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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. There's also the fact that a ton of characters don't actually *die* if they die in Fates. the royals, servants... That's quite the number.
  2. Interesting. I've been really behind in my movie watching lately, so maybe I'll swerve in that direction when I have the time.
  3. To be fair, it still works on the account that it shows Lilina has magic as well and outside of a NPC, none of their mother's are magic users. It could be one of those things where he could have been a magic user, but instead chose to use the axe.
  4. The issue is that paragon BEXP makes Astrid need less BEXP than Rolf would if you decided to raise them. Rolf isn't a carry that you should invest in and I honestly wouldn't recommend them. I wouldn't advise against anyone as no one is so outlandishly bad in this game that you can't use them, but if I were making a list of recommendations, Rolf isn't on there. Yeah, I agree that Shinon is a more interesting character, but he's still pretty bad. Haha.
  5. Probably go and watch some horrible Halloween movies: as usual.
  6. So is Astrid, or any paladin that chooses to have bows as their promotion weapon, or hell, axes. And Boyd can cover that as well. Both older brothers are better than Rolf. Astrid is honestly easier to train because killing any enemy with a bow pretty much guarantees a level. In addition to that, she has better movement and canto to stay out of the way. If Oscar is promoted with bows by the time you reach Astrid, that puts more emphasis on why you shouldn't use Rolf. If you use BEXP, you need less to make Astrid stronger than Rolf. Astrid is a better investment. Also, you can use wind magic against Wyverns, and their res is inferior to their defense, so you'll do even more damage with mages. Shinon is worse than Astrid and even harder to train than Astrid! He comes even later and has terrible bases. Which isn't really needed because there aren't many things that Boyd can't kill, and Oscar struggles on that same boat. There aren't enough high defense enemies with good luck to make Triangle attack worth it.
  7. Not necessarily. Considering that you don't know what he's experienced at this age, it's not sufficient in my eyes. Age isn't anything but a number -- perhaps to a fault; it's not necessarily a precursor to one's understanding of societal manners or psychological circumstances. A person doesn't have to experience death for instance to actually understand why people would fear it. And any person with acute paranoia for instance? Might be able to tell you how awful it is to be stalked. Even worse, they might actually have more of a problem than one instance of being stalked on the account that they feel like anything might set them off for their tendencies-- some of which may have actually been factual rather than fabricated. Without knowing what he's going through (or gone through for that matter), it's incredibly presumptuous to assert that he simply cannot understand because he hasn't experienced it. It's a large leap of faith without any actual evidence to support it-- at least from what I'm seeing. You may know him better personally, but if not, that's incredibly unfair in my eyes. Probably. Life is rife with opportunities for regret. Sometimes small, sometimes large. Exactly. I don't necessarily disagree with either point as they both have their own merits, and I'm not seeing any particular instance where I can just say "no, that's not something I personally disagree with, but seems kind of off." Or "I agree with this so much that I feel compelled to chime in."
  8. Except from what he's saying, your response has nothing to do with what he's saying. The disappointment isn't his point: it's that if a person continues to NOT express gratitude a person shouldn't have (or feel compelled) to waste their time with the ungrateful party. And I agree with that. Pretty much anyone would agree with that. A person should feel entitled to gratitude for performing a task for someone. Otherwise, there's no reason for them to continue to perform anything that's worthy of gratitude. Wright's reasoning is that the person does not respect the performer's actions nor time taken to assist them. A little bit of gratitude goes a long way. It helps with lowering turnover rates, it keeps morale high, it keeps positive energy in a relationship as well, and it honestly doesn't require much effort to show gratitude. Ideally everyone would do this, realistically it's not going to happen, and realistically, the ungrateful person is going to receive less assistance on things when people realize that they ARE ungrateful. Not necessarily. Sometimes both of you can just agree "friends it is." I mean once my friend and I both agreed that we didn't want to try dating because we had known each other for years and that it WOULD be awkward if we started dating. It's bullshit because you haven't actually expressed a clear thought as to what you were saying when he asked. Instead you continue to say "he doesn't have the experience." If that's the case, make it clearer. Explain it to him in a way so that he can understand.
  9. lol what? That's so... Scandalous. I love it. And it kind of makes Part 2 more relevant.
  10. True, but you have to actually go out of your way to get that to happen. Most people I know don't buy torches in bulk to grind staff ranks off of them. The fact that you have to puts it into perspective of how ridiculous Pent is. Oh, he's A rank? Yeah, I forgot he was... C rank pretty much IS the rank you really care about, but the point still stands. This. When you get Pent, you start wondering who you should drop. Ced, I remember thinking he was good, but he's still some dude that walks. I guess you could give him the Leg Ring, but in the end, he still walks.
