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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. Tbh, I think that DP should only be reserved for truly heinous crimes of multiple accounts. It's simply not enough to just kill one person. The reason I say that, is because it needs to be something people are absolutely 100% certain on and not have a "hunch." I mean think about all of the cases that people have sat in prison for like 20 years and then been taken out of jail later because they found out that they were innocent. While their life has been shamefully messed up because of that, I don't think anyone would be happier that the person was killed and then found out to be innocent. At least with multiple offenses it'd be easier to felt justified in doing so. And I agree with people saying that prison needs to work more on rehabilitation rather than just housing people for x amount of time. I also think that punishments where a 50 year old man is convicted of a murder and then you sentence him to 80 years in prison may as well be the death penalty. It's outrageous to give people time frames in prison where you KNOW that the person isn't going to live through it.
  2. Yeah, I honestly still think Fiona is the worst by virtue of how many levels you're expected to get with her, how bad she is at base, and how "not special" she is after you put up with all that nonsense as she's still lacking things like a proper A support when most characters can easily have 1. You get like 5 chapters to raise her from a level 9 unit to at least a 10/10/1. Even assuming I raised that little amount of levels to get to third tier that quickly, expecting a person to receive at least 10 levels in 5 chapters is outrageous in and of itself. Add to the fact that she's terrible when you first get her, and how hard it is for her to gain EXP in 3-6 and you have a recipe for disaster. You'll spend more time giving her BEXP to do things rather than actually using her.
  3. Honestly having all of the boss characters have supports with each other could have been a riot.
  4. Yeah, I was honestly impressed. Of course. I don't doubt that these things happened to you. When I was younger I totally used to go to the VA hospitals to help out with some of the people that didn't get their help, so it's not like I don't see what you're talking about. I don't think you voted for him simply because you're like evil or something, but there's something in your posts that I haven't seen in post about politicians in a good while: faith. That's what interested me to ask. I honestly wish something good happens for you and I'd actually be more upset about Trump and the GOP not delivering on things that make you believe in him.
  5. Years ago I think it was an indie movie someone uploaded. But I had seen the movie back when it wasn't on Youtube.
  6. He did. He actually had two shoes thrown at him actually. Somehow he managed to dodge both. He's quick there's no doubt about that haha. As for your beliefs, that makes more sense I guess. I'm more worried about how the general population takes it. And I can't really say, because my family, military as well, has been relatively well taken care of when they needed it.
  7. Understood, you don't like the foundation of socialism. I can understand that. It depends on what you value the most. If you don't mind me asking, what DO you value the most in government affairs? Because as of right now, you're the only person that I know that actually is really excited about Trump. This isn't meant to be flame-baiting, I just like getting perspectives, and yours intrigues me more than others right now.
  8. Okay, this has gone on long enough. They didn't vote against you as a human being. The vast majority of these people don't even know you exist as a person. Driving these people away makes absolutely no sense, and if these people do retaliate against your "drive" you deserve the ramifications for such behaviors. And ruin it for everyone else? I mean that's not just "petty and immature," it's out and out inane. Socialism practices aren't necessarily the worst thing that can happen, and communism an socialism aren't necessarily the same. It's like comparing a republic to a true democracy or an empire versus a kingdom. There are similarities, but they definitely aren't the same.
  9. That America becomes great again.
  10. Yeah, I think a lot of people are overreacting. Sadly what bothers me the most is that a lot of people I know didn't vote on the account that they "didn't care." I realize that you may not care about the presidency, but people completely forgot about their local issues in the states. I wasn't a fan of either, and I'm still not a fan of the system we have in place. That doesn't change. One can only hope that people are smart enough to not go totally bonkers over the election.
  11. It depends on what you mean. Some of them are okay. I'd say that Sophie is pretty solid and so is Shigure. Velouria is pretty solid as well. I believe I also used Shiro as well. The rest of them I can live without gameplay wise.
  12. I like the idea of the girl with the skirt, but the shading looks a little bit blocky. Other than that, it's good stuff. I like seeing you improve.
  13. Did not know that Corrin dying in casual didn't game over you. Wow. I should totally play casual. It sounds better than I thought.
  14. That would be a nice little benefit for them, and yeah, I like the subgroups idea as well. With all of the custom supports you could do in RD, that would have been really cool.
