even been updated to look more like their TP counterparts. And it wouldn't have been an entirely bad idea to have the Zelda reps be from different continuities of the Zelda timeline. And more specifically, Ganon has always had a Trident, not Ganondorf. But I'm of the opinion that Ganon and Ganondorf should both be characters from LoZ. But yes, I do agree that he should definitely not have been a C.Falcon clone. That was just... Dumb. No. It really isn't. Do you go out of your way to look up stuff that doesn't look interesting? Think about it, Smash is supposed to be a representation of the all-stars from Nintendo's franchises, if the devs themselves are saying "these are the most popular/interesting characters from the series," what does that mean to you? Seeing 2 guys with blue hair, 1 girl with blue hair that has the same moveset as one of the guys with blue hair, all of them have swords, and then another guy that has a sword that can apparently be female as well (probably the most interesting aspect of the Fire Emblem characters). That's no good. DLC only makes it worse on the account that you see Roy and he's another swordsman. At least he has red hair, but it's really not making Fire Emblem look good. Is that really the best to represent the series? Swordsmen? I'd have no interest in it either if I wasn't acquainted with the series since FE4.
  5. There's some truth to this, however, "contributions" means way too much to many people. If a person looks at a "tier list" for characters, they want to know 2 things: 1) Who are the characters, 2) And which ones can they use to cruise through the game. Having something like Marcus being rated super high on the tier list when you know that his stats are going to not be on par later in the game is a huge misnomer to anyone that doesn't play Fire Emblem all the time. What should be done is that Marcus should have like a score of 6.5/10 and say things like "god in the early game, and not so hot later in the game. Use sparingly to help your other units level." This means that you're telling the player that he's good, but under normal circumstances, he's not carrying you to the end. A unit that's 10/10 would be any unit that joins, is good, and never stops being good forever... You know, someone like Percival, or Camilla, or Haar, or Raven. Otherwise it just becomes this weird "he's around a lot and can help so he's better than this one guy that joins later and rocks the house."
  6. The thing is, even if Ike is a lord in both games, RD was only on the Wii, and Micaiah is supposed to be an equal rep. Ike being included is the reason that people made fun of Fire Emblem for only having "swordsman with blue hair." Seriously, I can think of several people that I knew that knew nothing about Fire Emblem and thought it seemed stupid because of this. As for a burly swordsmen? You know who it should have been? Ganondorf. He should not have been rocking the "Captain Falcon" inspired moveset after Melee. That was also a mistake from Melee to Brawl. The weapon functioning like a club is just because swords of that size do function more like a big club than a sword at that point. If you don't know about Fire Emblem at all, don't research it, there's no way to know anything about that. I wasn't as big in Fire Emblem back in the day, but the only reason I knew who Ike was is because I had been given PoR as a gift for Christmas. Considering how PoR sold, it's not unreasonable to believe that people wouldn't know. It's literally where the "Are Marth and Roy in this game?" Meme came from, because so many people literally didn't know where the characters came from, and Roy was a freaking advertisement for a game. Agreed. The difference here though is that at least with Micaiah, we would have a swordsman, a caster, and a magical hybrid swordsman for our main trio instead of. Swordsman, swordsman, swordsman. Even Ike falling into the "burly swordsman" archetype doesn't work too well because Ike has gotten faster since we've started and Marth has only gotten slower. Yes, that's why I said it's too late now. We need another magical character first. As it stands, I absolutely do not want any Fire Emblem characters in, as the team definitely failed on that aspect. Lucina should have never been a regular character. Ever. She should have been a Marth alt and left at that. I don't give him a pass at all for that nonsense. It was a waste of dev time. Especially infuriating when you consider that they made stupid excuses for no Chrom, and then put Lucina in as a character? All it did was irritate Chrom fans and irritate "non-Fire Emblem fans" and contributed more towards the: "there are too many Fire Emblem reps." That was a bad choice all around.
  7. It's still something that's useful. That said, I see no reason to really go into Hero for Xander on the account that he has this nice class that gives him full weapon triangle control, and I don't fear hammers and beast slaying weapons enough to give up all of the advantages of it, and Luna.
  8. Really dumb when you consider that there's always the option of just sexing the same sex. 100% failure chance of making a baby there.
  9. I'd honestly say the plot is inspired, just poorly executed beyond belief. The combat has potential it's just really unpolished. It's definitely a bargain bin game. If you can get it for like $15 it's pretty good. Anything more and I'd say it's not worth it. The PS3 version does not fix all of the problems I can vouch for that. I never played the original game, and there were a lot of problems with the PS3 version.
