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Everything posted by BBM

  1. @Boron- that is not what you said. You said, "I think you're scum, but even if you weren't, I wouldn't care because your attitude is bad". A mislynch is a mislynch. @Manix- I'm complaining because I'm frustrated. I spent the entire day trying to get the lynch off me, and half the game didn't post, and half of those who did post basically ignored most what I was saying Boron, what exactly about my attitude do you even dislike? That I'm overreacting? That I'm yelling? I might be doing so, but I'm not targeting specific people and saying they're dumb.
  2. which is why I said "it feels like" to me.
  3. that attitude is a different sort of attitude. She said "even if you happen to be town, your attitude is bad enough that I want to lynch you anyways".
  4. Also, no fuck I'm going to overreact when nobody's listening to me and misinterpreting my posts and I'm a few hours away from being lynched
  5. I didn't miss that, I said, lynch me if you want, but don't let you not liking my attitude be a part of it like holy fuck
  6. Don't really want to talk more about the Mancer thing because it's theory and not really that relevant to me trying to keep myself from getting lynched, but I disagree with you Manix. The other people who haven't posted in the last day weren't inactive before yesterday, which is my entire point. It feels like they've decided I'm the day's lynch and not really bothering to post.
  7. Boron, I also said "LYNCH ME IF YOU'RE SURE I'M SCUM". Are you like selectively reading my posts? And I don't care if my attitude is only a "part" of your reason for wanting to lynch me. It shouldn't even be that much, which was all I was trying to say. Manix, the only people who are actually inactive are Rein and Rapier. That's 2/13, not half the game. Considering more than like 50% of the posts over the last two days have been mine, I don't think I'm blowing stuff out of proportion. Also, confirmed town Doc is confirmed town Doc. Not same as miller claim. You do remember I spent that entire phase disagreeing with you and advocating against Mancer's lynch, right? And town also lost FR so ??? I'm giving the names of the people I think are the most likely to be scum, not just the people who look worst from Shin interactions. Shin's posts towards me have been really bad this phase, so based off that, I'd advocate for shooting him if Kay doesn't want to thin the inactives. Then if Shin flips scum, Rapier is probably town, so that leaves Boron/Rein as scumreads. Since nobody agrees with my assessment of Boron, I'd recommend for town to lynch Rein. If Shin flips town, pick whomever of Rapier/Rein you want, idk.
  8. This is the sort of attitude that leads to town lynching their confirmed town Doctor. Lynch me if you're so sure I'm scum, but this is a terrible attitude and anti-wincon. Also, you misinterpreted "lynch in a heartbeat". That meant that I'd be really sure that the other of you was scum, not that I'd turbolynch that person on the spot.
  9. I stopped talking about lynching Boron as much because other people didn't agree with me. And as I said earlier, I lowered my read on Boron slightly. And Shin, if I'd truly stopped talking about Boron only because she was considering switching her vote from me, why would I have pushed her so hard when she wasn't voting for me? And as I said earlier, if you flip scum, Rapier is unlikely to be so,, which is why I'd then go for Rein over him. Additionally, I'm telling you what to do AFTER MY DEATH. At that point, I will either be a) scum, in which case you can disregard whatever I say anyways, or b) town, in which case your point about me lining up kills is irrelevant. Boron, I spoke of turboing Shin because there are only like 5 hours left in the phase and with no votes currently on him, a lynch would basically be a turbo. Which I'd be okay with, because his recent posts have been super scummy. You're comparing a turbowagon on Shin with 5 hours left to a turbowagon in hack with 3 days left? Really? You can't compare those at all. This is also the first time I've ever suggested turboing someone this game, so please don't say that I've been suggesting it a lot. That's a lie.
  10. Really annoyed that I spent like all of yesterday trying my hardest to defend myself against everything and people are acting like my lynch is already decided and not even giving a damn. I also saw Rein at least two or three times in the thread last night again, in the process of making a post, so he has officially no reason for not having posted yet. If I really can't get this lynch off, shoot Shin and lynch Rein/Rapier tomorrow, depending on Shin's flip.
  11. Holy fuck that is an awful misrepresentation and takes everything terribly out of context. a) Boron's top scumread is ME. I'm saying that she should be voting ME if she finds me scummy. You are objectively wrong here. b) What the hell, do you expect me to vote myself? I'm talking about my own vote here; this has nothing to do with how others should vote. c) Dude, that was part of my final list of reads. In my blurb about Kay, I PREFACED IT with "If I get lynched today". If I don't get lynched, Kay can shoot me if she wants. I don't really care and would probably prefer it if only because my streak of not getting mislynched on SF would remain. d) Boron was talking about not wanting to tunnel me, and wanting to vote someone OTHER THAN ME. e) I've fucking given reasons for me finding both you and Rein scummy. I would legit turbo Shin for the worst post of the game right now.
  12. It didn't become irrelevant, it became less important than the associative reads from Strege's flip and other stuff. lmao you're arguing with a brick wall okay If not the Boron case, what about the other stuff? I'm not really sure you've commented on anything else I've said about anyone else other than a bit about Shin, but that was more about my read changing quickly rather than the actual content of what I was saying.
  13. Manix, theoretically speaking, if I were town (gasp!), what would you think of the cases I outlined?
  14. Did you even read my posts? On D1, I said that I liked his responses and that I liked his case on Rapier. About the Boron thing, I never said that no meta made it invalid, just that it made it not strong enough to outweigh the other stuff. If you'll notice, I still dropped her down to just leaning scum even though I was voting her for a long enough time that it should be clear that I thought she was a lot scummier earlier.
