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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. Wow. I can't believe that actually went that well for you. I never did finish this, so I'm kind of curious how crazy the ending becomes.
  2. I'm pretty sure you can't purchase DLC skills. The only way to get it is through learning it on your own unfortunately. Just to add to that, if you can't pass it through inheritance for children, you can't buy it under most cases now that I think about it.
  3. I can agree with that. It really looks like we're already starting to see that happen though. I honesty haven't really heard much from the democratic party lately on anything that they really plan on doing now. Just regrets about what they should have done. I think her point was that there are some things that the government should be involved with and some things that they shouldn't be. IE, the government should be there to regulate that everyone gets along, but it shouldn't be doing much more than that. IE, you might have a moderator on a forum, but what they don't do is sift through all of your post and edit them. There's definitely a threshold there though. Too much and people might riot, too little and people with a little too much influence are in control.
  4. Very well. I'm leaving the topic. I'm not even mad, but it's clear that responding IS a waste of time. And this is why I'm leaving the topic. I never tried anything like this.
  5. Because you aren't making any sense. What the hell are you saying here? I'm not playing any cards here. You really are speaking complete nonsense. Banging your hands on the keyboard and having oaihsdfohasfpohsaefoih would make more sense at this point. Okay? I don't recall saying people couldn't have that opinion. The post literally only has one sentence. Taken in context, there's literally nothing else that can be taken from that. Nothing you said in response makes any sense. So again, you may as well have said "oiwherpoiwherpoiawhr" and it'd have the same amount of clarity. No it isn't. It's even worse in that regard for Pokemon to be honest. And there is connectivity in Street Fighter 5. Online multiplayer is most definitely a thing in SF5. Some of the reason I played SF4 for so long was because of the fact that I could play it Online. People pined for Street Fighter 3rd Strike to receive Online because they loved the game so much. How could every Pokemon be in the game? By having every Pokemon in the game. That's not... Hard. Even going off of your trading point, that still doesn't work. Because trading as it stands in Pokemon is a mess by virtue of what I just said about trying to even use a random grab bag team. If you play casually it's a mess. And that matters because? "This system doesn't even matter in the standard game," so? In Fire Emblem Awakening, skill inheritance doesn't matter at all for the whole game, that doesn't mean that the system should be needlessly cryptic. And just because they don't matter to you doesn't mean you can handwave it. It matters to me. Hence why I said this as my unpopular post. And again, I feel that other devs would be losing points on their score for that while Pokemon gets a free pass. It's not minor. Again, let's use Street Fighter 5. You know why people were so mad when it came out initially? Because there weren't characters that they wanted in the game. That's not something that's minor, it's something that you know is in existence that you simply aren't allowed to use because... They don't feel like having it there for you to use in the main game. True Hit doesn't even begin to compare to something like evolving a Pokemon on the account that True Hit is something that simply helps the player on an invisible level. Whether you know it exists or not doesn't hurt you at all. And even if you know of its existence, it still doesn't help you that much because you can't actually see or know the seeds without some sort of tool to actually check for the RNs being generated. Pokemon evolving through cryptic means is FAR more of a problem. True Hit is more comparable to invisible badge boosts that the player receives over the course of the game for defeating gyms. Not being able to know how to evolve a Pokemon is more akin to not being able to know how to promote a character in Fire Emblem. It doesn't matter if they are minor or not. That's way too much invisible nonsense for no clear reason. And I still find EVs kinda lame how they are done. It's not IV level of garbage, but it's still a far cry worse than it could be. Don't even try that. You totally went after fucciboi for saying the game was stale as fuck. And I then in returned responded because you somehow say it wasn't stale by saying things that people feel should already have been fixed (which is what prompted me to respond). You can't take this stance of everyone is being a douche because you don't like what they said-- which is what you've been doing this entire time.