  11. Erk can emulate Pent, but he isn't Pent. Pent will have better defense, and a C rank in staves. Erk wishes he had physic by the time Pent joined. Ced is one of those powerful units that snaps the game in two, but it's in a game with a ton of broken characters. Pent just walks up in a chapter and is absurd. I can see how people feel that Pent is better. To better understand that, let's look at someone like Morgan from Awakening. A very powerful unit indeed, but (s)he stands out way less when you have a ton of uber characters running around that can slaughter pretty much everything that they look at.
  12. I honestly don't recommend Inigo on Lunatic+, his chapter is kinda a pain, and Olivia's base stats are so garbage that Inigo will be having to rely on most of his stats coming from the father. Usually in Lunatic I don't recommend going over 8, but in terms of pairings I guess I'd go like this: Robin x Cordelia - Get Severa Veteran instead of any other skill. It will be potentially more helpful than other skills Robin could pass. Chrom x Sumia - This is just plain the best pairing you can have for Chrom IMO if you're not going with female Robin. It also ensures that if speed starts acting up a bit with Chrom that you can keep him paired up. Nowi x Gregor - Gregor is fine at base, and Nowi grows into a pretty strong unit. If you need a healer, go with Maribelle on the account that she has the best movement and in conjunction with that, she has a skill that helps with evasion. Those would be my top picks, although it's not a terrible idea to have Lon'Qu x Miriel for a Laurent that comes with Vantage. You can then reclass him immediately into Dark Mage to be a Nosferatu tank.
  13. Axes are less accurate in FE6 than the other GBA titles, no doubt. But I think the issue is more that the axe users that don't have much access to other weapon types have lower bases and skill growth combos than other units. To put this into perspective, Marcus at level 1 has 14 skill. Garret has 13 at level 1. There are units like Echidna that can use axes perfectly fine for instance. It's just most of them have more to OFFER outside of simply axes. The buffs axes got for accuracy put the axe users in a safer attack range than before.
  14. Agreed. There's nothing really to indicate where to click. It's one of those things you'd get used to, but I feel you shouldn't have to if you catch my drift...
  15. Honestly most anime with CGI generally looks choppy and worse than if it was animated in 2D. There are way too many obvious corners cut on it.
  16. You're getting better. It's pretty noticeable now.
  17. I was neutral the first time. And then I lost my file. When I beat it, I was a Lawful guy. I became a Warlock. I regret nothing being a healer main character. Ah... The original version tied the classes you could be to your alignment. I loved that about Ogre Battle. I loved it in Tactics Ogre. WHY ISN'T THERE A THIRD ONE!?
  18. I honestly don't mind coincidences and conveniences when they don't stretch the limit on plausibility. IE, if they occur too rapidly or are simply put, outlandish. For instance, in a story I have, I keep having a woman find a man despite them being in several different places. Even though the dialogue has her saying things like "what a coincidence" and the like, that is not the case. The woman isn't being honest. She's not coincidentally bumping into him, she's tracking him. She's actively following him. Outside of their first coincidentally meeting (where she even gets the idea of using him), the rest of them aren't random chance. But the main character(s) don't realize this because so many things are happening to them that they don't really feel the need to comment on it. The issue with Ike here, is that he's not important. You could make him Zihark for all I care and it wouldn't change anything except the BK subplot-- which doesn't have any importance at all. And the game keeps going out of its way to have other characters that Ike runs into do things to continuously shove him into the limelight. I mean seriously, what you pointed out doesn't even begin to touch the tip of the iceberg. I can name some more: 1) The first in command for the GMs die, and rather than the second in command taking over (like a good second in command should do), she hands over leadership to not just a less senior member, but their newest member. If anyone else besides Titania should have been leader, it should have been : Titania, Shinon/Soren, Gatrie, Oscar... Hell, even Boyd would have made more sense. Ike is the worst possible choice you could have here outside of Mist and Rolf. 2) In addition to this happening, most of the people that are in the group don't just scatter to the four winds -- which is already stretching plausibility. 3) Daein doesn't give the GMs the opportunity to hand Elinicia over and just flat out paying them thus forcing Ike to fight for his life rather than necessarily to save Elincia before it actually becomes his job. If their goal is to kill / capture Elincia, why do they keep insisting on fighting the group that's traveling with her? Just parley with them and take the girl. You don't HAVE to fight them. 4) The laguz make up nonsense that Begnion would fight Gallia for aiding Elincia because of "lol racism" when realistically considering that Crimea and Gallia had an alliance, the expected response would be that they should have expected Gallia to respond by fighting Daein. Begnion would have no reason to join the war outside of wanting to claim more land, which is definitely possible, but you'd think they would help destroy Daein as that would be fighting one country rather than two. Not to mention that Daein was the aggressor and attacked without provocation, which is definitely something an empire would not want sitting right next to them. And bear in mind that this is literally like... Not even the first half of the chapters of the game. The backstory with Elena at least gives None of that actually particularly bothers me. But the issue is that all of these things that happen are a subplot at best. It's a driving force to Ike, but it has nothing to do with Elincia, nor does it have anything to do with actually stopping Ashnard. In the end of the day, all Ashnard cares about in this situation is the medallion. He doesn't even care about Ike himself. in the end of the day, the story is about how a woman reclaimed her kingdom. Not how a guy stumbled around and got paraded around as a hero. As for the perspective, I don't really care about the perspective of the battle system. When I was younger I used to care about seeing the characters, now that I'm older and know how much effort it takes, it's not a make or break sort of ordeal for me.
