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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Votals Mancer (1): kdanger Strege (1): Marth Marth (5): Kay, Boron, SB, eclipse, FTP Boron (1): Blitz BBM (1): Strege Shinori (8): BBM, Elieson, Mancer, Grassbridger, Rein, Psych, Shinori, Prims Not Voting (1): Slayer
  2. Shinori is basically claiming scum at this point; people should switch from Marth to him so that he doesn't change his mind and tie the vote at the last second.
  3. Okay, I'm really really sorry about the bit about tantrums, and it was really rude of me to say that. You're still scummy (and don't get mad at me about the crumbing thing, that's legitimate).
  4. Shinori, I voted you because as town you generally crumb your role, and there's no evidence of you having crumbed Cop, Gyatso, or Air element at any point during the game so far. Your claim seems to me to be designed to draw out a Cop CC. I'm sorry, the bit about tantrums was rude of me and I stepped over the line there. And if your absence following your claim was due to your friend, I'm sorry about that. It doesn't change the fact that I think you're scum.
  5. Psych, you know this is NOC, right? Leading the town is kind of hard to do in NOC.
  6. Why keep him around when he's obviously faking though? Like do you seriously think that if someone was the actual Cop and they were about to get lynched, their reaction to two extra votes would be to completely leave the thread? And forget someone, this is Shinori. If he really cared, he would have thrown a major tantrum.
  7. You can tell just how little Shinori cares by the fact that he's not even voting his rival in votes, Marth. He's got a useless vote on Grassbridger down instead. IMO people should switch to Shinori so he can't vote Marth last minute to tie the vote and cause bad things (Scorri won't tell me what happens in case of a tie),
  8. Votals Mancer (1):kdanger Rein (2): Psych, Prims Strege (1): Marth Marth (5): SB, eclipse, Rein, Boron, Kay Boron (1): Blitz BBM (1): Strege Shinori (5): Elieson, Mancer, FTP, BBM, Grassbridger Grassbridger (1): Shinori Kay (1): Grass We've got like an hour and 11 minutes left.
  9. Shinori is at this point obviously lying because if he was actually the Cop, he would have protested a lot harder when his claim just caused more people to vote him rather than less. Pretty sure he just saw that nobody was buying the fake and then gave up bothering to convince people.
  10. That's dumb, if you were the actual Cop you'd out your inno right away even if you weren't getting lynched, because there would be a good chance you'd die N1 without ever outing your inno. Of course, your "inno" even if you give it is probably just made up.
  11. Pretty sure that Shinori is trying to draw out a Cop CC. This makes me think the mafia probably have a Hitman or a Hooker at the least, so they can ensure he dies N1 or so that they know who to hook for the rest of the game. I don't think Shinori breadcrumbed Cop at any point either.
  12. I don't believe that claim at all ##Unvote, ##Vote: Shinori
  13. Well, you're the leading wagon with like three hours left, so yeah.
  14. Shinori, I think that ties you in votes with Marth, so you should probably claim. Kay, why do you think the Marth wagon is terrible? This is the first time I've seen you say something about him or the wagon.
  15. Phase ends in around 4.5 hours, according to the thread's title. I'm okay with lynching Marth or Shinori, but don't really want to lynch Rein or Grassbridger today. Psych, I see you reading the thread, did your opinions of Rein change after Scorri confirmed that the mafia is called the Fire Nation? IIRC that was sort of why you were voting Rein.
  16. Prims, when you get back, can you explain why you dislike a Marth lynch? All you've said on the matter is that you don't think his posts show scum intent. Also, would you be okay with a Shinori lynch?
  17. Votals Mancer (1): kdanger Rein (2): Psych, Grassbridger Marth (4): SB, eclipse, BBM, Rein Boron (1): Blitz FtP (1): Shinori Shinori (2): Elieson, Boron Strege (2): Marth, Prims SlayerX (1): FtP BBM (2): Kay, Strege Grassbridger (1): Mancer Not Voting: SlayerX We have about 13 hours left in the phase. We don't need a hammer on D1, but four people are currently tied for second place in votes, so some consolidation would probably be good.
  18. My vote is on Marth and I said at least once that I'd be fine with a Shinori lynch as well. I don't really know how much clearer you're expecting my reads to be. Additionally, the same can go for you. You haven't posted a definite "X is scummy" other than Elie and then me. All you have other than that are some "arguments" against Mancer and Psych, and you've just said that you think Mancer is town. I dislike how Shinori is just came in to defend himself. Come on man. Mancer, I don't think listposts are inherently scummy just by virtue of being listposts. Their content does indeed matter. What makes them scummy is that they look like you're contributing a lot when a lot of the time, particularly on D1, a lot of the reads on a listpost are likely to be pretty neutral. So it looks like the person posted a huge block of stuff when in reality only the lines about scumreads (and to a much much smaller extent, townreads) matter. So if you want to attack Grassbridger based on the content of the listpost, go ahead, but I don't think just using a listpost makes him scummy as you're making it out to be.
