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Everything posted by BBM

  1. she's losing because Jagen is a boss Also I nominate Levin, Sety, Fury, Ardan, Aless, Lex, Lifis, and Ishtar.
  2. If Blaziken is the only starter to get a Mega form, I will quit pokemon forever.
  3. I think Kay is scummy but I don't think her not hammering is indicative. I've been on this thread pretty much for the last 30 minutes and unless she's viewing anonymously, she hasn't been in the thread.
  4. I guess FYPOV it's a tossup between whether you think a D1 no lynch or a D1 PR mislynch will be more hurtful for the town. Personally I think a D1 no lynch is worse, but meh. A case can be made that the mislynch is worse, particularly in an open setup. ##Vote: Extension though I doubt it'll matter.
  5. Meh, too late to switch to anyone at this point to see if you can prove that. Not sure we'll even get a lynch on you unless you self-hammer.
  6. Every single person other than Objection (who's not going to self-vote) and Darros (who's already stated he wont be here) who's posted in the last 24 hours is currently voting Objection. So we need someone to come back I guess. Scorri's probably our best bet since I know she's around somewhere, just highly demotivated due to issues irl.
  7. And Scorri too, wtf, Nearly half the game is past the prod timer.
  8. Terra hasn't posted in more than 48 hours either. >_> Strege- By Objection explaining less, I thought you meant explaining worse. But okay then, if him explaining less is in your words a nulltell, then why are you using it as a reason for why you don't think he's that scummy? And considering both possibilities for why nobody other than you is defending Objection, it's a nulltell. So again, why is it a reason for why he shouldn't be lynched?
  9. This paragraph on Objection kind of bothers me. If he's explained himself even less than in Touhou, a game where he was town, doesn't that look bad for him? Isn't explaining less a scummy thing? I also don't see why AtE would be scummier from other people. And scum don't really want to tie themselves to Objection in that manner. Alternatively, you could be scum defending him here, so why should the rest of us accept this reason as to why Objection is not scummy?
  10. I see the deflection thing but I did that a lot in C9++ as town, because it just felt to me that people were singling me out for no reason when other people were doing what I felt was the same thing. Here, Kay wasn't doing the same thing as Objection, so it's not quite valid, but I can see town intent there too so idk anymore.
  11. NOC mafia isn't supposed to be a game of follow the investigative roles anyways.
  12. I guess I don't mind voting Objection if I have to, but some of the later votes and suspicions of Objection seem to be based solely off his reaction to Refa rather than prior content (about Elieson, say), which I don't really like. They don't seem like they're taking all his posts into account. Darros, what are your opinions on Objection?
  13. Also, who cares if all our roles are Vanillas? What people don't seem to understand is that if we all become Vanilla, the mafia become effectively Vanilla too. What does a GF do if there's no Cop? What does a Ninja do if T/W is used up? What's the point of Janitor when almost everyone is a Vanilla anyways? Getting up to 5 clears in exchange for making the setup Mountainous is perfectly fine with me.
  14. What? I never said I disliked that Scorri made a case on Terra with 2 posts. I thought that Strege was saying he disliked Scorri making a case on Terra when he only had two posts, but I was misinterpreting something he was saying. Also I never said that Strege would be equally happy to lynch any of the five people he was pushing, but surely nobody would be mad if one of their lesser scumreads was lynched over their top one. And throwing suspicion around on a lot of people lets you push for a lot of lynches.
  15. I don't really like that reaction. It feels like an OMGUS and makes Refa's suspicion against him out to be just based on inactivity when it isn't.
  16. I'm not saying we shouldn't lynch scummy lurkers, I'm saying we shouldn't call people scummy just for being inactive, due to lurking being a good scum strategy. It wasn't about anyone in this game particularly, just theory. Kay was reading the thread earlier so I know she's around. Waiting on elaboration there as to why Elie is worst, why Terra is dumbtown instead of scum according to her, and why Strege's vote is silly.
  17. I point you to Touhou NOCfia if you want an example of active scum. It doesn't hurt scum to post more if it's going to get them easy towncred in that way and they can be reasonably confident of not oozing scum in every post. Fair enough about it being difficult to derive reads from rolespec, I guess.
  18. I don't really agree with your vote because talking about the hypothetical in which Elie had content prior to his vote against me isn't really relevant? I agree with what Objection said about Elie. Elie has 24 posts, and other than 2-3 posts about me, he has nothing except discussion about role usage and some defence. I don't really agree with his point that Terra had no reads, as Terra was still making scumhunting effort, but I don't think Elie was before his vote against me. And ~bias but I don't think the vote against me was good either. Prims, if you still have a hunch I'm scum, why aren't you looking more at Elie's case against me? What's your opinion of it?
  19. Yeah, gotta agree with Strege about Terra's self-reflection being more his style than his scumplay. Refa doesn't have prior mafia experience AFAIK, though he's spectated a few games and heard me/Boron/SB discuss them a lot. It made me initially a bit uncomfortable because it made me think he was being coached, but quite honestly I think if a member of the mafia is new and has no idea what they're doing, it's better play to let them coast off that than to tell them exactly what to say. So I think him playing at a higher level than what might be expected from a first-time player is a null-tell overall, because it seems more consistent than just one or two posts that have much better quality than the rest.
  20. Pretty sure I wasn't being voted for that, because IIRC I spent most of D1 going after Snike and Eclipse. What do you think about what I said about Kay?
  21. Man, I hate how much better newer players are these days. ;_; In MY DAY, we sucked ass(bee) for the first few games. Personally if I was T/W, I'd support a plan telling everybody to use them and then idle it to waste the Ninja. Unfortunately, that's probably also exactly the same excuse that a scum given that role would use, so eh. Anyways, I don't really like this post: She pronounces Terra as dumbtown instead of scum, but gives no reason for this. Whenever she talks about Terra (associative reads and the "not serious read" thing), she says things that would imply the latter instead of the former. Strege's vote is silly, but no reasons are given at all for why. The Elie vote is okay I guess but the reasoning is sort of brief, and the majority of this post just speaks towards rolespec that's sort of badly reasoned to boot, since the use of info roles is to catch scum, so I don't see how a few clears is worse than this, as the latter makes the former much easier. ##Vote: Kay
  22. No, the point wasn't that Strege went from town -> scum on Bearclaw. In fact, Strege was voting for Bearclaw. I know he found Bearclaw suspicious. The point is that if he was saying that he NOW found him scummier than you, the implication is that previously he didn't, that the suspicion on you was greater. And no, there's a difference between null posters and people who literally don't have any posts to speak of, which at the time Objection and Darros didn't. And yeah, I find someone having 5 scumreads of varying intensities 24 hours into D1 excessive. I took my vote off because I thought Strege responded adequately to everything else and I didn't feel this was enough for a vote in the end, but that doesn't mean it can't make me wary. I have to reread the thread to look for other stuff. Unfortunately I'm getting called away a lot and that's taking a long time.
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