  15. @Scorri- Is that really all you have to say? @SSG- Okay, again, whenever I compared myself to other people, it was to show logical fallacies in people voting me over them for no apparent reason. It's never been my intention to say "You should be voting for them", just "Your reasons for voting me are not good". If you want to quote a specific instance where I was trying to drag someone down with me, I can speak more in detail about that. If I've been saying "why me", it's because I genuinely think most of the votes on me are bad. It also goes back to the fact that I think people were voting me over other people for no real reason. It's also made me extremely frustrated, and that's come out a lot. About the townread bit, that's just me being disappointed in myself. You said earlier something along the lines of "Hasn't this happened to you before?" and to be honest, it hasn't really. I've only been mislynched once ever, and there I got turbolynched in LYLO after the mafia faked a report on me. I've been close to being lynched other times, but never anywhere near the point where the people voting me were so sure I was scum that they were refusing to consider any other possibility. As for the Manix defence, once again, that was just me stating a read. It wasn't my intention to defend him from anything. It might not have been particularly relevant, but it was still a read at a point in the game when not much was being said. Additionally, stating irrelevant townreads is scummy only if you're not actually making any effort to scumhunt, which I have. If you want to persist with your vote on me, I'd prefer for you to rebut these points.
  16. Scorri, do you think I'm mafia? You said you didn't think Strege and I were buddies, but then said later that my Boron vote was a complete misrep and overreaction and whatnot, and said my question to Kay looked like I was fishing. But you haven't really tried to push my lynch or defend me. This sort of neutrality about the day's leading wagon is rather strange. I'd like you to take a definite side instead of sitting on the fence. SSG, I wanted your reasons for voting me today, but now that you mention it, your reasons for jailing me would be good too.
  17. SSG, what are your reasons for voting me again?
  18. I guess that's true enough. Personally as Vig I just like to shoot ASAP.
  19. Out of curiosity, why didn't you shoot anyone on N1, Kay?
  20. I didn't "complain". I said I was disappointed, and it was me being disappointed that my play had led to that. I also only said it once. Anytime I mentioned it after that was me defending myself against people saying I was trying to appeal to emotion or whatever. And yeah, how else do you expect me to defend myself if not by telling others the things I've done that make me town? I've also done my best to rebut what others are saying about me. And who are you going to shoot if not one of them? You haven't really attacked anyone other than me today. I guess I'd say Shin if you're really against shooting Rein or Rapier. Also, I don't really think that "Rapier is playing well for his standards" is a good point to make in his defence. Plus I personally think he actually plays slightly better as scum as opposed to town, but meh.
  21. Your tone reads sort of town, but not enough to convince me to change my read on you. Your behaviour isn't generally what scum would do, but I've seen scum tunnel really hard before, and I think the only game in which I was town and you were scum was... Trainwreck? Which I don't really remember all that well. So those two things kind of lower my scumread on you, but not really by enough. Boron, both SB and Rein were lurking. If you really wanted to vote someone who was lurking, either could have sufficed. Additionally, you had a legitimate case against Rein, whereas your entire case against SB was "His excuse for being inactive isn't good". I don't disagree with that, but voting someone just for lurking when you had something actual to go on against Rein in addition to lurking looks like scum distancing to me. You're calling out some scummy stuff he's done, but not actually pushing him in any way or committing to a vote on him, and choosing someone else over him on a very weak reason, IMO. Add that to the fact that I'm scumreading you both anyways, yes, I'd advocate very hard for a lynch against one of you if the other flips scum. SB thing is mostly gut, admittedly. His posts aren't good, but I don't really feel like they're scummy either. He'd probably be the first person I'd lynch out of the people I think are town if I had to, but I'm inclined to think he's town for now. idk I feel tired. Too many posts in a short time. Dunno how Manix does it. Also, for some reason I was thinking for the last few hours that phase ends today when it ends tomorrow. Also I saw Rein reading the thread but then he left again. Rein, we want to speak to you.
  22. I'll take a 360 degree turn back to probable scum than tunneling on town and absolutely refusing to consider any other possibility, so I hope you're not imagining yourself on a high ground right now. Town can waffle on a read you know, and I gave evidence as to why my Shin read changed every time. As for the Strege interactions being fabricated, I call bs. You're showing how there's a possibility of them being fabricated. You have no evidence whatsoever as to why your version of the interactions is more likely than mine. In a vacuum, looking solely at the interactions, why is it more probable that it's a votepark for someone who seemed unlikely to get lynched than me voting for someone I found scummy? Face it, you decided I'm scum, and then you looked at the interactions in the only possible way they could fit with that notion of your's, rather than every other way you could look at them that would tell you I'm town. I was almost going to give up and let myself be mislynched, but then I realized I have too much pride for that, and the more I read the thread, the more the snide remarks from Manix are pissing me off, so fuck that.
  23. Rein was in here earlier and making a post, except then he never ended up posting anything. scum lurking probably @Shinori- I guess, but I remember you saying twice that nobody would believe/understand your thought process, without actually giving anyone the opportunity to decide for themselves.
  24. Not sure how I feel about that, because you could have said that a lot earlier, and your strange refusal to reveal them on D1 still feels odd.
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