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Everything posted by BBM

  1. cut by SB voting, nvm Ugh, I keep going back and forth on NNR and Naglfar. Nag's reaction to NNR claiming is really bad, but the timing of NNR's claim, plus the fact that he's choosing to attack Naglfar for it when he was the first one to start that exchange is also really bad. I guess I didn't quite understand what Naglfar was saying in that regard in his last post. I thought it was more a defence of himself, but I guess it was more an attack against NNR.
  2. Shinori/Cam- 5 hours left. Why are you guys holding down an RVS vote/no vote at all? Applies to Kirsche/SB too, but at least they're voting for a scumread. Cam's last posts have no reads and really no scumhunting either. A lot of his stuff is just commenting on what other people say without actually saying anything scummy they're doing. He just asks a lot of questions, half of them to his townreads. In his second wall, he says that he is inclined to believe NNR's method of claim, but then in his next post like a minute later he says that maybe NNR and Naglfar are buddies bussing even though he hasn't talked about a single scummy thing that either of them have done.
  3. Naglfar's post doesn't really do much to address my concerns. I never dismissed his NNR suspicion or said that it didn't matter, just that it didn't show much scumhunting effort because it was more or less a c/p of what five other people had already said. And for all the post before that was saying that he wanted to come up with a more solid #1 scumread, his scumhunting in the last post was some side stuff at the beginning that he went nowhere with, and a bit more against NNR that's not really much more than what he already had. I don't really think the bit about him not saying it was rolefishing until after matters that much, because the scummy part of your rolefishing was that you tried to distance yourself from it after he claimed with a "whoa didn't think you'd actually claim".
  4. You're right Kirsche, there was nothing that made Naglfar scummier between my initial mention of him and my vote of him. I lowered my scumread on you instead, which put him higher up. As for why I chose Naglfar over NNR, it was mainly because I felt that Naglfar was going more under the radar than NNR, and that he was really active lurking just as much as NNR. I haven't "forgotten" about NNR, there was just nothing to say there more than I already was. What were the other people voting NNR saying about him? Just "Oh nothing's changed". As for why my vote was on Kirsche for so long, it was a mixture of laziness and me not feeling like I had enough for a case on anybody else. Until the recent rethink, I also was still finding Kirsche more scummy. I needed to just take a step away and reread my own arguments and re-evaluate the read. Then I just decided that even if there wasn't that much on Naglfar, it was better than just parking on Kirsche. NNR's recent posts are full of appeals to emotion but looking at just them in a vacuum, I can't tell if it's more likely to be whiny town or whiny scum. There's also the thing that him and Naglfar's interactions don't look like scumbuddies.
  5. idk I'm finding it hard to get motivated when I'm in three games, Persona 4 is cool, and nobody else is posting either. Most of my stuff is probably defensive because I don't really have anything to say that's not sparked by something else. I was thinking it over and while I still dislike Kirsche's vote on me and think it's a misrep, and I don't like the bit about how he never finds me town, I also think that a good part of the argument between us is just based on playstyle differences over the merits of voting or not voting for your top scumread. So I'm going to ##Unvote, ##Vote: Naglfar for reasons I mentioned earlier plus whatever Scorri said that I didn't. He's not really scumhunting any more than NNR and the ilk are. He had stuff on NNR, but so many people had said that stuff by that point that it's not really anything noteworthy. His Snike vote is basically just because Snike didn't have a vote, and while it says that Snike has a lot of opinions, it doesn't actually look at any of those opinions at all, which I sort of dislike. Also fwiw his play doesn't seem like SSBU, where he was a lot more active and engaging, whereas here he feels kind of active lurky. He was SK there, but I think in this regard his play there can be approximated more towards town play than mafia play.
  6. What's wrong with Miledy? You say that you want to replace some of the arbitrary romanizations, but all the names you suggest are (afaik) just as arbitrary as Miledy. I can understand replacing Dieck with Deke, as the latter is a common name and the former isn't, but none of the alternatives you suggest for Miledy are common names either. I mean, it's your patch, so you're completely free to change what you want, but personally I don't see the reason to change Miledy. I might be biased because it's one of my favourite FE6 names, but I've never actually heard anyone complain about Miledy.
