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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. Oh I see your point. I wouldn't do it often. But it's something that makes me like both. Plus reyson with a laguz gem still has a 4 unit deficit. Forever. Not huge, but worth talking about.
  2. I gave him a 10 because if you use a ton of laguz, it's not a braindead decision to give reyson the laguz gem. But celerity on Rafael bothers the team less overall no matter what you use. Canto is hot stuff though. It makes it easier to use the healing passive.
  3. Heck no. She's awful. For the same reason tauroneo is.
  4. I voted 10 for Rafael. I'll do the same for reyson. Also the lower tauroneo was me. I don't think being good a few chapters makes you in the 6 range. Even ilyana is less of a pain overall to me.
  5. I'd be up for different skills that enable and disable doubling in other ways outside speed. Like a skill that allows skill leads to allow doubling instead of speed. In general? No. That's just dumb.
  6. Tauroneo is good for the db chapters he's in but bad for part 4. Fiona is the worst unit in the game. Not worth training at all.
  7. No. They aren't worth using generally. However, Mozu is still more usable than Donnel. We're talking about the worst unit in the series, not "which unit is worth using." Even then, Mozu STILL has a niche in Conquest because she can be an archer, and it's actually useful in Conquest because of the way the maps work. No. Base stats > Growths does not get refuted by Jagens. Jagens are fine for a good portion of the game, and several units take 10+ levels before they actually begin to be better than a Jagen. Just because a Jagen might not be worth using until the endgame doesn't mean that the Jagen wasn't useful or not worth using at all. Furthermore, some Jagens are worth taking into endgame, and this has only continued as the series hasn't gotten further. Some like Felicia / Jakob even have special mechanics to keep them up to snuff. Because Gunter is not the Jagen of Fates, the servant you start out with is the true one. Surviving the attacks is the easiest part. Kinshi Knights aren't bad at taking physical damage when they aren't Sakura or Azura -- more emphasis on Azura than anyone else Sakura actually has 30% def which isn't terrible, and have above average res. All they need to do is survive the turn. I don't see your point here. That applies to literally every unit and class in the game, and Kinshi Knights aren't somehow more fragile. Actually, Conquest won't rip you a new one for having a ton of Amaterasu around. As a matter of fact, there's so many units that have super defense growth in Conquest that having a little less bulk would be good. They'll actually get attacked by something. Having 4-5 units with the ability to heal people 20% for just being there is crazy. It literally eliminates the need to heal. Even if we're assuming that Donnel leaves Villager he still goes back down to E. No. They don't. They might have E in lances, but they still have not E in Swords. So they can use E lances when at weapon triangle advantage or they can nab a kill, and they don't have a horrendous start. So no, it's not the same as Donnel. Donnel needs to get out of his class. Robin and Chrom can just be that class for versatility. What can Donnel do that any other unit can't? Nothing. Sword users in Awakening are a dime a dozen as you have Lon'Qu, Chrom, Fred, Robin, Sully, Stahl, and even Gregor fairly early on for sword users, and Donnel provides even less than Mozu does. Mozu at least has "Can be an archer in Conquest," and only suffers from being underleveled. Mozu's bases aren't particularly bad for her level. Donnel suffers from being underleveled and with terrible bases to boot. Passing down Pegasus Knight is literally the worst argument you could make pro-Donnel. Donnel passes horrible mods to his child for the chance for the child to grind their way to Galeforce. Grinding to get Galeforce is unreasonable in a standard game, and certainly not worth having your base stats mutilated for Galeforce. I'd rather just get Galeforce from someone like Gaius anyways. He can pass underdog or aptitude which is great I guess, but certainly nothing special.
  8. But he doesn't get there as fast as she does. That's the problem. After his paralogue Donnel has to deal with enemies in Lunatic mode that everyone sans Frederick and Robin are kinda afraid to fight, and Donnel is initially less durable than Miriel. That's not even an exaggeration either, Miriel is faster and more durable and she can attack from two range. Eternal Seals might be more expensive, but on a standard playthrough no one is realistically going to need Eternal Seals. Base stats > Growths. The issue with Awakening is that EXP is so fast that what makes Donnel "easy to raise" makes it readily apparently why... Everyone else around him is easy to raise and without the pain and misery that you get from base Donnel. Again, let's use Miriel to compare. Let's raise them 7 levels. Both will get about 4 points of speed. Donnel leaning in a way where he could have 5 possibly, but not necessarily. So we'll round down for the sake of simplicity. Miriel has 11 speed right now. Donnel will end up having... 7 speed. That's Miriel's base. Even if we give him the benefit of the doubt and give him 5 speed so he has 8, he's still slower than Miriel, still doesn't have 1-2 range like she does, and he still attacks worse than she does on the account that she has better magic than he does strength. He might have finally become more durable than her, but it's not by enough to even matter, because in lower difficulties, the game isn't hard enough to warrant needing these super growths and everyone is doing fine, and in higher difficulties, Donnel is still less durable because everything under the sun is doubling him. There are several reasons this argument doesn't work. Takumi doesn't exist in Conquest as a playable unit. Having multiple good units is never a bad thing, and if you promoted both to Kinshi Knights, you could have 2 units with Amaterasu (a good ability and well worth having this as much as you can with units. Ever have it with like 4-5? It's awesome, and I'd argue that it's almost gamebreaking to have a huge group of people with it). There are plenty of lance users that you could use over Donnel, and they come with better movement (well, most of them at any rate) and some come with swords to boot. Chrom (second seal), Robin (second seal), Fred, Sully, Kellam, Sumia, Cordelia, and Stahl. Donnel has it far worse. Like... They made Donnel's bases way too garbage for him to really be good. Now if Donnel came with Mozu's bases? Yeah, I might consider it a bit more. The only issue with Mozu is that she joins with reasonable bases at level 1... When no one else is level 1 anymore.
