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Everything posted by BBM

  1. BBM

    Draft Minimafia

    From what I gathered, his information clears someone else, not himself. He's afraid of putting them in nightkill territory. And I think it's pretty obvious who he's pseudo-cleared, and which one of two roles his role would have to be to clear someone in this game.
  2. OMG, thank god Clefairy did not become the mascot for Pokemon, or I would have never played it.
  3. BBM

    Draft Minimafia

    What happens after that? If you flip town, it'll suck, but there's no point berating yourself for a mislynch on someone who behaved scummy. I'll be more suspicious of Prims, who's basically tunnelled in on you the whole game so far. It'll also depend on what happens at night, of course. Also, come on guys, let's consolidate on something more than 30 minutes before phase end this time.
  4. BBM

    Draft Minimafia

    Yeah, I agree with that. I'm pegging the scumteam as Elieson+Manix at the moment. Elieson for aforementioned reasons, and Manix is starting to look kinda bad. I'm not sure if he's scummy or just kinda out of it, but he's posting a lot of stuff that doesn't make sense and then taking it back later, and saying contradictory things a lot. I dunno, just my gut. But I'm having a stomachache right now, so eh.
  5. You gave Clefable a 9.25 before bias and Swampert an 8.5 before bias. I would maybe give Clefable a 7ish before bias, and I have Swampert a 10 before bias, because I honestly believe Swampert is the best ingame pokemon ever. Swampert doesn't need a massive movepool when EQ (Mud Shot early)/Surf/IB cover just about everything in the game. Recovery is also overrated ingame when you have items that go before any moves. But comparing them is dumb, you're right.
  6. BBM

    Draft Minimafia

    I have no problem with you thinking that it's likely the scum have a PR. Your original post gave the impression that the scum had to, 100%, have a PR, and you never even said FMPOV. You just said, "the scum should have at least one PR". Also, why are you not feeling an Elieson lynch? I looked at your posts in iso, and the last post of yours that had him in it had you thinking he was scum. It's annoying when people change their opinions and give no reasoning for it. Looking back at it, it's quite surprising Strawman landed something as strong as Redirector while 2nd last.
  7. Okay. Let's hope I can get Lucius more exp than Bartre...
  8. Except unlike the Nidoroyals, Clefable is fat and ugly and should go stand in front of a train so it can be erased from the world. Also, 60 base speed is pretty painful and is like Swampert levels of slow. But it's nowhere near as good as Swampert otherwise, losing or tying in every other stat, so I have to question how you can rate it higher than Mudkip (even before bias). I should really have asked this about the Nidoroyals too, but I didn't realize it then.
  9. Noire x Selena is going to become the new Lyn x Florina. Calling it.
  10. Is Kenneth/Jerme decided by EXP gained, or final level?
  11. Rules (adapted from Fire Emblem RTUs) - Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly. You can troll a bit, but no CATERPIE HAS STRING SHOT 10/10. +/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly. - Votes are made out of 10. You cannot rate a pokemon above 10 or below 0. - The rating topic will be updated whenever I feel like it, but I will try to allow at least 24 hours for each topic. They will generally be updated at around 10 PM EST. - A pokemon being inferior relative to another pokemon does not explicitly reduce their rating. - We are rating ingame performance only, up until the Elite 4 is beaten the first time. - Evolution lines get condensed, so treat Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venasaur all as one pokemon. Weedle/Kakuna/Beedrill: 2.44 Ekans/Arbok: 2.57 Rattate/Raticate: 3.20 Pidgey/Pidgeotto/Pidgeot: 5.00 Caterpie/Metapod/Butterfree: 5.21 Sandshrew/Sandslash: 5.86 Pikachu/Raichu: 5.94 Spearow/Fearow: 6.21 Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard: 7.80 Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venasaur: 8.25 Nidoran-F/Nidorina/Nidoqueen: 8.58 Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise: 9.36 Nidoran-M/Nidorino/Nidoking: 9.75 I hate Clefairy so much I'm not sure I can rate it without factoring in at least 10 points of negative bias...
  12. BBM

    Draft Minimafia

    Manix, if the scum got bottom draft picks, they can't do anything about that. There is no rule which states that the scum must have at least one PR. Using that of all things to pin suspicion on the people with power roles makes no sense and frankly seems to me like you're scum trying to lynch a PR.
  13. BBM

    Draft Minimafia

    You ninja, you. I guess I was trying to slide the attention off a bit, but my main intention was just to make sure that if people were suspicious of me were doing something, they were suspicious of everyone else who did the same thing. No double standards.
  14. BBM

