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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. Nuking the bloodpact is a good idea. And the reason people say Ike's dislike of nobles to be a flaw is because it's just an outward discriminatory thing he does without any rhyme or reason. It's a flaw in that he's prejudging people based on their social status before he even gets to know them. It IS a flaw that he's judgmental. The problem is that this NEVER comes into play in the game. Also if Begnion is evil, does that mean evil Sanaki? Okay, I have to see this if that's the case.
  2. No kidding. It's painful. For me, it's any time Ike takes a moral pedestal. Just wretched.
  3. But in this case, I think they are trying to brainstorm. So in that regard, it's better for it to be simpler in concept. Having too many adjectives already forces their hand for what their character is like if they haven't entirely established the character yet. So leaving out the adjective is a good thing here. As for the story having plot and characters being the most interesting aspects, I'm not so sure about that, it depends on the concept of the story. For instance, Animal Farm doesn't have particularly interesting characters, and the plot isn't particularly interesting so much as it is to drive home a point at the end of the story. Its goal is to cause the reader to reflect on what they just read. And world building lends itself credence to the characters AND the plot. Building a strong setting can actually begin to shape your world and lend to a believable world where the audience doesn't have to suspend their disbelief as much. If the world is a cool enough place, people might continue to read because they like the crazy world crafted by the writer. On the flip side, not having a world doesn't grant the reader any real sense of scope or scale and can leave them uninterested because they don't have any real sense of the world because the world seems to only exist in regard to what the main characters need or want. That's why I said things need an explanation. Because without them, nothing happens. If (s)he explains things, the world will begin to become established and with that, possible characters and motivations. Some people build their stories differently. Some people start from a character and then expand the world around them, some people start with a world and then expand that world and place characters within it, and some people just make situations and then place certain types of character situations. It's clear that the person making this story wants to concentrate more on the world initially than necessarily the characters, hence why there's more substance about the world (which could still stand to be detailed more), instead of the characters which there hasn't even been a single character named outside of a princess and a grandfather-- which don't even have names right now. It's still clearly in the infantile stages of creation. Which is why I asked questioned to make them establish a world where they could fit things into place. What you did would literally be like if I asked: Me: "What would you think of a concept where I have a this?" "A knight takes up arms against a corrupt government." And your immediate response is: You: "nope." Not "okay, what does the knight do? Why is he fighting the government?" "What makes the government corrupt?" Thing is, I wouldn't actually tell this person to go back and hit the brainstorming stage and "start over" so to speak when (s)he never even left the initial phase. Because harping about cliches is something that's never NOT going to happen for instance. Like... I don't understand why you're even asking why the writer wants magic in their story. The answer is obvious "because they like the concept of magic and want it in their story." We aren't asking for fixing of plotholes or even strange character motivations, but simply... "Go back and make a story that doesn't have these things in it." And my response to that is "why?"The inverse holds true to ask why they shouldn't have these things as opposed to why they should. This person has actually done more for a base concept than I would have actually expected. It's still not enough to start a story, but it's enough for me to actually give a response to. So in that regard, it's actually done a decent bit.
  4. "Yeowsa it's an enemy!" - Marth. I love that line because Gordin is just like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Afterward. "Hector don't make me angry!" - Eliwood "Maybe I should tell Mist he's dead." - Ike when Volke tried to charge him outrageous sums for eating dinner with everyone else. "Bearer of Sothe's children." - Like I did not expect Micaiah to say that, and that's when you realize, Micaiah's a pretty deadpan character.
  5. But Corrin IS an idiot, so that's fine on that note. :D But seriously, I would have made Anthony seriously just a little kid that was trying to help and was in over his shoulders. I mean he could have explained that his people were being attacked, and that they helped him to escape to go find help, and when he ran into Corrin and company, he thought they could help because this was the first time he had seen outsiders. He also witnessed the power of their dragon veins and saw something extraordinary that could help him. Because my goodness did we need actual people from Valla. This would have also allowed Anthony to have the maps being you know, taking the characters to a village or two to show that THERE ARE ACTUALLY PEOPLE IN VALLA (like seriously, when you beat Revelations, who in the world is Corrin ruling over!?). It'd also help to make the maps feel like considerably less filler with Anthony obviously trying to kill you and leading you no where.