  9. Jill - Someone will say she's super good. So I'm not going to be redundant. She's really good. 9.5 / 10. Easy to raise, great potential, and one of the best classes to be in the endgame. Zihark 7/ 10 - He's one of the better DB units. He's one of the better characters, but not godlike. I'd say he's better than Edward on the account that he has a better affinity and he has a better innate skill.
  10. They come into play in every chapter in part 1 that isn't 1-4. In 1-5, getting up top to ASAP is the easiest way to win. Meg has a hard time doing that. You can rescue her, but it slows you down in a bad way. 1-6 the map is huge. Part 1 isn't too bad, but part 2 it's pretty bad. 1-7 is fairly large map and movement is nice here as well. It's a bit of a problem. Specifically if you plan on freeing the prisoners and getting the turn count BEXP. Which still exists because of her base 8 speed combined with her tier 2 caps. If we're talking about speed problems for a bit, let's talk about Aran and Meg. In order for Meg to catch up with base Aran, she needs 4 levels. Quite a bit when you consider that she can be realistically doubled by some of the enemies at this point and before her defense really has a chance to start growing more than base Aran (and in general, her defense never catches up to his). Considering that giving her BEXP doesn't guarantee speed as BEXP procs seem to just be weird, giving her BEXP for 4 levels would actually make her weaker than normal levels. If her tier 2 caps didn't chop her off at 22 speed, I'd be inclined to say that she was pretty decent and would have been better than Aran. What's worse is that Meg's low cap for her speed in tier 2 is incidentally, the same speed Aran ends up with at 20. That's horrible. And that's my point here, a slow dude like Aran, and all of Meg's potential gets thrown straight into the trash because of those dumb caps. There's also the fact that she has shaky hit as well with her 7 base skill. Sure, 8 luck will help with that, but it's not unreasonable to have enough hit to miss. Meg's problem isn't just speed, it's speed and accuracy. After 5 levels, she'll finally surpass base Aran's speed. That's atrocious considering we're talking about a guy that we consider to have bad speed. Micaiah, Nolan, Jill, and Edward are the only tier 1's that I can see getting enough combat and kills to actually hit 20-- with Micaiah having the easiest time on the account that she can have Paragon to assist her. Like I said before, Leonardo can at least do things like do safe damage with a forged bow and help someone kill things. You can get Beastfoe for him in 3-6 and 3-13 to be able to demolish enemies in the chapter. Even without beastfoe, he can take out birds-- some of the most annoying enemies in the chapter, without gaining a single point in any stat. Leonardo isn't good and is decidedly below average, but he is still able to be useful in the DB parts. If anything, I'd say people underrate Leonardo. Dude sucks but providing someone else with +2 attack and +2 defense as well as some extra damage is better than a lot of people. At least Leonardo still does his job as an archer okay. Fiona takes a lot of effort, but I'd say the moment when Fiona starts to get good, she shines more than Meg ever will. She's one of the only Beorc units in the game with 2 innate skills -- one of which enables her to recover back health each turn which only makes her even more durable, she has earth affinity, she has a mount which makes her able to move faster, and she hits the magic speed of 34 which allows her to double endgame Auras without assistance (which allows her to kill them easier). How Meg could ever compete with endgame Fiona is beyond me. Me too. I'll be honest, I think she's one of the cuter characters in the series.
  11. One level from Mozu still leaves her in a better spot than Donnel leveling twice. She starts out better at base, so she doesn't need to have his base growths on the account that Mozu can actually take a hit or two before dying. The fact that Fates shuts down shoving EXP in one unit is a good thing. That means it's even easier to level Mozu on the account that it's not viable to stuff a bunch of EXP down any particular unit's throat which means that other units are going to be getting diminishing returns. Since Awakening doesn't have such a system, that means that all of the other units that appear are going to be able to just cruise passed Donnel and continue to level at the same stupid rate that Donnel does. The difference? None of them actually had a moment of sucking like Donnel. Meanwhile Mozu exists in a world where she can immediately become an archer, get +4 damage on player phase, 100% dual strike with units, gain EXP through reliable dual guards, or even just plain level out of Villager and become a master of arms without losing any weapon ranks. I've used Mozu in Fates even in Lunatic without too many problems. Meanwhile in Awakening you have to do things like trap archers and have Donnel poke them so he can stand a chance in other chapters. It's simply not worth it.
