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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Kay has a reputation for very low to non-existent activity on weekends, so if you're looking for content from her before the phase is out, I wouldn't hold your breath. Strege, why would you want to put your vote on me, even if there wasn't already a bunch of pressure on me? The last time you said anything about me, it was to say that my posts didn't seem out of character and weren't particularly scummy.
  2. That should be Shin's response to Rapier, not Prims's response. Manix, when you're in the mindset for it, why exactly is my reaction more scummy than frustrated townie? Rereading Boron's response to me and her reactions, I actually feel slightly better about her. I think what Shin said about Rapier was pretty good too, actually, and his general tone I think has been more like when he's town, though he hasn't been scum in a while. So I'm actually waffling on both of them, blegh. Also, reading Strege's posts, I'm actually going to ##Unvote, ##Vote: Strege Looking at them, his best post IMO is actually his first about Shinori, since it's an actual attack. After that he defends me a bit and posts some kind of waffly stuff about Paperblade that doesn't actually amount to much. He attacks Shin a bit, but chooses to keep his vote on Shinori. In his next post, he votes SSG mostly as a prod/question than an actual scumread, instead of voting for Shin, who is an actual scumread. Also, earlier, he was content with keeping his vote on Shinori despite him not having responded, but he chose to change it less than 30 minutes later? Additionally, SSG had in fact explained her reads in a fairly lengthy post and hadn't given much indication that they had changed from them. And then as Prims pointed out, he kept it there even after SSG responded, instead of voting for Shin, whom he is still attacking.
  3. But Boron, you didn't say that my post gave you "vibes" earlier. You said that it was scummy because it was irrelevant. I'm trying to explain to you that a post being irrelevant isn't scummy in RVS. Prims- I don't really know. Thinking it over. I thought Prims's response to Rapier was decent.
  4. Boron, the fact that a third of your posts are spam is important because you're saying that my townread, made at the same phase of the game, is scummy, when it's at least more relevant than those posts. I'm not saying that you're scummy because of those posts, just that I'm not scummy because of that post either. As for the Shin thing, that was mostly coincidence. I'd still made my thoughts about him @Paperblade- I can point you to Trainwreck if you want an example of a game where I got mad at a dumb wagon on me. I'm not getting mad because people are voting me. I'm getting mad because everyone is citing the same reason that I've rebutted like five times already and absolutely nobody is telling me why stating an irrelevant townread in RVS is scummy. Most things in RVS aren't relevant. Stating something that might still be relevant somewhere in the future is still better than just a random vote, no?
  5. Boron, if you don't think that anybody on the wagons is particularly scummy, then why call it out for being fast? If it's not composed of anyone whom you think might be scum, then so what if it's fast? This is where I stated my suspicions on Shin. And holy fuck, I had a read and wanted to state it. Boron, a full third of your posts are RVS spam. How the hell is it scummy for me to have one post where I say someone is a townread, at the beginning of the game? Yes, maybe it was irrelevant, but that doesn't make it scummy. You're also sheeping this case really hard, which is sort of hypocritical considering you're calling me out for jumping on an easy wagon, disregarding the fact that I'd called out Shin before already. Strege, I'm still a bit suspicious of Prims, but at this point if I voted everyone who had a shit vote on me, I'd be voting like a third of the game.
  6. I'm making comparisons and whining because the case against me is extremely hypocritical and singles me out for actions over other people for no particular reason, and it's highly frustrating. Reading Boron's posts, I'm not a fan of them. She calls out the speed of both the Kay and Shin wagons, but never actually attempts to find scum on them, push any particular person who voted for them, or analyze why any of the votes on it might be bad. That makes me think her Kay unvote is just her not wanting to tie herself to the wagon, despite the fact that she's still pushing her. Her points about other people feel weak and her votes feel like parks on people who are generally not very active.
  7. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Shin Looking back, the initial reasons for my vote weren't that good. I still think his vote against me is crap, but Shin's posts are worse for previously stated reasons. For that matter, Prims, Shin also just outed a townread that was even more irrelevant than mine- why are you not calling that out? Yes, I'm aware, your vote against me is for other reasons as well, but that's still a part of it and you didn't call Shin out for it at all.
  8. ffs I made the point about Manix because it was a read I had and I wanted to share it. It was my first post of the game and it was still in RVS. If Prims's post can be forgiven for being useless when the game was still in RVS, why can my post not be let go for possibly being irrelevant when it was made earlier?
  9. Shin, that's the first time you've said that you think Prims is odd. Assuming that means slightly suspicious, why are you praising Paperblade for prodding him but not really attempting to do so yourself? And again, if you think that the inactivity wagons are fishy, why aren't you attacking people for it? Your scumreads seam to be unrelated. SSG- your vote is important. It's normally better to vote someone even if you're not entirely sure they're scum.
  10. okay Not a fan of Shinori either, upon reread. First off, the "post dumb stuff and say later that it was a reaction test" thing is lame. Secondly, I don't really like his Strege vote. Shinori draws parallels between his own "Prims is doing that one thing" ambiguity and Prims's blank vote even though they aren't the same.