  6. Well that's the thing, it's a basic concept, so of course it's not going to sound very interesting at its base. The problem is not the races or necessarily the basic setup, it's that there's not enough details to anything to make it have much in terms of things, much less tie into the princess wanting to overthrow her evil grandfather (of which we don't even know which nation it is) . That's why instead you ask questions to goad the person into fleshing out their own basic ideas. At base, it does have potential with things like the dragons and the magical setup-- ie, do the dragons and the magical abilities have anything to do with each other? To expand on this let me begin: let's suppose we continue rolling with the author's "born under a fire element" scenario. A person that's born under fire cannot use water elements unless they are a fairy or a phantom, but this begs the question of why? Why are fairies and phantoms blessed with this power? If so, you'd think that fairies would be the most powerful and successful race on the account that they can pretty much conjure spells of everyone else's wildest dreams-- or at least, requires two individual entities to work in conjunction with one another. If that's the case, why are fairies not more powerful? Especially if magic is apparently so powerful in this world that there needs to be a group of powers that keep this magic in check. And why would the fairies even agree to this? Sounds like the other races are just upset that they aren't the master race and can't do these wonderful spells and wish to keep the fairies from reaching their true potential. See, now we have something kind of original. People just out and out fear fairies in this world-- they'd have to, as these spells that fairies can do alone people have to work together with each other. Fairies in this world are badass in their setup here. A far cry from Tolkenisms there. Fairies aren't even really a thing in them tbh. And the fairies seem more like djinn than anything else here. Even stranger is that we went on a tangent AWAY from a person born under the fire. Is a person born under a fire element because they are from The Kingdom? Because that'd be interesting if like celestial forces caused a person to be born under certain elements. I could see crazed wizards, kings, empresses, vassals etc. going on pilgrimages to try to breed a line of children born under different elements to bring more glory to themselves or continue to expand on their magical resources (immoral yes, but who cares, magic is like...Everything in this world). But if the element a person is born under is not based on the place they were born, this begs the question of whether it's genetic or not. If it's genetic, what causes a person to be born in such ways? Are they actually birthed from the dragons themselves? What in the hell is happening here? And monsters? So are monsters born under different elements too? And what exactly constitutes a "powerful monster?" And if it's genetic, why not try to fuse with a monster? If one were to fuse with a monster or become some sort of hybrid (through breeding for instance), then couldn't a different race in theory, gain access to all elements? Or is this simply not possible? But we're still not done with this born under an element thing: can a person be born with NO elements? Like can a person be born with no mana and have absolutely no mana energy? And speaking of that, how is magical energy different from life energy? Like... Can a magical spell not heal a person then? Because one would think that because a person has more magical energy that equates to more magical power than more life energy would equate to more... Life force? So does that mean that elves have more life energy than other races sans fairies? Or does it mean that humans have the same amount of life energy but simply exert more life energy over a shorter period of time. Because depending on how this is done, this could mean that the races with longer life spans are actually weaker in some aspect if life energy is particularly a powerful force. This also ties into necromancy in this world, is that manipulating magical energy or life energy? Especially because of the fact that replication of life is apparently possible in this world. Does that mean that life energy can be created at will? If so, doesn't that mean a person that doesn't follow the rules of CoM could in theory live forever? Creating new lifeforms and transferring their mind/soul into a being that has a set of life energy that they created? I mean, shoot. None of this was even made up from stuff that specifically wasn't already listened in those bullet points. (as in, they weren't things that I just added because I could) And I'm not even done asking questions on these things, because all I can see is that potentially this world is absolutely batshit insane. If expanded in the right way, it could be pretty good because of how insane the base setup can potentially be. Remember, just because the premise is some girl trying to get her kingdom back doesn't mean that we don't find out the evil grandfather was doing evil shit because he's willing to be called "evil" by the history books because he's trying to protect his people and the girl is just too naive and ignorant to understand why the grandfather did/does what he's doing. Like maybe the grandfather is aware that the seal the dragons made is breaking and so he's doing stuff to prepare for the broken seal that's happening. Maybe the grandfather is actually trying to bring back the old god that actually wasn't evil and instead was merely defeated by the 6 dragons. Maybe no one is evil and the god just lost and the grandfather wants to bring the god back? Also, why is the grandfather in control of the kingdom and not the father and mother or even the freaking princess herself if her parents are out of commission? That actually sounds like a story in and of itself for why the princess wasn't put on the throne and instead the grandfather. I'd wager this "princess" isn't even actually a princess or if she is, she's probably like a princess that was born from the shagging of the queen/king and the butler/maid. Or maybe the grandfather is evil, nothing wrong with having a black villain in a tale. Maybe the grandfather isn't the actual focus of the story. Premises do not need to be original. The setup is fine. It needs an expansion. It's good that he at least has the brainstorming down for a base concept. Base concepts pretty much universally sound like ass.
