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Everything posted by BBM

  1. If you had claimed ITP last phase, I probably wouldn't have lynched Naglfar. I was waffling on Naglfar near the end because I thought the huge walls of effort he was putting in were townie, but then once it started looking like the entire scumteam had voted NNR, stuff only made sense to me if Naglfar was scum.
  2. okay that's a lie but Safeguard is kind of a durdle role otherwise and gets given to mafia as a fake so often that I would add it to the same tier as BPV/Bodyguard/Backup/Bomb if it didn't result in me having to change its name from the B TEAM.
  3. literally the only situation in which safeguard is any good
  4. Naglfar lynch was bad and I admit that, but Day 2 potential MYLO is ass I'm arguing about how this game was scumsided so that j00 sides with town of course
  5. If thirds decide to scumside, scum can win on d3 meaning town literally gets ONE MISLYNCH if we misvig and SK shoots town
  6. and you forgot how mafia can still win anyways
  7. yeah, thirds dont know who scum are BUT GUESS WHAT SCUM CAN OUT THEMSELVES ON DAY 3 AND WIN ANYWAYS
  8. nobody trusts survivor claims but we're not going to lynch you and we couldn't even if we wanted to because lol lpv and we couldn't have snike kill you unless he claimed, in which case scum could hijack him anyways multidoc gets screwed over by hitman even harder than regular doc yeah sb because both scorri and cam are town right /end sarcasm
  9. you do realize that this was a case of small powerful scum vs large town right
  10. Snike isn't part of town. He chose to side with town because he recognizes that we're cool doods. Including that as part of town power doesn't make sense. Plus scum can hijack that away to someone else too so trololol
  11. You guys had hitman for doc, and I get fucked over doubly hard by hitman if it happens on a night I decide to multi-doc. Plus hijacker apparently to direct a bunch of town roles, plus Silencer to stop info roles from outing info. And like SB said, you guys have way more stuff to threaten the thirds with than the town do. However badly the town played, it's fucking ridiculous that a 3-man scumteam can force a win on D3 if the thirds side with them.
  12. Also you could actually have sided with the scumteam as soon as the dayvig was gone, unless we wanted to waste two lynches on a non-harmful anti-town.
  13. Basically this game is sided to whichever alignment the thirds decide to side with
  14. Yeah, but the Bomb was given to fucking Rein who the fuck ever kills Rein except dumbass scumteams like the one in Touhou
  15. and you guys say that this game is townsided kidnapper + persuader + two thirds who can just side with scum for trololol easy win seriously
  16. like 10/5 with lynchproof + extra kill every night levels of scumsided
  17. This game only became townsided because the SK decided to townside and become a Vig. If both the SK and Survivor scumside like you guys are asking them to, it becomes scumsided as fuck
  18. I don't think you can hijack multiple targets
  19. N1: I protected Bard and Prims. N2: I idled because I had to I'm not BSing. I will protect all ITPs that townside.
  20. No, I changed my mind. Look at the post I made at the exact same second that Prims claimed scum. My real role. I promise to protect all ITPs along with Kirsche tonight if they townside.
  21. Also until you AGREED TO SIDE WITH MAFIA, Prims was telling Snike to shoot you and screw you out of a win anyways, j00, whereas I, the townie, was still deciding on who I'd rather like to shoot.
  22. We lynch SB, and Snike shoots Prims. Snike is done 2/3rds of his bounty and it's 4/1/1/1 after you guys shoot me or whomever. We lynch Cam tomorrow while Snike shoots Scorri and completes his bounty. (Reversable if people think Cam is scum). If Scorri is mafia, town wins, all thirds win. If both her and Cam are town, then it's 1/1/1 the day after and j00 still wins anyways. j00 has no reason to side with mafia over town other than "she wants to" which is dumb as fuck.
  23. We can also guarantee a win for town + all thirds if j00 and Snike side with us, so your logic is Bad, Prims. Yeah so the other alignment in that case was town. You were like the other other alignment.
  24. i did it yesterday all my readers fucking suck when i didn't update for months at a time, they were like BBM UPDATE WHERE ARE YOU BBM UPDATE THEN WHEN I UPDATE LIKE 5 CHAPTERS IN A WEEK NOBODY COMMENTS AT ALL
  25. Like I admit town were trash this game but my alignment winning over the other alignment is always preferable
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