  10. I think that Micaiah should have been in Brawl to be honest. I'll be honest, I think choosing Ike as a character was a huge mistake. If Fire Emblem were to have characters that were representing the franchise, they should have had one for at least each of the weapon types. Even if this meant abandoning the notion of having "main" characters, it would have been healthier for the Smash roster and probably had Smash fans more receptive to their inclusion in the first place. Take someone like Corrin for instance, instead of having yet another sword user, they should have had Corrin focus more on the dragonstone abilities and anima magic from the Nohr promotion. Lucina was also a horrible choice to be anything more than a skin. Marth is fine as the main icon of the series. That much is true, he's the OG Lord and a representation of that aspect. Roy I was fine with being cut. If he was introduced in Smash 4 again that'd have been fine if he weren't DLC. As DLC he's pretty disappointing IMO. Micaiah would have been an excellent choice for Brawl. She was relevant, she has an extremely unique look to her (there's no other white haired characters in the roster really and the only other magical character we have is Zelda). Had we gotten Micaiah, I don't think people would have pushed nearly as hard for Robin considering that Robin is just a magical swordsman hybrid, and we already have a sword user and a magic user. That said, I see nothing wrong with Robin's inclusion in Smash 4. That would have been 1 newcomer each game, with 1 cut. Nothing wrong with that. The issue with the main characters of Fire Emblem is that many of them use swords as their primary weapon type (even if they can use others). This is why Micaiah should have been chosen in my opinion. Not only would she have been a better advertisement for Radiant Dawn-- seriously, that was a lousy idea, because if an ignorant person gets RD, the first thing they are going to feel is confusion as to where Ike is even if he's actually in the game. In Smash 4, it was obnoxious because 1 was a clone of Marth when we introduced skins, and 2 were DLC-- one of which was an old character-- revamped moveset or not, that was pretty lame. At this point it's kinda hard to drop Ike as he's been around for 2 games (technically 3 if you count the 3DS), so he may as well stay. I think it might be a bit too late for Micaiah to make a comeback. She's in the same boat as Chrom unfortunately.
  11. I'm pretty sure Vallites are counted as "Foreign Armies." As for LoD, that's the thing, it's not a bad skill though. It just requires you to pay attention if you use it. I'm not saying it's a good skill, but it's not bad either.
  12. The FE6 Arena has that "here we go again" feel to it. I'd say it's a good tune, but you're right that it's not as powerful as the original.
  13. 2 spaces away isn't too bad. Foreign Princess is one of those skills that I can see coming into play in a Rev playthrough tbh. Azura spends so much time around that even if you weren't planning on using her she'd gain quite a few levels. Daydream is a bit wonky I'll admit on that note. However, the point is, is that you can place these skills and make them work. If your Xander gets a little blessed in Defense, his defense can actually become a detriment in Fates because of the way the AI works now. Sure you could argue that you could take Siegfried out of his inventory, but that hurts him to pointless degrees at that point. I'd rather him have LoD instead. But yeah, LoD is guilty of being on a class that it has no business being on. I'd honestly say Hinata is the best user of it in Birthright, and even then, it's still a bit too risky for my liking because he's just begging to die from it with how the mapps are setup. Ditto for Quitoixc. I don't know what they were thinking putting on those classes.
  14. I don't know, people like Xander could make use of it. He has generally too much defense at moments, so making an option where he suddenly can take damage again can be a good thing. Combine that with Elbow room and Xander is flat out doing +13 damage in battles which is quite nice. If you need to lower the damage, you have skills like Demoiselle /Gentilhomme, Voice of Peace, Foreign Princess, Quiet Strength, Supportive, Peacebringer (not super great, but if you have thresholds that kill with +8 attack then it can be useful), Competitive, Bushido, Lily's Poise, Rose's Thorn, Pragmatic (a bit risky but still possible, but I wouldn't have LoD Leo by virtue that ... Eh), Guarded Bravery, Sisterhood, and Daydream can be stacked with skills to help with that. Granted not all of them can stack, but it's definitely possible to use skills in conjunction with LoD at key choke points to buff your damage and reduce damage by enough to make this skill useful. Honestly I'd say it's a skill done right, it's useful at moments, but it shouldn't be equipped at all moments because it depends on the map. I'll definitely say that it's more useful in Conquest though, which is a shame that it's a skill that's more commonly learned from Birthright units. Quitoxic can be useful too. The problem is that the units that learn it are all "dodge or die" styled units. If it was on someone like Effie that doesn't dodge very well? It'd be great.