  7. Alright, I read it, so I'll comment on it: 1) Why do Dwarves and Elves hate each other? This is one of those things that feels like a Tolkenism for the sake of having a Tolkenism. There's no background for it either, they just... Hate each other. I'm fine with races generally disliking each other, but not without some form of explanation. People don't just fight because they don't like each other, they have to hope to gain something from it. Do they truly wish to commit genocide on the other race? And why are they fine with hating each other but no one else like this? 2) Something that always bothered me is the Elf bias in a lot of fantastical worlds. These are so detailed comparatively to everyone else. At that point, why not call these "Elves" different races? They clearly aren't the same in their cultures and backgrounds and practices. Compare humans to that, we have no general concept of "human" outside of. "There and can do everything with a physical bias." 3) Gnomes? What war? The War. Needs a name and a place in history so we're knowing just how recent this war was that almost wiped them out. And more pressingly, am I to believe that humans and gnomes live together perfectly fine? So are human reputations in this world good? Or are the humans just indifferent to gnomes? 4) Also, I'd like to know more about Goblin and Troll culture outside of their appearance. 5) We have 7 races primarily (with 2 being unlisted really), and 6 countries. Outside of "The Elven Country" and "Dwarven Mountains," we don't know any of the compositions of the races in the countries. For instance, if humans hail from the other 4, and Gnomes live with humans and are in ALL of these 4 countries, the Gnomes aren't doing too bad in terms of population despite almost being wiped out. It stands to reason that even as a minority, they might actually outnumber Dwarves and Elves for instance if they literally exist in 4 different countries possibly. 6) Is the religion just a myth or did that actually happen? Seems pretty real if 6 countries all believe in it-- but why are they willing to divide the religion up in different countries? Do they simply not believe in the other virtues? Why do they not adopt the rest of them and host them in one town? What's happening with each town representing a virtue is awkward in this case. It's not like Ultima for instance where each place praises a virtue and ALL of them are city-states of a kingdom giving them sort of unity-- here all of the virtues are segregated. I'm at a lost for how/why this could/would even happen. Are the dragons still alive? Or are they just deities that the people believe in? 7) Magic is magic, so I can't really say much about them outside of Phantoms. What exactly makes them able to use all elements? What's the source of their power? Ditto for fairies. Those things need an entry tbh. The history of magic is interesting enough to give more detail about the CoM. How did something like that get established for forbidden magic and the like? Is it run by all races? Just humans? What? The make-up of magic is fine and since it's magic doesn't really need an explanation, but people around it? Definitely.
  8. I have. I still get it anyways. That's the reason that it actually annoys me so much. S&M I might actually not be given this time around. Hopefully. I'm not upset about that belief, I understand how that can come across as decadent.I just want them to not spend stuff on video games for me. Especially when it more so comes across as not paying attention to what I'm saying because it's not something I want/need. Yeah, say what you will about games like Zelda, but even it has had more drastic changes in the past few entries than Pokemon has. I mean, I don't want it to be Star Fox levels of inconsistent about stuff, but I don't need it to be that rigid in its formula.
  9. I'd rather get clothes than get a free game. I'd rather get food than a free game. Especially one that I don't find entertaining.