  11. I made a case for him being town because it was a read I had gained from the posts that had been made, and I said Paperblade's post gave me bad vibes because I thought he was being semi-serious and I thought it was a bad case. It wasn't particularly strong, as evidenced by the fact that I chose to vote for SB not commenting on Manix over that. I wasn't trying to say "anyone voting for Manix is scum", I was saying "hey Manix is probably town because of that reaction". You're misrepping or at least misreading what I said about Manix. And no, Scorri probably wouldn't have thought your read against her was particularly serious, but it still would have been a more useful post.
  12. It has plenty to do with your alignment. Making a reaction vote against someone right after you say that you don't have a scumread of any magnitude on them is entirely useless and looks like you're trying to do something when you're really not likely to produce a reaction. You also disregarded what I said about my blurb on Manix. Why is it okay for you to say that Manix is town but not for me? Just because you were voting for him? Your vote against me is hypocritical and your vote against Scorri looks like a fake attempt to start something. Rein- what exactly is bad about Manix's reaction in post 21? Why do you think it might be scum-motivated?
  13. Additionally, passivity is (IMO) a scumtell regardless of who does it. Some people are more likely to do it as scum than others, but at the very least, it's unhelpful regardless of the player.
  14. Boron, why specifically mention Strege for talking about how Shinori's posts were ambiguous, when other people did the same? Paperblade, for example, echoed Strege in this post.
  15. I think you should train an Assassin and just hax
  16. Also, ##Unvote, ##Vote: Prims If you have no reads, why did you announce that right before you made what I presume was supposed to be a reaction test on Scorri? What exactly was that supposed to achieve? Also, I think my internet has been mostly fixed, so my activity should be better now.
  17. I was defending Manix, but not really "from" anything, just stating that I thought he was town, like you did here before me: @SSG- if you're going to play mafia, I highly suggest you turn off email notifications for people posting in the thread. You'll probably going to get well over a 1000 mails from here otherwise by the time the day is up.
  18. Why shouldn't I think the comment was at least semi-serious? You didn't give any other opinions about Manix's posts until just now. And considering I began my first post of the game with "I think Manix is town", I'm not entirely sure why you're acting as if me defending Manix is something that needs to be "noted".
  19. Fwiw this post gives me bad vibes too. Manix has played enough games that I doubt he'd actually crack under a few joke votes in RVS.
  20. Manix is probably town because while his defence against why he's scum isn't universal, it works for him because Scumnix pussyfoots and never actually starts anything himself. Probably not scum. However, the bolded is untrue; Prims/Witch makes silent votes all the time. ##Vote: SB for not saying anything about current issues and just laying down a random vote.
  21. As for out-of-school bullying, stick to populated places if possible. Bullies can target you in public at school because they intimidate other kids there as well. They don't intimidate anybody outside. Unless you go to gatherings of people from your school, but why would you if you don't have any friends there? If you get a black eye on school grounds, no, that doesn't make it "too late". Pretty sure that's grounds for a suspension. I don't know about you guys, but I wouldn't mind getting punched once or twice if that meant I'd stop getting bullied (though my problems stopped before they got to that point).
  22. I believe Shin also signed up, Tables.
  23. dead The problem isn't the amount of votes on you, but the amount of people not voting. According to the rules, if a third of the game, rounded down, isn't voting somebody at phase end, it's a universal loss. With 8 people alive, that means if 2+ people aren't voting (currently 3 people), game ends. dead
  24. Yes, bullying happens, but attitudes similar to what Olwen expresses like "it's never going to go away so why even bother" are literally the worst attitudes you can have. hurr murder happens so why even do anything about it? Perhaps a better analogy- marital rape happens, and IIRC, similar to bullying, at least 70% of cases aren't reported (and until around 10-15 years ago, marital rape wasn't even considered illegal). Does that mean we do nothing about it? Of course not. Some (very few) parts of what Blu said were correct, though I'd agree with Sublime Manic and chip in that he probably has at least as many problems as the OP. I've been bullied as well, though not quite to the same extent. Yeah, you do have to push back. Bullies pick weak targets. It literally is quite as simple as learning how to make yourself a strong(er) target. Trying to skulk around and run whenever you see them doesn't do jack shit. As long as your bullies aren't physically harming you, talking back to them can only help. It might get a little worse before it gets better, but they'll tire sooner or later. If they are seriously physically harming you, the school will actually go rather a lot further than just a "slap on the wrist" for the bully because they know that stuff reflects badly on them. Making friends is unfortunately more difficult. What Blu says is somewhat correct- an old friend might stick with you if things become bad for you, but if things are already bad, you're not going to have people queuing up to be your friend. Fixing the first problem and at least removing yourself from the bottom of the ladder will probably go a long way to making this better by itself. Other than that, just be friendly to people (other than your bullies and stuff). I doubt most people really dislike you- they just don't want to be the friend of "that kid", like Blu says. I can't really offer so much advice here because I'm not great at this either. What I can say is that you don't need to be the most popular or have the most amount of friends. Even one close friend is much much more valuable than a lot of superficial friends. And you'd be surprised what a close friendship can spring from! One last thing- friends are important, but at the end of the day, you have to make yourself happy. Giving someone the power to make you feel an emotion gives them the power to make you feel all emotions. If you can make yourself happy, when a friend makes you unhappy (which will happen, for whatever reason, and for whatever amount of time), you'll still be able to be okay. If you're not happy on your own, you'll be lost.
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