    Draft Minimafia

    And, also, Blitz's last post wasn't the only scummy thing he did. Look at his posts in iso. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&andor_type=&sid=1e6d070f49ae462c7188662752eb4a92&search_author=Cap%26%2339%3Bn+Flint&cType=topic&cId=33440&search_term=&search_app=forums&st=0 Early in the phase he's in RVS and is prodding people to talk, but he never posts anything of importance himself, other than beginning the discussion about what roles people could have picked. But that's not a discussion that's going to get anything. In the middle of the phase, he says what just about everyone said about Proto's NL vote, and says a bit about Prims. This is basically the only thing of value he contributes the whole day. And then near the end of the phase, he drops a vote on a person he hasn't said a single thing about all phase. In the post where he votes for a lynch on Elieson, he calls the scumteam as Prims + Elieson. But he chooses to vote for Elieson instead of Prims, who's pretty much the only person he really said anything about. I think he acted just as scummy as Proto did. This will probably be my last post until tomorrow/late tonight.
  15. Wallace would have been difficult if Emerald didn't allow you to catch Rayquaza at level 70 after Juan. As it is, Rayquaza can pretty much solo the rest of the game. It has some trouble with Wallace because he packs Outrage, but the rest of your pokemon can clean up if it faints there.
  16. BBM

    Draft Minimafia

    When we lynch someone, it should be someone we are at least 90% sure is mafia (unlikely, especially in a game with no Cop), or someone who has a decent chance of flipping scum, but more importantly, will give us information upon their flip. Like I said right after Blitz flipped town, it's unfortunate that we lynched a power role, but we still got something from that Blitz lynch that we wouldn't have from the Proto lynch. Speaking from an objective manner, the town now has reason to suspect Prims, Bizz, and I for starting a last-minute wagon on Blitz that mostly came from nowhere. What would we have gotten from Proto's lynch, other than saving a power role? We would have said, "Damn, we mislynched, but Proto behaved scummy so we can't be sure if the people who voted for him are town or bandwagoning scum", and that would have been it. I regret lynching a power role, but I don't regret the lynch on Blitz. And you guys are keen on voting for me because I was the hammer, but what about the other people who were part of that wagon? They were just as responsible for Blitz's lynch as I was.
  17. Sharpy, we're skipping Lyn Mode.
  18. Stop trying to take my points away, PKL.
  19. Yeah, the Sariya x Noire support is my favourite parent-child support yet.
  20. BBM

    Draft Minimafia

    My problem is that you are using the logic of someone you find scummy to proclaim someone else as scum. Honestly, why do you think Prims and Manix are scumbuddies? Sure, they could be, but how much indication have their posts given that they are scumbuddies, and how much have they given that they both genuinely think the other is scum? Blah, I don't know. I think there's a limit to how committed a person can be to bussing. And I feel like I'm tunnelling way too much. >_> Also, phase ends in I think approximately 48 hours? Rothene, what opinions do you have? Don't be afraid to express them, and don't be afraid if they're different from what everyone else is saying. Listen to what other people have to say, but don't let it influence you too much.
  21. I can see Taillow > Treecko. Guts + STAB Facade is quite powerful against everything other than Phoebe and Winona's Skarmory. Ralts, ugh. TBH I've never seen what's so great about it. Average at best until evolution into Gardevoir. Then it's good, but nothing great. Psychic is powerful, but it won't hit any big targets for SE damage, and Thunderbolt will help you out against Juan/Wallace, some against Glacia, and against Wallace if he's the champ, but that's it. It's Speed is average at best, and it's very frail. It doesn't get enough SE targets to be able to power its way past them and not have that durability be a factor. 7/10
  22. BBM

    Draft Minimafia

    Also, Elieson, you made a large post detailing the things both Manix and Prims had done that were scummy and townie. And this exactly proved my point. One of Manix's two posts that you say are townie is speaking directly to Prims as he calls Prims out for bad logic. Similarly, one of Prims's two posts that you say are townie is calling out Manix for not having said much of substance. You can't just take both people's sides and condemn them at the same time. It only works if Prims and Manix are scumbuddies who are very dedicated to bussing each other. And I honestly don't think our scumteam involves both of them.
  23. BBM

    Draft Minimafia

    Elieson Manix Proto Prims Rothene Bizz My scumlist, from scummiest to towniest. I'd prefer an Elieson lynch, but although I was originally thinking that Manix was townish, he's not making any sense at all, anymore. He's totally contradicting himself and is all over the place. I'm not sure if he's scum or town who's just playing badly atm.
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