  10. No. Both parties need a major overhaul. This is definite proof. Even the common man is in a "WTF" state right now.
  11. I'll be even more straight up honest about Pokemon. I don't like it. I think it makes for a fairly bad single player RPG -- and by extension a mediocre competitive game and the games are so easy that most of the new features are pointless, intrusive at best, and aggravating at worst. Even worse is that somehow the newer games have become even MORE cryptic than the older ones. A trend that really started with Ru/Sa, and when the games DO make improvements, it takes WAY too long for these attributes to be implemented. It's inexcusable that it literally took them like 4 tries before they decided to actually mark the personality traits for what stats are improved or given a penalty on growths for instance, a lot of the evolution paths for Pokemon require a guide to have any chance of actually finding, and I hate how the games have Pokemon so divided in the games that making a generic random grab bag team of Pokemon requires you to 1) Beat the game in most instances 2) Have access to multiple games to get them 3) Or spend countless hours trading with yourself/other people. I could spend countless hours talking about why I don't particularly like Pokemon, and how the fanbase for it ignores even a fourth of the bad stuff from the series and praises the "good" aspects-- which is not much in my opinion. Especially nowadays. I especially love how I said X and Y was bad, and people are like "YES IT IS BAD, DON'T COUNT THAT!" But really, Black and White I thought was lackluster, D/P was pretty lame, and Ru/Sa wasn't good IMO either... For the love of all that is good people, STOP BUYING ME THIS GAME SERIES, it's like they know I'll play it because it was a gift and even when I don't ask for it, there it is ... Sitting there waiting for me. I know it's unpopular, but man... I do not think it's a good series.
  12. Some of the issue with Tharja, is that she suffers from the same problem that a lot of Awakening characters do. The most common supports you'll see with them are simply dreadful. Like Sumia's worst support is with Chrom, but it's the one most actually see, but I actually like Sumia, because I supported her with everyone else outside of Chrom. Me personally on Tharja I don't particularly care for, because not only is her communication poor, but she kinda basks in it as well. Like in Fred's support where she lies and says she casts a hex on him to give him a cold? Like... Why? Because Frederick wants her to train? She could just say... "I don't want to." But no, that's too obvious. Instead she acts like a creep and instead only waits until Fred proposes to her. Or Stahl's too is pretty dumb as well in that regard as she apparently put a curse on him that'd kill him if he didn't tell the truth. Like... It's the sort of random insanity from Awakening that drives me crazy because some of the tone of the supports are just... All over the place. It's hard to sympathize with a character being misunderstood when they go well out of their way to be misunderstood. And honestly I'd say Peri was worse if it weren't for the fact that she almost comes across as mentally impaired. I don't like Peri, and I'll agree that she's pretty lousy, but at least in most of her supports she doesn't SEE anything wrong with how she behaves. So it's at least a little better in that regard. What's not fine is how the other characters kinda shrug it off. In the case of Peri, I don't blame the idea of the character, but the rest of the world not reacting appropriately to someone like that (or at least most supports, some like Felicia I think are the proper reaction as she can't really DO anything about people allowing Peri to be in the army). In that regard, I DO hate her. As for My Castle: I like the concept of it. Like seriously, you could honestly have the player play as a king/queen building up their lands again while he sends out vassals to do his/her work. I mean seriously, how epic would that be if you literally built up your castle repelling invaders being a good ruler, and the final chapter is literally you defending YOUR CASTLE that you built over the course of the game. I don't care how awful the story is, you'd still want to defend what you spent 20+ hours building to your own perfection.
  13. I'd honestly wait for the items at that point. Money is kind of tight if you don't find things with Tyren and having the ability to promote people is nice. Granted, no one was ever close when I went through, but man... Money.
  14. I can actually see this as none of the stories in this game are really connected but they try so hard to connect them and they are strung together in such a string bean way. See that's the thing, I'm unpopular on this, because I don't feel like they were fair to Micaiah. If anything, they were unfair to her when Ike came on the scene. Micaiah has to have "super special goddess powers" to compete with Ike and his super commander abilities. If Micaiah was ridden too hard, then Ike's dick was grinded into dust during RD. Especially that ended. Oh lord that ending. Grants Ike credit for something EVERYONE worked towards-- like Sanaki, Elincia, Micaiah, Sothe...? All of them. Ike did it.
  15. The map. Front Mission did it this way, and I prefer it that way. Enemies all over the place, and a tough SoB that's been harassing you the whole game, it's time to put everything to rest, but it doesn't throw out all of the elements you've learned over the course of the game. I feel like RD was a bit too much focus on the boss itself than the map and ended up making most of them basically easier to fight in 1-3 turns than trying to use "strategy" to systematically take down the boss/map. IE, PoR has the right idea (outside of the boss having stupid immunity for most units so they can't fight Ashnard).