  15. It's about time someone feels similarly to Nephenee that I do. Man I do not like her in RD.
  16. FE4 is a game that is rough around the edges in the bad way IMO. It was my first FE game, and I remember having so many bad habits because of it-- one of them being that I tried to use everyone and made the games considerably more difficult on myself rather than using a set team. I just had this though in my mind that there would come a time where everyone would be deployed. I like Lyn Mode's story. I'd go so far as to say that I don't think that FE stories are good when they become "complex."
  17. I think you mean dead. Not alive. I'll assume that. Her being alive is what lead to there being the possibility of a world war. My issue with is is this: if his goal is to destroy everything, why does Ashnard waste his time chasing Elincia rather than you know...? Focusing on everything else in particular? If she wants to come back and fight for round 2? Let her, if she beats him, then she's proven that she's stronger than him. He deserves to die. Ashnard pretty much says as such against Ike. In the prison break chapter, what good are prisoners in Ashnard's campaign? Why not just kill them? There's no rhyme or reason to any of this. That's what I'm saying Ashnard pursuing Elincia makes sense until the plot twist tbh. The reason they attack Ike is in Chapter 4. They literally attack because they have weapons, and even when they try to say they aren't Crimean knights the commander acts completely out of his mind and attacks anyways instead of... You know, looking for Elincia? If Ike and company are just standing there, what reason is there to attack if the group doesn't even want to fight? Ike and company hadn't even found Elincia there. I'm not talking about 6+. Even at 5 there's still time for the general to simply ask for them to hand her over. The reason the GMs protected Elincia is because Daein decided that they weren't going to use diplomacy at all. Which is weird because I don't see why you wouldn't want to ask this group to join them. They are strong and fit Ashnard's philosophy perfectly. And it didn't stop them from recruiting Shinon later on. You're still misunderstanding. It's not events focused on the main character that's the issue, but rather silly events to make characters important when it's simply contrived after awhile. Again, it's that things don't quite line up in a way that makes sense for the plot. IE, you have Titania, the second in command of the Greil Mercenaries not being in command after the first is slain despite that being the entire point of a 2nd in command. Instead Ike, the main character, is put in charge of the Greil Mercenaries despite the fact that he's not only the least experienced person on the team, but just the day before Titania was giving him orders. That's goofy as hell. Events like that transpire around Ike constantly in Fire Emblem 9. Us seeing Ike's father die from BK makes sense in the context because he's the main character of the story. Base events following Ike make sense if he's the main character. Ever played Yggdra Union for instance? It has a similar story to PoR at base, and even it knows that as important as Milanor at first, it's not going to try to make him the main hero of the story. It's why I even brought up Marth as an example. He's an example of a character done right for that. Ike is more comparable to Lyndis in this regard for PoR. It'd be like going out of your way to make Lyndis important in Blazing Sword. Hell, they even do this in RD with Ike. It's clear that they should be co-protagonist, but the game simply doesn't care about Micaiah once Ike comes on the scene, even having silly things like saying that only Ike can defeat Ashera because...? The same sort of contrivances we're talking about. It's an example of bathos. It's so ridiculous that it becomes anticlimactic because we can't even get a real understanding of why he does it. And what's weird is that they have another branded that's an asshole that demonstrates that you can make an asshole likable and even have a fanbase: Soren. But is it? Yeah. It's pretty bad. Haha.