  12. lol. I guess that's a possibility. Still, she's sickeningly strong.
  13. Meg: I still think Meg is kinda bad. With base stats like those, it's almost sad to see that she's that bad. Her problem is that despite her great base stats, her growths are just stupid. So she ends up capping stats that aren't particularly useful in the first tier, and on the 2nd tier, she rams her spd and res really fast, and then doesn't really gain anything significant. And the Tier 2 general cap is just trash. What makes her so bad is the fact that she ends up being a worse Edward with less everything but res and defense because of that stupid speed cap. And even defense is kinda debatable because of support bonuses. The res would matter if mages didn't disappear later on, the end result? A seemingly "growth" unit that ends up being destroyed because of a poor choice of class. Her luck growth is good, but she has fortune so she really doesn't need extra luck for critical evade, and she has a heaven affinity... So why did we give her this again? Just... A poorly designed unit all around. If she was like... ANY physical class outside of the one she is with her bases and growths she would have been awesome. Here? Nope. Sword General with those growths is literally that bad in my book. 1.5 / 10 Volug: He's kinda like Sothe except he doesn't fade nearly as badly if you're willing to actually try to use him. Even those he's kinda paper at moments, he has super high hp, and can make use of Resolve or Renewal to help him last a little bit longer. His earth affinity also ensures that he'll have solid durability overall. His biggest weakness is the slow leveling curve, and raising that low strike rank. Not impossible by any means though. He also doesn't get 2 range, but this is a standard Laguz problem. Obviously this stops him from being the cream of the crop, but he's okay. 7 / 10
  14. They weren't. Seriously, 18 def, 19 spd, 15 res and 18 strength? Like even if she had terrible growths that would still be stupid.
  15. Good to know I'll be careful of this, and at the very least, if I accept any skills, I won't send it to others.
  16. At this point I'm not even sure what ardent supporters actually really want. Nor is Trump even sure how to actually appease the people that supported him.
  17. You clearly haven't seen Donnel's bases if you think that. Donnel is worse than Mozu in every way outside of luck. And he's in a game where the stat inflation is at some of its worst in the series. Mozu cannot be the worst unit in the series by virtue that Donnel is weaker than she is.
  18. Good lord, you can't even save him without spamming like 2 rescue staff uses if you wait until chapter 27.
  19. Arthur I'm fine with, but Charlotte? Yeah, I forgot about her. She's so forgettable. I suppose it can be a *bit* problematic early on, but I found her extra damage too good to pass up on, and Amaterasu if you're into Kinshi knights are very good for Conquest. So basically Felicia (Ch.2) up and Elise up but then Leo down? I don't know, I still find Leo better than Felicia. Felicia's attack in a lot of instances is negligible on harder modes to my knowledge. Elise and Felicia end up largely doing the same thing, and at least Elise has a skill that works for everyone -- and also somehow makes it harder for her to need to heal... Like how far are you wanting her to go up? Also, can we count Niles' ability to get you totally expendable units in classic as a boon? I mean, come on, that has to count for something. He can even recruit the bosses from the Paralogue chapters and some of them are pretty good. Like... Debatable with your units levels of good in Lunatic.
  20. I believe it. Meg's base stats are nuts , and Aran's worst stat largely ends up being a stat Meg doesn't care about on the account that she cap rams it hard. She doesn't have hit problems like so many other DB members, and makes people more accurate when it actually counts. I think she's bad and I'd put her as one of the worst units in the game, but there is a pretty large gap in my eyes between Meg and the worst person in the game.
  21. It's now happening to me, you aren't alone, and some people's accounts have been closed which has also caused people to lose subscribers.
  22. Depends on what you do with her. If you're willing to heart seal her to an archer pretty quickly, she can be solid, but that also denotes taking that seal from someone else. Mozu is in a weird spot, because her bases aren't nearly as terrible as Donnel's or other "trainee" style units, and she actually can get some quick kills with Dual Strikes. I'd definitely say she's easier to use than Odin for sure. Honestly, it's weird, because everyone in Conquest I feel is pretty good and I haven't felt like there's some horrendous unit in it like other Fire Emblem games.
  23. Fair enough. He does have Troubadour base. I don't know why I kept thinking it was a physical class. But yeah, Felicia IMO is pretty mediocre. Flame Shuriken comes to late for my liking, and that strength growth is horrendous. As a strategist she's okay, but I do think that Elise is a better one. Even if Elise promoted a bit early.
  24. I want to say that some of the soldier units he can reliably double even if they are blessed. He can double enemy mages, and he gets a critical boost as a Sorc that he doesn't get as a DK. Plus, you still have the option of tonics which still helps boost that more. Plus it turns that shaky base and growth into something that you can eventually wean him off of Selena-- Though I'll be honest, I prefer him with Felicia so he can become a strategist. I can accept that. It sounds like we both just use him differently. I think that means he's just good rather than either of us being wrong in this case. I'll be honest about Felicia though, I don't find her to be that good as a Maid. Are you guys reclassing Felicia or are you leaving her as a Maid?
  25. Yeah, I was just talking about this, and Levant said it happened to him too.
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