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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. I think he believes that there's no point in arguing about the spirit of "FE" when we've had revivals in the series beforehand. And technically, even FE7 had revivals although it was only for every non-Lyndis unit for the first 11 chapters. Although the Casual Mode stat penalty idea I think it just kinda dumb to be honest. At that point you may as well have Casual, "Sorta Casual" and Hardcore. I don't see the point on imposing something like that on someone. It's like saying that if a person doesn't play the hardest difficulty, they're not going to learn from their mistakes, so it shouldn't be there. This is a pretty nonsensical argument in my opinion.
  2. This doesn't work, because that assumes that it remaining in the game is somehow *not* flawed, which I think is not a good idea to thinking about it. Critical hits in FE are a huge flaw, but they haven't been tweaked to a point that I think it isn't flawed (really, making them x2 would fix them A LOT in several instances). HMs are flawed, and it took them six generations to finally remove the buggers. Natures themselves aren't comparable in Pokemon as natures in and of themselves allow for customization of a Pokemon through its personality. The mechanic behind how natures are obtained-- randomness, is flawed, but not the idea of natures affecting it. That's because Fire Emblem's "failure" numbers result in a unit you have being wiped off the map, so the only response IS to actually play as defensively as possible. If casual mode were the standard mode, you can guarantee that people would take more risk on the account that a unit being OHKOed or just plain dying would be a minor nuisance rather than a frustrating waste of time on the player's behalf. It's not like say, XCOM where a unit dying is 1 of 50 and you have 2 of that same unit in the barracks so even if it does irritate you, nothing of consequence was actually lost. Losing a unit in Fire Emblem doesn't give you as easy of an option to replace them. If someone like Azura dies for instance? You've just lost an effect that you can never duplicate. Casual Mode is a boon to players that enjoy higher difficulties, because the "highest" difficulty doesn't have to be reduced to an easier level to allow inferior players a chance to play the harder difficulties. What's that? Lunatic mode is too hard for you? Well play Lunatic Casual. It's just as hard as Lunatic Classic in terms of enemies, but slightly easier to make it less frustrating. Several players for instance switched to casual mode to get through Lunatic in Awakening. It also has the consequence of making more difficulties without having to make more modes. Let's use an example here: let's say that Casual Mode is always one step below Classic in difficulty but is always more difficult than a higher difficulty. That means that something like Fire Emblem Awakening has 8 difficulty modes instead of 4. That's the role of Casual Mode. And no, Power Saves are not better than Casual Mode. And using your own logic we can see that Casual Mode > Power Saves because they've abandoned Power Saves in favor of Casual Mode on the account that it works. No time is wasted for people that simply want to casually play the game, and people that don't can play Classic Mode without having the game interfere. Ironically enough, this just drives the point home that Casual Mode > Power Saves. Because just having them means that people that don't play casual aren't even aware that they are still there. So it's like the developers covered themselves so someone couldn't be offended by Power Saves existing in their classic mode like before.
  3. It's not a cheat. Casual Mode ironically enough is how MOST SRPGs are anyways. And most games that have death in them you have to have things go south very, VERY far before a unit dies. I honestly see nothing wrong with Casual Mode. If anything, people should be happy about things like Phoenix Mode and Casual Mode, because it means that the game is more accessible and the devs can make the game harder without having to worry too much about the lowest common denominator because they can always opt to create an easier difficulty.
  4. Specifically when such a system isn't guaranteed to remain forever. Or at the very least, people aren't guaranteed to keep it.
  5. Which really doesn't matter for Inigo, he can go: Vengeance Vantage GaleForce TomeFaire Limit Breaker / Renewal / LifeTaker
  6. If you're not caring about mods (which I normally do not), I'd say that Libra is better for Inigo and that Henry is better for Gerome. There's less class overlap. And both blokes give their sons Vengeance for a proc skill, which is nice. There are no skills that you need to pass for either unit as they only have male classes for their sons and the sons can get them on their own. In addition to that, Gerome will appreciate the physical classes more than he'd appreciate the magical classes on the account that Gerome has 0 base magic while Inigo at least has 3. Combine that with his dad, and it's possible for Inigo to start with higher base magic than he has strength. The same can't be said for Gerome. He's not going to be a very good mage without working for it. Especially because his strength growth gets hurt by having Libra as a father comparatively to Henry.
  7. I understand that. But here's the thing, FINISH a game first. Like if you finish say, a 10 chapter game, and people like it, more people are more likely to be interested in a larger project that you plan on making. I didn't say ditch it, I said "start small." You'll need practice first. No matter how much you plan out something in advance, I can guarantee that it'll take longer than you're thinking. That's why I said this: It doesn't matter if your end goal is to run a marathon, you still need to start smaller so you can build up to such a task. IE, you're going to run some 5k races, 10k races, or even 20k races. If you start small first, you can get a team built and have a solid one for things. Trust me, if you start with a demo, and you have 40 more chapters, you'll need a ton of help. And there's a higher chance of it not being done. Even the actual Fire Emblem devs don't make games that long. People will help you when they see that you have a reputation of getting stuff done. If someone like Blazer were to ask for a team, he'd actually be more likely to get one than I would on the account that he has "The Last Promise" under his belt. Even if you didn't like "The Last Promise," it doesn't really matter. We can see that he knows how to get things done.