  15. You could if you have the DLC, but I didn't want to assume anyone had it so I ignored it tbh. Though if you did have it, I'd get: Rally Spectrum, Rally Movement, Amaterasu, Wary Fighter and Savage Blow. You can't be doubled, you heal everyone around you on the beginning of your turn, and you rally people to have better stats and movement, and when you do attack, you blow up everything around you.
  16. Kana just isn't that good. The growths are too low to realistically be worth anything more than a support bot at best, and Shigure does that better because he heals and naturally has sky knight. The best thing I think you can do is make a Corrin that's Magic boon with perhaps a skill bane. Corrin's class doesn't really matter, but try to get Wary Fighter for him/her, and get Kana something like this: Wary Fighter, Rally Strength, Rally Speed, Rally Skill, Rally Defense (anything really). Leave the dragonstone equipped at all moments, and you can have a decently sturdy support bot. For Male Kana in Conquest, I recommend having your Corrin simply BE a Knight so that way you can have Kana be a General to get Wary Fighter himself while both parents pass him rally skills (you can get yours by supporting with say... Azura as Female Corrin for Rally Speed), and then marry Arthur or something for strength so you can at least get those 2 pretty quickly. With this, your Kana can do maximum damage when attacked with a dragonstone and in a worst case scenario cast spells to stay away from harms way. You can also buff every single turn to make up for the lackluster stats, and can ensure that Kana can only die if he is OHKOed. For Female Kana in Conquest, this is also weird. You can A with Arthur to get Fighter for Corrin, and then marry Azura to have her pass Rally Speed. Keeping with the whole "be a knight" thing, you can have Kana get Wary Fighter herself, and you're just SOL for Rally Skill. You can marry Percy for Rally Defense by getting Wyvern. But you'll either be missing Rally Skill or Rally Strength here because there are no fighters to marry in the children. So get Rally Strength from Arthur, get Rally Speed from Corrin, get Rally Defense by A+ Percy and being Wyvern, and Wary Fighter by himself, the only thing you'd be missing is Rally Skill unless you marry Soleil with him. There. Now you can have a rally bot Kana. For Male Kana in Birthright this is kinda trickier as you don't have Wary Fighter unless you give it to him, so here you have to have knight here instead of it just being recommended. If you pass Rally Speed with Azura don't marry Subaki as that's redundant so pick to either marry Subaki or pass it yourself-- I recommend passing on Subaki as Caedori does not want Knight at all unless you plan to get her Luna I guess (which could be nice, but Cav is even nicer but whatever). I guess the best bet is to get Rally Mag from the sage class here so I guess you could marry Hayato to get the class for Rally magic. So basically: Rally Magic from Hayato, Rally Speed from you, Rally Luck from Mitama marriage, and Wary Fighter from himself because you passed it.. You can't seem to buff nearly as well this time around. And Kana Birthright seems a lot worse. For Female Kana, once again, you'll need knight for Wary Fighter. This time we can have Female Kana marry Shigure so Speed isn't a problem this time around. Luck isn't a problem either because Mitama is possible for A+. Magic isn't a problem because you could get this by A supporting Hayato. Still, there's no way to get General for Kana without having Spear Fighter and THEN marrying Shiro. So either way, you're not getting anything for buffs from Spear Fighter either. But if you marry Shiro, you're not getting Rally Speed. Frustrating. Truly frustrating. Rev is just a combo of the above so you get the point. I honestly just ignore Kana tbh. I hate him/her as a unit and a character. If someone thinks of something better, let me know, because I really never bothered with this kid too much.
  17. Noodles with pepperoni and cheese. It's not particularly good, but you have to do what you can to survive when you are in college.
  18. Really all they do is hurt you when you're the Dawn Brigade. I'd have actually liked Leadership stars if you as the player could appoint certain units you liked as leaders and each one would give different bonuses based on the unit. As it stands, they are just a nuisance or practically nonexistent.
  19. MMZ was a game that came out when Capcom was beginning on their decline. I remember having the first one, and thought it was pretty solid. The rest of them were pretty good too, with 2 or 3 being the best IMO. And yeah, the games were noticeably more ruthless than any other games in the franchise. And if you think the DS versions are hard, imagine the original ones, they didn't have ANY difficulties except "normal and hard." Another on I'd say is Digimon Spirit Battle. Really obscure it's a SSB style of fighting game on the Wonderswan. It was pretty good for what it was worth. I wish I had more people to play it with though.