  6. Chrom or Robin are usually the first to get them. Although, I have used it for Panne as well.
  7. Did you even read my post? Are you trying to kill your credibility here? How is it bad mouthing people to say "you let a company get away with too much." What exactly am I bad mouthing them here with? By saying they are too nice? It's not that huge of a change. At its core, the game is still a game where you collect artifacts/items to progress on an adventure. It's changed enough to keep fresh but is similar enough for it to remain well within the same genre of game while still keeping enough elements from Zelda to still make it a Zelda game. That's what we're talking about here, keeping the core aspects the same; this is exactly what Zelda has done. IE, Super Mario 64 is a nice change from Super Mario World, but it's still clearly a Mario game. Minimal updates across versions with features that were done due to technical restraints taking years to be removed and this never actually being counted as a negative (ie, it should not have taken them that long to remove HMs from the game), a game that requires you to have access to several other games to be able to even have a full team of your choice-- ie, this would be like if you had a fighting game, like say, Street Fighter 5, and in order to have Alex unlocked as a playable character you had to transfer Alex the character over to Street Fighter bank and then from there transfer Alex from the bank to Street Fighter 5 to have him be playable in the game. If you didn't have the game from before, you then have to trade say... Chun-Li from Street Fighter 5 Red in order to get someone that is willing to give you Alex instead. If Capcom did something like that, people would be up in arms. If EA did something like that, people would moan and groan about it. When Pokemon does it? People shrug it off. Features are intentionally placed in stupid areas for no reason-- OOh, let's have the move deleter be present at the very end of the game rather than easily accessible for the player, and having really archaic mechanics like not allowing a person to switch out moves easily and instead requiring them to farm items (Heart Scales) to do so little as relearn a move from earlier in the event that they don't like the new move that they have. ONE SAVE, seriously, this isn't even excusable anymore. EV system could still be improved and instead of having to fight x pokemon or something like that, just allow the player to allocate the EV upon level... You know, like any other RPG to save time and make it a system that a person would actually know. The games are honestly kind of poorly optimized-- this isn't the worst thing, but it is kind of jarring to have lag like that in a turn based RPG. Like in any other game this would be considered awful game design, here the game is still slapped with a 8/10 rating at least. The games progressively become more cryptic as you get farther. It's ludicrous trying to make a random grab bag team without having to resort to the Internet to even know how on earth you acquire a pokemon at moments. It was bad enough from the original Red and Blue that your only hint for Alakazam was "some Pokemon evolve through trading," but who on earth figured out how to get Scizor without a guide? Or even Shedninja? Not so bad if you've been playing it from the beginning, but if you just started... Oh my gosh. My nephew is STILL asking me questions about stuff that I remember because he simply cannot find or do things in the game all the time and his time on the Internet is regulated to the point that he just can't go look it up himself all of the time so he just calls me. Heck, I was talking to a rabid Pokemon fan, and he wasn't even aware how Wurmple worked with getting Silcoon and Cascoon. Features take way too long to be refined and fixed to my liking. What's that? Personality traits are a new thing that give you a bonus and a penalty to your stats? Well I'm not going to tell you what they do in the first game I introduce it. It took them to Black and White to finally decide: "you know what be a good idea? Letting people know what their Pokemon's stats will get bonuses and penalties on them." Heck, it took them technically 6 tries (R/G -> B -> Y -> G/S -> C -> Ru/SA) to FINALLY allow you to read a description for what the hell a move did when you had four moves and were trying to learn a fifth one without having to end the battle and read the description outside of battle (and red and blue didn't even let you do that little). So let me get this straight, you see something wrong with him saying he doesn't see the hype? This makes no sense. Hey John? Do you see that red car down the street? No? You are so wrong.
  8. Yeah, that's what actually bothers me the most. He's really wishy-washy on a lot of his statements. People change their opinions, yes, but it's a little bit too fast for my liking.
  9. Problem is that I know I've been burned out on Pokemon for years and have had no desire to go back. Replacing gyms means nothing, HMs are something that was just bad game design and should have been gone in the first place, and QoL changes are not things that make a game not stale. Just less annoying. This is exactly what people like me were talking about when they say the Pokemon fanbase let's GF get away with way too much. And there are things on the flip side like LoZ that are seeming to change a lot of "core" aspects of the newest Zelda and it's been met with a very pleased reception. Because the devs understood the more important aspects of Zelda and built around that. A little change isn't necessarily a bad thing on occasion.
  10. I only mentioned FE6 because it was the only one in question that was being talked about versus FE4. I really don't see a point in mentioning the other ones. I can actually see where Harvey is coming from on that. Large maps on a game that you can't have a permanent save where you could start a chapter, leave and come back a few weeks later is a bit worse than say... Fire Emblem 1 where maps are smaller and faster and are made to be done in a couple of minutes. The reason Harvey is talking about Fire Emblem 6 and it alone is that he thinks maps are too big in FE6 and don't have saves at the same time. If he thinks that's only a problem for Fire Emblem 6, then it makes sense to only bring up Fire Emblem 6. That said, that's dependent on whether the fact that you think that maps are potentially large in Fire Emblem 6. I can think of a few that I think are too long, but that's more so because I think the design of the chapter itself is annoying and not well done (the Armads chapter comes to mind).
  11. From what I heard Clinton isn't actually pushing for this, so it just seems that there are really people that are just this vehemently against Trump. Hopefully everyone will just calm down eventually.