  18. Except you're still missing my point. They wanted Elincia, and for no clear reason in Chapter 4 and 5 they just attack Ike and company instead of just... You know, reasonably saying that they wanted Elincia. Ike and company have nothing to do with the conflict but it's forced on them simply to cause a mess where the group has Elincia. Even if they wanted her dead, there's no reason to attack Ike. At all. It's stupid, and only serves as a point to force the Greil Mercenaries that have no reason to side with Elincia or Daein to side with Elincia through consequence of having people behave completely irrationally. Regardless of that, it still makes sense initially to pursue Elincia for those reasons. It's later when things are revealed that are the problem. The issue isn't simply to "have a war." The issue is to have a war that involves all races at once. Elincia being alive is the only real way to do that. If she's dead, attacked someone else doesn't do anything. If he attacks Begnion, he's toast, and if he attacks that laguz, that's a massive gambit that requires Begnion to give a whit about it. If Begnion doesn't, there's no war that involves the whole continent. At least with Elincia alive, there's some sort of "plan" to it. It's not just bad for one reason, it's nonsensical in a lot of reasons because of that plot twist of wanting the entire continent to be at war. Because in a best case scenario, there's no real way to get dragons or Begnion involved --we'll ignore RD's wolves for a minute there because that's an entirely other beast (haha). Elena marrying Greil isn't a stretch. You're taking her point and mincing it into smaller portions to try to make what she said nonsense. But it's not entirely nonsensical. It's not that she married Greil that is the problem. It's the fact that you have a bunch of events that just so happen to be involved with the same people. It's a bit much. It's not like say... Fire Emblem 1 where all of these things happen to Marth because he's part of the bloodline that can stop all the villain's plans. It's not like Roy where Roy keeps running into nonsense and people keep joining up with him so he has to inevitably saddle up and be the lead general. Those aren't coincidences, but here? These things just so happen to be happening and "whoa look at that, 'Ike is important' (not at all honestly)." In other words, all of that contrivance is the worst attempt at making Ike relevant. Most of the shaky writing in PoR literally comes from this. The plot of Elincia reclaiming her kingdom is overall fine, but most things involving Ike is where most of the problems occur in the plot. Except that doesn't make any sense. It'd be better to leave Greil alive so Ike can be finished learning from Greil rather than... You know, killing Greil (the reasoning is that he's just so frustrated about Greil that he kills him.). It's part of the story at quite a few points that Ike has not refined his style completely. That's an incredibly poor reason for that. It's why the BK is such a poor character overall. It's like "I felt abandoned because Greil left me, so the first thing I do when I see him again is kill him." What? You can't be serious if you don't think that's just atrocious. Sephiran manipulating him would have been fine, if you know... Greil was DEAD, but he's not until Zelgius himself ensures that this happens. So yeah, that's lousy. The entire plot just paints Zelgius to be a complete drama queen and we don't even get enough a fleshed out backstory to believe that someone could behave that erratically. And if he was just his BK persona it wouldn't be so bad, but he's a big time general in Begnion. No. It's not. "They just happen" is a reason to call them poorly written. There's a difference between plausible events that occur in a sequence of events, ie, Bob goes to the store, so anything can happen while he's at the store, it's another thing that Bob goes to the store in a rush, and with very little money, and every item he needs is not only in stock, but also discounted 75% off, with no lines, and he had the exact amount of cash he needed to by the bike he's been totally not saving up for. It's called suspension of disbelief, and there are some things that can come across as believable for a tale, and there are some things that are written so conveniently that it's almost too neat to believe. That's how PoR works. Stuff happens, and then everything magically falls into place despite the fact that it probably shouldn't. It's like I said with Ike running off in Goldoa territory. Ike runs into some dragons, so far so good. But these dragons aren't just any dragons, these ones just so happen to have the prince as an escort! Sounds like bad news. Oh wait, it's not because not only does the prince not feel like following his father's law / orders, but he's also going to give the troops more supplies for no reason, and fix the problem of the ship snag and send them on their merry little way. Good thing Ike didn't run into anyone else or someone that actually followed what the lore said! Phew! That was close!
  19. The issue with Daein chasing Elincia is actually one from the plot twist that's revealed later; they wanted a fight to envelop the entire continent of Tellius. If Elincia were to have died there, there wouldn't be a war that accomplishes this. So it does seem bizarre and contrived that they were trying to capture and kill Elincia when you consider that all it essentially does is cause Ike and company to become involved. There should be no reason for Elincia to be pursued like that, because without the GMs, she would have surely died. Before this, there was a reason that the player could have filled in for obvious reasons. It's the story itself that makes it to where this is specifically not the case and becomes nonsensical. It also serves as the reason that the BK found Greil. And this only happened specifically because Ike was stupid AND Greil went to make sure Ike was okay rather than Mist. Greil only dies because of the above, which was already pretty convoluted in the first place. Especially if you consider Radiant Dawn where they reveal that the BK was just "upset" that Greil wasn't as strong as he used to be. Elena meeting Leanne isn't that bad. That's explained by Elena being at the prison. However, Elena coincidentally having enough order to not go berserk (they should have never wrote the whole berserk thing in to be honest) kinda is-- especially because it seems really random about what type of qualities make someone not go berserk. Elena just so happening to marry the same man that just so happened to train Zelgius that just so happened to feel alone and isolated so he met Sephiran IS a bit of a stretch. Also, Greil losing is even stupid when you look under a retroactive scope, because Greil refused to use Ragnell, and the BK asks "do you want to die?" Rather than saying "you can't defeat me with an axe," if he truly wanted what he wanted in RD, then he shouldn't have fought Greil if Greil refused to use the right weapon. Greil's death is one of the most pointless and poorly written things when you consider the rest of the saga.