  20. I like the idea of map alterations, what I don't like is the fact that it's limited to royals only. What I would have done with something like this is something like the card system in Yggdra Union where you could use the ice spells to freeze water tiles to allow units to walk over. IE, having the ability to say... Burn down a bridge with torches or fire spells is an interesting concept, the issue is that you have rev maps like the Valla one where it's "trigger these veins to open up a final pathway to teleport to the boss." Why... Oh why did those have to be dragon veins? May god have mercy on someone's soul that doesn't use royals and doesn't have the DLC to make anyone have the ability to do that.
  21. "Might" is the weapon attack value. Strength is the raw power of the unit. IE, attack power is based off of str + might. You can't make your strength higher without leveling up or stat boosters. Might can be made different based on the weapon you attack with.
  22. The PC was a big event, because it was a PSX game that was being multiplatform at the time. Sort of like back in the day it was HUGE when Sonic and Knuckles was announced on the PC as well due to its popularity. Also, I'm pretty sure that translation was a bit of a mistake on their part. What it was meaning is that nothing has ever been as good as FFVII so far. Not that they never will make something as good as FFVII. Nothing sold like FFVII from SE since. You may have misspoken, because it's a common argument on the Internet. And I got exactly what you're saying, and I'm saying that it's not true. The rose-tinted glasses people speak of often doesn't work, and more and more people are hurling the word "nostalgia" around without understanding anything about it. FFVII in this case is a game that's literally almost 20 years old at this point there's plenty of people that like it on their first playthrough and don't even have nostalgia around to help them, and it's certainly not their first game. To use myself as an example: FE4 is my first Fire Emblem game, and outside of its uniqueness, I believe it's not a very good game in general. And yes, I believe you're giving too much emphasis on nostalgia here. And no, my unpopular wasn't aimed at you or to argue either, but merely... It's something that does drive me a bit bonkers. But it's a very popular opinion. There aren't many people that argue that a change to a formula is bad unless the departure is so far removed that the game is no longer what the original game's premise was. IE, people from the Shining Series complain about the game going from a SRPG to hack-n-slash and they just want their good old fashion SRPGs back.
  23. I've heard of Mercenaries Saga, but I've never played it, since it's being recommended, I might actually look into that. Another one that I feel that didn't get a lot of attention was the newest Gauntlet. It's pretty fun for what it is, and it doesn't attempt to be more than it was from before. It's kinda short, but it's fun.
  24. I'd think so. Really the outrealms are the coolest thing from Awakening by far. I love things like this..
  25. That makes more sense. I can't speak for the French translation as I didn't read it nor do I speak or read French. But that's not how it works. It's a longing for things in the past. If you're actively playing it, you're going to remember why you like it or realize that you don't like it as much as you remember. Not everyone played these games as a child, so "nostalgia" feels like a lazy way of handling it. Especially when they can't have it because they never played it. Example: I remember having fun with Secret of Mana as a child, but I more so realize that I like SoM as a child because of the time I spent with my friends-- it made me miss going outside and running around in the park etc. SoM was a gateway to an active imagination, but SoM was never a special game. And it's still not now. It's not an amplifier at all. Things that I didn't finish as a child, I've gone back looked at them and been like : "Eew, I remember why I never finished this." Or I've come back to things and been pleasantly surprised for it being better than I remembered. Final Fantasy X comes to mind. I liked it, but I'm more impressed at what it did at the time now than I was then. I'm not going to judge it harshly either, just for what it is at face value. FFVII just got lucky to get all of that attention, it's not like say... FFXIII where it was literally shoved in our faces like Toryiama did and was like "DO YOU LIKE IT NOW!?" Cloud is pretty iconic as a character, and I think SE deserves to give their originally best selling game in their series a bit more love. Hell, FFIV has been remade and ported so many times, it's unreal. It even got a small sequel for it, which is pretty wild. FF1 and FF2 got remakes as well. The only ones that don't really get a lot of love in the first 6 are 3, 5, and 6. With 5 and 6 being treated the worst of the bunch. Except nostalgia doesn't have much of an influence as you'd think. People use it way too much as a crutch to explain why they don't like something and why others do is the problem. It's basically akin to saying "I think people overrate this, but I'm not sure why so 'NOSTALGIA!'"
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