  8. The end result is to be 40 chapters is it not? Demo or not, that's still your game plan. That's a lot.
  9. LMAO how did I miss that gold? This game... Is hilarious.
  10. Good point.Sorry, I just find the HR intriguing. I didn't think anyone would actually do it.
  11. Fair enough. I'm not very knowledgeable on this aspect of FE hacking, but do you mind if I ask this: can you make new status effects? Perhaps you can make one called "enfeebled?" So that way the AI would ignore the character like they do for any other status effect when inflicted with it? I need to get back into hacking again. It's been too long.
  12. See like that is way too big. 40 chapters is like... Trying to run a marathon for your first race instead of starting small. Instead, what you should do is this: 1) Make a concept. 2) Expand on the concept. 3) Within that concept fit a story to work around that concept. 4) Make maps and characters that fit within the story. 5) Polish all of this when you inevitably get criticism from hopefully playtesters. 6) Release it for the population to enjoy. 40 chapters is a bit much, and even if your chapters are short, you'll still have to make maps for transitions, events, conversations... A lot of things. Unless your maps are simply trials, there's no way that's not taking a long time. And that's a lot of effort to ask from someone to stay on a team for that long haul.
  13. Yes it is. Because if an enemy archer or mage HAS Counter on it, 3 range > 2-range. That is literally something that the sniper has that no other class can just flat out bypass. What makes the LB useful is being able to attack from far away with a Dual Strike. Try it, having something like a person with a Brave Weapon Dual Strike against an enemy is 6 strikes right off the bat potentially with no fear of retaliation in all circumstances. That's something that is incredibly useful. Especially when we're scraping at the worst of the enemies. It also assures you that you can use a range attack, and no 1-2 range nonsense can happen that causes you to kill that enemy which opens you up to being attacked again. It's not great, but it's taking it out of worse class range in Lunatic+ mode so garbage like that can't happen to you.
  14. Start alone. Keep making stuff a bit by bit, and then petition for help as you get further. The best thing you can do is this: 1) Have a concept. 2) Start working towards a concept. Once you actually have characters and a decent set of maps, ask for help. Everyone in the communities will start helping you from there. I have a concept for a hack, but I've been rather hush-hush about it, because I don't need a ton of help at the moment. It's only going to be like 4 or 5 chapters for fun. Don't compare it to games that have a ton of hours poured into them.
  15. It's the only ranged attack that can't counter attack which doesn't leave you vulnerable to the Counter skill. And incidentally, with the counter skill, you can have your archer do damage back without having to counter attack. I'll take that over Tanguel which is locked at 1 range, and a beast killer can do the same thing they can.
  16. That might be right, I just have a hard time with it because Elise can't remember Garon being nice, but Leo can. There aren't many things that my sister can remember being 3 years older than me that I can't, so I find that odd. Although, it might just be my fault for liking Riviera a lot and seeing Lena in Elise and always seeing her as like... 19 lol.
  17. You probably just need rest. Sometimes that happens. I felt under the weather one day I trained so I decided to cut that day earlier and then trained a little bit more later in the week. Just rest if you aren't feeling up to it. Your body knows when it doesn't feel up to snuff. Better to rest for 2-3 days than be gone for longer because you didn't listen to your body. Missing 1 day isn't going to hurt you that much.
  18. ... I did not see that coming. Like... What...? Haha.
  19. Damn. That blows. Props for getting it to work. Maybe when I have time could you show me what you did to get the Hexing Rod to work in the first place? I think I making the AI not be dumb about using it if I can figure out how it works. Or is that just a "we're keeping this ASM hidden for now until the hack is complete?"
  20. I'd say that Leo was probably a little bit older on the account that he was going to end Niles himself. Honestly I think of Leo as being like in his late teens or early 20s, so I'd say about 14 or 15 would be about right for him feeling this way. Old enough to feel that he can have someone personally executed or feels up to snuff to do it himself, but young enough to have some compassion when someone says something that he finds intriguing. Ages are hard to peg though. We know that Niles knew Leo for a while though because of Elise's support with Niles. Niles at least knew Leo from when Leo was younger than Elise based on the fact that Niles knew that Leo was attending war meetings when he was younger than Elise. So... It depends on how old you think Elise is. Granted he says "sure, probably," but we can't tell if that's Niles being a jerk or authentic there. Ages in this game are weird.
  21. Yeah, that's true too. I remember years back Stealth Rock was in that range for some people.
  22. Are the party members still kinda gimped like they were in Zesteria to encourage armatization? Or is that not a thing?
  23. I like challenge too (not necessary difficulty, but I might send a PM to explain that if you're curious what I mean). Look at it this way; with tweaks to the hexing rod, the hexing rod could have more uses than just... 1. You can safely use it more than once in this engine. You could get creative by having nasty traps with reinforcements that have Hexing Rods to muck with you to kill you for quick kills if you aren't paying attention. And that's my thing here. I want it tweaked because fixing it to the way that was suggested by Niddo would be amazing. I definitely agree that the reinforcements could be improved a bit though. The maps, the music are fantastic though. Honestly the character balance is probably the best aspect that stood out to me so far. The ASM is impressive in its usage too. Seeing the growths of your units is VERY nice.
  24. I can't believe they actually tied. That's nuts. Congrats on having characters that are equally liked.
  25. I think what they meant is that realistically you aren't getting all of the children without some form of grinding. It's not really feasible with the deployment counts over the course of the game and the level and base stats that units arrive with when they join. I haven't really tried, but I don't think you can, I know I didn't on my standard playthroughs.
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