  16. Effective meaning the net speed. IE, having a steel weapon makes your speed always -3 when using a steel weapon. IE, if you have 20 speed and attack an enemy while using an iron weapon, assuming there are no skills, you will have 20 speed versus the enemy. However, if you attack an enemy with a steel weapon, you get -3 speed. So your effective speed is 17 even if your standard speed is 20. IE, if you double an enemy when you have 20 speed, you WON'T double it if you're using a steel weapon unless you have a tonic, rally, or some skill like Darting Blow. It's just a note telling you "this weapon raises / lowers stat by x when it uses sit." In the case of the follow-up, it seems to use that for "2nd attacks." IE what most people call "doubling." IE, you attack with +5 speed for a follow up attack (assuming you now have +5 speed over the enemy you can get another chance to attack), and the enemy ALSO gets +5 speed when attempting to double. IE, it doesn't stop you from not being doubled-- it still checks for your base speed against the enemies. In other words, I hate these weapons.
  17. I think that was to make another subtle joke tbh. In Awakening, he started as a myrmidon and he was better off being a caster, in Conquest/Revelations he is a caster better off being switched to a "sword fighter."
  18. Not really. None of those units are terrible. And Rebecca sure as heck isn't in the "maybe" especially when you mention Lowen not being good enough. Lowen throwing javelins is better than Rebecca at being Rebecca. It's not until level 15+ that Rebecca *might* be doing more damage than Lowen with 2 range attacks. Hell, there's an argument for Serra over Lucius in the sense that in the fact that she's not made out of card board. Sure, if you HAVE to promote Serra at 20 she's worse, but if you promote Serra at like 12-13. I'd much rather use her casually over Lucius. Prissy is better than Serra, but Prissy is like Sain and Kent levels of good. Most of these units aren't even bad. Compare that to things like the three fighters you get in FE1, or Fiona, or Wendy or Ardin... And suddenly these units look like gods. And Vaida is hardly bad. Wallace isn't bad either.Especially if you didn't Knight Crest him in Lyn Hard Mode. Louise is about the same as Rebecca. I'd honestly say she's better because of the instant A with Pent. PoR balance isn't that great. It's even worse than FE7 in this regard. The enemies are just pathetic. All mounted units reign king and foot soldiers all suck comparatively. Shinon even with BEXP with pretty lousy, and Rolf isn't much better. Laguz are all lousy outside of Reyson with them barely even being able to fight most of the time and being stuck with 1 range and steel weapons the whole game (seriously, who in their right mind thought "let's not let the laguz get better attack?"). Muarim is okay with a demi band, but if they aren't the uber kings towards the end, they are pretty mediocre at the very end. Nasir is okay, but the rest are quite lame. There's nothing you can do to make Sothe good for instance, and even worse is that he comes after Volke so there's no reason to even use him unless Volke charging you to open doors pisses you off so much that you use Sothe. The balance in PoR is actually worse assuming you don't horde BEXP for very specific units that you don't know about. PoR has units that you can make work thanks to BEXP, but there isn't a unit outside of Nino that I find myself cursing to use on playthroughs if I take a different team. As for frustrating chapters, I find Revelations chapters when you get to Valla frustrating in their boring design. Ugh. I hate them. The hardest overall I'd give to Fire Emblem 5, and some of that is through questionable design tbh.
  19. I'm honestly losing interest in the non-animated films. Something about them seems really disingenuous. They feel really stiff and just... I don't know. And this is coming from someone that has seen a few of the plays.
  20. Easy and Normal I'm pretty sure the differences are EXP gains all around. Just stick with normal. Easy is insanely easy. Like... To the point that the game will get boring. Hard is still pretty easy as well.
  21. Yeah, it's already setup to be looking pretty lousy.
  22. ... Geez. That version of him looks badass. Certainly cooler than anything else I've seen from Fire Emblem in awhile. I want a unit like that.
  23. And all the people that say that they can relate to him.
  24. As a master ninja, I'd make Midori have Effie as a mom then.
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