  12. However, it needs to be said that the autosaving versus battle saves is a thing. Battle Saves made a log of where you left off, so if you made a mistake later on down the line, you could return back to that state before you erred. The same cannot be said for Fire Emblem 6.
  13. My point is, is that something bad happens as a result of the character doing something wrong. IE, I like that Corrin tries to save everyone in Conquest and fails to do so. The writing may not be great for how the people died, but think the idea is still a sound one. The character has to live with decisions that they made. Like... To make this easier to understand, it'd be like if Chrom's decision to not kill Robin resulted in Robin being mind controlled and becoming Grima anyways. Stuff like that would be refreshing to see, as we'd have tension in the story because we couldn't have faith in the fact that things will magically work out for the character based on their decisions (it'd also make naysayers also seem more justified in their brooding statements). Realistically Ike could have still been jailed for his outburst and Titania/Soren/Elincia herself appointed as the new commander of the GMs. Elincia had already gained some of the Crimean Militia on her side from the jail break, so she could have still used those members. Like seriously, if it weren't for Eliwood, Lyndis would have been in a terrible position.
  14. I think the biggest problem with Golden Sun's battle system is the strange lack of a "magic" stat. Like... Why are we having psynergy scale off of a stat that can't be buffed through normal means? If that's the case, shouldn't attack as well? I also did a Golden Sun rebalance, and tbh, Golden Sun is one of those games you can't really fix without some major ASM IMO.
  15. Actually Roy is probably considered kinda weak tbh. No one ever talks about his ability to fight. Ever. His teacher was a mage, and she stated that he was terrible with magic, so we can only imagine how disastrous he was as one. Lilina even makes fun of his swordplay with Durandal when Roy wonders if he'll be good enough to wield it. Now granted it's a joke, but if he was a great swordsman, there wouldn't be a reason to joke about it. Miredy/Milady being a unit that gets HM bonus for instance? What a joke. There's a lot of "what the hell were they thinking?" Units in FE6, and that's why that one kind of annoys me. At least with FE1 it was their first game. There's no excuse getting that far in the series and doing some of that garbage.
  16. Yeah, I actually thought the part with Lyn was pretty well done. Especially because it's one of the few times the character "stands for what they believe in," and it actually doesn't work to their benefit. instead, it makes their journey more difficult. It'd be like if Ike spouted off at the apostle in Path of Radiance and Sanaki's response is to shrug and basically say that she's not going to help Crimea in their petty squabbles with Daein. And afterward the response is that you get say... One of Tanith's subordinates and a few thousand gold instead of the might of the Begnion army.
  17. There are a lot of those in Awakening to be honest. Some of which the localization tries to fix, but it still doesn't help too much. It's cringe inducing because the entire premise of the chapter makes Cynthia seem like a complete moron. I mean are you telling me she can't even recognize that NO ONE from her friends' group are recognizable? There's way too many questions brought up here for it to be anything but painful. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Sumia added as a playable character later on in the development of the game? Maybe originally Chrom was supposed to get married FE4 style and they canned it later on the account that they felt that removing a potential bride from male Robin was a no go? And of course, it would take Chrom off the market for female Robin players as well. It might actually help explain why Olivia has a special mechanic too. I mean they literally could have chosen several other women for Chrom, but they chose to have Olivia.
  18. Everyone can read, I assure you. But claiming that it's a "no grind run," and then claiming you're doing it without random encounters is STILL grinding. It's not anything remotely close to natural. "A bit?" More like you danced about as many times as a person might dance to complete half of the game in 1 battle. I don't understand why you'd avoid doing randoms if you're doing stuff like: Really now? The topic title says "NO GRIND." I don't care if you "change" the definition. It's still grinding. You can't just say "the definition of running is now a saunter, and I 'run' everyday of the week." It's still grinding. Period. You can say "get Galeforce without randoms, but I really don't see why I'd need a guide on that when I'm doing stuff like letting enemies attack me for several turns that would take so long that I could beat the game in the time frame it takes to get GF for Lucina." Like I said, this sounds so boring that I'd much rather just play the game.
  19. By any standards. That's a lot of time wasted for something so trivial. Especially when Lucina is a female and can get Galeforce herself. This sounds like a pain in the ass.
  20. People that are sticking to their stances regardless of what's happening/happened. It's interesting and making me see them in a different light. That's all.
  21. Honestly, it's making me have more respect for these people.
  22. I have heard no news of them actually having a release of a version with all 3. Some websites that even originally had it even removed the special edition from their offerings, so it's not looking like it's coming back anytime soon.
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