  19. Anyways, I want to see Marth come up with better reads or at least better explanations for his current reads, and I want Shinori to explain the purpose of asking Slayer those questions. Shinori, he point isn't that you're questioning the third party, it's that you're questioning the third party about something that isn't useful to the town in any way. Rereading Psych's ISO, his retort to me about "not throwing info around willy-nilly like the rest of the players" seems really bad because of the way he outed the fact that he got redirected. His vote on Rein is also pretty purely flavourspec and he's not giving any backing to what he says about me or Eclipse other than vibes.
  20. I've posted arguments against Marth, Shinori, and Psych consistently so I'm not really sure how you can say that my reads are unclear if you've been reading my posts. I also don't think I've had a lot of waffly posts other than those where I explain my nullreads, so if you're going to generalize and say that I have more waffly posts than good posts, than I'd like you to point out more posts of mine where I'm waffling.
  21. Upon reading ISOs I've actually improved my opinion of Rein, so scratch that read and replace it with Kay for the reasons I mentioned in my last post. Prims, what do you think of Marth? You said that you don't see scum intent in his posts; can you elaborate on that?
  22. ISO- Posts in isolation. ISOing somebody means reading their posts in isolation from all the others in the thread. Safeguard- Safeguard is a role that blocks all other non-killing actions against its target. In that case, Prims was talking about a safeguard being able to block a possible attempt to redirect Elieson's vigshot to someone else. noun!name- Not sure what you mean here? Mafia can talk to each other during the day in almost all games, so unless Scorri says otherwise, probably safe to assume that they can here as well.
  23. I was asked my opinion about Boron, so I explained my nullread against her. I explained my nullread against FTP because unless I'm mistaken, his is the largest wagon at the moment and I don't particularly feel like lynching him at the moment. I explained my nullread about Prims simply because his posts were kind of giving me a weird feeling. I explained a nullread on Strege because Prims voted him. Yes, I have a bunch of waffly nullreads. It's D1, that's to be expected. If you want my scumreads, I think Marth and Shinori are scummy, and to a lesser extent, Rein and Psych. Elieson was a scumread but I don't see a reason to disbelieve the Vig claim atm, so he's not there anymore. I've explained all of those at some point or the other as well. Kay's post against me where she defends me against one of Elieson's points and then attacks my other posts at the same time feel bad to me. There was also the kind of sheepy Elie vote near the beginning of the phase, and I dislike the fact that she literally took two posts where I waffled and disregarded all the ones where I didn't, and based a vote on that.
  24. Sorry Elie, I'm tired and behind on studying, so my attention hasn't been the greatest the last few days. Basically, my vote is on Marth instead of Shinori because Marth's reads seem weaker than Shinori's. Shinori is doing scummy stuff but at least he has reads, while Marth's posts consist of votes with really bad reasoning behind them and an overall disinterested tone. He also dismissed the very early activity by saying it was mostly flavourspec, but then his first vote was based on the same, which I dislike. I'm not really sure about Boron. Her reaction to Mancer's earlier pushes against her seemed genuine, but I don't think she's done much as far as scumhunting goes. Not sure how much of a role her being busy plays into that. What I dislike the most about her posts is that more often than not, she comes in just to defend herself, though again that might be because she's busy. Leaning slightly scummy I guess? Prims's posts are giving me an odd feeling. There's nothing particularly scummy about them, but their tone feels off. I'm not the greatest at catching scum!Prims, but his tone reads more like it did in Awakening than it did in FFM, though that might be just because he's busy, idk. Would be cool if we had ISOs in the first post, and my activity is probably not going to be very good for the rest of the phase.
  25. Yeah, I'm not really feeling the FTP wagon to be honest because his posts read sincere to me. He doesn't give me a townread, but he doesn't give me a scumread right now either. I didn't really like parts of Shinori's last post, particularly the questions towards Slayer. "Who would you target as Doc or SK?" are different ways of asking "Who do you think is town?". We want scumreads, not townreads. I haven't really been getting a scumread from Strege either, idk. I definitely think he should post more reads instead of sort of side-comments, but maybe it's just because I know his irl tone, but his posts sound like he's keeping quiet because he's just not really sure what to say or how to scumhunt.
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