  19. I'm assuming you're doing the PSP version then? If you're going PSP, the only thing I can suggest is that if you get/use a generic Valkyrie that you make it a practitioner of the light magic spells rather than any other element because that is by FAR the best element to give them. They get more support abilities there than they do anywhere else. Also, avoid the cleric class. It kind of sucks outside of exorcism.
  20. I'm liking the basis for the battle system, but I'd like to see a full party before I say much. It doesn't seem too bad, and seems pretty strategical in the sense that you can see what you're up against without having to waste time or turns. The plot seems more interesting than PoR, that's for sure.
  21. Roy. Competent, even tempered, and pretty slick when it comes to tactics. That's what I need in a leader. Even if he sucks in combat, the fact that he always fights is bonus points for me too.
  22. So what exactly do the Awakening extras save then? I'm curious. Or do you have any documentation that can point me in the direction? I'll admit that I wasn't initially interested in 3DS hacking (I'm more interested in PC hacking and the only form of console hacking that I've done is playstation stuff), but now I'm actually interested. Primarily because I actually want to look at the make-up of games. Well yeah, I can understand the reading versus editing permissions problem. The issue comes from the fact that the user can play with things directly in Awakening and then move a dirty save over from Awakening to Fates. So a hacked Awakening potentially allows for hacked Fates, or pointed to unused references etc. The user would have an easier time injecting all sorts of nonsense in. I get it. I guess I'll look at that topic in more detail. I think I remember seeing that one. Which does seem pretty natural at first glance. You have reoccurring characters, and the game even checks if you played the game that they came from. It *does* seem initially strange that all that comes from it is an accessory. It's fine. I'm not upset. I was just taken aback by the response initially because it was just a bit of a "I wonder why they didn't" more than anything else. Well yeah, as they are now. I was actually saying if they didn't. That was my fault for being unclear.
  23. Sure. It just bothered me by virtue that it was a hyper-aggressive statement for no real reason and the edit only serves to make the response worse rather than better. Also, I'm not entirely sure that they would have needed anything more than the extras folder from Awakening. So if it checks for it, I'm not sure why it theoretically couldn't actually check through the Awakening extras folder on a creation of a save on Fates. Or even better, it just does it as a presents option like it does for the accessory. As the hair colors and units for the support log seemed to be stored there with an address created with the most recent save that had anything relevant to load over the address of the current hair color or support log statuses in general. Whether that save exists or not. IE, to test this try this: Let's go with two avatars because it's the fastest way to demonstrate what I mean. Suppose you have a male avatar named Reflet that beat the game and another male avatar named Robin that did not. load up Reflet and save. In the support log, we see Reflet. Now load up Robin, and then save. You'll see Robin covered over Reflet. More interestingly, is that the hair colors of the children will NOT change to Robin's hair colors for children unless Robin has actually obtained them. Obviously in the game's current state Fates can't do this considering that it apparently only checks to see for the existence of Awakening, but what exploit would really be used from looking at the support log and grabbing the last matching addresses for hair color? I don't see how either version that's digital or physical would be shafted because what I even had in mind for it didn't even require switching of carts, and while I have a physical copy of Awakening, I'm almost certain that the digital copy also has the extra folder as well. Because as far as I'm concerned, in terms of security, the extras folder doesn't actually have anything of value-- no skills, characters, so unless the Awakening extras folder doesn't hold things like the support log -- which I'm pretty sure it does on the account that the fastest way to exploit finishing the support log is by having multiple save and saving on a separate file. For the record, I'm not complaining, just thinking of a way that they could have perhaps used to avoid a possible security problem. It doesn't have access to an actual smart save at that point. The edit actually makes it worse. And no, "it's weird that" doesn't imply disappointment. It's weird, ala strange, that you'd think that. Am I implying disappointment by you then? No. Am I complaining about you? Not at all. I'm genuinely just curious as to why you'd think that I'd be disappointed. Realistically, it's one of those things that'd be nice but is ultimately a "more trouble than it's worth" ordeal. It only works for 3 characters and does very little else. We aren't talking something like Mass Effect where it transfers a ton of little flags-- broken ones at moments, but the thought is there.
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