  20. He's solid in part 1 but gets garbage for EXP. Meanwhile people like Tormod have 1-2 range which makes him better than Volug, BK who is in the same boat but trades a couple of move for WTF durability, Sothe has 1-2 range, and is pretty godlike in the first part as well. Tauroneo takes a dump on Volug too. Taro can safely be in resolve range and go to town with a javelin. No. He's not even close to "pretty much the best unit in Part 1." He gets hurt by mages pretty badly and most of them in part 1 are fire as well (and probably for that reason). By the time Naliah arrives, she's just plain better than him. 1-8. Crushes him. She's practically invincible. Ditto for Endgame. You can actually screw up and get Volug killed by this point. By part 3, Volug is not second best. Jill crushes him by part 3, Zihark can best him as well and levels up faster to boot, Nolan with Tarvos and a defense support is better and can do things like Beastfoe to level up fast. Heck, Edward with a couple of kills with paragon easily catches up to Volug as well. Volug isn't bad, but at this point, he's no longer the king of the hill, and now that he has to deal with a gauge or being halfshifted, he's definitely not seeming nearly as strong as your leveled DBers. I mean seriously, most of your DB units with an earth affinity support can actually reliably dodge if they are front liners. In 3-13, he can't even kill things from ledges like pretty much everyone can which forces him to either fight on the front, or stand at a ledge and do nothing-- consequently this means that if he gets hurt, he can't sub out for other people as easily because he can't range attack. Naliah leaves, yep. And is still crushing him at every given moment she's there and is able to be fielded for the endgame stretch-- where she's better than him. So essentially you're saying Volug > Naliah because he's solid in chapters that she's not there even though every chapter she is there, she's better than him. Being there shouldn't count that much for a character. Meanwhile Volug still needs to be "used" so to speak to be good in endgame. I'm not seeing how a unit like that is better. At all. And I fail to see why Naliah should be hurt for that as a unit. Otherwise people like Tormod and Vika need to be reevaluated. Same for Edward, as he's the best unit in the Prologue, and 2nd best in chapter 1.
  21. Strangely enough, I feel like doing that with abortion is just going to up the rate of people having their own undercover black market abortions. That's not good in my eyes. Not good at all. And making someone have to pay for a fetus funeral is beyond stupid. Especially burial. What a complete waste of space. I'm sorry, I'm not even pro-abortion necessarily, and I find that absolutely idiotic.
  22. I think people put way too much emphasis on "what they do for the team." Every unit contributes, so Volug really isn't doing as much as people claim. Sothe is solid, Jill is good, Zihark helps, Muarim appears and destroys Volug, Vika isn't half bad either in part 1. There's a ton of great units in the DB after Volug shows up. It's not fair to Naliah to somehow say she's worse because she doesn't "contribute as much." Naliah contributes like a boss in every chapter she can be present, and unlike the BK, she doesn't leave you. Volug really doesn't do as much for the team as some claim. He's just a good unit. Volug still is a growth unit as well, because without a couple of levels, he's not ready to go into endgame. That alone makes Naliah leagues ahead of him. Using the BK might seem good, but all of the EXP goes into a void. For that, he's not a perfect unit in my eyes because he leaves. Even if he has 1-2 range, and is practically impervious to damage, every kill he gets is EXP that just straight up goes into a black hole and makes it harder on my units. 7 / 10. Overuse on the chapters you have him can make the chapters themselves easier, but he doesn't help your team overall because he's not around all of the time. And in the desert map he's pretty garbage. If you hate the DB, or traded Zihark and Jill over to the GMs, he can be a lifesaver. Best used sparingly.
  23. Agreed. Though to be fair, it seems to be becoming more commonplace. My high school actually had a program that was meant to help you become a medical doctor sooner rather than later. I remember running into a couple of students involved in it because I was an honors student. I also agree with this as well. It'd definitely leave less time where the student is doing unrelated subjects.
  24. Yeah, I don't see anything wrong with what saizo did. Plus saizo joins quite a bit before ryoma.
  25. So obviously you mod the chapters to be harder and then Lyn mode is perfect.
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