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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Parts of that were IMO unnecessarily harsh, but w/e. Don't really agree with a lot of your comments but I guess everyone has their own bias?
  2. I can understand reprimanding Mancer for posting as he did, but IMO Marth's comment to Shinori really didn't affect anything because there is literally no other explanation if you are town in that situation than to know that the other person screwed up somehow.
  3. Scum should never aim to go for Kingmaker, that's just leaving it up to chance and the whims of the remaining town, which isn't a good idea. j00 could easily have won LYLO if she'd tried harder, and I have no idea why Snike was deemed confirmed town after proving Persuader (since when is Persuader a regularly town role?). I was expecting the showdown at LYLO to be between Snike and j00, not Xinny and j00.
  4. It was townsided in numbers, but the town roles weren't really all that strong (strongest roles were Driver and JoaT...), and the SK was really strong, and mafia had the potential of an extra kill every phase.
  5. His actual results didn't contradict Shinori's at all. But his wording made it seem like he targeted Paperblade on N2 instead of N1, which did contradict Shinori's results, because Shinori said that nobody used any roles on Paperblade N2.
  6. I don't really think you played that badly. The mafia just screwed up with their fakes really badly IMO, especially by tying together your's and Kay's fakes.
  7. You know that I meant to say "since I started playing mafia".
  8. I got a redirect shot after Darros died and a vigshot after one of Scorri/j00 died.
  9. Oh yeah, j00 should have been pushed more for his Coroner results. Why on earth would town have both a Driver and a Redirector? Does not compute. For reference, my role was: You are Cid, a recurring character in the Final Fantasy Series. You are a genius when it comes to designing space ships and apparently a very popular character among fans. You're also pretty capable of handling yourself in battle. You're here because your expertise is needed- no, not the Airship expertise and stuff- actually, your various talents from other games are pretty awesome. During the night phase, you may reply in your role PM as follows: 1. Roleblock shot: You are an esteemed judge in Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced. Your laws are absolute. Reply- "Night XX- Sorry USER, you broke the laws." A magical circle will surround the USER and prevent him from taking any action. 2. Cop shot: In Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles-The Crystal Bearers, you often give the hero valuable info. Hey, you're a Lilty now, not a Human! What a change! How do you get this info? Through those non-existent eyes of yours! Reply- " Feel the aura around USER." You will be able to get know what role the USER has! Oops, it seems as though you don't have a third and a fourth one-shot. <SNIP> In short you are the Jack-of-all-Trades You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.
  10. I would 100% have lynched Shinori if I'd been alive at that point, his lynch wasn't really dumb after Ammy's "results". But yeah, Scorri deserved the win a lot more than Town. I don't think she needed a BPV though; just her kills acting at day was good enough. It basically made her immune to any hooks, the Driver, the Tracker, the Interceptor, the Seer, and basically everything other than the DayDoc and the mafia nightkill.
  11. To be fair to Psych, to the best of my knowledge, he's only done this once. Rein has subbed out or been extremely inactive in literally every single game he's played in since I've joined this site with the exception of Void. But OC doesn't count because we already know he can talk on IRC for the whole day.
  12. BBM

    Celebrate your birthday by joining a game of mafia! (Happy birthday)

  13. inb4 rein subbing out even if he does
  14. Korra isn't as good as the original anyways.
  15. BBM

    IRC Games Collection

    Also, complete logs for what happened in SB's setup:
  16. BBM

    IRC Games Collection

    I RNGed Shinori;s setup that he gave to me for SEEKER, and this almost counts as an IRC game so yeah. Didn't want to spam the thread more. I played SB's set-up first, the mafia won. Playing Shinori's set-up for real because it doesn't consist of 8 bombs, 5 PGOs, 1 mafia compulsive tree stump and 1 ITP hidden lyncher with the tree stump as the target. Day 1: BBM 13 gets lynched! He was ???, ??? ??? Night 1: BBM 2 dies! He was ???, ??? ??? Day 2: BBM 10 gets lynched! He was ???, ??? ??? Night 2: BBM 7 dies! He was ???, ??? ??? Day 3: BBM 4 gets lynched! He was ???, ??? ??? Night 3: BBM 6 dies! He was ???, ??? ??? Day 4: BBM 12 gets lynched! He was ???, ??? ??? Night 4: BBM 5 dies! He was ???, ??? ??? Day 5: BBM 9 gets lynched! He was ???, ??? ??? Night 5: BBM 8 dies! He was ???, ??? ??? Day 6: BBM 1 gets lynched! He was ???, ??? ??? Night 6: BBM 11 dies! He was ???, ??? ??? Mafia wins! So on Day 1, BBM 13, the Mafia Hitman got lynched, RIP. Then the mafia killed BBM 2, a Town Vanilla. On Day 2, Town is going to lynch BBM 7, the Town Doctor, but he claims, so they lynch 10 instead, who is the Town Interceptor. He claims but nobody believes he's town. Mafia kill BBM 7, the Doctor. On Day 3, town is going to lynch BBM 6, but he claims Town Cop and gets off the hook. He outs BBM 5 and BBM 8 as clears. They lynch BBM 4, who is Town Vanilla. BBM 6 gets killed on Night 3. Day 4, BBM 12 gets lynched. He was the Mafia Watcher. Night 4, mafia starts killing clears, so they get BBM 5, a Town Vanilla. Day 5, BBM 9, the Town Redirector gets lynched. He claims but people think it's a scummy role. Night 5, BBM 8, the Town Tracker dies, who targeted Vanillas from N1-N3 and got hooked on N4. On Day 6, 4 people are left, so massclaim. BBM 1, 3, and 14 claim Vanilla, BBM 11 claims Safeguard. BBM 1 is lynched, letting BBM 14, the Mafia Hooker, kill BBM 11, the Town Safeguard, for gg.
  17. BBM

    Seeker Mafia

    I am missing 14 role PMs
  18. BBM

    New types?

    three-typed pokemon y/n
  19. Posting full role PMs is allowed, right? Also my friend joined up after all, I'm such a bad influence.
  20. BBM

    Seeker Mafia

    JB is normally active enough, though I'm guessing the main reason he didn't join is because Mancer joined (which is lame but whatever). Boron, it's cool if you're busy, but from what Prims has said, the setup is balanced around no-reveal.
  21. BBM

    Seeker Mafia

    I swear one of your arguments for not subbing into FFM right away was that you preferred minis to larges.
  22. BBM

    Seeker Mafia

    Well, we've got like six slots open and all of these people haven't really said anything about whether or not they want to join the game or how free they are for it: Shinori Eclipse Baldrick Balcerzak Boron JB Xinny Snike Helios Cam j00 Lucina And then there are other lame people like Paperblade and Scorri who let things like school and life get in the way of mafia (who even does that?). We have the playerbase for it, but idk where they are.
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