  7. Wait what? I must really be missing stuff. There was a second Insomniac claim?
  8. Masquerade might have been Marth's fault, but Drafters wasn't. He was fairly active until he was lynched for a reason that wasn't really his fault. Town inactivity was definitely a large part of their loss in Drafters, but making him a scapegoat for that is unfair.
  9. Town MVP was probably Elie or Kirsche for being active and not having terrible reads. Mafia MVP probably Strege? Oh yeah, the reason I got subbed out of Masquerade is because SB accidentally posted as Resolute in the mafia qt for this game. And the reason I automatically jumped to Shinori lying instead of Tailor is because SB slipped (again) that Shinori was lying on D2, before Marth's lynch. Mods decided to let me keep playing because they didn't think it would make much of a difference, but I would have used that as a defence if people had attacked me for delaying the claimed Cop.
  10. Except NNR's role probably can't be proven tonight, unless it out-prioritizes Manix's mass-hook.
  11. SB made a good point about Xinny- I didn't notice that contradiction in her post talking about SB's reaction to her test. I also agree with SB about the timing of NNR's claim- its haste seemed like a bit of an overreaction. NNR and Scorri have like no scumhunting at all. I know Scorri has the thing where she doesn't like posting a lot on D1, and IIRC she was out last evening, but I was still talking to her quite a bit about Drafters during the late night while we were waiting for that to wrap up. NNR even posted after me saying he had no scumhunting, and responded to my blurb on his Hooker claim, but couldn't be assed to come up with any reads? I don't really like how Naglfar is just listing stuff as slapfights and potential slapfights when that word has sort of a negative connotation that I don't really think has been there as of yet. He didn't DIRECTLY ask NNR to claim, but he did say that he wouldn't really mind it, and stating after NNR claimed that he didn't really intend for NNR to claim seems suspect as well.
  12. Okay, mafia qt is up to date with logs. And yeah, you played pretty well Terra. I thought I'd have to coach you a lot at the beginning, but other than terminology and some basic strategy tips, you were pretty good at (fake) scumhunting.
  13. It's really nobody's fault but your own that you died. You knew you were the target and you specifically asked Shinori if he was Shin, even though the Horace role would be the only one who might know that Shin existed in the game. Plus since you were given a fake, why wouldn't he have been given a fake too?
  14. A powerwagon at this point would be scummy as fuck and I'm pretty sure most people want to lynch Shin anyways.
  15. I don't really agree with the reasoning that people are providing as to why Bear's claim is legit, but I'm on-board with a Shin lynch as well if people would prefer that. ##Vote: Shin
  16. Hookers are an offensive protective role. They're not so useful N0, maybe, but they can be pretty strong after that. They're hardly negative utility. Scorri, do you have any scumreads? Your posts have consisted mostly of defending yourself.
  17. As for my feelings about NNR, idk what to make of the claim. I don't think that one person asking him to claim really warranted it, nor is it so strong a role that it would make him nervous about getting run up and make him want to claim early. Prims had a good point about it not being proven due to hooking a passive role. Considering Manix will most likely use the mass hook tonight, it probably can't be proven tonight (unless he outprioritizes Manix and hooks him first), making N2 the earliest it can be proven, most likely. I also don't see any scumhunting attempt from him since his sheep onto Scorri (which is hardly scumhunting either).
  18. I thought Snike's response as to his initial wariness about Bard was okay and he gave what I wanted (an actual explanation of his feelings about NNR, as well as actual reads on people). You can distance yourself from your own vote. The vote ties him to my wagon, but that doesn't mean he can't loosen the tie. There was nothing new I had to add on the NNR front though. I'm not going to waste my time typing out the same stuff that other people have already said when I had nothing else to say. I think my Snike vote was more useful than just saying "yeah I agree with people about NNR, vote: NNR", when I found both him and Snike suspicious at the time.
  19. CHAPTER 19 aka another huge ass map, this time with FoW
  20. lmao FAYZ we don't talk about FAYZ actually we do, but only to facepalm I'm not really sure if Terra scumslipped with the ninja/jan thing or if he really just didn't know. And a ninja hasn't been confirmed or anything, so it's possible that none exists (though one probably does since it's used as a buffer against all three claimed investigative roles).
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